Ability: Bullet Time

Introduction: A powerful ability to manipulate time!

Skill [-]: slow down, slow down the target time

Skill [-]: Speed ​​up, speed up your own time

Skill [-]: Anticipate, predict the future state information one second later

Evaluation: S rank, facing enemies stronger than oneself, very weak]

Compared with A-level abilities, the abilities of the two women have an additional skill.

Blanche's sealed sword has unlimited potential, and the more seals she can undo, the stronger her strength will become.

She is also a strong person with rich combat experience. I believe that after having the S-level ability, she will soon find the rhythm of becoming stronger.

And Ji Yourong's inheritance-type ability is also particularly perverted, and if she uses it well, she can definitely become a powerful assassin-type ability user.

It's just that her power consumption is very huge. For example, with her current mental power, if she wants to slow down Yang Xi's time, she may exhaust her mental power if she can't hold on for even a second.

The gap between the second level and the third level is not just talking about it!

There is also the skill of predicting. With Yang Xi's mind and mana consciousness, she can't predict Yang Xi's future state in the next second.

However, those with mental power below Ji Yourong's will basically be under her control. As long as she is paired with a powerful attacking power, she will basically kill them instantly.

Invincible at the same level!

But it's a pity that Ji Yourong has to fight for this extra offensive ability.

However, from the current point of view, the strange beast equipment given to her by the Qian family is barely enough.

These two girls are both Yang Xi's favorite candidates for the star position.

Yang Xi intends to add the abilities of the two of them to the exchange tables of the Qilin Temple and the Sixiang Temple after a while. If the two women are a little smarter, they should be able to deduce that the ruling organization started from the "collection of ability factors". " to the entire cycle of making "power potion".

Afterwards, those tool people applied for the upgraded supernatural potion, and Yang Xi planned to do the same.

This is to release information to the outside world that the adjudication organization is slowly accumulating more abilities. Facing a force that is growing larger every moment, even people who originally had evil intentions will gradually become more powerful. Back to thinking about working hard for the ruling organization.

After all, one of the most comfortable things in the world is to hug your thighs, and the most sensible thing is to hug your thick thighs.

The second daughter also woke up from the "meditation" state. After their strength improved, they couldn't help but want to try their skills, and Yang Xi let them toss.


Soon, the B05 defense line located in the seventh island chain of the Free Alliance Sea Area arrived.

After arriving at the defense line, you can clearly see the difference in the atmosphere.

The civilians working here have been under high pressure for a long time, most of them are taciturn, and they are mainly young men. Many of them were sent here for reform after committing crimes in other island chains.

Under militarized management, these labors are not good enough.

There are many warehouses on the defense line, in addition to stacking military supplies, they are also used to store spoils.

Under the leadership of a major, Yang Xi and the others are the command center of the B05 defense line of the island chain. What awaits them here are the remaining three S-rank strongmen on the defense line.

Originally, the B05 defense line was occupied by five S-level superpowers, but on the same day that Yang Xi and others arrived in Hong Kong, these two S-level powerhouses received the order and left the defense line without saying hello.

After some questioning, I found out that the two of them had an average relationship with the Qian family, and one of them was a strong sequencer who had been suppressed by Qian Duoduo's second uncle, so naturally he didn't want to see anyone from the Qian family.

These three S-level powerhouses are the "Gem Collector" of the inheritance system, the "Flame Fighter" of the inheritance system, and the "Ziyun Sword" of the Horcrux system.

The first two are ordinary S-level power users, and the last Ziyun sword, Duan Libang, is the strongest in sequence number 92.

Duan Libang is a middle-aged man with a good temperament. He wears a district-style robe and has a proper beard. He looks easy to get along with.

He first said hello to Mr. Qianbukui, and then asked Yang Xi: "Is the zodiac person that your organization came with, Your Excellency Shenhou or Youji?"

Thanks to Jima, the most famous adjudication organization in the Four Seas is actually Youji.

Such catchy stories like "Two or Three Things the Tenth Beauty and the Masked Man Have to Tell" are quite popular in various forums all over the world.

Many book painters have given full play to the imagination of Youji's real face. Yang Xi has read no less than dozens of versions, but it has to be said that these painters can only outline one-tenth of his handsomeness.

Yang Xi smiled and said, "For the time being, I will be stationed at the B05 defense line with a star seat in the organization."

After hearing this, Duan Libang frowned and said, "Is there no strong man with a zodiac sign? Are you the only one?"

Yang Xi can't always say, Shenhou is me, Youji is also me, even if you need Maotu, you can play.

He replied: "Yes."

"What can we do about this? Brother Yang is also a leader in the Four Seas Ranking, and he can be regarded as an S-level combat force. If the zodiac position of your organization does not come, our B05 defense line lacks a sequence-level combat force!"

Yang Xidao: "Brother Duan, don't worry, besides me this time, although the three people behind me are not the stars of the organization, their strengths have all reached S rank!"

Blanche, Ji Yourong and Yang Feifei took a step forward, looking at Duan Libang and the others confidently.

"This...Little brother Yang, S-rank is not S-rank, it's not just because you talk about it!"

It's not that he didn't pay attention to current affairs on the defensive line. Ji Yourong's ranking on the Four Seas Rankings was placed there, and he didn't do much at the press conference. He didn't believe that she had S-level strength.

Yang Xi grinned: "Whether there is an S grade, you will know if you try it?"

272 Get rid of you in five seconds! (big chapter)

"Try it?"

Hearing Yang Xi's words, Duan Libang was a little stunned.

He glanced at the three charming women behind Yang Xi, are you sure these women can stand up to us soldiers who have fought life and death on the battlefield?

But... Duan Libang thought of the magical potion of the Judgment Organization. Could it be that all three of them took the magical potion?

If this is the case, then Yang Xi's claim that they have S-level combat power is somewhat credible.

But having an S-level ability doesn't mean you have S-level strength!

Although he was already inclined to believe Yang Xi's words, out of caution, Duan Libang agreed to Yang Xi's request and decided to have his subordinates compete with Ji Yourong and others.

He said with a smile: "That's fine, anyway, everyone is going to fight side by side on the battlefield. Knowing the strength of both sides in advance is good for each other!"

The Flame Fighter murmured, "No way, Boss Duan, you want us to fight with these little girls? It's not good, they have thin arms and legs, if they are broken in a while, we can't pay for it." rise!"

The gem collector was a handsome man, he also shook his head, expressing that he didn't want to fight Ji Yourong and others, he came to the battlefield to kill strange beasts, but he had no interest in playing house with girls.

On the contrary, he is very interested in Yang Xi, who is a leader in the world rankings and has also defeated S-level supernatural beings. It is a refreshing thing to be able to fight against him!

Blanche's three daughters saw the two people's contempt for them, and their faces were a little unhappy, but Yang Xi didn't speak, and they were not easy to get angry.

Yang Xi just stared at the two S-rank supernatural users indifferently.

He had already seen that, including Duan Libang, these three S-level powers didn't look down on them at all.

Perhaps some sense of superiority was at play.

Or, for an airborne commander like Yang Xi, they would instinctively feel repelled.

In their eyes, the young and handsome Yang Xi only relied on the power of the ruling organization to become the top officer of the B05 defense line.

If the assigned commander was the Shenhou vest who defeated the Canglong messenger, they might not have put on such a show at all, and they wouldn't even dare to fart.

In this world, after all, you have to rely on your strength to speak!

But it doesn't matter, Yang Xi has confidence in Blanche and Ji Yourong.

He threw his S-level two-star alien equipment "Gloves of the God of Light" on the table, "Big bonus, as long as you can win a game, this alien equipment will be given to you!"

The two supernatural beings looked at each other, and a piece of S-level beast equipment could increase their combat effectiveness a lot. What's more, it was a rare S-level two-star equipment, which was priceless.

Besides them, there were also some A-level and B-level officers present. If Yang Xi wanted to break his promise, he would lose his prestige in the B05 line of defense. Wouldn't they still have the final say here?

It's done!

They still can't believe how powerful these girls can be.

After receiving affirmative answers from the two, Yang Xilang said: "Yourong, Blanche, pick your opponent yourself, don't strike too hard!"

Ji Yourong and Blanche took a step forward, staring at the two S-level powerhouses, their eyes full of eagerness to try.

Martial arts hall.

Hearing the news that the two S-rank powerhouses were going to fight the new superpowers, the soldiers on vacation from the entire defense line crowded into the stands.

"The Flame Fighter and the Gem Collector are too shameless. The opponents are these two beautiful girls. Are they going to do it?"

"I heard that these two beauties are the girlfriends of our new commander, tsk tsk, they are worthy of being the stars of the Judgment Organization, and the benefits are good!"

"I bet each battle will last no longer than 1 minute. The supernatural beings who have never been on the battlefield are too weak, and there is no comparison with us fighters who fight between life and death!"

Standing in the arena are Blanche and the Gem Collector.

Blanche's armor that covered her whole body had been discarded after she developed the defensive seal. Now she is wearing light clothes, holds a sword in both hands, and carefully observes her opponent.

The gem collector opposite her also activated his ability, and a circle of colorful gems circled around him, exuding a breathtakingly brilliant light.

Just because of the supernatural appearance, this gem collector can be ranked in the top three among the supernatural beings that Yang Xi has seen.

Gem collectors can unleash the potential in gems for their own use. Although they are slightly weaker in attack, they are very perverted in terms of control and frankness.

He even has certain healing methods, and he is a very comprehensive supernatural person.

Yang Xi led the Qian family to sit on the right side of the stand, while Ziyunjian Duan Libang, Flame Fighter and others sat on the left side of the stand.

"If I were you, I would choose to admit defeat directly." The gem collector gracefully fiddled with the gems floating beside him, "It won't be good if I get hurt later, but don't worry, I won't hit you in the face of."

The gem collector smiled, "Who made me a gentleman?"

Blanche didn't take the opponent's ridicule to heart. After experiencing the company's betrayal and a series of tempering on the way to escape, her whole will was sublimated.


Blanche let out a breath and slowly closed her eyes.

At this moment, all the noisy sounds around her were suppressed, and in the information she received, only the sound of the opponent's breathing, heartbeat, and rubbing against the air as the gems rotated remained.

She opened her eyes suddenly!

Red and blue lights lit up on the sword!

The S-rank Blanche opened two seals at the same time.

Moreover, her greatly increased strength is not just as simple as having an extra energy seal!

Each of her seals has been greatly enhanced!

Slowly, a red and blue lingering cyclone appeared at Blanche's feet!

The face of the gem collector changed, just this girl's aura, the real S-level strength!

He immediately put away his underestimation, and glanced at the S-level two-star alien equipment on the stand. This thing is really not that easy to get!

However, this makes it more interesting!

He is a gem collector, but a veteran who has experienced dozens of local wars. His combat experience is definitely not comparable to the golden cat in front of him!

In the stands, Yang Xi raised the corners of his mouth slightly. These two S-level supernatural beings are indeed rich in combat experience, but unfortunately their opponents in recent years are all strange beasts.

Compared with fighting with alien beasts and fighting with humans, there is still a small difference!

Moreover, Yang Xi also knew that when ordinary human S-level strongmen fought with alien beasts of the same level, they usually cooperated with two or three people, which resulted in their not having as much experience in single combat as when fighting together.

If it's two-on-two, gem collectors and flame fighters can definitely beat Blanche and Ji Yourong's team-up, but it's hard to say if it's one-on-one!

Whether it's Blanche's Sealed Sword or Ji Yourong's Bullet Time, they are better than the other two S-level abilities in singles!

Blanche moved!

Under the blessing of the speed seal, she saw a flash of blue light, and she instantly crossed the distance of more than ten meters between herself and the gem collector!

The red light on the sealing sword was burning like a flame, with unparalleled power, it slashed at the gem collector!

The blade emptied the surrounding air, and the red light suppressed the brilliant color of the gemstone!

The entire Martial arts arena was shrouded in the red light of Blanche's sealed sword!

That powerful force brought an inhuman sense of oppression, which made the soldiers of the weaker supernatural beings unable to restrain themselves from wanting to surrender!

The strength of this girl is so terrifying! ! !

Even Duan Libang was a little more serious. This level of strength could already threaten him.

However, he is different from the other two S-level abilities.

He has carefully studied the video of the match between the Judgment Organization and Rose Swordsman, and he knows that the strength of the blond female superhuman in front of him not long ago is not as powerful as it is now!

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