But it may also be because of the death of his friend in battle. The Qian family has no particularly important fetters for Chris. Since the family does not want him to get involved in this troubled water, Chris chooses to stay at home disheartened. .

As for her younger sister, Victoria, just like Arthur, she is only a B-level power user, but her appearance is very outstanding, she is called the seventh most beautiful woman in the world, with soft blond hair and a quiet temperament, any man who sees her will always look at her. A desire to protect rose from the bottom of my heart.

Yang Xi didn't need to beat around the bush on his own puppet. After explaining a bit, he passed on the clues of the screen that Yang Feifei saw to Arthur.

"Look carefully at these four pictures and see if you can get some useful information from them!"

Arthur began to carefully observe the picture sent by Yang Xi.

Taking advantage of this moment, Yang Xi walked around Arthur's room.

Ashamed to say, Arthur's room alone is much bigger than the house Yang Xi rented in the interior.

Although I don't know the housing prices here in the world, the antique oil paintings, ivory-carved bed decorations, expensive wooden furniture, etc. in Arthur's room all show the luxury of this room.

Looking out of the window, Yang Xi could still see groups of maids or male servants on the lawn in the middle of the manor.

Rich people are really corrupt!

"Boss, I seem to have seen this white board somewhere before, give me a little time, maybe I can find out who its owner is."

"Also, with a little effort, you should be able to find out about the castle. Our Green family has our own real estate consultant."

"Although the islands of the big family are all in the third to fifth island chains, we also need to buy some real estate in other places. After all, no one knows how long these island chain defenses can last."

"Okay," Yang Xi asked, as the time for the dinner party was approaching, "Will Byron appear at this dinner party?"

It's all here, and Yang Xi intends to use Arthur's body to have a close contact with Byron, and at the same time to see the Green family's dinner.

"Uncle Byron should be within the scope of the invitation."

Yang Xi said: "Then you should prepare well first, then find an excuse to chat with Byron, and see if you can take the opportunity to confirm his identity!"

"Yes!" Arthur's voice echoed in his mind.


On the second day, Swordsman Rose came to a hidden Chinese-style house on Moonlight Island. In the pavilion of the house, there was a long-haired old man playing the piano. He was wearing a white finger on his hand.

210 You go to explore the road

Rose Swordsman, a Caucasian supernatural being, bowed his hands to the long-haired old man awkwardly, and said in a loud voice, "Brother Ouyang, don't come here without any problems!"

Ouyang Canglu——The old patriarch of the Ouyang family of the Tianyi Chamber of Commerce, the "Blue Dragon Messenger" of sequence No. 25, can control the blue dragon born in the clouds.

Ouyang Canglu smiled at Swordsman Rose, and did not stop playing, but continued to play the whole piece attentively.

Swordsman Rose was not in a hurry, and began to quietly listen to the guqin playing like mountains and rivers, and his impetuous mood because of being cuckolded was a little calmer.

But as long as he thinks of this bitch, Gemma, messing around with other men behind his back, the anger in his heart will burn again.

It's been a long time, the song is over.

Amid the lingering sounds, Ouyang Canglu stroked his beard and smiled, "What entanglement do you have with this judged chicken?"

Swordsman Rose has a good relationship with Ouyang Canglu, and because white people are more eloquent in this regard, he told the long-haired old man about his being cuckolded from beginning to end.

"...How much information do you know about this chicken?"

When Ouyang Canglu heard the words, his expression didn't change too much. At his age, he hadn't seen any scenes.

"Although this Youji made several shots in the interior, I heard that the Judgment Organization recently sent three young people to join the Qian family, so the Youji may also appear in the Liberty Alliance Sea."

"Besides, Youji is a supernatural being of the metal system, and is very mobile. In theory, he also has time to do crime."

Swordsman Qiangwei said angrily: "So that bitch Jima didn't lie to me! It's really too much!"

"Brother Ouyang, you are well informed, help me analyze it!"

Swordsman Rose has been scrambling all over the world for so many years, so he still has the vigilance he should have, and he must find out before messing with others.

The long-haired old man said: "Let me tell you this, no one knows the current strength of the Judgment Organization. It may be terrifyingly strong, or it may be vulnerable."

"I've read the fighting data of this Youji. You can basically easily defeat all the opponents he has defeated."

"However, one thing that is certain is that he absolutely did not use his full strength."

"But I have noticed a detail, you should know the deep blue family."

Hearing Ouyang Canglu's words, Swordsman Rose nodded solemnly. As a strong sequencer, he naturally knew that this alien race would be difficult to deal with.

It is said that the fall of many of the older generation's sequence powerhouses had something to do with them.

"There was a battle in Youji, the one where the dark blue alien appeared and the Chenlong fell, and the real dark blue clan should appear later!"

Ouyang Canglu plucked the strings, and the sound of the piano spread out, making Swordsman Qiangwei's heart tremble.

"It turned out that the dark blue family died."

A deep blue family died!

Rose Swordsman hesitated, if this unitary chicken really killed the people of the deep blue clan, then he would definitely not be a character to provoke!

"What does Brother Ouyang mean?"

Ouyang Canglu waved his hands and said, "Listen to me."

"These are all our speculations. Some forces sent an A-level supernatural user to test the strength of the kid from the Judgment Organization before. It's really petty."

"The three people sent by the Judgment Organization are just juniors on the bright side. If we really want to find out the bottom line of the Judgment, at least we need to start with the strength of the strong Sequence? Otherwise, what's the point? Below the Sequence , they are all ants to us!"

Speaking of the last sentence, this Sequence No. 25 Canglong messenger has a faint and powerful aura of oppression, and the clouds in the sky seem to have a cloud-condensed Canglong flashing.

Qiangwei Swordsman understood what Ouyang Canglu meant, "You want me to find out the bottom line of the Judgment Organization?"

Ouyang Canglu smiled knowingly, nodded and said: "The adjudication organization used the shell of the Qian family to set foot in the world. They are so 'low-key', we can't look too ugly."

"Besides, the top ten people in the sequence have set a rule that they cannot start a battle between sequences for no reason."

"But you are different. You are a victim. It is absolutely reasonable for you to go to trouble with Youji."

Rose Swordsman pointed at himself, and said a little displeased: "You want me to trouble the judgment and be your pawn?"

Everyone is messing around in the sequence. Although you rank a bit higher than me, you are not qualified to order me to do anything, right?

I'll call you Brother Ouyang, do you really think of yourself as a big brother?

In a few decades, when your strength declines, let me see who will be the big brother!

When Rose Swordsman was about to refuse, Ouyang Canglu smiled and said, "It's not that I let you be a pawn, but... us."


Rose Swordsman couldn't help taking a step back when he heard the words, he looked around, the Moonlight Island was hazy with fog, and there seemed to be a hidden murderous intent.

Grass, no choice!

Swordsman Rose is very single and intends to admit defeat. Anyway, he is also a strong sequencer. Even if he is really a pawn, he will not easily lose his life.

Besides, he really couldn't swallow the anger of being cuckolded.

If you really do nothing, it will be a laughingstock!

"Okay, I'll do it! But if this chicken is really strong, when I'm in danger, you can take action!"

Saying this, Qiangwei Swordsman thought that he was really in danger, so he ran away immediately.

Face is not as important as life!

Ouyang Canglu smiled and nodded, "Naturally, we are good friends, so why would we die without saving our lives?"

Rose Swordsman resisted the urge to sneer, "Then when shall we set off?"

The long-haired old man straightened his sleeves, got up and said, "It's not too late, let's go now."


Yang Xi manipulated Arthur's body, and under the guidance of the servant, walked towards the banquet hall, and accidentally sneezed on the way.

"Master Arthur, are you all right?"

The valet thoughtfully handed over tissues with both hands.

Yang Xi took it and rubbed his nose, wondering who is thinking about me behind my back?

Could it be that kid Liu Yuan?

Not to mention, after being out for so long and not seeing his godson for a while, Yang Xi really misses him.

Yang Xi ordered: "It's okay, it's okay, go on, don't be late."

The servant heard the words and continued on his way.

After walking for another quarter of an hour, they finally arrived at the luxurious banquet hall.

A long table with a length of 20 meters is placed in the center of the banquet hall. In the middle of the table are candles and illustrations, which are placed just right.

The table was flanked by silver cutlery, polished plates, knives and forks, goblets and scented napkins folded into a triangle.

Under Arthur's guidance, Yang Xi walked to the second position on the left, and he hadn't sat down yet.

A blond girl in a black Lolita skirt gave him a sweet smile and gave him a cute skirt ceremony.

It was sister Victoria.

"According to etiquette, leader, you should step forward and kiss Victoria's forehead."


Shouldn't it be carried by hand!

Kiss the forehead?

What a shame!

211 Fallen Star Pirates

In order not to show any flaws, Yang Xi could only reluctantly kiss Victoria's smooth forehead.


Xiao Nizi actually smelled of slightly bitter jasmine, which didn't fit her temperament a bit!

Naturally, Victoria would not have thought that the "second brother" in front of her was complaining about her perfume, so she smiled sweetly and sat down.

Soon, the Duke of Green, the Duchess and brother Chris were also present, and Yang Xi completed some basic etiquette under Arthur's instructions.

Chris with short hair tucked a snow-white napkin into his chest and asked with a smile, "Arthur, did you enjoy going to the inland this time?"

Speaking of which, this was also the first time Arthur met his family after his trip to the outback.

Yang Xi didn't know what Arthur was doing in the interior, his attention was all on finding Byron.

Simply return the control of the body to Arthur, let him have a good chat with Chris, and use his mental power to investigate.

It doesn't matter if you don't investigate, the spiritual fields of those around you are basically felt under Yang Xi's unscrupulous detection, but only this Chris who chatted very enthusiastically with his brother, Yang Xi used the second-level level The spiritual power to investigate, but can not find his existence!

This... This Chris' mental strength is above the third level?

At the same time, Chris also noticed the mental power swept away, and stopped chatting with his brother Arthur.

Arthur was still talking non-stop, not aware of the slightest abnormality.

Chris frowned. He first ruled out his younger brother Arthur, because Arthur had been communicating with him all the time, and if there was any distraction, he would definitely be able to find out.

This spiritual power is very strong, but he can't feel the source, who is it?

Yang Xi restrained his mental strength, for fear of being discovered.

This is the first time he has encountered such a situation, this young man named Chris is definitely not simple!


Yang Xi, who wanted to continue dormant in Arthur's mind, suddenly felt the deity's call to the spirit body!

"Did something happen to the Dolphin?"

This "alarm mechanism" will only be triggered if the remaining will of the deity feels a crisis.

Yang Xi quickly returned to his body, opened his eyes, got up, and pushed open the door. He was shocked to find that there seemed to be a much smaller ship approaching opposite the Dolphin!

Blanche hurried over, "Yang Xi, let's go to the captain's room quickly, the Dolphin was intercepted by supernatural pirates!"


Yang Xi couldn't help frowning, they encountered supernatural pirates not long after they left Free Customs, this is too much of a coincidence!

But now is not the time to think about this issue, he hurriedly followed Blanche's pace.

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