I don't know which force it belongs to!

After Yang Xi glanced at it, he pretended to be dying. His original intention was to bring his acting skills to the extreme.

Unexpectedly, her head was pulled into the middle of two soft and indescribable things, Yang Xi glanced at it out of the corner of her eye, hey, red tube top!

Earn...cough cough, I, Yang Xi, can't help myself, not voluntarily!

Alas, in order to judge the plan to infiltrate the world, as the leader, I can only sacrifice a little bit.

204 Forced to Continue Seriously Injured

Yang Xi slowed down a bit, "struggling" to get up from Ji Yourong's arms, pretending to step forward to confirm the life and death of the enemy, but in fact he wanted to take the opportunity to strip his abilities.

The stripping ability activates.

[Ability: Killer Whale

Introduction: It can transform into a killer whale, has a strong body, and is a terrifying underwater predator.

Skill: Slippery skin, allowing attacks to slide away from the surface of the body.

Evaluation: Grade A, creatures in black and white are really cute...]

It's not a bad transformation ability, and it's still a cetacean, so it will have a lot of room to play in the Four Seas area. Yang Xi feels that today's accident is still very profitable.

Yang Feifei swam over, "Old...Yang, are you okay?"

I almost slipped my mouth, but fortunately Yang Feifei reacted quickly and rounded up the words.

Yang Xi secretly gave his sister a reassuring look, but said: "The water in the four seas is really deep enough. A random person with supernatural powers is so powerful. I thought A-level could already walk sideways anywhere. I didn't expect to be slapped in the face immediately."

Yang Xi's blood spread in the sea, looking extremely miserable.

Blanche scolded, "You didn't have to work so hard just now. When Yourong and I come over and fight together, we won't suffer such a serious injury!"

Ji Yourong nodded in agreement.

Facing the concerned questions from the two women, Yang Xi raised the gloves of the God of Light, and said, "Fortunately, Master Youji gave me the S-level two-star alien equipment, which helped me at the critical moment!"


"Oh, don't bother Brother Yang, he is here to protect us!"

Qian Duoduo pushed the two girls away, and pulled Yang Xi to swim towards the "mermaid singer".

"Beauty, help us remove the ability first, we have to go ashore for treatment."

As Qian Duoduo spoke, a series of bubbles came out of his mouth.

The mermaid singer has red instant noodle hair and a blue tail. He rolled his eyes at Qian Duoduo, and said in a rough voice, "I'm a man! Who are you calling me a beauty!"

Qian Duoduo was stunned. This...is this the mermaid who sang so beautifully just now?

Oh my God!

Yang Xi also looked at the mermaid singer a little curiously. This girl, bah, this brother's looks too fit the phrase "An Neng can tell if I'm male or female".

The mermaid singer turned his gaze to Yang Xi, different from not looking at Qian Duoduo. At this moment, his gaze was full of admiration, and he stretched out his delicate hand to thump Yang Xi's chest, "Brother Niuhide... Hey... I'm sorry Sorry!!!"

Yang Xi suddenly coughed a few times, because he is now "seriously injured"!

His acting skills have already reached the level of acting, and this is still without the assistance of cross-dressing abilities.

It can be seen how much the environment affects people. After these days of tempering, Yang Xi abruptly changed from a salted fish to an actor.

"Ahem... It's okay, it's okay, you should transform us back first, I don't think this mermaid party can go on."

The mermaid singer saw the guests gradually approaching from behind, smiled wryly, and quickly untransformed the two of them, and the three girls following behind them also returned to their human form—as expected, they were wearing pants with the same color as their own tails.

After landing, Qian Duoduo took out the medical kit from the horcrux storage bag and bandaged it for Yang Xi.

Looking at Qian Duoduo, whose hair was wet on his shoulders and carefully bandaged his wound, Yang Xi felt that this little kid had grown up a lot compared to when he first met him!

Just about to touch Qian Duoduo's head habitually, but before he raised his hand, Yang Xi realized that he was not in the form of a rooster vest, and secretly said it was dangerous.

"Guests, I'm really sorry to surprise you!"

The manager of the Shell Bar wiped his sweat and apologized to Yang Xi and others. Although the Qian family is now in decline, the Fanhai Chamber of Commerce was once the top leader in the Liberty Alliance, so he naturally dare not neglect.

What's more, he was injured in his own store. Although he didn't know who the supernatural being was or who sent it, he was definitely responsible for the blame!

Yang Xi held his injured arm and ignored him directly.

After all, he was "seriously injured" in this accident. If he smiled and said it was all right, all the previous performances would have been in vain.

Qian Duoduo didn't have a good mood and said, "Our Qian family will give you a compensation document later, and we will send you the money according to your needs."

The manager of the Shell Bar breathed a sigh of relief, as long as it can be settled with money.


Mr. Qian was chatting with Soul Chaser Gun, and learned some inside information about the current Liberty Alliance sea area by the way.

Although some news will be sent by the family's intelligence agency, but if you learn it again from the mouth of the soul-chaser gun, you will also gain new gains.

After all, with the same information, different people can see different information.

While chatting, the news that Yang Xi and his party were attacked was sent over.

Before Mr. Qian had an attack, the Soul Chaser snorted coldly and stood up, "Who is so courageous that he dares to make trouble right under the nose of this old man! He even hurt Nephew Yang!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and shook it, and actually manifested his Horcrux.

Qian Bukui stepped forward to stop him and said, "Brother Chasing Soul, please be safe and don't be impatient, let this little brother finish what he has to say."

To be honest, Mr. Qian is not worried about Yang Xi's people at all. Will the people introduced by the adjudication organization have little ability?

Sure enough, the supernatural being who sent the message told the whole story.

"Yang Xi used the Gloves of the God of Light or was he seriously injured?"

Now Qian Lao is not calm anymore, could it be that this battle is so dangerous?

I don't know what happened to Duoduo and Yourong.

The man said again: "However, Master Yang Xi refused to go to the customs hospital for treatment, and now he has returned to the Dolphin, saying that he trusts his family's healing supernatural powers more."

Hearing this, Qian Bukui immediately calmed down a lot, there is something tricky here.

After Qian Lao bid farewell to Soul Chaser with a "serious face", the latter watched Qian Lao's car disappear from sight, wondering, "Are there any powerful healing-type users left in the Qian family?"


After returning to the Dolphin, Yang Xi didn't want to continue pretending to be the Severely Wounded.

But on the way back, because of his "serious injury", except for Yang Feifei's Han Yue who didn't ask for warmth, the other three women showed great concern for Yang Xi.

He even lay down all the way, with his head resting on Blanche's smooth lap.

The heroine's thighs, which have been exercised for a long time, can only be described as full of elasticity.

Qian Duoduo and Ji Yourong also took good care of him in every possible way, Yang Xi was a bit stuck... If the girls knew the truth, maybe they would really call him a seriously injured number.

For the sake of harmony within the organization, Yang Xi decided to bear the heavy truth alone, until Mr. Qian came to visit him with a smile on his face, bringing a medical supernatural being with him.

205 The Woman Who Cuckolded the Sequence Powerhouse

Yang Xi looked at Mr. Qian in embarrassment. After all, some of the benefits he enjoyed just now came from his own granddaughter.

Before the supernatural beings from the medical department began to check his body, Yang Xi took the initiative to confess and told Mr. Qian about pretending to be seriously injured.

Qian Lao waved his hand and said: "There is no need to explain, I know what you think, since others want to probe your truth, naturally they can't let them succeed."

"That's why I followed you here. Don't worry, the family will release news later that you are seriously injured, but it's hard to pretend for you for a few more days."

It would be better if Mr. Qian could help him get around, Yang Xi said with a smile: "Staying in the Platinum Suite for a few more days is an enjoyment, so it's hard to say."

"However, Mr. Qian, can you guess which force sent this killer whale?"

Qian Bukui took a puff of his cigarette and shook his head, "There are too many forces staring at our Qian family now, anyone can do it."

"I guess this kind of thing will be inevitable in the future. After all, we have come all the way, and there are many secret eyes. We should be more careful next time!"

Although I really want to ask Yang Xi what the next plan of the adjudication organization is, after all, Mr. Qian has lived for so many years, so he just refrained from asking more. He is very self-aware. The current Qian family is honestly following Just follow the ruling organization.

Maybe after the Judgment Organization has gained a firm foothold in the world, he can ask the strong men of the Judgment to break out of the defense line of the island chain, enter the territory of alien beasts and aliens, and find his poor little son. After returning, the Qian family recovered a little bit of vitality in a real sense.

He has to eat every bite, and he has to walk step by step. He has been dormant for so long, and his old life of not losing money can't die for the time being. He can afford to wait!

When the Dolphin set sail, the soul chasing gun specially came to see him off, trying to inquire about Yang Xi's injury, but the answer he got was that he was seriously injured.

Accompanied by the whistle of the Dolphin, the real voyage of Yang Xi and others in the four seas finally began.


Liberty Alliance Sea Area, Third Island Chain, Love Island.

Love Island is the residence of the Love Chamber of Commerce. It is one of the top ten most prosperous islands in the Free Alliance sea area, and there will naturally be many strong ones.

As one of the controllers of the Love Chamber of Commerce, the Uruk family occupies a large and wealthy area on the island. Soldiers wearing the uniform of the Freedom Alliance patrol the vicinity of the Uruk family's family land.

Although there is only one B-level supernatural soldier leading the team, but with the logo of the chamber of commerce embroidered on their chests, even the A-level supernatural beings on the island dare not provoke them easily.

In a separate garden of the Uruk family clan, a woman in her early thirties was dipping her feet into the hot spring.

Her skin is a healthy wheat color, her figure is uneven, her proportions are perfect to the extreme, her long black hair hangs down to her waist, faintly covering her buttocks, her insteps coated with coconut juice are slightly exposed above the water, and she is very attractive. It can only be described as a stunner.

Compared with her, Ji Yourong had a slight advantage in appearance, but her charm was far inferior.

This is the tenth beauty of the Four Seas, Jima Uruk, Jill's aunt.

At the moment, she is holding a mobile phone to video with her little lover, and sending some provocative benefits to the handsome man opposite from time to time.

Gemma has her own set of experiences when it comes to flirting with men.

"Miss me? I miss you too, baby!"

Gemma blew a kiss, then picked up a cherry from the plate floating on the hot spring, put it in her mouth, and cast a winking glance at the lover on the other side of the video.

The man on the opposite side seemed to say something flirtatious, which caused Geema to giggle, "You are really bad, how about you, do you want to stimulate the woman of a strong sequencer?"

"Okay, remember your words, I will call him next time we are doing business!"

The him that Ji Ma spoke of was her current fiancé, Rose Swordsman of Sequence No. 72.

Although this Rose Swordsman is powerful, it is a pity that he is not satisfactory in that aspect. Jima, who is used to flirting, can't hold back, so she secretly finds Xiao Xianrou to satisfy her cravings, and gave the Rose Swordsman a warm hat in the dark .

Because of the Uruk family's tradition of patriarchal patriarchy, Gemma has little say in the family, but after joining Rose Swordsman, her status immediately rose.

Although the sequence powerhouse of the Uruk family is ahead of the Rose Swordsman in the ranking, he is too old, and the next generation of the family does not have any amazing and talented juniors, so the higher-ups pinned their hopes on the Rose Swordsman being able to become The son-in-law of the Uruk family, at least in this way, the family can avoid the situation of having no serial combat power and entering a period of decline.

A maid in light gauze came to inform Gemma that Master Jill was coming to visit.

Jima, who was making the video, frowned. What did Jill, a little pervert, do? But after all, he was a male in the family. Although he was still young, Jima decided to give him some face.

"Baby, wait for me for a while!"

Gemma put on her bathrobe and walked slowly to the living room of the other garden.

Jill, who was dressed in formal attire, saw Gemma who had just come out of the bath, and after paying a perfunctory salute, she asked straight to the point: "My dear aunt, I don't know if you knew a metal elementalist when you visited the four seas in the past. A strong man with supernatural powers?"

Gemma was very surprised, what song was her eldest nephew singing?

I don't remember if I had a good time with a Minato metal superpower. My mother never cares about his superpowers when she plays with men, but only cares about whether he is handsome or not, and whether he can do it!

"Maybe, why are you asking this? Could it be that you have a grudge against some metal-type supernatural being, and he named you your aunt?" Jima waved her hand indifferently, "It's okay, my dear nephew, I won't bother you. Happy to kill it."

Jill's face froze, could he kill the chicken?People can wear their own heads by picking up a piece of metal!

"Auntie was joking, do you still remember this person's name and appearance?"

Jima was surprised, "Jill, what is your purpose today, tell me honestly, don't hesitate."

Jill then told her aunt Gemma what happened to her in the Qian Family Manor.

Jima asked, "Is this chicken handsome?"

"Huh? Auntie, you have to ask yourself? Have you forgotten? Think about it carefully! If you really know this chicken, please help me win him over. The ruling organization behind him is not simple. How dare you pay back this time?" The free alliance sea area is relying on the support of the adjudication organization behind it!"

"Really? So powerful?" Jima wasn't very interested. She used to think that the stronger a man was, the more powerful he was, but now that she's on the Rose Swordsman, she thinks that the sequence strong is the same!

Gemma guessed Jill's true intentions, but she was in a detached position now, so naturally she didn't want to get involved in the dispute.

"Maybe, when I think about it, you know that my aunt made a lot of friends when she was traveling."

Jill nodded helplessly, turned and left.

After returning to the hot spring, Jima happily picked up the communicator, wanting to continue the video with her handsome and useful little lover, but saw his bloody head being picked up by the hair on the screen!

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