
After Xiao Baishi submitted the task, he exited the White Tiger Hall, took out the stir-fried vermicelli that he bought on the road, devoured it, and took another big gulp of Coke before he recovered.

After working for a long time, I haven't had time to take a bite yet.

But just after he took a few bites, the Suzaku wrapped in a black robe descended.

"Lord Suzaku!"

Xiao Baishi quickly saluted Suzaku.

Suzaku didn't pay attention to him either, and after a wave of his hand, Yang Xi's virtual vortex appeared in the truck compartment.

"Just send the task item into the virtual vortex!"

Of course Xiao Baishi recognized the imaginary vortex that sent the supernatural potion back then.

Seeing that Suzaku didn't want to help, he had no choice but to send the four dead beasts into the whirlpool by himself.

Fortunately, he is already a supernatural being, otherwise he really doesn't have the physical strength to do this.

After sensing the corpses of four extra alien beasts in the imaginary world, Yang Xi also readily threw the supernatural potion over.

However, the subsequent operation is a little more troublesome.

Because Yang Xi couldn't directly upgrade the original ability orb in Xiao Baishi's body to A-level, so what he did was to seal the low-level ability orb first, and then duplicated a new A-level [Thundering Saber Technique] 】The ability bead was thrown into his body.

Looking at the scene where Suzaku manifested, Xiao Baishi was so excited after becoming an A-level power user, Yang Xi felt that sometimes the happiness of ordinary people is as simple as that.

Thinking back to the time when I just had the A-level power orb, isn't it exactly the same feeling.

Perhaps the creation of the Judgment Organization by oneself, and the Tiangang Project, may be the best development of the stripping ability.

In the face of alien colonists who are several times stronger than humans, the strength of an individual is still not enough.

Especially after upgrading to SS level now, Yang Xi clearly discovered the limitations of stripping abilities.

In the past, Yang Xi thought that it was because of the special relationship of the third level that the SS-level ability beads could not be disassembled, but as time went by, Yang Xi became more and more suspicious that maybe his [stripping] ability was actually at the SS level.

Yang Xi split out a clone to go to the meeting, the deity switched to Shenhou's form, and sneaked out of the Dolphin.

I found a small island the size of a basketball court. This island is very desolate, with only a few coconut trees.

Yang Xi took out the corpses of several alien beasts in the imaginary world, and started the stripping process.

These strange beast corpses are still fresh, but the dark energy is obviously gathered on their respective living tissues.

Unlike the feeling of peeling off the just-killed beast, this time the peeling was more like peeling off these living tissues.

Especially the insect-type S-level beast, [-]% of its dark energy is concentrated on a pair of big pincers, if it is made into beast equipment, it will definitely be good.

But for Yang Xi, the most effective way to use dark energy is to strip them into supernatural beads.

The so-called practice makes perfect, Yang Xi completed the stripping process in twos and twos, and obtained three S-level power beads and one A-level power bead in total.

Among these abilities, except for one elemental ability and one enhancement ability, the other two abilities are not bad.

[Ability: Bloodline of Medusa

Introduction: An extremely rare bloodline with strong vitality and magic power.

Skills: Petrifying staring, petrifying the target after staring at each other, the staring time is proportional to the target's strength.

Rating: S, second miscellaneous soldier ability.

Ability: Shock Absorption

Introduction: Absorb all physical shocks before reaching the threshold.

Skills: Co-defense, can remotely help the target resist a physical impact.

Rating: S rank, super meat shield]

"Petrochemical staring, I can't tell that this strange beast with the shape of a snake demon actually has the blood of Medusa."

Yang Xi kicked the ugly smuggler, and suddenly felt tired and disliked. The Medusa that he promised is a stunning beauty, is that all?

"What is the threshold of shock absorption? It seems that I need to measure it."

"Fortunately, the avatar ability can now produce two avatars, otherwise it would not be enough."

Yang Xi separated another clone, and put the S-level shock absorption on this clone.

"Well, shock absorption is a meat shield-type ability. According to my plan, this ability should be given to the ugly cow vest."

"However, if it is only able to absorb physical damage, there are still shortcomings in the ability of the ugly cow. Among the abilities I have collected, the fire-resistant shell and the starry sky cloak have the effect of elemental immunity."

"It's just that the fire-resistant shell is too simple, and the elemental immunity effect of the starry sky cloak is a little bit discounted. How about combining it?"

Yang Xi tried to fuse the F-rank refractory shell and the F-rank starry sky cloak, but failed.

"Sure enough, not all abilities can be fused like brain overclocking and mental shock waves."

The fusion failed, but Yang Xi is not in a hurry. Although there are few abilities of elemental immunity, it is not without them. Isn't this just the beginning? When the tool people collect more types of beasts in the future, they will definitely be able to find suitable abilities beads.

"Let's test the ability first."

Because it was useless to match the abilities, Yang Xi didn't create the mask of the ugly cow.

The avatar currently standing in front of Yang Xi is just wearing a platinum smiley mask, it can be regarded as a practice dummy.

"Try the power of S-class first!"

Yang Xi waved a punch casually, controlling his strength at the level of the first S-level.


The strong wind brought by this punch made the black robe rattle on the ground, but the smiling face avatar remained motionless.

"Work harder!"

This time, Yang Xi raised his strength to a level slightly weaker than Rose Swordsman.

The fist wind brought up waves and spread them to both sides!


The impact of the fist is still absorbed!

"Not bad, let me try to see where the threshold is!"

Yang Xi swung a lot of punches that doubled the level of the first-time S-level. This punch hit the smiling face clone, and he finally reacted, and he took a step back!

"Are you close to the threshold?"

"It seems that shock absorption can absorb physical attacks that are more than twice as strong as its own strength."

That is to say, the shock absorbing ability that is currently comparable to S-level can take over the physical attacks of the No. 50 powerhouses!

It's simply perverted!

If Yang Xi upgrades it to the SS level, doesn't that mean that among the strong human beings, there are only a handful of people who can use physical attacks to hurt the ugly bull clone?

Coupled with an elemental immunity, the ugly cow vest is definitely the strongest shield of the Judgment Organization.

"Shock absorption plus elemental immunity, when the conditions are rich, and then get a counter-injury, I am looking forward to the scene where the ugly cow vest stands still and shocks a group of enemies to death."

"The bloodline of Medusa will not be tested for now, and it will be enough to give the Winged Fire Serpent of the 28th Constellation."

Yang Xi began to test the SS ability of the imaginary cube again, how to use it in battle.

"The ability of the space department belongs to Haizhu in my plan."

"At the S level, the Void Cube can only deliver items at fixed points, and has not tried to deliver the corpses of alien beasts."

"Now that it has been upgraded to SS level, it has become a portal of fortune. The imaginary vortex has already transferred the corpses of four strange beasts."

"The so-called living body cannot pass through the imaginary world. Another way of understanding is that only dead living bodies can enter the imaginary world."

"Or, this sentence means that all life forms that enter the imaginary world will die?"

"Then what if the imaginary vortex is directly opened on the living body? Does that part of the organization count as a living body?"

Waves of inspirations filled Yang Xi's mind.

He directly used his ability to catch a half-human-sized sea fish, opened a void vortex, and threw it into it.

The moment the sea fish entered, Yang Xi felt the difference from when he was transporting items, and his mental power was consumed even more.

After a while, the sea fish was taken out, and there was no trace of life.

"When a living body enters the virtual world, it will consume more spiritual power."

"And I feel that the imaginary world seems to be absorbing the life force of creatures, so it's no wonder that they can transport creatures."

"What kind of existence is the virtual world?"

The stronger the strength and the more knowledge he has, the more Yang Xi feels ignorant.

"Try another attack method!"

Yang Xi grabbed a live fish and tried to drive the fist-sized virtual vortex directly on its stomach.

Sure enough, the very smooth tissue of sea fish appeared in the imaginary world!

Yang Xi secretly said that it was dangerous. Fortunately, he was more careful every time he delivered the items, so that Suzaku would not say anything at the scene, and he habitually opened up the virtual vortex, otherwise, he might have killed someone.

"It's just that the method of directly attacking the living body in this method consumes more mental power than pure transfer. If the enemy's body is strong enough, I'm afraid the power consumed will not be small!"

But how to say, it is also a kind of attack ability of the space system.

"According to this idea, the virtual vortex can also be used to absorb the enemy's attack, but I have to be careful. If I destroy the collection I put in the virtual world, I will lose money."

"With the SS-level imaginary cube in the Haizhu vest, it can barely be regarded as a good combat power."

Yang Xi began to set up the persona of this vest.

First of all, the gender... It's still male, Yang Xi doesn't want to cross the line again.

Personality should be a more careful type, after all, he is responsible for the infrastructure construction of the entire Tiangang project, but he should not be a simple good guy. When the bottom line is violated, he can become a decisive and ruthless boss.

He is usually cheerful, but when he fights, he scares people to death fiercely.

The mask on Yang Xi's face also turned into a Haizhu mask. After the cross-dressing ability was input and set, Yang Xi transformed into another kind-hearted existence, completely different from the aggressive and domineering Shenhou before. Two people.

After experimenting with the ability, Yang Xizai simply used the ability to make a reclining chair on the island, drank coconut juice, and asked Suzaku to turn on the "live broadcast".

In the picture that emerged, Tianzhu star Xiao Baishi was quietly touching his prey, his former bodyguards.

The strongest of these bodyguards is B-level. Although Xiao Baishi already has the strength of A-level, but the combat experience is discounted, it is destined to be a fierce battle.

There is no other way, Xiao Baishi can't delay, he is afraid that the news that he is the owner of the Tiangang mask will be leaked!

"Taste the power of Lao Tzu."

Xiao Baishi held the samurai sword, and lightning began to wrap around the scabbard!

267 Kylin Palace (big chapter)

Qian's shop.

Xiao Baishi's bodyguards did not realize that the danger was approaching.

The leading one is a bald man with a bald head, and his ability is the Feihe Fist of the B-level inheritance system, and his code name in the world of abilities is "Feihe Taibao".

He used to be a member of a large organization, but unfortunately he left because of the failure of the faction battle. In desperation, he joined the bodyguard industry. Unexpectedly, he broke into a world for him.

Among the ranks of B-level bodyguards, he is relatively well-known, which is why Xiao Baishi chose to hire him.

The other three are the "Coyote Walker" of the B-level earth element system, the "Titanium Baseball Bat" of the C-level Horcrux system, and the "Ugly Orange Expert" of the C-level transformation system.

The coyote walker can summon three coyotes of different shapes to attack the enemy; the titanium gold baseball bat, as the name suggests, his Horcrux titanium gold baseball bat is said to be able to return bullets; after the ugly orange expert transforms, his whole body will be covered With a layer of ugly orange peel, the defense will be boosted. The attack method is to use "juicy orange petals" for long-range attacks. Juicy orange petals are extremely sweet and sticky!

Taibao Feihe sat in the back seat of the nanny's car with a gloomy face, which was originally Xiao Baishi's exclusive seat.

"I didn't expect Xiao Baishi, a good-for-nothing, to be so vigilant. He ran out of the villa before our plan was implemented."

After discovering that Xiao Baishi became a supernatural being, they were very surprised.

Logically speaking, at Xiao Baishi's age, the probability of awakening is infinitely close to zero.

But because the facts were right in front of them, their employer, Xiao Baishi, had indeed awakened a lightning-type or inheritance-type ability.

This made the four bodyguards feel a sense of crisis. Xiao Baishi's becoming a supernatural person also means that they will face unemployment in the future.

Although it is not difficult for an industry leader like Feihe Taibao to find a new job, but for the other three, it will undoubtedly be very difficult to find another employer like Xiao Baishi with less work and more money.

They are all going to find new employers on the employment platform, and they have even ordered a breakup meal.

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