Ji Yourong covered her mouth with her slender hands and smiled, "You'll know it once it starts!"

Really, what are you doing mysteriously!

Everyone came to a booth, and Yang Xi found that these booths were actually made of coral reefs, and it was a bit painful to sit on, not as comfortable as the leather sofas in the inland bar.

Qian Duoduo skillfully ordered a few glasses of low-alcohol wine, and the waiter brought a variety of fruit platters, as well as some snacks such as sashimi.

The passionate music full of the style of the world rang in his ears. Yang Xi looked around and found that many people were dressed similar to the previous two bar sales girls, wearing some small accessories in the shape of marine life.

After the bar salesman brought up the wine, he brought a lot of the same trinkets and clothes. Yang Xi took a look in the dim light and saw that there were no men's clothes, but four more sets of bikinis.

No... to be precise, four and a half sets!

These four sets of bikinis only have the upper body!

Although Yang Xi didn't express anything on his face, he was shocked in his heart!

This, this, this... the four seas are too frankly open!

Even wearing a bikini is bold and only half dressed?

"Let's change clothes first! The mermaid carnival is about to begin!"

Ji Yourong and Qian Duoduo dragged Blanche and Yang Feifei, who were a bit confused about the situation, to the changing room.

Only Yang Xi, who was confused, was left alone in the booth, looking at the young ladies who only showed their upper body in the opposite booth, feeling a little uneasy, expecting and shy, "Could it be this is the custom of the world?"

Yang Xi suddenly realized that he doesn't care what Ji Yourong and the three like to wear, but his sister must not only wear that!

He was just about to get up to stop the girls' "extraordinary" behavior, but the passionate music was quieted down. At the same time, four large holes appeared in the transparent glass walls around the bar, and the sea water poured in immediately!

"What's going on? What happened?"

Yang Xi frowned, no, with breathing equipment, he would naturally not be afraid of such a small scene.

But the surrounding crowd gave out loud cheers!

The field controller on the stage howled loudly at the microphone: "Gentlemen! Ladies! The mermaid carnival that everyone is looking forward to has begun!"

"Are you ready to be a free mermaid?"

"Follow my music... gurgling... let's rock together!!!"

By the second half of these words, the seawater has completely submerged the entire Shell Bar!

The strange thing is that the wine that Qian Duoduo ordered just now didn't overflow even though it was soaked in sea water.

Moreover, Yang Xi was also surprised to find that after the ethereal singing appeared in the Shell Bar, changes appeared in the people around him!

The ladies and sisters who Yang Xi had been observing next to her finally revealed their lower bodies!

They are all mermaid tails! ! ! !

All the people present, except Yang Xi who resisted the attack of the mysterious singing with his mental strength, all men and women turned into mermaids!

They happily swim and play in the water!

At the same time, various small marine creatures also jumped into the bar, and the coral reef seats began to glow autonomously. Yang Xi seemed like a traveler who strayed into the mermaid kingdom!

"Gulu Gulu... Brother Yang, why didn't you transform into a mermaid!"

Ping Qian Duoduo swam around beside Yang Xi. She had a blue tail and a white bikini, and she looked a little ascetic.

The most important thing is that in the sea water, the girls' hair all rises up, exposing Qian Duoduo's swan-like neck.

Tsk tsk, I didn't expect that Qian Duoduo still has good-looking parts on her body!

Yang Xi saw three other girls one after another. Younger sister Yang Feifei was wearing a conservative black swimsuit, Blanche was still in an orange bikini, and Ji Yourong was wearing a stunning red tube top!

Her snow-white skin is shining like white jade!

Thanks to Yang Xi's concentration, seeing the mermaid version of Ji Yourong, he couldn't help being dazed for a few seconds.

"I'm back to my senses, I'm back to my senses!"

Qian Duoduo waved his small hand in front of Yang Xi, reminding him not to resist the singing.

Yang Xi did as he was told, and revoked the mental power that blocked the singing, and his legs began to turn into mermaid tails!

And Yang Xi could feel that his pants were not damaged, but were integrated into the mermaid tail!

He is a powerful black scale tail!

After transforming into a mermaid, Yang Xi found that she could breathe freely and freely in the water, and that empty and light singing voice also became moving!

"So this is the mermaid carnival you mentioned! There won't be any side effects!"

Ji Yourong heard Yang Xi's words and explained: "Only the resident singer at the Shell Bar in Freedom Customs has this ability, called 'Song of the Mermaid', and the humans who hear her singing will transform into real mermaids. The time is about an hour, and there are no side effects!"

As she said that, she blinked her big eyes that were slightly blurred by alcohol, "Of course, after we transform, our own strength will not change."

Yang Xi suddenly realized, and was dragged into the dance floor by the girls.

The "Ability Act" is invalid in the Four Seas region, which has also spawned more ability users who are engaged in the service industry.

Just when everyone was having fun, a huge killer whale suddenly smashed through the transparent outer wall and rushed into the Shell Bar. The target was Yang Xi and the others!

The two supernatural beings in charge of maintaining order in the bar shot two waterspouts in an attempt to prevent the orca from harming the guests. Who would have thought that the orca swallowed the two waterspouts with its flippers, and rushed The speed of Xiang Yang Xi and others did not decrease at all!

Yang Xi shielded the four girls behind him reflexively, facing the eight-meter-long behemoth, his pupils shrank suddenly.

"This is a strange beast, or a supernatural being of the transformation system!"

203 This is a beating, not a spike!

The killer whale opened its mouth wide, as if it wanted to swallow Yang Xi and the others in one gulp.

But how could Yang Xi let it succeed, and resorted to the capture technique "subduing the dragon" in the navy's folding plum style!

Among the swirling coral reefs, Yang Xi slapped his tail and swam swiftly towards the enemy. With his hands open, he grabbed the killer whale's flippers and pressed hard, suppressing the giant monster.

"What a lot of strength!"

The scattered guests couldn't help but exclaimed as they watched Yang Xi suppress the killer whale as soon as he made a move.

Coupled with Yang Xi's handsome appearance, many girls from all over the world will become nympho.

not good!

Only Yang Xi, who had a close contact with this killer whale, knew what kind of monster he was facing!

Under Yang Xi's ingenious catching skills, the killer whale seemed to be at a disadvantage, but it was actually preparing to give Yang Xi a fatal blow!


The killer whale's tail suddenly drew towards Yang Xi, bringing up a lot of air bubbles!

Yang Xi could only choose to let go of his flippers to avoid this majestic tail.

Although Yang Xi's physical strength and defense far surpassed that of ordinary people because of the bonus provided by the A-level supernatural navy or plum, but it is absolutely uncomfortable to be hit head-on.

Dare to attack Yang Xi's group with a single whale. This killer whale does not have the strength of S-level, and it is definitely a top-level existence in A-level.

You know, Ji Yourong is ranked 82nd in the world rankings, a leader among A-level supernatural beings, not to mention Blanche, a formerly popular hero.

Just trying to deal with the two of them, without any real skills, this killer whale is really easy to be skinned and eaten.

Of course, if he was a transformation user, he wouldn't eat him.

Although Yang Xi's strength is far superior to that of the killer whale, but at the moment he is an ordinary member of the Judgment Organization, so naturally he can't explode with the strength of his birth position.

Moreover, Yang Xi guessed that the purpose of this orca was to test the strength of him and Yang Feifei. If he exposed his strength too much, wouldn't it be that the people behind the scenes got their way?

We have to think of a way to break the situation!

As soon as Yang Xi came into contact with the killer whale, all the girls reacted immediately and launched their abilities at the enemy one after another.

Blanche pulled out between the seals of the Horcrux, her body glowed red, and she slashed at the killer whale with a sword!

The killer whale seemed to have known Blanche's strength for a long time, and did not retreat in the slightest. It bit the sealed sword with its beak in red, as if it wanted to compete with this A-level Horcrux!

The sword glow under the water seemed to slow down a bit. Except for the central part of the killer whale's beak, the red sword glow at both ends continued to spread along the black and white skin of the killer whale!

Just the water waves caused by the remaining sword light shattered all the glass walls of the Shell Bar!

Because of the underwater relationship, the scene of the glass exterior wall shattering changed very slowly. The guests could clearly see the glass slowly shatter, and was carried by the water waves to form two beautiful sword lights. The sea area spread out.

Some unlucky fish were hit by the aftermath and died!

Blanche's sword was terrifying, but the killer whale biting between the seals was not seriously injured!

It can be seen how tough his beak and skin are!

The killer whale bit the sealed sword and swung it hard, trying to throw Blanche out and take away her Horcrux.

But Blanche sensibly released the Horcrux form directly, but the inertia of this throw still brought Blanche to the coral chair in the bar!

As a little sister who has been together day and night for so many days, how could Ji Yourong refuse to save her?

Her eyes were full of silver, and Blanche's speed of hitting the coral seat suddenly slowed down. At the same time, she swiftly swam up with her tail and caught Blanche, preventing her from the impact!

The surrounding temperature suddenly dropped, and Yang Feifei made a move.

The sea water around this huge killer whale instantly froze, and he was sealed in the ice.

The ice block that sealed this giant smashed through the ground of the bar and fell into a deeper trench!


The apprehensive guests hid in the corner of the bar, watching the four supernatural beings deal with the killer whales attacking humans.

At the same time, he complained in his heart that the security of the Shell Bar is not good enough, and the guests are actually required to personally deal with the intruders.

Naturally, they couldn't see that this orca was coming for Yang Xi and the others.


Yang Feifei felt that her ice seal had been broken, and reminded loudly.

If it wasn't for turning into a mermaid, her voice wouldn't be so clear underwater.

The black shadow kept getting bigger, smashed through the glass floor, and bit Yang Xi viciously.

Yang Xi's mental power has long sensed the killer whale, but in order to cover up this, he deliberately waited for the killer whale's attack to approach him, and then launched the navy folding plum style "Mei Hui"!

In an instant, Yang Xi's body became as light as plum petals, moving with the current brought up by the killer whale, and easily dodged the sneak attack!

"Looking at how thick and rough this killer whale is, it's impossible to break through his defense with just relying on the A-level navy zigzag, so we can only use that thing."

Yang Xi took out the clothes with both hands, and actually took out the S-level two-star alien equipment "Bright God Gloves" from the Qian family from the dressing compartment.

The white material was not soaked in the water at all, and the red gemstone in the middle lit up the moment Yang Xi injected his spiritual power.

Majestic power appeared in Yang Xi's palm.

Facing the tiger shark that swam around and bit again, Yang Xi smiled slightly, turned sideways and punched an ordinary straight punch.

The killer whale, which couldn't be suppressed by the Dragon Subduing Grab just now, was able to bite the beak of Blanche's horcrux head-on. With the S-level two-star alien beast equipment activated at full power, it was smashed through with just one punch!

With the fist of the alien beast equipment, Yang Xi plunged into the profile of the killer whale!

Beat him stiff!

After all, the S-level two-star alien equipment was used in the hands of an A-level inheritance system supernatural being. The most important thing is that this supernatural power has a third-level mental power!

Since the birth of the Gloves of the God of Light, they have never had such high-quality spiritual power.

The transformed power easily broke through the category of S rank!

Yang Xi's mental strength felt that his punch seemed to have hurt the killer whale's brain, and it seemed that the killer whale was about to die!

He hurriedly made up the knife crazily!

——The purpose of making up the knife is not to kill the killer whale, but to cover up the fact that he almost killed him with one punch!

This orca was obviously sent by someone else to test his strength. If Yang Xi killed him with one punch, wouldn't it be a revelation?

In order to create a better effect, he secretly used ingenuity to make the unilaterally beaten killer whale look like he was fighting a bloody fight with himself!

Even in order to be more realistic, Yang Xi actually gritted his teeth and scratched himself with the beak of the killer whale. The blood of each whale was lingering in the sea water, and the bloody battle scene reached the limit!

These scenes took place in a flash, even Yang Feifei, who was watching the battle next to him, almost believed it, but she knew her brother's strength, so she was quite calm, but Blanche and Ji Yourong were pale, and quickly Swimming up, he shot at the killer whale like crazy.

The corners of Yang Xi's mouth raised slightly when he was "severely injured". These two girls are still very sensible, but now they have turned into a three-person beating, and he was seriously injured. Now the people behind the scenes should be able to believe that their strength is still A-level category!

Killer whale dies in 'beat up', turned into a naked male.

Is it really a shapeshifter?

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