"In less than half a month, an A-level supernatural user has the power of an S-level. The background of the ruling organization is really terrifying!"

At this moment, in Duan Libang's heart, he no longer had the slightest thought of seizing power. Originally, knowing that Shenhou was not there, he didn't want to be restricted by Yang Xi because of his status as a strong sequencer.

"It's better to do my job honestly. If I can take the opportunity to join the adjudication organization and have the adjudication resources, then my ranking on the sequence list may be raised even higher!"

The gem collector, who was fighting hard in the martial arts arena, had no idea that his boss Duan had been subdued, and was still struggling to control his gems to block Blanche's offensive.

It has to be said that this gem collector still has a few brushes.

Blanche's offensive wave after wave, the red sword light and scattered sword energy have already destroyed the hard ground of the Martial Arts Field in sevens and eighty-eight, but the gem collector who was attacked head-on, although he was initially attacked He was caught off guard, but with his rich combat experience, he managed to stabilize the situation.

Every time Blanche slashes, he can find the weak point, and control his gemstones to appear there accurately!

He resisted Blanche's attack with the least cost!

"Want to defeat me? You are still far away!"

The gem collector sneered, grabbed the gap in Blanche's moves, and launched his own attack mercilessly.

"Gem torrent!"

I saw that the speed of the gemstones floating around him suddenly increased, and only a dozen gemstones the size of cobble eggs were running at high speed, and there was an effect similar to a torrent!

Clap clap clap!

Gems of various colors quickly hit the blade of the Sealed Sword!

If Blanche hadn't cleverly turned the sword obliquely to remove part of the impact force, her Horcrux would have been severely damaged by this wave of impact!

Not only that, but at this moment, her tiger's jaw was aching, and she felt that she was about to be unable to hold the sealing sword in her hand!

The gem collector snorted coldly, turned the direction of the torrent of gems mercilessly, abandoned the sealing sword, and directly attacked Blanche's back!

"Your back is not as tough as the blade!"

Hurala! !

The torrent of gems is coming!

Blanche didn't have time to turn around, she opened the third seal without hesitation!

"Defensive seal · solution!"

A yellow mask appeared on Blanche's body, blocking the attack of the jewel torrent!

The gem collector was shocked, "What! This yellow cover is so strong!"

Blanche didn't hesitate anymore, taking advantage of the moment when the gem collector was surprised, a blue light flashed on her body, and slashed at him again!

There are so few gems around the gem collector, it is unrealistic for him to block Blanche's attack like before!

Under the crisis, he had no choice but to put all his eggs in one basket, gathered the only gems in front of his chest, and concentrated his energy to activate the control skill - "Gem Glare"!

The bright gemstones reflected the colorful glare, and Blanche's eyes gradually became blurred!

In the colorful glare, she seemed to see her once carefree self.

There is no fighting, no supernatural powers, only a gentle mother and father, and the doll bear that he regards as treasure.

"Not good! Blanche got hit!"

Above the stands, Ji Yourong let out an exclamation.

Unexpectedly, this gem collector's attack methods are so varied, and he can also use spiritual moves!

This is much more difficult to deal with than ordinary attack methods!

Yang Xi comforted the worried people and said, "Don't panic, we have confidence in Blanche!"

The gem collector sighed, "Finally I've got you, you troublesome little girl, dealt with."

,Ha ha!That S-level two-star alien equipment is mine! "

It's a pity that he didn't have time to finish laughing, when a white glow suddenly appeared between Blanche's brows!

Immediately afterwards, the white glow spread, and her slightly empty eyes returned to their former spirit.

Blanche's sword of sealing was on the gem collector's shoulder, and the blond girl smiled slightly, "You lost!"

The gem collector looked at Blanche in disbelief, how he could break free in such a short time after being hit by his gem's glare!

The referee announced: "Blanche wins!"

After a period of silence, the soldiers above the stands burst into warm cheers! ! !

"Blanche Cowhide!! Good job!!"

"Sure enough, you can't underestimate girls!!!"

"Worthy of being a member of the Judgment Organization, everyone is hiding their secrets!"

The gem collector gave a wry smile, he didn't expect that he would lose to such a yellow-haired girl.

"you win!"

Blanche returned to the stand where Yang Xi and the others were, and Qian Duoduo immediately joined in chirping.

Yang Xi affirmed Blanche's strength with a smile, "You did a good job, it seems that you will become a star star just around the corner."

Blanche shook her head and said, "Don't flatter me. This is a fact that can only be decided by adults in the zodiac. I also know that my strength is not strong enough!"

Alas, Yang Xi looked at Blanche and sighed in his heart, he should have given this little girl an upgraded potion earlier.

Next is the contest between Flame Fighter and Ji Yourong.

Flame Fighter had already jumped onto the arena, and he said to the gem collector who had just left, "Are you deliberately wanting to give me the S-level two-star alien equipment?"

The gem collector didn't even look back: "Be careful, I don't know how strong Ji Yourong was, but I'm sure he's no worse than Blanche!"

The flame fighter said confidently: "Don't worry, I will choose to rush to attack. Maybe the battle is over before you go up!"

He also saw that these two women should have S-level strength. The purpose of the competition now is not just to test their level, but to maintain the dignity of their veterans!

For this reason, he will go all out and not give Ji Yourong a chance!

Ji Yourong also landed on the martial arts arena, holding the dagger in her hand with a solemn expression.

After the flame fighter wiped his neck, he stretched out a finger, "I'm sorry little girl, for the dignity of our veterans, I will finish you in one minute!"

But Ji Yourong stretched out five fingers.

Flame Fighter smiled and said, "You are self-aware, do you want to survive my attack for 5 minutes?"

Ji Yourong shook his head and said, "No, I mean, within five seconds, get rid of you!"

273 Bald Cloaked Man (Big Chapter)

As soon as Ji Yourong finished speaking, he didn't give the Flame Fighter any time to react, and chose to activate the ability immediately.

A slow hit hit the opponent, Ji Yourong's beautiful eyes instantly lit up with silver, her vigorous body suddenly accelerated, and she quietly appeared behind the Flame Fighter, the sharp dagger was firmly attached to the Flame Fighter. on the victim's neck.

This process only took three seconds!

Originally with the strength of a flame fighter, although Ji Yourong's speed was fast, he still had time to arouse his fighting spirit.

But he was hit by the slowness, and the grudge has just been condensed in the body at this moment. If this is in actual combat, he is already dead.

Compared with the applause given to Blanche by the soldiers in the first round, when Ji Yourong instantly killed the S-rank flame fighter, the stands were turned into a quiet library.

After a long time, the supernatural soldiers whispered.

"This... instant kill?"

"In terms of strength, Flame Fighter's ability is more domineering, but he was directly given a second!"

"Hiss...Could it be that this person is actually a zodiac sign of the Judgment Organization pretending to be?"

"You don't even know the second most beautiful woman in the world? But she is only ranked 82nd on the world list!"

Yang Xi was not surprised by this result at all.

The flame fighter is a high-explosive type of supernatural being. If he can use his flame fighting energy, then Ji Yourong can't be his opponent at all, and he can't even get close.

But at the same time, his mental strength is weak, and his defense is not good. With these two weaknesses, he can hardly resist Ji Yourong's slowness.

The reason Ji Yourong said to kill him within five seconds was also because she could only slow down the Flame Fighter for less than five seconds.

This is the characteristic of Ji Yourong's battles. When one-on-one, the winner is determined within a few seconds. Either the opponent is seconded, or she can only rely on the predictive skills to keep fighting, wait for her mental strength to recover, and try again Slow to use.

clap clap clap! !

In the stands, Ziyunjian Duan Libang applauded first.

After Blanche defeated the gem collector before, he remained calm because he was confident that he could defeat Blanche.

But he couldn't understand Ji Yourong's ability. He didn't know if he could be immune to this weird slowing effect when facing Ji Yourong's ability.

"Besides, even the strength of the two non-seat members is so good, I'm afraid this Yang Xi already has the combat power of the sequence level!"

Duan Libang glanced at Yang Xi. Fortunately, he had adjusted his mentality a long time ago, and planned to have a good relationship with the adjudication organization. As for the face of the veterans... On the defensive line, big fists are the truth.

Presumably, his two old buddies will be more honest in the next period of time.

Looking at Duan Libang who was applauding vigorously, Yang Xi expressed his satisfaction with the result. He will be busy with a lot of things in the future, but he doesn't have extra energy to deal with the veterans here.

You Rong and Blanche are so competitive, no one will dare to shake the ruling and the leading position of the Qian family in the B05 defense line in the future.

"Good job, you can..."

Yang Xi also praised Ji Yourong severely, which made the girl shy.

With these two competitions as a basis, the handover of the command of the defense line became extremely smooth. After half a day's work, the highest officer of the B05 defense line became Yang Xi.

Even the Commander's Mansion was kept spotless and let out.

At Yang Xi's age, being able to become a commander of a local war zone is one of the few things that can be done in the Four Seas region. Before him, only the few monsters at the top of the Four Seas list could do it.

They are all cultivated as the pillars of the next generation of great forces.

Yang Xi, a "collateral branch of the Qian family", was able to come to this point, not unrelated to the pressure of the three major forces brought by the adjudication organization.


So many days after the adjudication organization's Tiangang plan was announced, the three major forces basically collected a Tiangang mask.

It was the Ouyang family who took Nie Xiaoguan Tiankui's mask away.

At this moment, somewhere on the front line of the seventh island chain in the Liberty Alliance sea area, the body of the strange beast was floating on the surface of the sea. Looking around, the edge could not be seen.

Ouyang Guanhe played with the Tiankui mask in his hand, and threw it to the beautiful woman behind him.

"Jingzhu, I'll leave the matter of the mask to you. Remember, don't try to challenge the bottom line of the ruling. I still can't see through Shenhou or Suzaku."

From the new novel group 712205071


The group is updated daily to release novels

(from the new novel group 712205071)

Ouyang Jingzhu said: "It's just that they have mastered the production technology of supernatural potions, shouldn't we fight for it? The other two are probably ready to move!"

"It doesn't matter. I don't think the Judgment Organization will be taken down so easily by the Iron Blood Army or the Heroes' Association. We still have to wait and see."

"Then in exchange for the supernatural potion, shall I bring it to you?"

"You don't need to give it to me, you can decide for yourself. At my level, I care about other things."


Ouyang Jingzhu stepped back wearing the Tiankui mask.

When she came to a practice room, she handed the mask to an ordinary-looking youth with closed eyes who was sitting cross-legged in meditation.

Maybe at first glance, you will ignore his existence.

But he is the nightmare and target of all the younger generations in this sea area!

——Ouyang Xuan!

The third place on the Four Seas Ranking, the monstrous genius of sequence No. 88, possesses the Horcrux-type power Xuanyuan Sword, and with his sword, he suppressed the younger generation of the entire Freedom Alliance.

Only when Qian Miaomiao was still alive, could she get a few rays of light from this peerless genius.

Together with "Zhenhai Hammer" Chen Tianyang and "Cangyan Aria" Xia Yubei, he is also known as the Three Heroes of the World and is regarded as the leader of the next generation of human beings.

The moment the ordinary-looking Ouyang Xuan opened his eyes, his temperament suddenly changed, like a sharp sword soaring into the sky, if he looked more often, his eyes would be stabbed.

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