Captain's Room.

Mr. Qian and the others arrived early, and Yang Xi and Blanche were the last two to come because of the distance between the rooms.

The captain of the Dolphin is a white man with a straight nose and a neatly trimmed white beard. He is also a B-level ability user.

But his ability is not in fighting, but in command.

"This is the notorious 'Falling Star Pirates', which often appear between the Free Customs and the First Island Chain. The customs garrison has been encircled and suppressed many times without success."

"Their leader is 'Necromancer' Fan Pei, an S-level supernatural being."

"Fan Pei has three generals under him, namely the A-level transformation-type ability user 'Charming Fox Girl', the A-level element-type ability user 'Seaweed Behemoth', and the A-level inheritance system ability user 'Deep Sea Overlord', Below them are more than a dozen B-level abilities and more C-level abilities."

"We have His Excellency Yang Xi, Miss Blanche, Miss Hanyue, and Miss Ji Yourong here, and our high-end combat power is barely equal. With the alchemy equipment on the Dolphin, we can definitely last until the reinforcements from Free Customs arrive. "

"My plan now is to raise the defensive cover on the Dolphin to prevent the hull from being affected by the battle and affect the subsequent voyage."

"It takes 3 minutes to raise the defense matrix, so please everyone!"

Finally, the dutiful captain bowed to the crowd.

An S-rank powerhouse of the undead system?

Yang Xi thought about countermeasures.

Well, the goal of this battle is to persist for 3 minutes under the hands of the S-level powerhouse without upgrading the ability to the S-level level.

For the undead system, whether it is Feifei's Bright Heart ability or his S-level two-star Horcrux Gloves of the God of Light, they can all play a restraining role.

If Blanche and Ji Yourong can hold back the other three A-level powerhouses, then delaying the Falling Star Pirates for 3 minutes is absolutely no problem.

Besides...Yang Xi felt that the old man must have hidden behind the money, not to mention the S-level powerhouses of the Qian family, there must be a lot of A-level powerhouses.

But looking at his expression, it didn't seem to reveal their intentions.

I'm afraid there is also a "judgment" organization behind it, Qian Lao thinks that a mere Starfall Pirates group is nothing to worry about.

Yang Xi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, old man Qian was indeed Qian Duoduo's grandfather, and his abacus was clinking.

But it's not his fault. The Qian family's situation is really difficult. It's better to "use sparingly" such precious strategic resources as A-level powerhouses.

Moreover, it's not like he didn't do anything and left everything to Yang Xi's adjudication organization.

At least there was Ji Yourong, the second most beautiful woman in the four seas, and the alchemy matrix on the entire Dolphin.

After figuring out the key points, Yang Xi started to look forward to it. To be honest, this necromancer Fan Pei should be a real S-level human ability user he faced.

Restricting the strength to A-level, and pairing it with the beast equipment "Bright God Gloves" that somewhat restrains the undead, this gave Yang Xi a feeling of carefully calculating the lineup configuration and going to fight the boss.

In addition to the four A-level masters like Yang Xi and others, there are also many B-level and C-level supernatural beings on the Dolphin, and they can barely fight against the members of the Falling Star Pirates. It gave Yang Xi a feeling of being designed.

It seems that the pirate attack this time should also be a method used by other forces in the four seas to test the Qian family and adjudicate.

Yang Xi couldn't help but secretly complained, "I've never seen someone who comes here to give experience like this."

Then he said: "The leader of the Falling Star Pirates will be handed over to Han Yue and me for the time being, and the rest will be left to you!"

But Ji Yourong objected: "I don't agree, your injury hasn't healed yet, how can you let him deal with the strongest enemy? Give me the S-level one!"

Qian Lao coughed and said, "Don't worry, You Rong, little brother Yang Xi's injury is almost healed, there's no problem."

Blanche said strangely: "But yesterday he was still dying..."

The two women looked at each other, as if they understood something, they blushed and glared at Yang Xi angrily.

Yang Xi ignored their expressions of wanting to eat people, and said haha: "Hurry up, time is precious!!"


The siren sounded, and ordinary passengers who had no fighting power hid in their rooms, peeking out from the windows, and some courageous ones even ran to the corridor to find an angle and start recording videos.

Combatants and some proud and courageous superhuman passengers began to gather on the deck.

The fog cleared, and the pirate ship with the skeleton flag approached the huge Dolphin.

On the island boat, a handsome gray-robed young man held a skull-head staff in his hand, with green phosphorescence shining in his eyes, and said loudly, "Son of the sea! The Dolphin of the Qian family is ahead!"

"There's a lot of money and jewels, smooth-skinned women, lots of meat and vegetables, and sweet, pure water!"

"Tell me, what do you want most!!!"

He suddenly raised his staff, black air seemed to emerge from the head of the skull, and there was faintly weird silk and bamboo music on the boat, as if a flute player from the underworld was playing passionately.

Except for the three A-level abilities, the eyes of the rest of the members of the pirate group became excited. They slapped their chests and shouted loudly: "We want golden jewels! We want white women!"

"We're going to kill!!!"

All kinds of weapons slapped the hull, and the pirates skillfully jumped onto the surface of the sea, driving their sea shoes and rushing towards the Dolphin.

On the Dolphin, under the leadership of Yang Xi, the fighters and brave passengers also faced the enemy without fear!

Under the moonlight, there are two conical streams of people coming together! !

When it was approaching, Yang Xi's footsteps stepped heavily on a pirate's face, and he jumped into the air, killing the leader of the Falling Star Pirates!

The Gloves of the God of Light in his hand radiated dazzling brilliance in the dark night!

212 In front of my third-level spiritual power, use charm?

Seeing Yang Xi wreaking havoc among the pirate minions, Fan Pei, the leader of the Falling Star Pirates, smiled contemptuously.

He had studied Yang Xi's information a long time ago, and the supernatural person in front of him would be seriously injured even if he killed an A-level killer whale, so it was not worth his shot by a dignified S-level necromancer.

Fan Pei smiled faintly, "I leave it to you."

Three A-level supernatural beings, the charming fox girl covered her mouth and let out a series of giggles, and said, "You two, let me call this handsome guy first!"

"Then I'll deal with Ji Yourong!"

The seaweed behemoth with purple seaweed hair and dark skin and the bald man with deep sea dominance said in unison.

"Huh? You want to compete with me for the season?"

The seaweed monster looked at the deep-sea hegemony with disdain.

The latter was also not to be outdone: "Just say one more thing, let's take your hair as a feast today!"

Seeing that the two were about to fight, Fan Pei snorted coldly, and made an assignment: "Blanche will be handed over to the seaweed monster, and Ji Yourong will be handed over to the deep-sea bully. I have it all, you are just responsible for snatching it from me!"

The two male supernatural beings were a bit unwilling, but they didn't dare to resist Fan Pei, so they had to follow the orders.

Because the women played by Fan Pei will be turned into pink skeletons in the end, so they plan to take advantage of it as much as possible during the battle, which can be regarded as "one kiss".

Looking at his subordinates rushing to the battle, beating and scolding, the handsome man in gray robe muttered to himself: "Can we force out the so-called 'zodiac position' of the judgment this time? I want to see, these people who judge , Is it as scary as that adult said?"

He touched the skull on the staff, and there was a faint green phosphorous fire in the eye sockets of the fist-sized skull.

Yang Xi stomped on the heads of several people with supernatural powers all the way, and quickly moved towards the pirate ship. With the thought of not wasting any money, he skillfully stripped off the supernatural powers of these unlucky people at the same time when he stomped on their heads.

This is a great test of Yang Xi's rhythm. First, he has to step on it, use the martial skill "Broken Wave" to create instant penetration, destroy the brain tissue of the enemy, and then use the force to jump and peel off the supernatural beads at the right time.

After such a long journey, Yang Xi has already collected two B-level supernatural beads and three C-level supernatural beings. Unfortunately, he is not proficient in using Soul Eater. sank together.

But just such a one-handed use of the martial skill Duan Lang made Yang Xi a lingering nightmare for this group of pirates.

The companion who was still blowing water with him just now was trampled on his head without any warning, and the blood was all over their faces. The key point is that this "demon" didn't even change his expression, his eyes just stared at the front.

This kind of ignorance of them made the B- and C-level supernatural pirates consciously avoid Yang Xi's route.

"Little handsome boy, do you only bully these ugly bastards?"

Charming Fox Girl finally arrived when Yang Xi had killed the sixth pirate. She also saw Yang Xi's decisive killing, so she didn't dare to push her back at all, and launched the transformation when she came up.

I saw a pair of pointed, snow-white fox ears growing on her head, her face became more pointed, a circle of strange eye shadow appeared around her eyes, and her canine teeth became extremely sharp.

The figure has also become more popular, the original manicure has been replaced by sharp blue claws, the fluff on the body surface has increased, and the two white fluffy tails on the buttocks "break through the flesh" from the tail vertebrae.


The charming fox girl moved like a ghost, waving her claws and attacking Yang Xi.

Her sea shoes made bursts of splashes on the sea.

Yang hoped to cast a glance at the necromancer sitting on the bow of the pirate ship in the distance, and thought to himself, "Aren't you going to make a move? It's exactly what I want!"

"Kill the charming fox girl first, and when we deal with him later, the pressure on Blanche and the others will be reduced a lot."

Hurala! ! !

The sound of piercing the air sounded, but Yang Xi turned his body sideways as if he had been prepared for a long time. Like the petals of a plum blossom, his body moved lightly by the wind pressure caused by the attack of the charming fox girl.

The cyan sharp claws were only half a finger away from the corner of Yang Xi's clothes, but they couldn't get any closer!

The fox clawed several times in a row, but Yang Xi avoided them lightly.

He even had the leisure and elegance to observe the battle between the three women and the two male superhumans. Because of the temporary superiority in numbers, they suppressed each other.

The charming fox girl missed several hits, and said angrily: "Damn it, you are dodging, what kind of man are you!"

These coquettish words, coupled with the sweet voice of the charming fox girl, sent a pink spiritual attack towards the space between Yang Xi's eyebrows.

Yang Xi: "???"

Are you using spiritual tricks against me with a third-level mental power?

Immediately, with a single thought, Yang Xi neutralized Charming Fox Girl's attack "Charming Whisper", but he still pretended to be hit, and stopped in place stupidly.

"Huh! This slippery guy finally got the trick!" The charming fox girl wiped the sweat from her forehead. The series of sharp claw attacks just now consumed a lot of her energy. After all, she The cups are very exaggerated and very cumbersome.

This is also the place where Charming Fox Girl complains very much. She can't figure out why after transforming, there will be such a situation that affects the combat effectiveness.

Of course, no woman would hate this change.


Then it's time to enjoy the little handsome guy!

To be honest, Yang Xi's appearance can definitely be ranked in the top three among the men she met.

The charming fox girl licked her mouth, twisted the waist of the water snake and walked towards Yang Xi.

The three girls also sensed the strange situation on Yang Xi's side. Apart from Yang Feifei who knew her brother's true strength, Blanche and Ji Yourong felt nervous at the same time, and hurriedly tried to rush over to help.

But how could the two leaders of the Fallen Star Pirates allow them to succeed?

The deep-sea hegemony gritted his teeth and pushed back, gloating at the same time: "I'm afraid that your old friend will be eaten by Hu Meizi. I'm telling you secretly that if you fall in love with a man by her, you will die of kidney deficiency within half a month. It's terrifying. Bar!"

Ji Yourong's expression was not affected by the words of Shen Hai Ba Ti, a silver light flashed in her eyes.

In the eyes of the deep sea overlord, she disappeared instantly, and was already behind him when she appeared!

"This chick is really fast, Seaweed Head, where is your trap!"

"Get ready!"

Seaweed Head laughed wildly, a huge seaweed monster appeared on the surface of the sea, and countless seaweeds wound towards Ji Yourong.

Ji Yourong's thighs, arms, and waist were all trapped by the slippery seaweed, and his fine figure could be seen at a glance.

"Speed ​​seal, solution!"

"Power seal, solution!"

Amid the flashes of red and blue, Bran rushed to Ji Yourong's side, swung his sword and slashed at the seaweed that trapped her!

Although the slippery seaweed was cut off quickly, the number of seaweeds that were several times as large as before was born in the mouth of the giant seaweed beast.

The faces of the two women changed in unison.

Fortunately, the temperature suddenly dropped!


Hanyue, played by Yang Feifei, stretched out her palm, and the incoming seaweed was instantly frozen.

"It's okay, you two."

Before her words fell, the two women said: "Leave us alone, go and save Yang Xi!"

Yang Feifei was speechless, brother still needs my help?

With a wave of her hand, she turned the frozen seaweed wall into ice chips, revealing the battle scene on Yang Xi's side that had been blocked just now.

Yang Xi, who was "bewitched by the charm", was pinching the neck of the charming fox girl with one hand at the moment, looking at this side with a relaxed face.

Just when he was about to pinch the enemy's neck with his subduing dragon grasping hand, a skeleton warrior holding a scimitar appeared quietly behind him.

This time, even Yang Feifei's heart was raised!

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