"Hey, kid, you have joined the Judgment Organization anyway, can you stop being so mournful!"

This is not the same as what Yang Xi thought. Shouldn't the people with the mask of Tiangang be those vicious supernatural beings, or simply the mastermind behind a certain organization?

What the hell is this little kid who has to doubt his own life from time to time?

"Brother mask man, I looked around the quests, and it seems that there is nothing I can do. I don't have awakening abilities, and the simplest D-level beasts on the quest gate can't deal with it."

Yang Xi slapped his forehead, this is really a problem.

Today, this young man is lucky, and I will give him a B-level power bead as a meeting gift.

What should I do if this happens again later?

Can't everyone give it away?

Although the dark energy consumed by duplicating a B-level power bead is not too much for Yang Xi, the sum of 36 B-level power beads is huge.

The reason why Yang Xi dared to carry out this Tiangang project was because this group of tool people wanted to obtain the supernatural potion, which would inevitably create several times the dark energy income for Yang Xi from the potion.

Suzaku suggested: "You can provide a short-term loan of 270 points to newcomers without supernatural powers, which can be used to exchange for a tube of C-level supernatural medicine. If the loan points are not paid off within a month, I can directly kill them .”

Yang Xi thinks this is a good idea.

"After these supernatural beings have a C-level supernatural orb, they can only start with the lowest-level D-level tasks. According to our standard of one in ten draws, he must hunt at least one D-level supernatural beast every day, so that he can complete the task at the end of the month." It is time to complete this target.”

"Assuming he is in the third island chain now, it is impossible for him to encounter thirty D-level beasts within a month, then his only option to survive is to go to the front line of the seventh island chain to fight, where it is possible for him to He has completed the task of repaying the loan by the end of the month."

"Isn't it a little unreasonable for us to force people to go to the battlefield from the beginning?"

Suzaku said: "The Judgment Organization doesn't need waste, if he can defeat the C-level beasts of the same level, he will have plenty of time."

"Moreover, we only want to recover the corpses or living tissues of alien beasts, and we don't force these people to fight alien beasts. If they are smart enough, they can use other methods to obtain resources, such as cheating or stealing, or Direct purchase."

Yang Xi felt that what Suzaku said, it seemed that the Four Elephants Hall we ruled was very honest and benevolent in formulating the rules.

Yang Xi made a final decision: "That's the 'student loan'."

245 Let's strike hard, boy!

Although Yang Xi has decided to add the framed function, he still has to wait until Augusta is dismissed before the function can be launched.

Looking at the pitiful white boy, Yang Xi didn't continue to read his jokes, and said straight to the point: "Don't worry, the organization has already prepared a solution for you for the problems that ordinary people like you will face."

"Come to draw a prize. As long as you can draw the final prize from the turntable in my hand, you can get a tube of B-level supernatural potion!"

Through Yang Xi's popular science, this young man already knew that the so-called B-level supernatural potion was an artifact potion that could make him a B-level supernatural being.

You know, the "Xinghui Health Club" where my sister was sold, among the supernatural beings in the town, the strongest one is B-level!

If he had B-level strength, then saving his sister from the terrifying cave would no longer be a fantasy in his dreams!

Isn't it just a lottery!

come on!Augusta! ! !

After Augusta finished pumping himself up, he stepped forward to turn the turntable aggressively.

Yang Xi, who knew the truth, complained secretly in his heart, this so-called turntable, in the cloud top space, where Yang Xi wants it to stop, it will never have any error of a millimeter.

From the moment the boy turned the turntable, he had obtained the [Grey Fog] that Yang Xi had selected from among the many alternative abilities.

This was originally the ability of the A-level hero Captain Cigar, which was copied by Yang Xi from the ability seed, and then upgraded to B-level.

Although the power is much lower than that of A-level gray mist, but in the experience of the same B-level ability, gray fog can be regarded as a powerful ability.

Captain Cigar's strength is also very strong among A-level heroes, but unfortunately he insisted on pretending to be aggressive in front of Yang Xi, but he was severely beaten and beaten to death by his own leader.

The pointer of the lottery turntable seemed to pass the final prize. At this moment, Augustus' heart was completely chilled.

But in the almost desperate eyes of the shepherd boy, the pointer slowly returned to the option of B-level power potion.

There was an ecstatic expression on the boy's face!

He obtained a B-level supernatural potion!

If this is true, he can become a B-level ability user.

"Ahem." Yang Xi interrupted the boy's ecstasy, "I didn't expect you to be so lucky that you got a B-level power potion! If this is the case, go back to reality and wait for it. Your reward will arrive soon, remember to sign for it!"

Afterwards, Augusta was kicked off the line by Yang Xi. Although it is said that it is very fast to copy a gray mist orb, it takes a lot of time for Yang Xi to prepare a tube of mixed juice.

After returning to reality, Yang Xi took out various raw materials for making supernatural potions from the imaginary cube.

"This time, I'll focus on strawberry juice and cucumber juice. Mixing the three juices will be very difficult to drink. Recently, I'll try mixing four kinds of juices. Hmm...it looks really good!"

On the other side, in a pasture on Candy Island, Augusta climbed up from the haystack full of sheep smell. Although his face hurts from being pricked by weeds, it’s just that he has been used to this pain over the years , just bear with it.

He found the Skyspeed star mask in his hand and couldn't help scratching his head, "Did I have a very strange dream just now? What kind of adjudication organization..."

Thinking of this, Augusta searched for news about the adjudication organization on the Internet through the broken mobile phone left by his sister.

It doesn't matter if you look for it, the structure of the accident almost made the little shepherd throw the broken phone out!

"Oh my god, is this adjudication organization the adjudication organization in my dream today?"

Seeing Yang Xi and Shen Hou who were killing all directions in the video, Augusta was stunned. If this was his backer, wouldn't he be awesome?

Just when Augusta was amazed, the half-asleep and angry ranch owner walked out of the hut next to the sheepfold.

He was immersed in a sweet dream, but was awakened by the bluffing little shepherd, so he put on his coat and walked to Augusta with a whip in his hand.

The rancher is a C-level ability user, and the former Augusta is no match for him at all.

"What are you arguing about at night? Looking for smoke!"

After crackling and smoking, the rancher left the sheepfold cursing, leaving Augusta hugging her knees and covered in whiplash scars.

"Damn it, I shouldn't have listened to that bad old man. Besides eating and being lazy, what's the use of this brat?"

It wasn't until the rancher returned to the room that Augusta took out the mask of Speed ​​Star from under his ass.

"It seems that I was indeed dreaming just now. The judgment organization and the B-level supernatural potion are all my imagination..."

Augusta counted with his nose, and the scar at the corner of his eye began to hurt hotly.

Suddenly, the mask glowed.

Wearing a black robe and a dark gold mask, Suzaku appeared in front of Augusta through the spiritual imprint on the mask.

The little shepherd with disheveled hair looked at the mysterious woman in front of him, and a cold voice sounded in his ear, "Skystar, your supernatural potion has arrived, and you are ready to receive scheduled delivery."

If this kid didn't look stupid, Yang Xi wouldn't want Suzaku to appear on stage.

On Yang Xi's side, another Suzaku relayed the scene to Yang Xi with mental power.

With previous experience, Yang Xi threw a tube of mixed drink to Augusta through the virtual cyclone.

Looking at the "B-level supernatural potion" that fell on the haystack and exuded a strange aura, Augusta, who had just been beaten for a while, picked it up tremblingly and looked at it.

"So I didn't dream before!"

"Big sister, how should I use the supernatural potion?"

Suzaku said lightly: "Drink it."

Drink... drink it?

Glancing at the colorful supernatural potions, Augusta hesitated for a while, but thinking of his sister who had been tortured in the clubhouse, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes, and he squeezed his nose and poured down the mixed liquid.

When the young man raised his head to drink, Yang Xi also precisely smashed the B-level power pearl into the young man's body.

After drinking the supernatural potion, Augusta sensed the newly born power in his body.

"Can only manipulate the smoke produced by cigars, cigarettes and other items?"

Augusta turned his attention to the ranch owner's hut. In his memory, the ranch owner had the habit of smoking.

At some point, Suzaku and the Void Vortex had disappeared. Apart from the empty test tube, all that remained beside Augusta was the silver Skyspeed mask.

He slowly put the mask of Sky Speed ​​Star on his face.

Although he can't use smoke for the time being, the ability of gray mist has enhanced his physical fitness, which has given the boy the capital to challenge the owner of the ranch.

"Sister...wait for me, I will come to rescue you right away!"

"Let's start with you scum."

Feeling the pain in his body, Augusta approached the ranch owner's cabin step by step.

knock knock --

He knocked on the wooden door.

The ranch owner muttered angrily and angrily.

As for the boy wearing the mask, his body trembled slightly, and his muscles tensed immediately!

For the first time in his miserable life he will strike hard!

This is the moment he's been waiting for for a long, long time...

246 The Life Turning Brought by the Tiangang Mask (Reward and More)

Yang Xi drank the juice made by Suzaku. Yes, he suddenly thought that making the "power potion" could really be handed over to Suzaku.

What could be better than Suzaku, whose function is comparable to a large artificial intelligence, and can find the most exotic mixed drink through boring experiments?

Yang Xi's request to Suzaku is that the mixed drinks he drinks should be refreshing and delicious, while the drinks for the wage earners of the future adjudication organization should be as bad as possible. After all, good medicine tastes bitter!

Now what he drinks is a glass of lemon and fresh orange, and he has chilled it a little bit with the ice-type ability. How do people grab the throat of fate and rub it against the ground.

In the projection created by Suzaku, Augusta kicked open the door panel, hitting the ranch owner's face, bending his tall nose bridge, and nosebleeds kept dripping down.


A woman's scream sounded, and the woolen worker on the bed covered herself with a quilt in horror.

Yang Xi, who watched the "live broadcast", had to sigh, we have to recognize racial differences!

When white women are young, they absorb well!

The skin is also like milk, of course, when viewed from a distance, the fly in the ointment is the body odor.

The chubby rancher showed a mess of chest hair, and the fat all over his body was flapping. He held his nose and looked at Augusta in disbelief.

He couldn't believe it, where did this shepherd boy who sold himself to him have the courage to kick open his door?

Then, the anger of leaving was born in my heart.

If the one kicking the door today was the gendarme from the island, or some powerful supernatural being, he wouldn't dare to fart, and he would even lose his smile.

But the one who did all this was Augusta, whom he regarded as a house slave, which was a great shame to him!

And what kind of Lao Shizi mask is he wearing!

Do you think I won't recognize it?

"Okay, Augusta! I don't think you want to get out of bed in the next half month, do you?"

The rancher turned around and made a gesture to get his whip. Although he said so, he didn't intend to kill him. If he was really seriously injured in Augusta, he would suffer the loss.

Maybe, he has to replace Augusta to herd the sheep.

Seeing the chubby ranch owner with his back turned to him, Augusta would not let this good opportunity go, and just stepped forward and kicked it.

Unexpectedly, this turned out to be a trap set by the ranch owner. The moment Augusta stepped out, his chubby body turned around flexibly, his hands swelled suddenly, and his muscle mass increased by at least three times!

As he shot, he sneered and said, "You brat, you really dare to attack me!"

"Don't you know that I am a powerful power-enhancing power user!"

"Today I have to let you know that even without the broken contract, as an ordinary person, you are only worthy of crawling under Lao Tzu's body like that stinky bastard behind me!"

The rancher's hands were like iron tongs, firmly grasping the kick kicked by Augusta!

"Hey, you can't move, but don't worry, I won't crush your ankles, I'll just take off your broken mask, and then stomp on your face hard with the soles of your feet until even your whore sister I can't even recognize it!"

Augusta, who had been grabbed by his ankle, was already in a panic. After all, his only combat experience before this was to avoid the beating and scolding of his alcoholic father.

But now, hearing the ranch owner's words, there seemed to be flames burning in his eyes!

"To shut up!!!"

The ranch owner seemed very happy to provoke Augusta. This little shepherd is his labor force. He is not easy to kill, but psychologically destroying him will not cause the ranch owner any loss. He is naturally vicious. Just how come.

"Why, it was your alcoholic and gambler father who tied her into the Xinghui Club with his own hands. By the way, I introduced the trader, hahaha!!!"

Seeing Augusta's painful, beast-like growl, the ranch owner was even more proud, and he really enjoyed the feeling of playing with people's hearts.

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