Let's see who treats whom as a tool!

A kid with no hair yet wants to play tricks on his old lady?

After a heated conversation, the two of them, who had their own ghosts, also completely settled on the matter that Jima is Youji's old lover.

The fact that Jima walked out of the door no longer had the fear she had just now. She had the hope of making a comeback, and the next step was to use words to force Swordsman Rose to find trouble with Youji!

Through Jill's report, she probably knew that the Judgment Organization was strong, and hoped that this chicken could directly kill Rose Swordsman, so that she would not have to flee all over the world!

208 Chicken!I swear to kill you!

"Bitch! Get out of here!!!"

Rose Swordsman's roar came from outside the door, and those supernatural soldiers who relied on the identity of the Love Chamber of Commerce to brag about him did not dare to show their anger.

Just kidding, this is a strong sequencer, no one would dare to say no to them if they were slaughtered with a single sword!

Rose Swordsman rushed into Jima's other garden with ease, he has been here quite a few times.

But when he thought of his fiancée messing around with other men, the evil fire in Swordsman Rose's heart had nowhere to vent.

"You came?"

Gemma sat in the living room with a cold expression, elegantly applying nail polish to herself, and the indescribable things were full of joy and amorous feelings.

This made the Rose Swordsman, who was greedy for Jima's beauty, hesitate for a moment, and didn't immediately decapitate Jima.

"Hmph, I haven't noticed it before, you are quite courageous! How dare you give me a cuckold!"

Swordsman Rose put his sword across Jima's neck, trying to make this bitch beg for mercy in front of him!

Because he made too much noise, several figures appeared outside immediately. They were the men of the Uruk family, and Jill was among them.

The first middle-aged man who looks somewhat similar to Jill is Joseph, the head of the contemporary Uruk family, an S-level ability user, but unfortunately he is not a sequence powerhouse.

"Brother Qiangwei calm down, if there is a misunderstanding here, take the sword off Jima's neck first."

In terms of strength alone, he is no match for Rose Swordsman.

It's just that Joseph, who is backed by the Uruk family, will not be afraid of this strong man in the sequence, because their Uruk family has a strong man with a higher sequence, who is Joseph's grandfather.

It's a pity that the old man is old and doesn't shoot much.

That's why they thought of using Gemma to win over Rose Swordsman. Now it seemed that this plan was going to fail.

Swordsman Rose snorted coldly, "How do you want me to calm down? How dare my fiancée and your good sister steal someone behind my back? I'm a strong Sequencer, how can I endure this kind of arrogance?"

He knew that there was an old immortal in the Uruk family, but who knew if he was still alive?

Besides, this matter was originally caused by their Uruk family who was sorry for him first, so he would justify it no matter what happened!

Joseph looked at his younger sister. Gemma had a lot of affairs in the past. He thought that this younger sister had hooked up with a strong Sequencer, but anyone with a little brain would not do such a thing. How could he think...

But for the sake of the family, he could only open his eyes and talk nonsense, "Brother Qiangwei, don't be deceived by the rumors outside. Although my younger sister is romantic, she is a lady of our Uruk family after all. There is still a bit of integrity in this." of!"

What Joseph said, the senior family members behind couldn't help but blush.

Only Jill frowned. No wonder Aunt Geema's attitude changed suddenly. It turned out that she had fallen out with Rose Swordsman?

Later, she will definitely use the rooster to stimulate the rose swordsman to achieve the purpose of diverting the disaster, and there is a high probability that she will let me be the witness.

If I ignore her, then Aunt Jima will probably be killed directly by the rose swordsman. I won't get any benefits, but it doesn't matter.

What if I help her?Aunt Geema would owe me a great favor.

It just so happens that you can borrow the hand of Swordsman Rose to try out the strength of the ruling.

If the unitary chicken can't even do the rose swordsman, it will die if it dies.

If Youji wins, after he understands the situation, when he comes to the Uruk family to trouble us, wouldn't there be that real old acquaintance to ease it up!

Besides, I wasn't lying, I was just being used by my Aunt Gemma.

We are old acquaintances with the elders of the Uruk family, but you told me yourself!

And Jill felt that as long as he was a man, he couldn't be the charm of Aunt Gemma!

At that time, if Aunt Jima gets on the You Chicken, then Jill can take the opportunity to get on the Judgment Organization.

Maybe he can get a supernatural potion because of this, and the hope of inheriting the family will definitely exceed those of his brothers!

The most important thing is to snatch the adjudication organization away from the Qian family and completely cut off the hope of the Qian family's revival!

A lot of money, a lot of money, you can only be played by me, Jill, in the applause!

Rose Swordsman stared at Joseph coldly, "I saw this woman naked with other men in the video, you Uruk family still want to deceive me?"

"Tell you, I will kill this woman today, and no one will be able to help her!"

"This..." Joseph was at a loss for words. Judging from the certainty in the Rose Swordsman's words, he must have caught the spot.

Alas, Jima, a money-losing thing, finally got a little use, but it suddenly turned into a big trouble.

Is it true that Rose Swordsman should kill Jima?

This makes our Uruk family lose face!

But Joseph thought he was no match for Rose Swordsman. Even with the addition of these uncles and brothers behind him, although he could fight, if there were casualties, no matter how many Gemma were saved, it would be a loss!

Swordsman Rose said: "I have nothing to say? Then I will do it!"

He raised the sword, as long as he raised the sword and lowered it, Jima, the tenth beauty in the four seas, would die.

Unexpectedly, Jima under the sword shouted, "You can only bully us women, you have the guts to find my man! Kill him, and you will be considered capable!"

Rose Swordsman stopped and was furious, "Your wild man has been chopped off by me, have you forgotten?"

The sword of the sequence expert hung above his head. It would be a lie to say that he was not panicking, but under the support of his strong desire to survive, Jima tried hard to calm himself down.

She sneered: "That little fresh meat is just a dessert, my real lover, do you dare to provoke me?"

Swordsman Rose staggered, and was almost pissed off by Gemma. There is more than one green hat of emotion, and you want me to wear it differently?

His eyes were red, he gritted his teeth and said, "Say! Who else!"

"Say it out, I'm afraid I'll scare you to death!"

"I am a strong sequencer, who can scare me to death?"

"You chicken of the Judgment Organization! Let me recall the memory for you. When you called to ask about your health, I was with him and listened to you, an idiot, talking there!"


Swordsman Rose spit out a mouthful of blood in anger!

But after he vomited blood, he suddenly calmed down. He also knew about the adjudication organization. Recently, among the powerful people in the sequence, they are all talking about this mysterious organization that has been dormant for many years, and now the time is ripe, ready to set foot in the world!

How could it be such a coincidence that he was a member of the Judgment Organization?Is this woman lying to herself?

Seeing the change in Rose Swordsman's expression, Jima secretly said badly.

Fortunately, she went to Jill yesterday, and then she will see if her precious nephew can save herself!

"If you don't believe me, you can ask my nephew Jill!"

Everyone focused their attention on Jill.

Joseph said, "Jill, is this really the case?"

Jill, who had planned for a long time, said "fearfully": "Father, my son dare not lie, Youji does know Auntie... As for the others, I don't know..."

"How did you know?"

"At the auction of Qian's family in Lugang City, I had a conversation with Youji, and he said that we are old acquaintances with the elders of my family..."

What Jill said is so specific, a little investigation can tell, if it is a lie, there is no need for him to do so.

Now, Swordsman Rose had to believe it or not.

He raised his sword violently, intending to kill that bitch, Jima, but stopped abruptly halfway!

Looking at the woman in front of him with her eyes closed and her chest upright, he suddenly withdrew his sword, aroused with Qiangwei sword energy, and flew away through the air.

"It's so deceiving! You chicken! I swear I will kill you!"

"Uruk family, watch out for this bitch, wait for me to come back with the head of the chicken, let this bitch be convinced!!!"

209 Green Family

The sword energy of the rose swordsman turned Jima's other garden into a mess, and when the figure of this sequence expert was completely gone in the sky, Joseph came over and slapped Jima, and said angrily: "Why don't you care about it?" Can't help myself?"

Jima covered her face and lowered her head, not wanting her brother to see the hatred in her eyes.

In the Uruk family, the idea that men are superior to women is too serious, and Jima will become what she is now, because she is in a certain rebellious and rebellious mentality.

"I'll see how you end up with this matter!"

Joseph waved his sleeves and led everyone away. They still had to discuss how the family should deal with what happened today.

In the absence of the ancestors, no matter whether it is the rose swordsman or the unitary rooster, they are very difficult existences.

Only Jill stayed and handed Gemma a handkerchief.

He smiled and said, "Auntie, I didn't disappoint you today, did I? From now on, we will be on the same boat..."

Gemma didn't pick up Beast Jill's handkerchief. She raised her head, forced a smile on her face with red marks, and said, "Baby nephew, our Uruk family has always been of one mind!"


Rose Swordsman stopped in mid-air after flying several thousand meters.

He calmed down a little.

"Just now I was swayed by this bitch. Even if I want to kill a chicken, why should I spare her life first? Why bully women? There are only strong and weak in the world, so there is no difference between men and women."

"Jima, a bitch, wants to drive me to deal with this chicken. Could it be that he thinks I'm not his match?"

Although the recent news about the ruling has been popular in the circle of the sequence powerhouse, the rose swordsman does not have a clear concept of the strength of the unit chicken.

So, he asked a well-informed friend of his own.

The man made an appointment to meet on "Moonlight Island" and discuss face to face.

Moonlight Island is located a little further west of Love, and it takes about a day to cross an island chain at the speed of Rose Swordsman.

It's just that now that technology is advanced, Swordsman Rose will not be so stupid as to use his own power to fly in the air.

He chartered a five-person alchemy boat, and headed towards Moonlight Island in a swift and swift manner.


When Yang Feifei woke up, Yang Xi rushed her back to her apartment.

Now her identity is Hanyue, if someone finds out that she is spending the night in her room, it may cause some people to speculate and gossip with her younger sister. Although others don't know about it, Yang Xi is still very shy.

Anyway, he couldn't fall asleep for a while, so Yang Xi started searching the Internet for the picture he just saw.

But got nothing.

There is a strict hierarchy here in the four seas, and there is a high probability that this ancient castle building is the house of a certain boss, so naturally no one dares to post it on the Internet.

Moreover, unlike the inland area, without certain rights and status, it is impossible to come into contact with the buildings of the ancient castle, so naturally no photos of the ancient castle will be circulated on the Internet.

"Maybe you can ask Arthur, the tool man."

Yang Xi left Arthur's communication method, and after sending him an inquiry message, he got a "yes" reply.

After a short while, Yang Xi's soul arrived at "Posey" island located in the third island chain.

It is also a tradition to name the island after the chamber of commerce.

"Boss, are you here?"

In his mind, Arthur respectfully greeted him. In fact, he had just arrived in the family not long ago, and he was going to attend a dinner party later, and he was arranging his hair.

The Green family is a relatively traditional family. Every time a dinner is held, men must have decent hairstyles, elegant suits, pocket watches, top hats, and small walking sticks. By the way, there are also family emblems and silk scarves on the chest that symbolize the direct line of the family. .

Ladies are even more troublesome. If it is a formal dinner, they will start dressing up at noon. From hair to toes, there are a series of care standards, such as hair removal, deodorization, and every nail has to be trimmed into a perfect shell shape. .

Unlike the Uruk family, which favors sons over daughters, in the Green family, even women have the right to inherit the family.

The patriarch of the Green family even retains the custom of inheriting the title "Earl of Green Field" handed down from ancient times.

Generally Arthur, brother Chris, and younger sister Victoria, others, including their mother, would call their father Lord Earl.

Arthur's older brother, Chris Green, is ranked 27th in the world rankings. He used to be the best friend of Qian Duoduo's brother. After the accident in the Qian family, he was put under house arrest by the family, and was only recently released for activities.

In fact, with Chris' ability, unless Earl Green is serious, it will take a lot of effort for the Green family to keep him.

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