In the picture that Suzaku manifested, Jiang Ye, wearing a sky star mask, had already confronted the three members of the Guanghui group.

The sand lizard gradually completed its transformation, like an ugly lizard standing up.

He opened his mouth, stuck out his tongue, and said with a smile: "I was planning to try it out, but I didn't expect you to dare to come here."

"Is it because you don't like the strength of our Guanghui team, or do you have too much affection for the brat? Do you dare to take risks for him?"

As soon as the Sand Lizard finished speaking, Augusta, who was covered in bruises, was thrown out.

He could have used the mechanism of the spiritual imprint to hide his spirit body in the cloud top space to avoid pain.

But in order to increase his chances of being rescued, he insisted on enduring the severe pain in his body, and his spirit body returned.

In order to surprise him, like a dead body, he did not cry out when he was thrown, and forcibly endured it.

Jiang Ye didn't talk to them, but only used the power of the blood elf blood to rush towards the sand lizard.

Seeing the silver-masked man rushing forward without hesitation, although the sand lizard demon felt strange in his heart, after all, they were the dominant side, so what's there to be afraid of if three of them beat one up?

He got into the ground, and the two men also resorted to housekeeping skills.

Yanzi Ah Qi flicked his hand, and the Horcrux darts were shot in a special sequence, predicting Jiang Ye's course of action.

Blast Killing Angle was also put on the organization's beast equipment, and his naked body was covered with a heavy armor, which was strong enough to resist several slashes from Jiang Ye.

Jiang Ye launched the C-level Breath of the Wind, and a tortuous road appeared in his heart as if he had a clear understanding. As long as he followed this route, he could approach the swallow at a faster speed while avoiding the enemy's darts Ah Qi.

However, in order to surprise him, he deliberately controlled his speed to be slightly faster.

This speed is only enough to avoid the dart attack, and most of it depends on the flexibility of the blood elf, and resolves the crisis through graceful bounce and twist.

The shimmering C and D-rank miscellaneous fish couldn't help but sigh for Jiang Ye's artistic dodging method.

"666 feels that his offensive method is much more elegant, full of B cells, alas, if only my ability could be this type of ability!"

"Don't underestimate yourself. This person's strength is definitely honed in life-and-death battles. As long as we work hard, we can also achieve this level!"

"Hey, if we work hard, are we still waving the flag and shouting beside us now?"

Yanzi Ah Qi didn't expect Jiang Ye to be able to dodge all of his darts, so he panicked and ran to the angry horn.

In terms of defensive power, he is not even as good as blasting the angry horn.

But how could Jiang Ye miss this good opportunity, the second ability on his body was activated, the speed increased sharply, and he was killed with one blow.

Yanzi Ah Qi's body was still moving forward, but his head remained in place.

In the inertia of Jiang Ye's subsequent impact, he swam around among the miscellaneous fish onlookers, and in an instant, his head fell to the ground like cutting rice.

The miscellaneous fish that managed to survive were frightened and ran away from the battlefield screaming.


After lurking underground for long enough, the sand lizard demon could no longer bear the shame of being massacred by his subordinates, and did not intend to wait for the best time. The feet aimed at Jiang Ye were a sand claw.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Ye made a small jump like a prophet, easily dodging his sneak attack.

With the help of Breath of Wind, Jiang Ye could clearly hear the movement underground, and the behavior of the sand lizard was really delivered to the door.

"Don't even think about leaving!"

Jiang Ye turned over and activated the skill Arcane Torrent, which put the Sand Lizard in a state of silence for two seconds and could no longer burrow.

He used this trick when killing Cyclone Sweetheart in seconds.

The consumption of this skill is too high, and this "CD" just turned good until the second battle started.

Facing the sharp dagger coming towards the vitals of his neck, the sand lizard smiled contemptuously, and wanted to hide underground, but found that his ability to drill into the ground had failed!


The sharp dagger sliced ​​through the sand lizard's main artery, and blood immediately shot out in the direction of the slash, dripping half a meter high.

After Jiang Ye killed the Sand Lizard Demon, he didn't hesitate at all, and with a single step on his feet, he rushed towards the explosive killing horn.

"No!!! Don't come here!!! Come here again and I'll kill him!!!"

Explosive Killing Angle grabbed Augusta with one hand and threatened.


Unexpectedly, Augusta, who was supposed to be dying in his arms, had already picked up a tattered cigarette at some point, and the smoke was wandering between his mouth and nose.

"Die, idiot!"

The gray mist exploded violently!

The beast equipment that explodes and kills the angry horn is to defend against physical attacks. It has no elemental immunity at all. Wearing it is the same as not wearing it!

Under the explosion and incineration of the gray mist, he persisted for a few seconds before dying.


Augusta, without support, fell to the ground.

Jiang Ye appeared beside him, Augusta struggled to open his eyes, and saw Sky Star holding his mask in his hand.

Jiang Ye said coldly: "You should know how valuable this mask is, right? I'm afraid even the sequence experts will be crazy about him!"

So, is this the end?

Augusta didn't know whether he was resigned to his fate or relieved, and smiled miserably, "I'll give you the mask, let my sister go, please!"

Unexpectedly, his face suddenly turned cold, and then Jiang Ye's still cold voice came from his ear, "Next time, you won't be so lucky."

Augusta felt a tingling sensation running from the corner of her eye all the way to her temple.

...Damn it, it must have been crushed by the mask.

Watching Jiang Ye pick up the bruised boy, Yang Xi turned off "Tiangang Live".

The sound outside had already started to be noisy, all the guests were seated, and it was his turn to perform.

Yang Xi stretched while walking, and when he reached the door, his aura of salty fish faded away, and his brows had already changed back to the 30th-ranked arrogance of the world.

"A good show is on."

The corners of Yang Xi's mouth were raised slightly, and the charming Suzaku beside her faded away. She will become the first four-element figure to show up in the world in the future.

At the same time, a figure wrapped in gilt armor appeared.

With his consciousness in tune, Yang Xi only felt that he had opened up a second perspective.

"From today onwards, no organization in the world can stop the rise of Judgment!"

Yang Xi and Shen Hou strode out, flanked by a group of servants saluting humbly.

There was fanaticism in their eyes. Although they didn't know when Master Shenhou paid for it and pressed it in Young Master Yang Xi's room, but they could feel the aura of a strong man at close range, and they couldn't help but want to express their surrender.

It is really the fortune of the Qian family to be able to form an alliance with the adjudication organization! ! !

Shen Hou held Yang Xi in his arms and rose up from the ground, speeding up instantly.

Under the explosive sound of breaking through the sound barrier, many families, directors of organizations and arrogances at the venue all set their sights on the two who fell from the sky.

Yang Xi landed firmly on the ground, and said with a smile: "Welcome everyone, today's press conference has officially started!!!!"

258 Master Suzaku?

According to Yang Xi's request, this press conference was not chosen indoors, but in a bustling business district in the center of Fanhai Island, and an open space the size of a football field was specially circled.

In the center of the open space, a solid arena was built, and Yang Xi had a wonderful use for this arena.

Around the arena, seats are allocated according to the affiliation and strength of their respective forces.

In order for the people behind to see clearly, there is a four-sided large screen hoisted high above the ring, with professional directors to switch shots, and live broadcast live on BB, Four Seas, Doumao TV and other cooperative units in real time.

Just for this live broadcast rights auction, the Qian family transferred back the money for arranging the venue. In terms of making money, the Qian family was really not afraid of anyone.

On the seat of the Uruk family, Jill was sitting next to her "aunt", but the two were fighting and terrified.

"What's the matter, my good nephew, aren't you uncomfortable sitting next to my aunt?" Gemma, who was wearing an off-the-shoulder dress, had a blue light in her eyes, and giggled, "Or do you want to be like Walton? "

The family director sitting in front of the two, the S-level elemental superpower Walton turned around and smiled blankly, his eyes blank.

Seeing that Jill was so scared that he couldn't speak, the fire dragon scepter desperately kicked his calf, and he still wanted to be happy for a while.

Jill came to his senses after being kicked, tried his best to keep a smile on his face and said, "My lord is joking, being able to sit next to you is a blessing that I, Jill, have cultivated in eight lifetimes. No one else wants to sit, heh... …hehe."

The other low-status attendants didn't know the inside story. Jill, Fire Dragon Scepter, and Dark Swordsman all watched Geema merge with Lan Guang and sneak attack Walton, turning him into the walking dead he is now.

Although the Deep Blue Clan used to be a secret that was only circulated in the circle of the sequence powerhouses, as their activities increased, the identity of the heir to such a powerful force like Jill probably knew of their existence and terror.

When the deep blue clan occupied Jima's body, they only controlled Walton, who was the most combative on the ship. As for the others, no one dared to make any fools out of her means.

Originally, after going to the island, Jill wanted to ask other families for help, but the deep blue family who took Gemma's body put Jill under house arrest.

"Jima" whispered in Jill's ear: "Don't blame me for not telling you, in fact, you were also sent by the Uruk family to relieve the adjudication organization this time. With my help, you can avoid a lot of humiliation, If the conditions are right, I can even make you a noble dark blue clan."

Jill was stimulated by the words of "Jima", and he was actually given up by the family?

"How is it possible, I am my father's favorite son!"

"Jema" sneered and said, "Your father is not the only son, and the so-called favorite son is just what you think."


"Haha, why don't I let this trash, Walton, explain to you?"

Under the ridicule of "Jima", Jill blushed. In fact, he had already guessed in his heart, but,.

The fire dragon scepter who was the melon eater in the back looked at his young master sympathetically. How could they not know that Jill, who had a bad relationship with the Qian family, had lost power in the family?

The fire dragon scepter took aim at other family forces, and was already looking for a home for himself.

Well, this young lady from the Tantai family is not bad, she is quite strong, good-looking, and has a top-notch figure. It must be a pleasure to work under her.

The fire dragon scepter glanced at the dark swordsman next to him who was not looking sideways but sweating profusely, curled his lips and complained in his heart.

This kid, the Dark Sword Master, is normally bullish, but he didn't expect his psychological quality to be so poor.

There is Jill in front of him, and if he suffers, he will suffer first. What's so good about the two of them being bodyguards.

Several people beside them had their own thoughts, and the deep blue clansman who was attached to Jima turned his eyes to the direction of the Green family. After making eye contact with one of them, he focused his attention on the stands again.

Ji Ning crossed his arms and looked at the two people on the stage with great interest.

How strong Shenhou is has nothing to do with him. Yang Xi, the "stab head" with a few more entries on the world rankings, is the goal of his trip.

"The four seas are not a place where you, an inlander, can run wild."

Ji Ning has studied Yang Xi's battle videos. Yang Xi's strength is not bad, but after all, it is still in the category of A-level.

He is different, as early as half a year ago, he had already successfully entered the S rank, and today's press conference of the Judgment Organization happened to be the time when Ji Ning was completely famous.

Maybe, he could still be favored by the top management of the adjudication organization, and let the Ji family replace the Qian family. This is a great contribution.

"Besides, Sister Yourong is the one that I, Ji Ning, have a crush on. You, Yang Xi, are worthy of meddling?"

Taking a look at Ji Yourong from a distance, thinking that she might have stayed by Yang Xi's side for more than half a month, Ji Ning became even more hostile towards Yang Xi.

Ji Yourong was tightly wrapped up today, wearing a black evening dress with a half-high collar. Although she didn't show a trace of spring, under the elegant fabric, her curves were exposed, exuding a kind of ascetic beauty. Gentlemen accustomed to her sensual adornment were amazed and discovered their new obsessions.

Victoria on the other side is wearing a lady's suit this time, with a white lace net cover and a lady's hat. White gloves of the same texture are placed on both sides of the small suit, revealing her crisp calves, which makes people want to stop watching.

In addition to the charming Jima, three of the beauties on the world list came today, eclipsing all the other well-dressed female relatives.

But at this moment, the sky suddenly changed.

There seemed to be a loud and clear bird song, and many drowsy people were involuntarily shaken and straightened their backs.

A slender figure wrapped in a black robe suddenly appeared above the ring. She was wearing a dark gold mask engraved with Suzaku. As soon as she appeared, she was like a black hole, attracting everyone's attention.

"Who is this person? No advance notice!"

"This figure and temperament are not inferior to the beauties on the list of beauties in the world!"

"This kind of vast and inclusive mental power is so strong that it is outrageous!!!"

"Looking at her attire, she should be from the Judgment Organization!"

In the crowd, looking at Suzaku suddenly appearing in the sky, "Jima" frowned. According to her information, the glyph and color on this man's mask did not match the zodiac sign!

Chris, who was sitting in the position of the Green family, suddenly raised his head after feeling Suzaku's unscrupulous spiritual power, and murmured: "This spiritual power..."

After Yang Xi and Shenhou's avatar on the stage bowed slightly, they said loudly at the same time: "Congratulations, Lord Suzaku!"

There was an uproar in the audience.

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