There is still a little luck in her heart, as long as she can defeat these two in a short time, she can get away without affecting the situation of the battle.

If the situation is so bad that you need to call those beasts in battle to protect yourself, then the direction of this battle will definitely not be what she wants to see.

A strong wave of magic power was born on Anastas. She stared at the dragon and the muscular sponge man bitterly and said, "If you two insist on courting death, I will help you!"

The magic dragon sneered, and he put on a fighting stance, "You alien, the common language of the blue star sounds good! If you really had this strength, would you still want to run away just now?"

The spongy muscular man said: "Brother Molong, we don't need to fight him recklessly, we just need to cling to her and wait for the captain to come over."

Anastas said disdainfully: "Your language is not a complicated magic language, just find a slave and learn it in a few days!"

"What slave?" The magic dragon put away his smile and asked.

Anasta drew a bow and shot an arrow, and a withered magic arrow attacked the dragon, "When you are defeated by me, I will take you to meet my few native slaves, maybe you can find a suitable spouse!"

The magic dragon knew how powerful the magic arrow was, so he didn't dare to take it hard. After judging the trajectory of the arrow, he chose to avoid it.

But the magic arrow suddenly accelerated halfway through the shot. Caught off guard, the magic dragon, which was dodging to the right, was shot in the left arm!

In just a few snaps of the fingers, the dragon's left arm withered visibly with the naked eye!

" is it possible! The speed of this arrow..."

The spongy muscular man was shocked, "Brother Molong, hold on, I'll come and save you right away!"

Anastas smiled triumphantly, "Do you think the shifting arrow is so easy to dodge? Besides, I haven't activated the next skill yet!"


Under the control of Anastas, the arrow nailed on the dragon's left arm suddenly came alive, growing emerald green branches and leaves, and instantly wrapped around the dragon's body!

This emerald green plant even shot a spike-like thing towards the spongy muscular man who came to help.

The spongy muscular man didn't dare to push it too hard, so he quickly took out his Horcrux to block it!

The wooden spikes submerged into the sponge, but failed to break through in the end, instead all the energy in the body was absorbed!

The spongy muscular man didn't care about anything else, and immediately wrapped his Horcrux around the dragon's withered left arm!

Energy full of healing properties gushes out from the horcrux sponge, and the dragon's arm is gradually full from the withered state!

The green plants are also slowly dying.

"Thank you!"

The magic dragon thanked the sponge muscular man.

The spongy muscular man grinned at the dragon, "They're all teammates, thank you for what you say!"


The magic dragon pushed away the spongy muscular man, and above the surface of the sea, three magical arrows in the shape of a character flew over!

271 Are you the only star seat? (big chapter)

Without any hesitation, the magic dragon directly launched the transformation of the second stage.

Body soars!

The spongy muscular man, who was originally much stronger than him, looked a little "thin" in front of the second-stage transformed dragon.

The dragon has already tasted the power of the withering arrow. After the second transformation, although his whole body's resistance has been greatly improved, he still dare not bet on whether he can hold it.

After seeing the archery skills of this outsider, and knowing that she can use variable-speed arrows, the magic dragon has a certain degree of confidence in avoiding her attack.

But in the current situation, once he chooses to dodge, these three withering arrows will undoubtedly hit his teammates.

"Get rid of these three magic arrows without touching them!"

The golden pupil of the magic dragon burned like a candle, he pushed away his teammates, opened his bloody mouth wide, and spit out a magic flame the size of a basketball!

With a bang, the magic flame collided with three withered arrows!

The violent explosion produced a dazzling white light!

The stinger couldn't open his eyes!

Even the surface of the sea was suppressed by the force of the explosion and sank several meters!


The magic dragon instantly disappeared in place!

In his second-order transformation, he strode towards the target on the sea surface!

Compared with the taller magic dragon, this alien with a height of less than 1.6 meters is obviously more charming and charming.

Coupled with Anasta's exquisite facial features, it seems that the dragon is the evil one!

Anasta curled her lips in disdain, "Stupid native!"

She no longer aimed at the dragon, and shot a green magic arrow into the sky!


The magic arrows tear the car through the air and scream!

In the next second, green light spots fell like rain.

When the green light spot appeared, the fast-moving magic dragon got under the sea surface without hesitation, trying to avoid the enemy's attack.

But the sea water didn't play a role in blocking these green light spots at all, it just bent their falling trajectory, and finally a large number of light spots hit the dragon's body!


The magic dragon screamed under the water!

It turned out that when these green light spots fell on him, his hard dragon scales didn't even have the slightest blocking effect!

The light spots instantly penetrated into his flesh and blood, absorbed the energy in his body, and started a new wave of germination!

Different from the emerald green plant before, this plant is a kind of bright red flower bud, as if the color of flesh and blood!

In just a few seconds, the dragon's body surface was covered with these blood-red flower buds!

He rushed out of the sea violently, his body surface ignited raging demonic flames, trying to use his own flames to burn the flower buds that tormented him!

It's a pity that the magic flame seems to be also regarded as a nutrient!

These burning black flames seem to be the branches and leaves of flower buds.

In the water vapor evaporated by the high temperature, the magic dragon struggled to stand on the surface of the sea, forming a beautiful painting together with these flower buds on his body surface.

Under the severe pain, his consciousness began to slowly blur!

Seeing this scene, Yang Xi couldn't help sighing a little, "During the inland period, the magic dragon was just shriveled in my hands. I didn't expect that a random person from another world could make him fall like this." Miserable end!"

"Compared to the Four Seas, the battles in the inland areas seem to be child's play!"

Anastas looked at the magic dragon expressionlessly, how could her "Arrow of Life" be cracked by a first-order supernatural warrior!

Even if it is placed on the plane of Ossaid, the forest magic of their Cecil family is a well-known and powerful ability!

This native human who doesn't even know magic power wants to fight her under the same level of conditions, it's really overpowering.

Originally, she could kill the magic dragon, but this will inevitably delay more time and attract second-order human powerhouses.

So Anasta didn't intend to stay, and waved to the trembling black-armored scallop of the spongy muscular man. The strange beast gave up the opponent in an instant, obediently took Anasta and sank into the bottom of the sea without a trace!

The spongy muscular man was worried about the life safety of the magic dragon, so he didn't chase it anymore.

Half a minute later, when Su Xiaoluo arrived here, the wounds on Molong's body had already been taken care of.

The muscular man on the surface of the sea lowered his head in shame, "Sorry Captain, we let the outsiders escape!"

Su Xiaoluo looked at the calm sea with some disappointment, "It's okay, there will be another chance, this time she is lucky, if it were me and Diablo, she would not be able to run away so easily!"

Although the magic dragon didn't open his eyes, he gradually regained consciousness, and after hearing this sentence, his desire to become stronger became stronger in his heart.

In the end, this local war came to an end after the death of three S-class beasts.

The alien beasts withdrew like a tide.

On the human side, one S-level powerhouse was killed, three were seriously injured, and four were slightly injured.

Except for the two sequence powerhouses, there is no one who is not injured.

But the result of this battle is considered good. Humans have powerful healing abilities. After slowly recuperating, as long as you don't die, even if you break your leg, you can take it back.

Cooperating with the previous generation of medical technology, many strong people can still return to the battlefield.

The loss of high-level combat power is small, but the number of soldiers killed by B and C-level supernatural beings is exaggerated. In a battlefield like a meat grinder, often a large-scale skill of S-level aliens will make many Unlucky soldiers suffer.

The water-element and transformation-type superpowers who were in charge of salvaging the corpses were constantly salvaging the corpses of Paoze, and among them... there were only a few who could leave the whole corpse.

Most of the soldiers have adapted to this situation, they are all close to numb!

Under the tempering of life and death, many supernatural beings have also achieved breakthroughs in combat effectiveness. Among them, many C-level supernatural beings have broken through to B-level, and a few lucky ones have entered the category of A-level.

But there is a natural barrier from A-level to S-level. In this local war, no A-level supernatural powers can break through to S-level. In other world terms, it is to break through to the second level.

Human beings... have no way of cultivation, and they don't even know such things as magic crystals. The breakthrough of strength can only be achieved through epiphany between life and death.

Fortunately, now that Yang Xi has come up with a "supernatural potion" routine, at least it is a kind of hope.

If the three major forces were not afraid of the power of the ruling, and Yang Xi was very sensible and threw out 36 places, they would have already started to deal with this.

Humans still have a long way to go to resist this colonization from the Ossian plane.

Yang Xi also turned off the "live broadcast". This time, he also had an intuitive understanding of people from other worlds.

Not only in the use of energy, but also in the development of abilities, they are also far ahead of humans.

Fortunately, thanks to the energy enlightenment of the blue star, human beings have been born with various abilities. Under the huge base, there will always be powerful geniuses emerging.

For example, those who are strong in the sequence, facing enemies of the same level, should not be abused unilaterally like the magic dragon.

Whether it is the magic dragon or Blanche, they are considered geniuses in the inland areas, but when put on the battlefield of the four seas, they seem a little immature.

On the other hand, this chick, Baomei, deserves to be the most talented supernatural person in Lugang City in the past ten years besides Yang Xi. She has been able to spend so long in the Hero Sea, and she still has two brushes.


A few days later, approaching the B05 defense line, Yang Xi felt that it was almost time to upgrade the girls.

For the sake of being an acquaintance, Yang Xi chose a few delicious mixes from the mixed drink recipes compiled by Suzaku Consciousness, such as lemon and pear.

After calling four people, in front of them, he took out the supernatural potion in the virtual vortex.

"This is our upgraded supernatural potion?"

Today's Blanche is wearing a black-bottomed dress with daisy patterns covered with white petals and yellow stamens. Sexy with a touch of coldness, her pair of big white legs are exposed to the air.

Ji Yourong's clothes today took an intellectual route, a simple suit with a white lace V-neck lining, and in order to match today's style, she didn't wear push-up underwear, the turbulent waves became flat Some, but far more fascinating.

As for Yang Feifei and Qian Duoduo, the two girls can only be sweet in terms of dressing. With their youth and beauty, they can barely compete with Blanche and Ji Yourong.

It could be seen that, except for the younger sister who knew about it, the other three paid great attention to taking the supernatural potion this time, and dressed up carefully.

"Dodo come first."

Yang Xi smiled and nodded at Qian Duoduo.

Under the eyes of everyone, Qian Duoduo seemed a little nervous. She opened the mouth of the supernatural potion, and gululu gulped it down according to Yang Xi's instructions.

Yang Xi stuffed the A-level [Skull Summoning] into Qian Duoduo's body. This summoning system ability is still very powerful. If Duoduo plays well, the average A-level ability user may really be defeated by her "number advantage." "under!

Moreover, to a certain extent, the strength of abilities depends on the development of people. Although Qian Duoduo has not shown any talent in this area, but with Yang Xi as a hanger, pick a few plans to deduce the Suzaku consciousness. With a lot of money, it can definitely be developed better than the necromancer before.

Later, with Yang Xi's help, Blanche, Ji Yourong and younger sister Yang Feifei all drank their respective "upgraded potions".

What Yang Xi did was to strip out their power beads and upgrade them, and stuff them in again.

[Ability: Sealed Sword

Introduction: A sealed Excalibur, if you keep unsealing it, you can get corresponding gains.

Skill [-]: Power Seal

Skill [-]: Speed ​​Seal

Skill [-]: Spirit Seal

Skill Four: Defensive Seal

Skill Five: Energy Seal

Rating: S rank, a horcrux-type ability that only the dull-haired people can have

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