Lord Suzaku?

The visitor's title is Suzaku?

Even a strong man like Shen Hou bowed his head, how strong is she! ! !

How deep is the water of the ruling organization?

259 Pharmacy sales link

Qian Duoduo tugged on the corner of Ji Yourong's clothes, pointed at Suzaku and snickered, "Sister Yourong, this Master Suzaku has a better figure than you."

Ji Yourong gave Qian Duoduo a blank look, "You can save yourself, being heard by her will inevitably make you suffer!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Suzaku in the sky seemed to notice something, and immediately turned her head, Qian Duoduo was so frightened that she quickly lowered her head and kept silent, not daring to speak out.

Although Suzaku feels very gentle, even a strong man like Shenhou respects him. Does this woman's strength and status need to be questioned?

Seeing the appearance of Suzaku, "Jima" was so confident that everything was under control disappeared from her pretty face.

"It's not mentioned in the intelligence that besides their leader, there are other members in the zodiac position of the adjudication organization!"

"It's difficult now, do you want to continue to follow the plan?"

"Jima" involuntarily cast his eyes somewhere in the venue, but did not receive any response.

This made her heart skip a beat. Could it be that Suzaku is already so powerful that even the vice-commander dare not show his feet?

"Jima" is a strong member of the Deep Blue Clan, and her original strength is still higher than that of the Canglong Envoy. For this mission, the leader also enhanced her strength through the Deep Blue Plant, allowing her to temporarily reach the "quasi-third-order" Level, coupled with a more powerful deputy commander, the original organization is sure to take the two zodiac positions of the ruling in this operation, and it will be a shame!

But man is not as good as heaven is, the appearance of this "Master Suzaku" really makes "Jima" feel uncertain!

According to Yang Xi's script, Suzaku said in an intoxicating voice, "Bi Yuewu, you have done very well during this period. This is the promotion reward prepared by the organization for you."

A tube of supernatural potion slowly fell in front of Yang Xi.

Yang Xi's big show was essentially a product launch event for the "Physical Potion".

But supernatural potions are different from digital products, and they cannot list a bunch of data to justify them. Moreover, the entire Azure Star has only ruled that one company has the product "supernatural potion", and there are no competing products for comparison.

Then if you want to highlight the effect of the supernatural potion, you can only rely on Yang Xilai to speak out.

The ultimate purpose of the following series of arrangements is to let the representatives of the major forces present and the melon-eaters watching the live broadcast know how effective and awesome the "supernatural potion" produced by the Judgment Organization is.

"Power Potion" is a product, while "Tiangang Project" is a marketing plan.

In the case of low output, Yang Xi only gave each sea area nine "purchases" and did not charge any money. You have to work for the Judgment Organization in order to exchange internal points for supernatural potions.

Just like hunger marketing!

It can be foreseen that after today's press conference, this "Tiangang mask" will definitely become something that all major forces will compete for.

Looking at the supernatural potion "given" by Suzaku, Yang Xi seemed to "unexpectedly" his own reward, and was "stunned" for a moment.

Shenhou's avatar on the side pushed Yang Xi's deity, and said with a smile, "Why are you in a daze, why don't you hurry up and thank Lord Suzaku for your reward?"

Only then did Yang Xi "react" and quickly took the supernatural potion, wanting to salute Suzaku again.

But in the eyes of everyone in the audience, Suzaku did not see any action, but Yang Xi's behavior of saluting was blocked by an unknown force.

Everyone wanted to guess what Suzaku's ability was based on this detail, but there were too many similarities. After guessing for a long time, they still couldn't figure out whether it was telekinetic power or some other intangible and intangible power.

No one would have thought that this shit is Yang Xi's acting skills.

Suzaku landed on the ring and said flatly: "No need to thank you, you deserve it. We will never treat those who work hard for the organization badly!"

"Yes, Master Suzaku!"

"Okay, no need to say more, quickly take the supernatural potion. If it expires after a while, it will waste a lot of resources of the organization. This is a sin!"

Although Suzaku's voice was gentle, it pierced through everyone's ears clearly.

Her words were also designed by Yang Xi.

In the future, it is unavoidable that a tool man with a flexible mind will take the supernatural potion exchanged from the organization and sell it on the black market.

This kind of behavior is of no benefit to the development of the adjudication organization. The only ones who benefit are the tools who sell the medicine. Naturally, Yang Xi is too lazy to use means to track down a mixed fruit juice.

Therefore, if someone without a Tiangang mask is around, this "supernatural potion" will fail.

Moreover, there will be more members in the future. In order to avoid the situation where Yang Xi is too busy to take the supernatural potion at the same time, Yang Xi plans to further reduce the timeliness of the supernatural potion.

Suzaku, who came to deliver the potion, would ask the tool people to take the potion at the same time as they got it, so that the frequency of Yang Xi's injection of the power beads could be controlled through the potion distribution link.

Yang Xi is now also thinking about using supernatural power matching to solve the mechanical labor of giving supernatural power beads to the tool people himself, but neither Suzaku nor he has found an alternative method for the time being.

After all, the stripping ability can only be used by Yang Xi himself, not even the avatar created by the avatar ability.

The photographer took a close-up of the "supernatural potion" in Yang Xi's hand. Many people present had heard of the great name of the supernatural potion, but it was the first time they saw it with their own eyes.

"Is this the legendary supernatural potion that can give people supernatural abilities? Tsk tsk, this simple but not simple design looks very tall!"

"After Yang Xi takes this supernatural potion, will he have a new supernatural power? Envy, jealousy!"

"I don't know how this supernatural potion tastes, it looks like fruit juice!"

"I'm afraid you are stupid. Can this taste the same as fruit juice? The so-called good medicine tastes bitter, and this kind of magic medicine that can make people have supernatural powers must be very bitter and unpalatable!"

After showing enough, Yang Xi opened the stopper of the test tube and began to take the "power potion".

The sweet taste stimulated Yang Xi's taste buds. If it wasn't for the development of the organization, Yang Xi would not drink the juice from a test tube.

Although the taste is similar, it always feels a little weird.

Gulp, gulp, Yang Xi drank not a drop.

The surroundings fell silent, and everyone was waiting for the change in Yang Xi's body.

But there's no such thing as a change, Yang Xi just upgraded the [Navy Folding Plum Style] power orb in his body to S level.

[Abilities: Navy Folding Plum Style

Introduction: Possesses the fierceness of naval martial arts and the all-encompassing six-style zhemei.

Lost Plum Blossom Step: Lightly like plum blossoms, it can defuse most of the impact.

Subduing Dragon and Catching Devil's Claw: It can easily suppress opponents with exaggerated size and weight, such as dragons and the like, a piece of cake.

Break the waves and divide the sea legs: Faster and stronger legs than a knife, extremely sharp, can part the sea!

Evaluation: S grade]

The power of the S-level ability, while the power of the moves becomes stronger, the biggest improvement is that the internal force provided becomes more majestic and vast. If the internal force given by the A-level navy folding plum style is a stream, then it is now a gallop. the creek.

Since everyone is so looking forward to Yang Xi's abnormal phenomenon, as a salesman of supernatural potions, he can't let everyone down, right?

Anyway, this vest of the Qian family's collateral line is used to give the limelight, and Yang Xi no longer suppresses the newly born power in his body, allowing the pressure of S-level internal force to press down on everyone in the audience.

Among the crowd, [Flying Fire Thunder God Strike] Ji Ning, who also has the ability of the inheritance system, is the most familiar with the power of internal force, but he can naturally feel that Yang Xi's current strength is already in the S-level category!

Even Nie Xiaoguan, the good son-in-law of the Campbell family [Paiyunzhang], changed his face. The internal strength of Yang Xi's body at the moment, compared with him, a strong Sequence, is not too much to show off!

A person with abilities in the audience asked loudly: "Master Yang Xi, is it possible that this ability potion can directly increase the user's ability level?"

Yang Xi smiled slightly, "Don't be impatient, everyone. Regarding the types of supernatural potions, I will explain clearly to everyone in the next "Tiangang Project"!"

260 The winner gets the potion! (two in one chapter)

On the ring, Yang Xi, who had just used S-level internal force to overwhelm all directions, was talking endlessly about the speech scripts he had downloaded and polished from the Internet after watching the drama for the past few days.

"... Although our adjudication organization is only a small organization, we are well aware of the current situation of human beings. Under the so-called overthrow of the nest, how can there be any eggs? Regarding the production technology of the 'supernatural potion' mastered by the organization, we dare not go it alone. Enjoy!"

"So, after careful consideration by the top management of the organization, I was appointed as the newly appointed star position to introduce the 'Tiangang Project' of our ruling organization to everyone!"

"The so-called Tiangang Project, as the name suggests, the organization will open a total of 36 Tiangang members in the Four Seas region, in the form of masks..."

Yang Xi tried his best to use the most concise language to sell the concept of selfless dedication and open thinking of the adjudication organization to people all over the world.

The powerful people in the audience who coveted the supernatural potion were fascinated by what they heard, and they wished that after leaving the entrance of the venue, they would be smashed in the head by the mask of Tiangang, and from now on, they would do tasks, accumulate points, redeem potions, and upgrade supernatural powers. Go to the pinnacle of life.

What is the Universal Ranking and Sequential Ranking, all of them are scanned once.

Isn't Yang Xi and Shenhou of the Judgment Organization the best examples?

The people present were overwhelmed with emotion, and the water friends who watched the live broadcast were even more excited, as if they were one of the 36 lucky ones.

"The adjudication organization is really generous. They are willing to share such things as supernatural potions? Woohoo, I will definitely vote for the most favorable supernatural organization in the world this year!"

"Don't be stupid in the front, this kind of thing is also deceiving ordinary people. If you ask me, the ruling organization must not be able to withstand the pressure of the three major forces, so it is willing to obediently spit out the supernatural potion. I can't tell. For these 36 places, the three major powers release twelve each, and the heirs of each family take turns to get the potion, and the strong will get stronger in the future, and the weak will get weaker!"

"Yeah, now that there is a way to exchange for supernatural potions, things that used to depend entirely on talent have turned into fighting fathers. If you have a strong background and win you a Tiangang mask, don't you want to become stronger? How strong will it become, will there be endless descendants?"

"I support the adjudication organization in this wave. Power potions are so precious. It is the utmost humaneness to be able to share 36 seats with the world! As for the privilege of becoming a powerful man mentioned above, I am sorry, I have three generations of poor peasants, and now I have picked up the Tianqiao star mask. I'm an official member of Xuanwu Hall, let's not talk about it, I have a task to do, and after I become a sequence powerhouse, I will broadcast a live broadcast for everyone, now pay attention so you don't get lost..."

Yang Xi's speech on behalf of the adjudication organization can be said to have caused a thousand waves with one stone. On major portal websites, forums, and new media platforms, the number of bullet screens and comments continued to rise.

Even the gossip about the two serial powerhouses publicly announcing their coming out together on the trending search on Twitter for almost three days was suppressed in an instant.

"Supernatural Potion", "Tiangang Project", "Ordinary people can also form sequences", a series of content related to the press conference of the adjudicative organization have all been squeezed into the forefront of the hot searches.

Female teacher Wang Peining took advantage of her spare time to scroll through Twitter, and entered the live broadcast room of the "Adjudication Organization Press Conference" through a link in the hot search. Looking at the silver mask Yang Xi held in her hand, her small mouth opened wide. .

"There are only 36 masks in the whole world? How lucky am I?"

She glanced left and right, secretly opened the drawer, took a look at the Tianweixing mask that she had put in there casually, and immediately hid it like a thief.

As a teacher with a stable job, although she has the ability [Wood Spirit Collector], she has no interest in fighting and killing. In addition, the task of the White Tiger Palace is too difficult for her, so she is gone. Interest in continuing research.

But after watching this live broadcast and knowing the preciousness of this mask, Wang Peining's mind became active again.

Isn't it a bit reckless to miss such a precious opportunity?

Among other things, if she sells this mask on the Internet now, it will definitely fetch a sky-high price!

Continue to watch Yang Xi's live broadcast, but Wang Peining's mind is not on the live broadcast at all.


"This Tiankuixing mask is the only mask we still have."

As soon as Yang Xi said this, the powerhouses of all major forces in the audience frowned.

They are still waiting for the next month's wave, and it turns out that the other 35 Tiangang masks have been distributed!

Ji Ning stared at the Tiankuixing mask in Yang Xi's hand with great interest. If what Yang Xi said was true, he would order the mask today.

Anyway, the adjudicative organization also made it very clear that with this mask, they only have the authority to receive tasks and exchange for supernatural potions. As long as they don't accept tasks that violate the interests of the family, Ji Ning took this and surpassed the world in a short time Chen Tianyang, who is number one on the list, is not a problem.

At that time, let alone Ji Yourong, the second most beautiful woman in the world, he will want all the third, fourth, and fifth beauties. Who among the younger generation of the four seas can compete with him?

Tantaiyao's gaze was much more restrained than Ji Ning's, but she couldn't help but feel jealous. If her Horcrux ability [Rain Flower Sword] could be paired with another ability, wouldn't it be Strength can also explode.

And from what Yang Xi said, supernatural potions are divided into "upgraded supernatural potions" and "ordinary supernatural potions". If a tube of SS-level upgraded supernatural potions, wouldn't she be able to become like An indomitable and powerful man like Zhao Jinyin, the deputy commander of the Iron Blood Army?

No one would dare to make irresponsible remarks about her gender anymore, and people would not always call her Tantaijian's younger sister when they mentioned her!

"This mask can be regarded as today's lottery. As long as anyone can win consecutively in this arena, they can take away the Tiankui mask!"

As soon as these words came out, Nie Xiaoguan in the crowd couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and raised the corners of his mouth in surprise. Didn't the adjudication organization make it clear that it was going to be given to him?

Among the people present, apart from Shenhou and Suzaku on stage, who else could be his opponent?

As for whether Shenhou and Suzaku would make a move, Nie Xiaoguan felt that since the verdict wanted to make a fortune for this brother, how could they do such an ugly thing?

"I disagree!"

Ji Ning, who was in the audience, objected, "How can we young people compete with the elders? The original intention of the Tiangang Project is to let human beings have a few more strong people, so give us the opportunity under the age of 30!"

Tan Taiyao and other young powerhouses joined in, but the Uruk family, the Wang family headed by the Campbell family, and some organizations of supernatural beings with S powerhouses in charge, disagreed with them.

Seeing that the younger faction and the middle-aged faction are about to have a dispute, Yang Xi waved his hands and smiled: "The rules are set by our adjudication organization. The Tiankui mask is for the strongest in the ring today, and young friends, don't worry. We have prepared gifts for you as well."

"The winners of the younger generation will get this B-level supernatural potion [Star Cloak]."

Under Yang Xi's instruction, the backstage staff typed the brief introduction of the starry sky cloak on the screen.

Everyone looked at the brief introduction of the starry sky cloak, and they were immediately full of interest in this ability that is both offensive and defensive, and highly mobile.

Even Ji Ning and Tantaiyao, who were the most noisy, quieted down, and the Tiangang mask was given away. Anyway, they know who has it, and they can rely on their skills after going out.

The supernatural potion of this starry sky cloak can be used directly.

The Stars and Stripes Cloak is very famous in the inland areas, but it is not so famous in the four seas area, so after the introduction of the supernatural potion given by Yang Xi, among the huge live broadcast audience, only some moved from the inland area. Those who came to settle in the four seas faintly saw some clues.

Yang Xi doesn't care about this either. In the future, he will introduce the concept of 'power factor'. The superpower potion produced will also extract the superposition of the original power of the target of the power factor, which can also be explained.

"Our adjudication organization will not participate in the competition for the Tiangang mask, but this starry sky cloak is quite eye-catching, so we have the cheek to compete with all the geniuses on the same stage!"

In fact, to put it bluntly, Yang Xi, the Tiangang mask, has no cost, and there is no need to give loans to the strong to let them develop.

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