
Yang Xi quickly waved the magic stick a few times, pointed at the giant blue dragon with the stick, and said, "Big guy, it's not certain who will eat it!"

He didn't wait for Canglong to reply, and activated the sky-defying skill of the gold-plated god-and-demon armor, and he jumped up suddenly.

Bang bang bang! ! !

The sound of thunder breaking through the sound barrier kept ringing, and Yang Xi was like a black jumping pill, slashing the giant blue dragon's chin fiercely with a magic stick!

The giant blue dragon felt something was wrong when it heard the air explosion, but unfortunately its body was too huge, and now it only came out half of the summoning circle, and there was no way to avoid the blow!

"Open to me!!!"

Yang Xi's magic stick was pressed against the tough dragon scales, and the strength on the stick reached a terrifying level with the addition of speed.

Click, the 1.5-meter-long scales shattered.

Then the dragon skin inside was exposed!

The dragon skin was also smashed!

Expose the inner muscles!

Dragon blood trickled down the magic stick.

In the stunned eyes of everyone, this giant blue dragon seemed to have received a hard uppercut, and smashed the clouds with a cry of pain!

"Ang Ho!!!!!!"

The angry dragon's cry resounded throughout Bailu Island, and the residents on the island thought that some terrifying alien beast had invaded!

"Naughty beast, come again!"

The figure bathed in dragon's blood spread his cloak, leaving behind a blood mist that broke through the sound barrier, then raised his stick and chased after the giant blue dragon again.

The giant black dragon's body completely "swimmed" out of the summoning circle. Its speed was actually very fast, but even at such a fast speed, it took more than ten seconds for its belly to pass over the Dolphin. time!

"Two monsters!!"

Li You also went to the Dolphin. Although he is also a strong sequencer, this is no longer a battle he can get involved in.

"Is this the real strong man?"

230 My nephew is sequence NO.5! (two in one chapter)

In the eyes of Blue Dragon Stark, this stick is not much different from a toothpick, but Yang Xi's slap made his whole jaw go numb.

"The power of this guy should not be underestimated! No wonder Ouyang Canglu, the old boy, would rather add [-]% of the sacrifices than let me, Lord Stark, do it!"

"Damn little ant, I have to show you the consequences of hurting my lord!"

The giant blue dragon shuttled like a fish in water inside the clouds, and suddenly slapped Yang Xi with its paw.

The scattered clouds lingered on the huge dragon's claws, and Stark of the blue dragon just waved his claws normally, and two tornadoes were created out of thin air on both sides of the claws.

"Good come!"

Yang Xi felt the continuous power provided by the gold-plated armor, and his desire to fight became stronger and stronger.

The giant blue dragon's claws are a devastating attack in the eyes of others, but it unexpectedly satisfies Yang Xi's desire to vent his power at this moment.

Although I secretly experimented with this third-order Horcrux-type ability last time, it still needs to be tested in practice whether it is convenient to use or not.

The object of this kind of test can't be too weak, otherwise it will be impossible to detect where the limit of the ability is.

The giant blue dragon that Ouyang Canglu desperately summoned just met Yang Xi's current requirements.

Tsk tsk - the old guy's service is quite considerate!

"Hurry up! Hurry up!!"

On the way Yang Xi continued to accelerate, the magic stick was also wielded by him vigorously!

The surrounding air currents were stirred together by him, and his attack range was also enlarged invisibly!


What Qian Duoduo didn't know was that because her live broadcast was very important, several intelligence agencies secretly paid for her to upgrade the live broadcast room so that they could see clearer and smoother images and obtain accurate enough information.

"Theoretically speaking, this is the first real collision between Shenhou of Judgment and the giant blue dragon. The stick he stabbed before is more or less a sneak attack."

"Generally speaking, to deal with this kind of giant creature, elemental supernatural powers are the best choice, but the adjudication organization let Shenhou, who is obviously a melee type, be the best choice!"

"It's probably because Shenhou is the only zodiac sign at the scene, and there are no other long-range attack-type supernatural beings like Youji, right? Or are they full of confidence in Shenhou's power?"

"If Shenhou can really rely on physical strength to defeat Stark, then the evaluation form prepared for him will have to be remade..."

Yang Xi collided heavily with the claws of the giant black dragon!


The shock waves visible to the naked eye spread in all directions due to their impact!

A purely physical collision happened between two creatures of huge disparity in size, but they looked half the same!

Yang Xi hit the dragon claw one stick after another. There are no scales here, but the dragon skin is covered with a thick layer of calluses. This layer of calluses alone is as hard as armor.

The feedback from each stick made Yang Xi's body tremble, and his blood spurted.

Yang Xi's tiger's mouth, which was holding the magic stick, was aching, but it was painful!

The giant blue dragon thought that the enemy would be the same as usual, either being patted into meat sauce, or being blown away like playing a ball.

This evenly matched scene was something he had never expected!

"Damn it, such a small body can burst out with a force comparable to mine. Do I have to use my full strength, Lord Stark?"

Annoyed, the dragon was Stark, as if a human being slapped a mosquito, and the other paw also hit Yang Xi. He couldn't believe it, Shenhou could still hold on now!

In the face of tyrannical strength and absolute physical gap, it is not enough to look at!

Human beings can also make achievements in spiritual power, and it is a fantasy to compete with their Canglong clan in the flesh!

In Yang Xi's eyes, the palm-slapping of the giant blue dragon seemed to be another iron wall closing in. He could have used his speed to get out of the range of the two dragon claws, just like a mosquito avoiding a human's slap flexibly.

But he didn't want to, he was going to confront the giant blue dragon head-on!

"Good come!"

Facing the pincer attack, Yang Xi did not dodge or dodge, and put the magic stick across his chest!

boom--! ! !

After the impact came, between a pair of giant claws, Yang Xi forcefully used his stick to prop up a space that could barely reach two meters.

The light around him dimmed!

Everyone on the Dolphin held their breath!

"Why doesn't Shenhou hide!"

"At his speed, this should be easy, right?"

"Couldn't it have been patted into meat sauce? Such a huge claw, even the Dolphin can be squished!"

Yang Xi held the stick in the middle, and because of the huge force at both ends, the stick bent upwards slightly, but it didn't break!

It can be seen how tough the God Demon Stick is!

He lightly stepped on the body of the stick, turned over in the air, and charged up his hands!

A steady stream of power is born from the gold-plated armor of gods and demons!

"I'll beat you instead!"

Yang Xi punched the giant claw hard, this kind of behavior of floating and shaking the mountain, but it gave a huge visual impact to everyone watching the battle!

The claws of the giant blue dragon bounced off like an electric shock, revealing Yang Xi who was unharmed in the center of the palm!

Yang Xi quickly lifted into the air, and suddenly came between Canglong's eyes!

He is holding a stick in one hand, and the black cloak behind him is fluttering in the wind, as if he is the god and demon above the nine heavens. No matter how huge the giant blue dragon is, it seems to be worthless in front of him.

In a trance, everyone seemed to see a huge phantom of a god and demon appearing behind Shenhou, staring at the giant blue dragon lightly!

Blue Dragon Stark is stunned at this moment!

It actually felt scared, as if fighting him was not an ant-sized human being, but a god who could tear him apart!

But the next moment, this fear made it angry!

It no longer wanted to crush Yang Xi with its physical strength alone, and sprayed a mouthful of dragon flames at Yang Xi without reservation...

Facing the blue-colored scorching dragon flames, Yang Xi didn't dodge or dodge!

Long Yan kept hitting the gold-plated armor, but Yang Xi only felt a slight temperature rise—this third-order Horcrux was constantly absorbing the power of Long Yan!

After about half a minute, even the sea surface was burned away by the dragon flames of the giant blue dragon, and the high-temperature water vapor curled up and gathered into clouds at high altitude.

And Yang Xi's position in the air has not changed from the beginning to the end!

"Are you done throwing up? It's my turn!"

Yang Xi flicked out the magic stick, and the metal at both ends of the stick turned blue because it absorbed the power of Long Yan.

It's just that this time Yang Xi intends to use another ability of the magic stick. Long Yan's power is constantly being consumed, and the body of the stick rises when the wind blows. In just a few seconds, a stick of magic that is as long as a giant black dragon Appeared on the sea battlefield!

Yang Xi chose the method of equal proportions, so at the moment the magic stick is unbelievably thick, but Yang Xi held it and hit the giant blue dragon fiercely!

With the first blow, Yang Xi knocked off the dragon's horn!

With the second stick, Yang Xi hit it seven inches above, making it whine again and again!

On the third stick, Yang Xi discounted its claws!


One stick after another, Yang Xi hit harder and harder, and the giant blue dragon was powerless to parry.

" is this possible! Isn't even Stark an opponent of Shenhou?"

The Canglong envoy was stunned, he didn't expect such a situation!

Most importantly, his possession skills cannot be used on Stark!

"Ouyang Canglu, I don't want the sacrifice anymore! Call me back quickly!"

Along with the screams, Stark sadly made a request to the Dragon Envoy.

Yang Xi laughed wildly: "Now I want to leave, just stay obediently, I want to try it, what does dragon meat taste like!"


Yang Xi found the right time, and stabbed the giant black dragon's mouth with a stick!

The body of the giant black dragon was trembling, and this stick directly pierced its brainstem from its mouth!

Its huge dragon eyes are filled with strong unwillingness, and its vitality is constantly being lost...

Yang Xifei went to the top of the dragon's head and reached out to touch it, but there was no special ability stripped out.

"It seems that there is still a difference between summoned creatures and strange beasts..."

Before the body of the giant blue dragon fell to the surface of the sea, it turned into stardust and disappeared...

It's a pity that I didn't taste the dragon meat.

Yang Xi fell in front of the Canglong Envoy, and returned to his hand the magic wand that had been restored to its original shape. He stretched his waist and said, "Old man, just use any other means!"

He wants to see if the Canglong messenger dares to use the deep blue clan's combat skills!

The Canglong Envoy's face changed for a while, he gritted his teeth, and summoned the No. [-] dragon Split Dragon, after possessing him, he let out a long cry, and flew towards the sky.

"Shenhou! Today's shame will be returned a hundredfold in the future!"

Yang Xi tilted his head, didn't see how he was accumulating strength, and his body disappeared in place in an instant. The next moment, he had captured the Canglong envoy who was running away and was about to speak harshly!

"I said... If you beg for mercy obediently, I won't kill you, how about it?"

Yang Xi jokingly said.

The Split Dragon possessed by the Canglong Messenger no longer dared to speak harshly, and quickly split into several small Canglongs, flying in all directions.

But under the insight of Yang Xi's shattered golden pupil, he quickly discerned which one was the real messenger of the blue dragon.

A few seconds later, with a swipe sound, Yang Xi caught the little blue dragon possessed by the Canglong messenger again.

Holding Xiao Canglong, Yang Xi smiled and said: "You continue to split me!"

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