That is to say, whether it is an invisible dragon or an extremely fast assassinating dragon, the means of their disappearance is not recall in the simple sense.

This is also reasonable, frequent summons and recalls do not consume a lot of mental power.

Two golden lights shot out from Yang Xi's eyes like lightning, hitting the stealth dragon who was attacking like a bolt from the blue.

Shattered Golden Eyes...

The invisible dragon biting the rose swordsman with the rose sword energy finally became normal in the face of the power of destruction. Before falling into the water, it disappeared like stardust again.

Yang Xi noticed that the face of the Canglong envoy turned pale.

"Hey, it seems that this method of yours consumes a lot of energy!"

Yang Xi raised his arms forward, and a two-meter-long magic stick appeared in the palm of his hand.

Because it absorbed the sword energy of many rose swordsmen, a few lifelike rose flowers appeared on the metal at both ends of the magic stick.

Unfortunately his master is dead.

But Yang Xi felt that using Rose Sword Qi to attack the Canglong Envoy who killed the Rose Swordsman was full of his favorite... evil taste.

The invisible dragon showed its figure on the shoulders of the Canglong messenger, and it had a bloody hole in its abdomen, which was the size of a fist, with only adult arms.

This is not a small injury for it.

"Good boy, don't be afraid."

The Azure Dragon Messenger touched the fleshy horn of the Invisible Dragon, and his hand emitted a turquoise light, which was his skill for healing summoned beasts.

Under the treatment of the turquoise light, the invisible dragon's injuries gradually recovered.

Yang Xidao: "If I were you, I wouldn't waste my energy on this little dragon. It poses no threat to me at all."

Soon, the Invisible Dragon regained its combat effectiveness under the skill of the Canglong Envoy.

"This guy's eyes are weird, and he can detect the sneak attack of the invisible dragon, which shows that Shenhou is very good at seeing the details of the battlefield, so he can only rely on his real strength to fight head-to-head!"

The Canglong messenger summoned his No. [-] dragon, and the invisibility ability was invalid for Shenhou, so the next focus should be on No. [-] Assassin Dragon.

As long as you have an advantage in speed, even if your eyes are sharp, it will have no effect.

Ouyang Canglu activated the skill - Void Possession, and his body began to fade gradually.

This is the skill that the Azure Dragon Messenger used to hide on the clouds at the beginning, and his possession of the summoned Azure Dragon can greatly enhance their characteristics.

Hehe, the reason why this Shenhou is so arrogant is because he feels that he is also suppressing my Assassin Dragon in terms of speed, right?

His speed just now was around Mach seven.

The corner of Canglong Envoy's mouth hooked slightly, "The speed of Mach [-] is not bad in the S-class range, but unfortunately, it's just not bad."

After releasing the skill, he turned into a beam of light and entered the body of his Assassin Dragon.

The original shell-shaped scales of the Assassin Dragon became more slender, and the dragon's horns also developed in a direction parallel to the body. In just a few seconds, it became more streamlined.

If he was like a shuttle before, he is more like an arrow now.

The originally cold eyes of the Assassin Dragon were also stained with the humane emotions of the Canglong Envoy.

On the turbulent sea, one man and one dragon confront each other, and the situation of a big war is imminent.

On the Dolphin, Mr. Qian looked at the avatar Yang Xi who had just "healed" and appeared worriedly: "The sequence of the Canglong Envoy is No. 25. Isn't Your Excellency Shenhou a little overbearing?"

His purpose of asking this question was actually to get some news from Yang Xi that would make him feel at ease.

After all, Yang Xi is an official member of the Judgment Organization, and in terms of strength, he is the strongest among the three sent to the Qian family by the Judgment. He has a faint feeling of being in charge, and maybe knows some inside information.

Faced with the old man's worries, the avatar Yang Xi gave him a reassurance, "Fang Xin, Mr. Qian, Lord Youji mentioned to me that although Lord Shenhou is not the strongest among the zodiac signs in the organization, But he definitely has the keenest sense of battle, and he's not the type to lose because he carelessly underestimates the enemy."

"This is the best, so I can rest assured!"

Sure enough, there are stronger people in the adjudication organization!

Qian Bukui kept his mouth shut, and when he looked at the Assassin Dragon who was possessed by the Canglong Envoy, his eyes showed a little more pity.

Ouyang Canglu, an old fellow, is afraid that he will be planted today.

Originally, Qian Lao thought that he had already guessed which force secretly harmed many experts of the Qian family, but now that Ouyang Canglu was in such a hurry to come out to make troubles, he doubted his deduction.

Could it be that the Ouyang family of the Liberty Alliance also had a hand in this matter?

This possibility is very high. Other chambers of commerce may not be able to know the course of action of the many masters of the Qian family that time, but there is still a high possibility that the Ouyang family will know because of the presence of that lord.

Moreover, in terms of motivation, the Ouyang family, which is the number one in the Liberty Alliance Sea Area, has sufficient reasons to take action against the second Qian family.

"Is it really so?"


A sea fish that is not afraid of death jumped out of the water, made a parabola, and then fell back to the water.

For the two powerhouses who had been facing each other for several minutes, this sudden accident broke the delicate balance between them!



Yang Xi and Ouyang Canglu, who was possessed by the Assassin Dragon, disappeared at the same time.

The speed of the two of them was so fast that Qian Duoduo's live broadcast camera couldn't capture their figures at all!

Only the sound of air crackling resounded across the sea!

"This guy is fast again!"

The Canglong envoy, who had accelerated to Mach [-], was shocked. He didn't expect Shenhou to hide his hand.

Different from the astonishment of the Canglong envoy, Yang Xi's was a surprise.

Originally, he thought that after accelerating to Mach thirteen, the Assassin Dragon possessed by the Azure Dragon Messenger would be unable to keep up, but he could barely parry it.

This just satisfies Yang Xi's idea of ​​practicing moves at this speed.

This kind of fast and thick-skinned opponent is really rare.

Yang Xi knocked down the Assassin Dragon's head with a stick, exploding all the Rose Sword Qi stored earlier.

"How is it possible? Could it be that Rose Swordsman is not dead?"

The Canglong Envoy was taken aback, and instantly made up a plot in his brain... The Rose Swordsman appeared on Moonlight Island, and was even forced by him to trouble the Judgment, but it was actually the bait given by the Judgment Organization!

No wonder I killed Rose Swordsman so easily just now!

Could it be a trap!

We were fooled!


Yang Xi didn't expect such a miraculous effect to attack with Rose Sword Qi, and immediately stuffed a stick into the mouth of the Assassin Dragon.

The tyrannical force smashed the esophagus of the Assassin Dragon, killing this difficult guy in an instant.

The Canglong Envoy's somewhat embarrassed figure fell out, looking at the slain summoned beast, his face became extremely ugly!

"Shenhou! How dare you kill my No. [-] dragon! Today I will never die with you!!!"

Shocked and angry, the Azure Dragon Envoy no longer retained his strength, and a summoning circle even bigger than the Dolphin appeared in the sky.

"Ang Ho!!!!"

An extremely huge black dragon poked its head out of the summoning circle!

Its head alone is bigger than the Dolphin of the six-star alchemy ship, as if it can swallow everyone in one bite!

Yang Xi looked up at the behemoth that appeared in the sky, and murmured: "What the hell, how many years will it last if you kill it!"

229 Bathing in Dragon's Blood

Yang Xi also didn't expect that the summoned beast that was also the messenger of the blue dragon, the gap between the third blue dragon that appeared and the other two black dragons was so big.

The assassin dragon wasn't even as big as a single scale of the third blue dragon.

However, judging from the face of the Azure Dragon Envoy, the price of summoning this giant dragon is definitely several times higher than the other two dragons.


After the giant Canglong roared, it quickly sensed the presence of the Canglong Messenger, and it was able to speak: "Ouyang Canglu, ten years have passed since you last summoned me. Are you ready? Don't delay it for a long time like last time!"

The giant blue dragon actually spoke proficient Azure language, but his voice was so loud that the eardrums of the earth-shattering people ached.

The Canglong envoy's face froze when he heard the words. How could he have thought that this old guy would be summoned today, and how could he prepare the sacrifice in advance?

"I should make up for your sacrifice afterwards, help me get rid of this guy first!"

Unexpectedly, the blue dragon shook his head and said: "If there is no sacrifice, please forgive me for being helpless!"

With that said, its head gradually retracted into the summoning circle.

Seeing that the old fellow was really about to leave, the Canglong envoy hurriedly said: "Wait a minute, give me ten days, and after ten days, I will give you an extra [-]% of the sacrifice!"

One-fifth of the huge black dragon's head disappeared. He stretched out two fingers from the summoning circle and gestured: "Seven days, give me [-]% more!"

Knowing the old guy's stingy and greedy character, the Canglong envoy gritted his teeth, gave Yang Xi a vicious look and said, "Okay! As long as you get rid of him, you'll get [-]%!"

If he can kill the zodiac position of an adjudication organization, he can also receive a lot of rewards from the organization, which can just make up for the loss of offering sacrifices to the old blue dragon!

But the death of the No. [-] dragon required him to spend more time and energy on re-cultivating it!

The old blue dragon made an OK gesture in a very humane way, and its eyeballs turned to Yang Xi's side, "Little ant, I think you heard what I just said, do you want to commit suicide and leave a whole body behind? Or do you want to plug my teeth?"

Judging from Old Canglong's tone, it seemed that Yang Xi was determined.

The coercion of the giant blue dragon made it difficult for everyone on the Dolphin to breathe. If they were like this, wouldn't it be even more difficult for Lord Shenhou to face the giant blue dragon?

This... is simply not an existence that a human body can match!

Qian Duoduo's live broadcast room couldn't even take a full picture of the giant black dragon, but just the small part of the picture that was leaked, the barrage has already let itself fly.

"My God, there is such a big summon in this world, the key is that they can speak our Azure language!"

"Just ask if you don't understand, what's the difference between this big guy and a strange beast?"

"In front, you asked the right person, let me tell you the answer - I don't know either!"

"Your question is too broad, and I can only answer you one by one from different angles."

"First of all, judging from the place of belonging, neither the blue dragon nor the strange beast is a native creature of the blue star. Secondly, the way they descended on the blue star is different. The former is summoned by a supernatural person, while the latter is to tear the black cavity. I think there is a great possibility that they come from different worlds, and this blue dragon should not be a strange beast in the traditional sense of our Azure Planet."

"The focus now is to discuss whether this Canglong is an alien beast? Shouldn't we think about whether the Shenhou of the Judgment Organization can beat this big guy? There is one thing to say, although the Canglong Envoy is a strong sequencer, but since he just Judging from the way he killed Swordsman Rose, this old guy doesn't seem like a good guy!"

"I think so, and it feels like Master Shenhou is fighting this giant blue dragon, as if he is fighting a strange beast! I support the victory of human beings!!!"

"Yo, I'm licking it now? I don't know what it's all about, so I'm an adult? Are you shameless?"

There was a lot of noise on the barrage, but the atmosphere of those intelligence agencies was unusually solemn.

"It's a bad thing. The Azure Dragon Messenger actually summoned the old guy Stark. The humans on the Dolphin are in danger!"

"Did he forget that when Stark was summoned last time, although the old dragon helped humans repel the army of alien beasts, he also deliberately ate dozens of soldiers with abilities!"

"Who told this Shenhou to be so dishonest that he actually killed the Assassin Dragon that Ouyang Canglu had cultivated for many years? It's not surprising that he played his hole card to get back his position!"

"It's a pity for the humans on the Dolphin. If Shenhou loses, they will probably be eaten by Stark!"

"If you want me to say, the summoned beast of the Canglong Envoy is full of bad deeds, causing more disasters than ordinary beasts, and the sequence powerhouses should kill it!"

"The situation considered by the upper management is different from ours. As long as Stark can turn the tide like he did ten years ago, this top-level combat power will be worth hundreds of soldiers with different abilities, let alone dozens of soldiers!"

"It's a pity, the second beauty of the world, Ji Yourong, is still on the Dolphin!"

"Let's not talk about Ji Yourong, if you don't lose a lot of money, you have a lot of money. If you really get eaten, the Qian family will be completely finished!"

"Are you guys so optimistic about Stark? Why do I feel that Shenhou is not nervous at all? Maybe there is more than one zodiac sign ambushed by the adjudication organization!"


Seeing that Qian Duoduo couldn't fully capture the giant blue dragon, he simply focused the live broadcast on Yang Xi.

"A group of cowards, this Canglong is only a little bit bigger, well, it is indeed a lot bigger, but Lord Shenhou can definitely defeat it!"

Qian Duoduo looked at Yang Xi's back, his eyes sparkled.

To be honest, when Yang Xi saw this huge blue dragon, he was not nervous at all, and even a little eager to try.

At his current state, the difference in body size has long been no problem.

Although this blue dragon is big, but... it is only big.

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