But as long as Molong can work for him well and create enough benefits for the organization, Yang Xi still has a bit of tolerance.


A day later, there was not much rest, because of the order of the Free Alliance Army, the Qian family's alchemy ship set sail again, and their destination would be the B05 defense line in the Seven Islands Chain.

This time, the number of personnel going to the B05 defense line has been reduced a lot. Except for some collateral clansmen of the Qian family, the high-end combat power is only Yang Xi, Ji Yourong, Blanche and Yang Feifei played by Han Yue. Spider, the strength can only barely be considered good.

But no one dares to underestimate the "force" of this alchemy ship, because you don't know when a strong Zodiac person from the Judgment Organization will appear.

Ouyang Guanhe is also interested in the hidden powerhouses of the adjudication organization.

Some small-scale alien beast armies can be dealt with by the garrison in the defense line. What really needs to be careful is the surprise attack of S-level or even SS-level alien beasts.

Originally, the strong man stationed in this rotation happened to be "Canglong Messenger", but he had already died under Shenhou's hands.

Veteran Qian's defense line takeover plan related meetings were arranged after lunch. Yang Xi, who has been busy sending power beads to the tool people since the press conference, finally had time to digest this harvest.

At present, the amount of dark energy in Fuyu has reached nearly [-] units.

Yang Xi directly upgraded the S-level imaginary cube to SS level.

[Ability: Imaginary Cube

Introduction: It has a cube virtual world with a side length of 1000 meters, which can store and transfer items through the virtual world.

Skill [-]: the door of transshipment, transfer items to a place that I can perceive through the virtual vortex.

Skill 5: Space Anchor (5/[-]), with the help of Space Anchor, life can be transmitted.

Evaluation: SS, Tier [-], Wanjie Express needs you. 】

"Has the skill changed from fixed-point delivery to the door of transshipment? Does it mean that the imaginary vortex can realize two-way item transfer?"

Try it when you think about it, it just so happens that you haven't cared about your godson Liu Yuan for a long time, Yang Xi switched to the unitary chicken form, trying to perceive Liu Yuan's position through the connection of the spiritual contract.

Unlike those tool people in the Tiangang position, Liu Yuan, Qian Duoduo, Ji Yourong, and Blanche who joined the organization in the "early days" all have their spiritual imprints in the space between their eyebrows.

It's just that without Yang Xi's permission, they couldn't come down from the Yunding Palace where the Zodiac Palace was located, so naturally they couldn't go to the Four Elephant Palace to pick up the task.

However, the Tiangang Project was used by Yang Xi to cut leeks. For these old members, Yang Xi always had to give some benefits, and sometimes he also set up a task platform for these "relationship households" in the entire Qilin Temple on the mountain.

Of course, Liu Yuan's treatment will definitely be much better. For example, members of the Qilin Temple can redeem an A-level supernatural potion, and only need 486 points to hunt and kill two A-level strange beasts.

And the tools of the Four Elephants Hall below require 2430 points, which is five times more expensive.

There is a difference between closeness and closeness, Yang Xi is still very clear about it.

For Blanche who has been a little depressed recently, and Ji Yourong and others whose strength is a bit behind, the caring brother Yang Xi plans to give them some loans.

Blanche and Yang Feifei can use the names of Si Snake and Mao Yue, while Ji Yourong can use the authority of Yang Xixing's seat.

Anyway, Yang Xi won't lose money, upgrade the strength of the people around him, and they will bring more benefits to Yang Xi during the defense war.


Lukang City, Kunlun Company high-level meeting room.

Mechanical War Hero, Prodigal Swordsman, and Liu Yuan are having a small meeting. Ever since the magic dragon went to the four seas in response to the signs of the Heroes Association, the partner of Prodigal Swordsman has become Liu Yuan.

Originally thought that Liu Yuan would hold him back, but what the prodigal swordsman did not expect was that Liu Yuan was quite reliable in battle.

With the cooperation of the mask and werewolf blood, as long as the early preparations are sufficient, Liu Yuan, a B-level dual-line supernatural being, can play a role no worse than ordinary A-level heroes.

The heroes who are currently more active in Lukang City are them and the new A-level hero Hot and Sour Powder Superman.

The title of the hero is "Masquerade Werewolf" Liu Yuan, and his popularity among teenagers has skyrocketed, perhaps because he is very passionate in his fighting style of punching to the flesh and exchanging wounds for wounds!

Because of Liu Yuan's active performance and the recruitment of Molong, his becoming the heir of the Kunlun organization has basically been approved by the board of directors.

But what makes the mechanical war hero strange is that his silly son sometimes looks at him with an indescribably weird look.

"Ah Yuan, don't work too hard these days, your popularity is enough, the next A-level hero selection, our company will give you a push, it must be stable, the last time you failed in the promotion, it was also because of bad luck! "

Liu Yuan has already participated in the selection of A-level heroes, but because the opponent was too strong during the promotion evaluation, he failed in the end.

"Don't worry, old man, I will definitely be promoted. It is said that people from Shenlong Company will also participate this time, and I will definitely avenge my original revenge!"

"Well, as long as you have confidence!"

The mechanical war hero nodded in satisfaction.

Liu Yuan suddenly sensed the call from the space between the eyebrows, and he was ecstatic in his heart, but his face remained calm. The old man is the one he wants to usurp power, so he can't let him slip!

"Old man, I'm going out first!"

Liu Yuan let out a haha ​​and retreated, leaving behind the mechanical war hero and prodigal swordsman staring wide-eyed.

Come to the original office of the magic dragon - now the door number on the office has been replaced with "Masked Werewolf".

Liu Yuan's spiritual body entered the Yunding space, and after being entrusted by Yang Xi for a while, he began to sort out the information about the "White Chamber Project" collected during this period, and put it on the table.

"I don't know if this information can satisfy my godfather, and there are new means of information transmission, haha, I, Liu Yuan, are indeed highly valued. The organization has just researched the technology, and of course it can only make my own people 'Let's test it!"

With a dark heart, Liu Yuan rubbed his hands and waited for the vortex in the imaginary world that his godfather had explained to appear.

After a while, a virtual vortex appeared in his office. Liu Yuan followed his godfather's instructions and threw Baiqiang's information into the virtual vortex.

On Yang Xi's side, a stack of information appeared in the virtual world, and Yang Xi took it out as soon as he thought about it.

The test was successful!

After Yang Xi encouraged Liu Yuan to do a good job, the experiment ended.

After experimenting with this skill, Yang Xi asked Suzaku to issue a new notice on the platform of the Four Elephants Hall. In the future, submitting quest items does not need to go through the Qian family's channel. The organization researched a new technology "Gate of Transshipment" .

This new announcement made the thirteen tool people once again shocked by the background of the adjudication organization. Such a forceful recycling method made some members with simple purposes, such as Augusta, have a stronger sense of belonging to the organization.

"Try the skill of this space anchor again."

With a thought in Yang Xi's mind, space anchors that looked like diamonds appeared on his palm, and there were five in total.

Yang Xi found that they could easily feel the location information on the five space anchors.

He threw a space anchor into the sea, and placed another one in the platinum suite.

After sailing for a while, Yang Xi activated his ability, and a formation similar to a summoning formation appeared under his feet, and he disappeared in place in the next second, leaving a space anchor on the table in the entire platinum suite.

The same teleportation formation flashed, and Yang Xi appeared in the dark deep sea.


Yang Xi's mouth was bubbling, and he grabbed the falling space anchor.

After activating the stud-shaped breathing equipment, a breathing bubble wrapped his head, providing him with breathable oxygen—although he has several water-type power beads and can breathe freely underwater, but Yang Xi still wants to try this piece of equipment and experience the life of ordinary people with abilities from all over the world.

The deep sea is dark and quiet, but just now the beam of light from the anchor point brought trouble to Yang Xi.

The huge deep-sea fish has been rushing towards Yang Xi.

"Want to eat me?"

Yang Xi scolded with a smile, he didn't kill this deep-sea fish, but used his ability again, and disappeared into the deep sea with this space anchor.

This deep-sea fish with jagged fangs took a bite, turned around suspiciously, then slapped its tail and disappeared in place.

While Yang Xi returned to the Dolphin, he suddenly thought of an idea.

"Can the space anchor be transferred through the transshipment gate?"

If this works, doesn't it mean that Yang Xi can instantly teleport to the location of all the supernatural beads and spiritual imprints that he can sense?

Yang Xi opened the virtual vortex and threw the space anchor over.

It is a pity that when the space anchor came into contact with the imaginary vortex, the imaginary vortex that could pass through the item disappeared as if it was blown out.


The diamond-like anchor of the space falls on the carpet.

"Sure enough, I can't take advantage of the loophole!"

"However, this space anchor point is quite useful. Send one to Ye Fan. Then I will go to Yanjing to experience college life, or let Ye Fan come to the B05 defense line to gain some combat experience."

For this younger brother with unlimited potential, Yang Xi is naturally willing to spend a lot of effort to cultivate.

Yang Xi did not ignore the Baiqiang information sent by Liu Yuan, so he read it first while there was still some time in the meeting.


On Tianyi Island, Xiao Baishi encountered the most dangerous situation in his life. He noticed the strangeness of his bodyguards!

"Damn it, I should be more cautious, they really started to suspect that I saw the Tiangang mask!"

Looking at the sneaky bodyguards in the surveillance, Xiao Baishi decided to go all out and spend his life savings to buy three S-level beasts and one A-level beast corpse to exchange for the A-level [Thundering Saber Technique]!

Fortunately, he was an ordinary person at the beginning, and he chose the supernatural potion provided by the adjudication organization, so he didn't need to go through cumbersome procedures to formulate an upgraded supernatural potion, and directly exchanged it for the ordinary supernatural potion of A-level [Thundering Knife]. Can be medicine!

Taking advantage of the bodyguards' inattention, Xiao Baishi turned over and escaped from the villa, and ran to the beast corpse exchange!

"Fortunately, the ruling has also upgraded the recycling function. I can save the delivery process of Qian's store. According to my understanding of them, these white-eyed wolves will definitely go there to block me after they find out that I have disappeared!"

"At that time, I will let you see how powerful I am!"

Xiao Baishi does not intend to keep these bodyguards who have already guessed the fact that they own the Tiangang mask alive!

While running wildly, the air was tearing at his lungs, but Xiao Baishi felt an unprecedented excitement!

He was supposed to live this life!

266 Space Department Haizhu Vest ([-] in [-])

Tianyi Island is the largest island closest to the defense line, and there are seven or eight foreign trade centers on the island alone.

In the largest Hongtao Trading Center, hundreds of corpses of alien beasts are traded every day. Although the corpses of low-level alien beasts such as C-level and B-level are the most, there are still a few corpses of S-level alien beasts occasionally.

Needless to say, the wonderful uses of alien beast corpses, making alien animal equipment, medicine, cooking, etc., have been played out in the four seas.

The corpses of S-level alien beasts are expensive, and they are usually eaten by large organizations of supernatural beings or chambers of commerce.

At the beginning, when the salesperson heard that Xiao Baishi wanted to buy the corpse of an S-level alien, he didn't quite believe it, but after the capital verification, he was immediately replaced by Manager Fang from Hongtao Trading Center to receive it.

Xiao Baishi was in a hurry and didn't bother to be polite to the manager, so he directly chose three S-level beasts and one A-level beast.

Fortunately, there had just been a big battle on the defense line, and a large number of dead beasts had been transported to Tianyi Island. Otherwise, a big order like Xiao Baishi would have to wait a few days for the goods to arrive.

In particular, he also required the size of the alien beast to be small enough, and there were not many S-level alien beasts that were small.

It is an insect-type beast, and their body is also the size of a calf.

This time Xiao Baishi directly bought all the corpses of the small S-rank beasts, and at the same time overdrawn his credit card.

Years of savings "wiped out" in just a few minutes.

The manager of Mediterranean Sea smiled and handed back Xiao Baishi's platinum credit card with both hands, "Mr. Xiao has found a way to make a fortune? I hope to take care of our center's business in the future. This time I will give you a 9.6% discount."

Xiao Baishi took the credit card and said goodbye after a few polite words.

At Xiao Baishi's request, Hongtao Trading Center packed all four corpses of alien beasts in a truck. Originally, the manager Fang wanted to provide an escort team for free, but Xiao Baishi didn't even need the driver for the sake of confidentiality. truck.

I have seen this kind of special client manager a lot, and the commission was quite high after the business was completed, so he decided to give the truck to Xiao Baishi directly.

"Mr. Xiao, this is my business card. If you need anything, just ask me. In the circle of foreign exchange transactions, my old Fang's words still have some effect."

Xiao Baishi put away the business card, and Manager Chongfang nodded, then started the truck and left Hongtao Trading Center.

From the rearview mirror of the truck, he glanced at the ugly beast corpse.

"What the hell, if it weren't for those white-eyed wolves, my life savings would definitely be exchanged for more benefits, but now, I'm only counting on the four corpses of alien beasts to make me a fortune!"

Driving the truck to an inaccessible place in the outskirts, Xiao Baishi put on the Tianzhu star mask, skillfully landed in the Yunding space, and submitted three S-level and one A-level daily tasks in the White Tiger Palace.

Yang Xi, who was in the meeting, also received a reminder from Suzaku that he was going to accept the corpse of the alien beast.

"Xiao Baishi, what kind of stimulation did he receive?"

After leaving the conference room through urine escape, Yang Xi activated the imaginary cube ability to do this first business.

While opening the door of transshipment, Yang Xi thought that in the future, he still needs to keep a clone to do these transshipment things.

With the current time that the clone can exist, Yang Xi uses the clone ability every three days. In theory, it is feasible to maintain the existence of two clones forever.

However, one avatar is enough to be responsible for these chores, and the extra avatar is still reserved for use, and it is better to switch to a practical vest when encountering a situation.

But for now, let's work hard on the deity first.

In fact, Yang Xi also has his own ideas about the use of the virtual cube, but he has been really busy recently and has no time to experiment.

After getting rid of Xiao Baishi's matter, take the time to experiment, the ability of the space system, if you take advantage of it, it must be a big killer.

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