Xiao Baishi's response was full of vicious humor.

Wang Peining was a little speechless, why is the circle of teachers so small, can you meet colleagues in such a magical place?

"That... Actually, I came here once last night. Do you know where this place is? To be honest, it hasn't been more than a day since I saw this mask."

"I'm in the same situation as you, but I may have more information than you. This place should be a spiritual space created by the Judgment Organization. As for the purpose, it should be to absorb and train new members."

"Adjudication organization?"

Xiao Baishi was speechless, "You... don't know this organization?"

Wang Peining nodded and said, "What's the matter, is this adjudication organization famous? Could it be an organization established by a certain S-level powerhouse?"

Xiao Baishi was at a loss for words, "In a sense, it's almost the same, but I suggest you go to the Internet to learn about the Judgment Organization when you return to reality. You will find that S-level powerhouses are nothing to them, after all, the Judgment's zodiac is in the A few days ago, I just killed Sequence No. 25, the Canglong Envoy."


Wang Peining's voice became sharper. She was really frightened. In her eyes, the sequence powerhouse was like a patron saint. If the people from the ruling organization killed the sequence powerhouse, could it be some kind of evil supernatural being? Organization, is she on a thief ship?

"Teacher Bai, do we count as engaging in illegal and criminal activities?"

Xiao Baishi complained secretly, as long as I didn't pay you, it doesn't constitute a crime.

But it's all about complaining, this clever girl is at least much better than the hedgehog-like Sky Speed ​​Star before, as long as she is properly guided, she should be able to get more information from her.

For Xiao Baishi, an old scumbag, a girl of Huyou's age is easy to catch.

"Don't panic, how about this, I will tell you the information I know, similarly, you also tell me some information you know, how about it?"

After Wang Peining heard that this was involved in the "rebellious" matter of killing the powerful people in the sequence, although she retreated in her heart, she couldn't control her curiosity, so she agreed to Xiao Baishi's suggestion.

As a result, the two began an information exchange with mutual reservations.

During this process, Wang Peining, who lives in the ivory tower of the school even in the workplace, is naturally not Xiao Baishi's opponent who has been dealing with all kinds of tricks. In just ten minutes, he almost revealed the color of his underwear.

Xiao Baishi "hollowed out" the female teacher, touched the chin of the mask and began to sort out the information just obtained.

"I've made insinuations many times. This girl doesn't know about point loans. It seems that not every member has this benefit."

"What is the criterion for distinguishing? Logically, the existence of this point loan should be the help provided by the adjudicating organization to ensure that we can complete the task normally, that is to say-is it only available to the weak."

"I didn't see that this girl is still a supernatural person without making a sound. I thought only ordinary people can come in."

"After killing a D-rank beast and sending the corpse or living tissue to the designated place, you can get 9 points."

After seeing the content of the daily task, Xiao Baishi decisively borrowed 10 credits and tried to issue a help-seeking task.

[Task: Tell me more information about the White Tiger Palace.

Initiator: Tianzhuxing

Designated object: Skyspeed Star

Reward: 9 points]

Ok?Was I deducted a service fee for one point?

Augusta, who was looking around for lottery options, froze for a moment. Why did he suddenly have this task?

He immediately looked at Xiao Baishi.

Xiao Baishi let out a hearty laugh: "Little brother, don't be nervous. I don't have any malicious intentions. I'm just trying the function of the White Tiger Palace. If you tell me anything you know, you can take away the points reward."

251 Mission: Rescue Skyspeed Star (reward plus more)

To put it bluntly, Augusta was just an ordinary boy. Since he accepted Xiao Baishi's task, he told him some information he knew.

Of course, he still remembered Yang Xi's admonition and did not disclose information about his identity.

Hearing Augusta finished speaking, Xiao Baishi couldn't help breathing quickly with his concentration, "You mean there is such a thing as a lottery draw? You actually got a B-level supernatural potion? After taking it, it really Have you become a B-level supernatural user?"

A grade B supernatural potion!

As a human being living in the era of alien beast invasion, especially a pretentious person like Xiao Baishi, it is extremely painful for him to not have supernatural powers.

He chose to become a professional novelist because in the stories he wrote, he was able to temporarily escape reality and become a mighty supernatural being and a hero who, in the face of the menacing army of alien beasts, turned the world around with his own strength. Live in heaven and earth.

It is this sense of substitution that makes Xiao Baishi's novels sell very well, and he has also become a well-known best-selling author in the world, earning a lot of money in manuscript fees, copyrights, and peripherals.

But no matter how rich he is, he cannot buy strength.

Even the supernatural bodyguard hired by him with a high salary, although respectful to him for the sake of salary, secretly laughed at him as an ordinary person without supernatural powers, who could only write pornographic stories.

Augusta was a little frightened by Xiao Baishi's excited tone, and replied reflexively: "Yes, after I took the supernatural potion, I immediately became a B-level superhuman!"

After getting an affirmative answer, Xiao Baishi suddenly laughed wantonly in the White Tiger Palace: "Hahaha! It's actually true! Power Potion! There really are super power potions in this world!!!!"

Augusta and Wang Peining looked at each other, and took a few steps away from the crazy Xiao Baishi.

Wang Peining's big eyes rolled, "Little brother, what did you say to him, how did you stimulate him like this?"

Augusta touched the back of his head, "I told him about the B-level supernatural potion, and he suddenly went crazy."

Fortunately, Augusta has received 9 points for the task reward, which made him a little relieved.

For an honest kid like Augusta, the feeling of having a mission on his back would make him feel a little urgent unconsciously.

"Grade B supernatural potion..."

Wang Peining, who had been prostituted for nothing, stopped entanglement and began to study the task panel by himself.

Finally...Xiao Baishi escaped from the state of wild laughter.

There is no way, he has suppressed it for more than 30 years since he was sensible, and now he vents it, he feels that his spirit body is a bit light.

"Little brother, although the mission is over, let me ask again, brother Rong, where is the lottery draw you mentioned on the mission panel?"

Augusta was also worried about not being able to find it, "Master Bi Yuewu took me to draw the lottery before, but now I have been searching for a long time, but I still can't find it."

"Really?" Xiao Baishi glanced at Augusta suspiciously. Could this kid be lying to me?Want to monopolize the lucky draw channel?

But it shouldn't be, the ruling was not made by his family.

So he also searched for the lottery drawing interface on the task panel. After searching for a long time, he found nothing.

At this time, Augusta, who was silent for a while, said in a muffled voice: "Brother Tianzhuxing, where did you get the points for releasing the mission?"

Xiao Baishi, who was a little depressed, stopped looking for the lottery interface, pointed to the point loan option on the sub-panel of his task and said: "I only told you because you told me about the lottery, I didn't follow Tianweixing just now she says."

Naturally, Suzaku would not put items that are treated differently like point loans on the public screen. Only qualified contractors can see this option on their own sub-panel, and the loan amount is inversely proportional to their own strength.

Of course, if the follow-up feedback of the integral loan is good, it is not ruled out that Yang Xi will launch a higher basic loan project in the future. Ahem, the wool comes from the sheep. These days can give Yang Xi more dark energy, so that Yang Xi can have More capital to lend.

Otherwise, the supernatural potion would not be able to do it.

Augusta flipped to the option of credit loans on their panel.

"This loan is not a usury, is it?"

Augusta's limited financial knowledge comes from his gambler father. Hearing the word usury since he was a child, Augusta can always think of those big men who stared coldly at his family with iron bars.

"How could it be? It's clearly stated in the rules that the loan is interest-free, but if you don't pay it back within the agreed time, you will be obliterated..."

Seeing the consequences of not repaying the loan later, even an old fox like Xiao Baishi couldn't help but tremble a little.

"Erase" is such an understatement and aloofness.

How confident is the ruling organization in its own strength?

Xiao Baishi glanced at Augusta's loan amount, and it turned out that, like him, it was the full amount of 270 points.

"You were also an ordinary person at the beginning?"

After chatting with Xiao Baishi, Augusta lost his vigilance, "Yes, Brother Tianzhuxing, I was an ordinary person a day ago, but I killed a B-level user last night. As for the C-level There are even more supernatural beings.”

After all, he is a young man. After going through the test of life and death, he really wants to let others know his achievements. An existence similar to him, Tian Qiuxing, is a good person to confide in.

Augusta didn't mention the abnormality of the leopard man before he died, probably because of his little vanity.

Watching the "live broadcast", Yang Xi curled his lips, "Suzaku, am I being too kind to this kid? He is already a B-level supernatural being, and I will give him a chance to borrow points."

Suzaku said: "In terms of the rules, when he became the Tiangang position, he was indeed an ordinary person and qualified for the loan."

Yang Xi ate the last string of duck tongues, smacked his lips and said: "It depends on whether this kid is smart or not. I have to say, his luck is really good! There is such a small probability that he can meet him, you won't Let him operate in the dark."

Suzaku peeled a grape for Yang Xi: "If I operate in secret, then this can only be your idea."

Yang Xi spat out the grape seeds.

It is impossible to operate in a black box. After Xiao Canglong flies out, its landing point is random.

In the White Tiger Palace, Augusta gradually relaxed his vigilance under Xiao Baishi's routine, and spoke out his experience.

Xiao Baishi said: "So, now you and your sister are trapped in the island and can't escape?"

Augusta continued to be bitter, "Yeah, I came up here to ask Master Bi Yuewu for help, but he happened to be away, so what should I do, there is no chance to draw the lottery, Brother Tianzhuxing, you said I am loaning points Exchange another C-level ability, is it possible to kill it!"

Although Xiao Baishi likes to trick other people, but this kind of life-threatening matter, he is very serious to help Augusta think of a way to solve it. After all, he has no conflict of interest with this kid, and it seems that this speed star has A lot of information can be discovered, and he doesn't want to lose this source of information.

"My suggestion is that you can use this points to issue missions. Maybe the strong people in the organization will see it and take you out."

"For you, the desperate situation like a net of heaven and earth is the same for the organization's stars."

Xiao Baishi asked Augusta to do this because he also wanted to test whether the mission system of their Tiangang position was the same as that of the star position.

How did he know that Yang Xi is the only one in the current constellation position.

"It doesn't matter if you try it. No one will accept this mission. You can still cancel it, and then exchange the points for a supernatural potion, and try to see if you can break out of the tight encirclement."

Augusta looked at Xiao Baishi in admiration, and after being pointed out by Brother Tianzhuxing, he suddenly felt that he and his sister had hope of getting out of trouble.

Thus, a new task appeared on the panel of the White Tiger Palace.

[Mission: Rescue Sky Speed ​​Star and his family (Quantity 1)

Specific task content (hidden, you can see it after receiving the task)

Initiator: Tiansuxing

Designated objects: members above A level

Reward: 243 points]

Afraid that the bigwigs would not be interested if there were fewer points, Augusta loaned out all the points that could be loaned.

Just a few seconds after the task was sent, it was shown that it was picked up by "Sky Star".

"A day later."

At some point, there was another young man in the White Tiger Palace. He was wearing a sky star mask, with a slender figure and an indifferent tone.

252 If You Can't Beat the Alien Beast, Can You Buy It (Two In One Chapter)

Although it is said that under Xiao Baishi's guidance, Augusta found the "optimal solution" to escape from Candy Island by accident.

But there are other ways, such as exchanging a water elemental ability from many C-level abilities, and their siblings can also get rid of the restrictions of the port.

It's just that compared to the former, this method cannot guarantee that the ability users of the brilliant group will not catch up.

Once caught, the vast sea is their burial place.

For Sky Star Jiang Ye, the reason why he accepted this task was because it was more cost-effective than daily tasks.

As for the specific task content of rescuing Skyspeed Star, in his opinion, the biggest obstacle in it is the Guanghui Group on Candy Island.

Although the Brilliant Group dominated Candy Island, their organization only had one A-level ability user and four B-level ability users.

After one Wang Cheng died, there are still three left.

The reward for the mission is 243 points, which is about the same as the reward for killing an A-level beast.

For Jiang Ye, whose ability is the bloodline ability [Blood Elf], fighting with one A-level ability user, three B-level ability users, and a group of C- and D-level miscellaneous fish is far better than hunting an A-level ability. The risk of alien beasts is much smaller.

First of all, A-level alien beasts generally require two to three A-level human supernatural beings to join forces to kill them.

Secondly, in the third island chain, if you want to meet an A-level beast, you can only depend on your luck. You can only encounter an A-level beast that tears the black cavity and descends. Otherwise, you can only go to the battlefield as a mercenary.

However, the risk of being a mercenary is greater. On the battlefield, the probability of meeting a bunch of A-level alien beasts is greater than that of encountering A-level alien beasts. If you are lucky, you may even encounter S-level alien beasts. beast.

There are many reasons why the alien beasts outside the island chain can form an army-like wave, the most fundamental of which is naturally that there are many "refresh". For some reason, the southern hemisphere of Azure Star is more likely to have high-level alien beasts, which is why It was the Southern Continent that fell, not the Northern Continent.

Furthermore, the alien beasts tearing the black cavity appeared outside the island chain, and the army of alien beasts has a special method of recruiting, and they don't know how to kill and kill with red eyes like they came to the human side. That's more.

Moreover, the strange beasts that regained their sanity can still reproduce, and it can be said that their children and grandchildren are endless.

According to human speculation, every alien beast that landed on the blue star was "crazy" by external means, but human beings have no way to relieve them of this state.

If this method can really be found, maybe humans can try to raise alien animals in captivity to strengthen their own strength.

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