This made him feel as if he had become a big man in control of power on Candy Island.

Suddenly, Augusta stopped growling. In the eyes of the ranch owner, he looked like a discouraged wild dog.

But what he didn't know was that the young man in front of him who was allowed to be bullied by him was currently a member of the Judgment Organization's Tiangang position, and he was even bestowed with a powerful B-level ability [Grey Fog].

"It's all you rampant scum that made the world so...disgusting!"

The boy raised his head abruptly, his gaze changed.

Even though the other party was wearing a mask, the ranch owner still felt the murderous intent flowing in his eyes.

"The strength in this kid's legs..."

If the strength on Augusta's legs was like a jumping lamb before, then at this moment, it is a mad bull.

boom! !

Augusta's feet directly crushed the ranch owner's chest, kicking his 200-jin body into the wall.

If it wasn't for the ability of the gray mist to greatly enhance his physical fitness, then this kick, Augusta could only kick it out in a dream.

The rancher's arms deflated like deflated balloons, and then he tilted his head and died.

In fact, this is his request. If he deals well with Augusta, with the difference in combat experience between the two of them, maybe Augusta is not his opponent.

But he just wanted to pretend to be b, grabbing Augusta's feet in his hands, it's fine to hold them in his hands, but he also wanted to put them on his chest, and it's fine to put them here, and he even took his sister's feet to death Things to piss him off.

A C-level ability user lifts the foot of a B-level ability user and places it on his vitals. Isn't that courting death?

The milkmaid on the side looked at Augusta in horror, fearing that she would also be killed.

But Augusta ignored her, but rummaged through the drawers in the room. Finally, he found a cigarette and a few cigars.

Augusta picked up a cigar and looked at it. He suddenly discovered that he didn't know how to use this "combat tool".

"Do you know how to smoke this?"

He tilted his head to look at the milkmaid.

The female worker nodded and got up from the bed tremblingly, wanting to come over to help.

Augusta glared at her, "Put your clothes on first!"

The female worker put on her pajamas and stepped forward to help Augusta handle the cigars.

Augusta took a puff, although it was the first time he smoked, but because of the existence of the fog ability, he could control the smoke flowing in his mouth and lungs as he wished.

He puffed up his cheeks and sprayed a gray mist towards the ranch owner's body. After just a few seconds, the body turned into gray slag.

After Augusta found the ranch owner's belongings with the help of the female worker, she sent some of them away, and then completely set the whole ranch on fire.

Seeing the gradually growing flames and sirens sounding everywhere, he took advantage of the chaos and rushed towards Xinghui International.

After possessing this ability, he didn't want to make his sister cry for another second.

Watching the boy run towards the center of Candy Island, Yang Xi asked Suzaku with interest: "Do you think he can save his sister?"

Although Suzaku felt that answering Yang Xi's question was a bit self-answering, he still said, "If he is a fighting genius, then there should be a 20.00% chance of success."

It's a pity... Judging from the battle just now, he doesn't seem to have this talent.

247 A Lifeline

Star club.

Wang Cheng is a B-level metamorphosis user, and he has been in Candy Island for almost five years.

Once, he was a soldier fighting on the battlefield, but after retiring from the army, he became a member of the "Glory Group", an organization of supernatural beings.

The Xinghui clubhouse is an industry under the Guanghui organization.

Every day, successful men from all walks of life on the island come to enjoy themselves in this gold selling cave.

In the Xinghui clubhouse, there are women who voluntarily become prostitutes, and there are also young girls who have been sold by their families to pay off debts.

This side is no better than the inland area, because the outermost lines of defense are under tremendous pressure from alien beasts, and the officials don't have much experience in strictly controlling these things among the people.

Moreover, the management difficulty of the island chain and the mainland is different. There is a natural barrier between each island, which can easily bury some unknown crimes.

The fire truck passed through the street with its siren blaring, and Wang Cheng asked a purple-haired boy, "What's the situation outside?"

The purple hair boy went out and asked around, and came back to tell his old man: "Brother Cheng, there is a ranch on the island that caught fire, and the owner of that ranch is a regular customer of ours."

Wang Cheng lit a cigarette, took a few puffs and said, "Oh, is that the fat guy with a strong taste?"

"That's right, it's him. Every time he comes, he smells like sheep."

Wang Cheng smiled and patted his younger brother, "After this fire, he won't be able to come. Are you afraid that he will smoke you again?"

The younger brother laughed along with him.

At this moment, women's screams and guests' cursing suddenly came from the clubhouse.

Wang Cheng frowned, thinking it was someone who was not good at making trouble, "Go and see, if the problem is not serious, solve it, remember, protect our girl, and throw out all the short-sighted guests."

Zimao nodded and went downstairs.

Although Wang Cheng didn't quite agree with Xinghui Club's behavior of forcing people into prostitution, but he was only a B-level ability user, and he spoke lightly and couldn't change anything.

Besides, he also needs this salary to support his family.

During these years in Candy Island, he also got married and had children, and his son was two years old.

He can only choose to turn a blind eye to this kind of thing that would be filled with righteous indignation when he was young.

After about 5 minutes, the commotion below still did not stop, but intensified.

Wang Cheng sighed, these younger brothers have become more and more useless recently, and he has to take care of every little thing.

But when he went downstairs and passed a corner, he found that the lower body of the purple-haired boy had been burned to ashes, and his dead upper body was still climbing up, his eyes full of despair.

"No, the clubhouse was attacked by supernatural beings!"

Wang Cheng adjusted his breathing, and various cheetah features appeared on his body, such as vertical pupils, hair, fangs, tail...

He didn't continue to walk up the stairs, and quickly jumped to the hall on the first floor. Not far away, there were the sounds of other brothers fighting.

Wang Cheng ignored the dying brothers who were lying on the ground, turning into a black shadow and darting silently towards the masked man controlling the smoke at the exit.

"Which organization is this member of?"

But no matter who you are, you must save your life for hurting so many of my subordinates!

Wang Cheng roared and bit the young man wearing the silver mask.

After transformation, his teeth can easily tear steel, not to mention a human neck?

Augusta noticed the unusual sneak attacker behind him, he knew that the stubble was coming, the previous Xinghui security personnel had no power to fight back under his smoke, it was entirely because of his ability level that he unilaterally killed them .

But the leopard man who came towards him this time is probably also a B-level ability user!

"Sister, you run first!"

Augusta has already told his sister where he hid the money, even if he dies here today and can save his sister from the devil's lair, he will admit it.

The money collected from the rancher was enough for my sister to leave Candy Island and start a new life of her own.


Euphemia, who was wearing a short skirt and black stockings, exclaimed that she was pushed out of the gate of the clubhouse by her brother's tyrannical force, and rolled a few times on the street, with slight scratches on her body.

When she got up, she saw the scene where the leopard man nimbly avoided the attack of his younger brother Huiwu, and finally bit his neck.

"Do not!!!!"

As Euphemia shouted, the two fell to the ground at the same time, blocked by the marble, unable to see clearly what happened in the end.

But the girl had an extremely uneasy premonition in her heart.

She rushed to the former magic cave desperately, shouting her brother's nickname: "Ota! Ota!!!"

Amidst her sister's shouts, Augusta pushed away Wang Cheng who was biting her neck with one hand.

At this moment, Wang Cheng had turned back into a human form, and a big hole appeared on his body burned by the smoke.

His eyes were full of blankness, as if he encountered something incomprehensible before he died.

Augusta touched his neck with lingering fear.

Just now he thought he was going to die, but he didn't know that the leopard man froze suddenly before biting off his neck, which gave him an opportunity to smash through his chest with the high-temperature smoke wrapped in his hand.

Who helped me just now?

But it was obviously not the time to think about these things, so he quickly picked up his sister and evacuated the scene.

The surviving guests chattered.

"Could it be a kindness and hatred killing?"

"Who on Candy Island is so courageous, dare to provoke the glorious group?"

"Do you think it's the island owner who fell out with the high-level executives of the Guanghui team?"

"No, no, I heard this kid call that girl's sister. The cause of this incident should be something else."

"I clicked on this young lady. It seems to be called Euphemia. I heard that she does have a younger brother, but her younger brother is obviously an ordinary person. How can the elder sister who is a supernatural being become a prostitute?"

"The style of this mysterious man wearing a mask reminds me of a mysterious organization—the Judgment. Do you think there is any relationship between the two?"

"What does it matter? There are too many people wearing masks, so don't talk about the judgment, the people who make the judgment should at least start at A-level?"

"But no matter what, the Guanghui team has lost all face. From now on, they will desperately hunt down and kill this pair of siblings."


There are even some courageous people who have recorded videos and plan to send them to their circle of friends to pretend to be bob. I will encounter this kind of battle when I come out to find my little sister to sing a song, and even died a B-level supernatural user !

Don't look at Yang Xi killing S-level as if killing leeks, even in the Four Seas area, B-level supernatural beings are existences that ordinary people need to look up to.

Qian family land.

Yang Xi and Suzaku watched Augusta run wildly in the street with her sister in her arms.

It was Suzaku who took the shot just now and attacked the leopard man with a mental thrust at the most critical moment, causing his final attack to fail, and he was beheaded on the spot by Augusta, a newcomer to the supernatural world.

Otherwise, Augusta came back a hundred times, and it was also the result of being tortured and killed by Wang Cheng.

Yang Xi felt that Suzaku, the subsidiary consciousness, knew himself too well and was sometimes too boring. Suzaku basically understood everything he thought, otherwise at this time, he could still show a little sense of existence and command from a distance.

Suzaku said caringly: "Do I need to find you a summoner with independent will?"

Yang Xi shook his head, skipped the topic and said, "This shot is the organization's last help to Augusta. The Brilliant Group's influence in Candy Island is very good. With his strength, the possibility of escaping is very small. "

He suddenly thought that in his previous settings, it seemed that there was a glimmer of life for the kid Augusta.

If Augusta is lucky enough, he can escape with the power of the organization without his intervention.

Of course, this requires too many coincidences. If this kid can really meet, then he deserves to occupy a place among the strong in the world in the future.

Luck and fate are really important things sometimes.

Suzaku seems to have left, and in Yang Xi's perception, a new toolman has appeared in the White Tiger Palace.

Yang Xi smiled lightly: "This Tiangang project seems to be getting more and more interesting."

248 Camp Program and Showcase Program

The blue rhizomes all over the cave flickered with the faint sound of breathing.

There was another plant in front of the red-eyed monster, which was the escaped envoy of the blue dragon.

The strength of the Deep Blue Clan is related to the level of mental power before the transformation. The spiritual power of the Canglong messenger is much stronger than that of Ross, so his sojourn plants are also bigger than Ross.

However, in front of the commander, both of them are just losers with their bodies destroyed.

"Ouyang Canglu, your death has caused a major flaw in the organization's layout in the Liberty Alliance sea area, and even some members are at risk of being exposed. This time, you have let me down too much."

After hearing the commander's words, except for one projection standing beside the commander, the other projections and Ross's eyes flashed a trace of unbearable.

Ouyang Canglu, who was the party involved, begged for mercy immediately: "Master Commander, I really don't blame me for this matter, I was tricked by the people of the Judgment Organization!"

The deep blue commander snorted coldly, "You still dare to quibble?"

A red glow shot out from his eyes and hit Ouyang Canglu's resident plant.

The expression of the human face on the plant froze for a moment, and it took a few seconds for it to return to its gasping appearance.

It seems that in the few seconds just now, Ouyang Canglu suffered some inhuman torture.

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