According to the information obtained so far, some high-level alien beasts can even sit on an equal footing with aliens.

Besides, the mission requirement is to rescue Tiansuxing and his family, as long as the plan is proper, it is the most cost-effective to complete the mission without alerting the Guanghui team.

With the reward for this task, Jiang Ye would go to buy some strange beast corpses and donate them to the designated place, and he would be able to collect enough points to exchange for the C-level supernatural potion.

Jiang Ye currently needs a defensive ability to make up for his shortcomings.

The sea was vast, and after setting the location, Jiang Ye turned the bow of his one-star alchemy boat and headed for Candy Island.

The navigation showed that it only took half a day to reach Candy Island. Jiang Ye told Augusta to wait a day, but it was actually a prudence.

As a killer, he never hesitates to speculate on others with the greatest malice. What if this is a trap set by Tiansuxing?

After understanding the function of the Tiangang mask, Jiang Ye knew that what he wore on his face could be a shortcut to become a strong man. This kind of thing will inevitably become a treasure for the strong in the world in the future, so he can't be too careful.


Tianyi Island, the sixth island chain.

Although the third, fourth, and fifth island chains are the center and bustling areas of the entire Freedom Alliance, Tianyi Island, as an island controlled by the Ouyang family, is an outlier in the sixth island chain.

With the guarantee of the Ouyang family's military strength, investors are very confident in the investment environment of Tianyi Island. In addition, it is backed by the defense line of the seventh island chain, and a large number of military purchases are carried out on Tianyi Island, let alone from the defense line. Even the exotic animal materials obtained on the Internet, that is also a sky-high market.

In the Four Seas region, the richest class is the supernatural powers, and the most profitable business is naturally the business of exotic beast equipment. As a transfer point for exotic animal materials in the entire Freedom Alliance sea area, the prosperity of Tianyi Island is even comparable to that of Fanhai Island and Fanhai Island. The sum of the Isle of Posey.

Xiao Baishi, who is full of adventurous spirit, chooses to settle in the wealthy area of ​​Tianyi Island. In this place where every inch of land is expensive, he owns a big villa of his own. The villa has seven rooms, five bathrooms, two Three kitchens, three garages, two swimming pools and a large lawn.

Xiao Baishi, who left the Yunding space, woke up on his huge bed. He refused the food prepared by the servant, and without looking back, he brought four supernatural bodyguards to buy three B-level beasts and one C-level beast. The corpses of super alien beasts were sent to the Qian family's shop on Tianyi Island.

"Boss, you... donated it?"

The four supernatural bodyguards were very puzzled, and spent huge sums of money to buy these four corpses. They thought that the boss of the local tycoon wanted to get them a few exotic beast weapons for fun, but unexpectedly they gave them to the Qian family.

Xiao Baishi said unhappily: "Why, I want you to take care of my own money, I am happy."

After all, he was paid by Xiao Baishi. Although these supernatural beings looked down on him secretly, they still talked about "a bodyguard's cultivation" on the surface. Facing Xiao Baishi's white eyes, they retreated behind him with a smile.

The staff who had already received orders from their superiors packaged the corpses of the alien beasts for delivery, and they would appear in the large warehouse that Yang Xi asked Qian Lao to rent at the B05 defense line in a few days.

When they arrive, Yang Xi should also start his career of guarding the B05 defense line with everyone.

After the person in charge of the store clicked on the Qianjia Intranet to confirm sending it, Suzaku had already received the feedback of the intranet data, and told Xiao Baishi through the Tiangang mask that he had completed three B-level tasks and one C-level task, earning a total of 270 points.

Xiao Baishi couldn't wait to return home, quickly went online, and exchanged for the C-level inheritance system supernatural potion [Thundering Sword Technique].

This ability comes from members of the Sakura Organization, and it was originally an A-level ability.

Although the power of the C-level Thunder Saber Technique has been greatly reduced, it is still very attractive in terms of the appearance of the moves.

The protagonist of Xiao Baishi's first book was an officer who wields a samurai sword and controls the power of thunder and lightning. When he browsed the exchange list of power potions, he had long been eyeing this C-level thunder sword.

Yang Xi was enjoying watching Augusta take his sister to avoid the search of the Guanghui team, but was reminded by Suzaku that he had to work here.

"It seems that we have to set a potion exchange time in the future, otherwise how can I take care of it during the battle."

Suzaku can do other things for him, but only Yang Xi can do it for the tool man, An Yi Neng Zhu.

It might be a big project in the future.

Not enough, thinking that Yang Xi can get nine times the amount of dark energy units of this power bead every time he sends a power bead to his subordinates. Yang Xi feels that this kind of trouble, the more the better, let it come a little more violently !

After Suzaku prepared the supernatural drink, Yang Xi opened the designated delivery without any hassle.

After receiving the colorful supernatural potions, Xiao Baishi hesitantly swallowed them.

This is the third time Yang Xi has done this kind of operation. The moment Xiao Baishi drank the supernatural potion, he skillfully threw the C-level [Thundering Saber Technique] into Xiao Baishi's body.

"I feel itchy all over my body. Is this a sign of the awakening ability?"

Being in the habit of being a professional novelist, Xiao Baishi picked up his notebook and recorded this experience, planning to compile this experience into a novel in the future, which will definitely be a hit!

It's just that he didn't know that the reason why his whole body was itchy was because Suzaku had mixed mango into the drink, and he...was slightly allergic to mango.

But soon, Xiao Baishi felt the newly born power in his body.

He took down a samurai sword used as a decoration from the wall of his bedroom, and after gaining some momentum, he swung the knife and slashed out of the window.

A bolt of lightning appeared in the room, with a distance of two meters, it smashed the floor-to-ceiling windows into pieces!

With a bang, the samurai sword fell to the ground.

"I... I really have a supernatural ability!!!"

Xiao Baishi looked at the messy scene he cut out, and couldn't help crying.

"It's been 30 years, I've written so many novels...Finally...I finally don't need to be obsessed, and I can use my own abilities!!!"

At this time, there was a violent knock on the door, and the bodyguard Du Wa, a black B-level supernatural being, couldn't get a response from Xiao Baishi, but in desperation, he slammed his shoulder open the door.

"Boss, are you okay!!!"

This is his employer, if something happens to Xiao Baishi, his job will be lost.

It's hard to find such an easy job!

Du Wa didn't want to go to the front line to earn that kind of hard-working money—since his brothers were swallowed up by A-level beasts.

"It's fine, I'm fine."

Xiao Baishi stood up leaning on his samurai sword, he smiled faintly, "I just suddenly awakened my supernatural ability, and I didn't control the power."

Naturally, it was impossible for him to tell Dewar and the other three C-level bodyguards about the Tiangang mask and the supernatural potion.

After listening to Xiao Baishi's words, Du Wa thought that his boss had been fooled.

You are already in your 40s, how do you awaken your supernatural powers? Maybe you are substituting a character from a novel again. This is not the first time.

But seeing that Xiao Baishi was fine, he checked that there were no suspicious people around him, then he exited the bedroom, and went downstairs with the other three supernatural beings suppressing their laughter. Today, he had a new topic of conversation.

Xiao Baishi didn't bother to explain to them, he just lay on the bed and giggled. From this moment on, he realized that he had come back to life.

"In addition, I should try to sharpen my skills by watching battles, and wait until I have thoroughly grasped the C-level thunder knife technique, and then I will have time to consider upgrading."

After possessing the power, he felt as if he had regained his youth.

"What a sweet baby!"

He suddenly picked up the Tianzhuxing mask and kissed it.

"Cough cough..."

Yang Xi, who was secretly observing, quickly ordered Suzaku to change the scene. Although he was very satisfied with Xiao Baishi's unseen appearance, Yang Xi couldn't accept Xiao Baishi slapping on the mask he made.

Among the four people who were lucky enough to pick up the Tiangang mask, only the only female Tiangang remained silent, teaching students in the classroom as if nothing had happened.

In fact, this is also normal. As an ordinary people's teacher, although Wang Peining is a supernatural being, she doesn't like to fight. Her supernatural wood spirit collector is a supernatural being of the wood element system. She raised the flowers and plants on the balcony.

On weekdays, she has no need to fight. When a strange beast appears on the island, there will naturally be a local organization of supernatural beings to solve it.

With the salary of the people's teacher, her savings are not enough for her to spend money to buy points like Xiao Baishi.

However, her peaceful life may soon be broken. It is foreseeable that once Yang Xi's press conference is over, the Tiangang mask will become something that the powerful people from all over the world will flock to chase after.

If she, a Buddhist teacher, doesn't want to be murdered, she can only work hard to become stronger.

It is a kind of luck to get the Tiangang mask, and it is also a life-threatening talisman.

It is best not to have such a naive idea that putting on a mask obediently can save one's life.

Those who came to get the mask didn't have any good faults. Since you have offended you by snatching this kind of treasure that is related to your own destiny, anyone with an online IQ will choose to kill the grass.

Time flew by while watching the drama. Except for the servants who brought in the food, Yang Xi didn't communicate with others during the day, so he had a good time at home.

He even ignored the leaders of some superhuman organizations who wanted to visit him, the representative of the adjudication organization.

Really, the show "Escape from Candy Island" is too good to watch. The real people starred in it, which is not in the category of acting at all. It is not enough to describe it as exciting.

No matter what benefits the Tiangang Project can bring to Yang Xi in the future, just because it allows Yang Xi to watch this drama, he already feels that it is very profitable.

"Is this the first time Augusta has been discovered today?"

Facing Yang Xi's question, Suzaku replied: "The fifth time, I guess the next time, Augusta will have to fight against people from the Brilliant Team."

With the "burden" of her sister, Augusta has no intention of fighting at all. Even if it is a C-level ability user of the brilliant group, Augusta chooses to avoid it.

Because he was afraid that his sister would be affected when he fought against a C-level superhuman.

At the same time, once he got into a fight with a C-level ability user and was overtaken by a B-level ability user from the Brilliant Group, it would be an extravagant hope for him to survive until tomorrow!

"Damn it, why hasn't Skystar come over!"

Carrying her sister on her back, Augusta relied on her excellent physical fitness to continue the pursuit battle with the Brilliant Organization in the center of Candy Island.

The third time he hid with his father, the chief culprit of his tragic childhood, died drunk and tragically at the hands of the brilliant group of supernatural beings.

The moment he died, Augusta remembered when he was still very young, when his mother had not passed away, and his father was also a gentle and caring person.

After the gambler's father died, the older sister on her back was also weeping. She hated this father as much as she loved him when she was young.

People are going to change……


Augusta stopped in the alley with a livid face.

At the exit, there were two figures, one tall and one short, standing there.

It was the two B-level power users from the Glorious Organization. The tall middle-aged uncle was a power-enhancing power user, and the short girl was a wind element power user.

"Ota, let me go and escape alone, you are now a B-level supernatural being, and you can definitely leave alive!"

But the wind elemental power user smiled and said, "Not necessarily, I can fly."

She floated up slowly.

Augusta put his sister aside, lit a cigar and put it in his mouth, the smoke began to spread around his mouth, at this moment he calmed down instead.

Only a calm mind can defeat the enemy!Only then can I escape with my sister!

253 Judgment Organization, Sky Star (reward plus more)

Seeing Augusta's posture, the B-level wind-type ability user "Cyclone Sweetheart" and the B-level power-enhancing type ability user "Sudden Killing Angle" immediately became vigilant.

After all, this kid killed eight C-level supernatural beings in Xinghui clubhouse, and even Wang Cheng, a B-level tearing leopard man, died in his hands.

According to the information obtained from the surveillance video, the temperature of his gray mist is very high. C-level supernatural beings will basically be burned to ashes when they are touched. Can't bear the hurt.

And this guy wearing a mask may have other means, tearing the leopard man will lose the battle, and there is definitely a mystery in the final moment of the fight.

Their leader, the A-level bloodline superhuman "Sand Lizard Demon", also warned that if he really met this kid, he would mainly delay the time, and wait until the support arrived and everyone would attack together.

Don't be impulsive, the Brilliant Group has already lost a B-level Leopard Leopard, and if another good player dies, the weaker organizations below will be ready to move.

But neither Cyclone Sweetheart nor Blast Killing Angle took the leader's words seriously. In their view, they are also B-level, and they have an advantage in intelligence, so they must solve it before the leader arrives. Target.

After confirming that his sister retreated to a safe place, Augusta made a move!

With a bulge of his cheeks, the smoke accumulated in his lungs was immediately blown out.

The high-temperature smoke instantly heats up the surrounding air, and even the explosive and angry horns with a thick cuticle defense can feel the burning sensation, let alone the cyclone sweetheart with thin skin and tender flesh.

"Damn it, Miss Ben's golden mask yesterday is useless! Do you know how difficult it is to buy this kind of mask!!!"

Cyclone sweetheart waved her fingers, controlling the wind element like a music conductor, and a huge cyclone appeared on the only way for the black mist to pass.

The black mist was engulfed by the cyclone and continued to rise, and finally dissipated in the sky.

From a distance, it looks like an upside-down tornado.

Seeing this, Augusta had no choice but to give up his long-distance attack methods, biting his cigar and slamming his fist at the cyclone sweetheart floating at a height of two or three meters.

Cyclone Sweetheart giggled, and raised her body like an elf. At the same time, the huge palm of Blast Killing Horn clenched Augusta's fist.

Augusta wanted to break free, but found that the opponent's hands were like iron tongs, firmly restraining his fist.

"No, this guy is much stronger than me!"

After all, the gray mist is an elemental ability. Although it has enhanced Augusta's physical fitness a lot, it is still not enough compared to B-level power-enhancing ability users.

The Angry Horn of Explosive Killing sneered: "Do you think you can become stronger by wearing a mask? Let me see what you look like under the mask. Tear Leopard Man is also a waste, and he was killed by you."

As he spoke, he was about to reach out to Augusta.

The cyclone sweetheart reminded: "Don't forget that this kid may have other methods."

Explosive Killing Angle didn't care, and smiled cruelly: "Isn't there still you beside me, don't you want to see what expression this kid has when I crush his wrist?"

For Blast Kill Angle, appreciating the fear of the enemy before killing them is his favorite part.

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