He tilted his head at Ouyang Jingzhu in doubt.

Ouyang Jingzhu relaxed a little in front of her nephew, "Your father said let me dispose of it as I like, so I will give it to you, find some people to test the authenticity of the supernatural potion, and see if the adjudication organization sells it in the gourd. What kind of medicine!"

Ouyang Xuan took the mask and stroked the metal surface of Tiankui's mask with his fingers.

Ouyang Jingzhu reminded again: "Before confirming whether the supernatural potion has any side effects, you should not take risks. As the heir of the Ouyang family and even the Chamber of Commerce Alliance, your body is precious!"

Ouyang Xuan nodded, put the mask aside, and began to meditate again with eyes closed.

Ouyang Jingzhu glanced at the nephew who had returned to the state of an ordinary youth, and sighed, this elder nephew is good in everything, but he is too boring.

Unlike his own father, when he was young, he was simply a chatterbox, so annoying.


Iron Blood Army Headquarters.

All general officers who did not have the task of guarding the line of defense participated in this meeting.

Sitting at the head of the meeting was an old man with white eyebrows, he was wearing a straight military uniform, and he was not angry.

"I already have an idea about the adjudication organization, so let Tianyang handle it!"

The words of the old man caused the generals with different expressions on both sides of the conference table to cast their scrutiny eyes on a dark-skinned young man.

"Yes, Commander!"

There is a shallow scar on the forehead of the dark young man, which makes him look a bit tough.

He got up and took the mask, put it in front of him, and continued to keep his eyes fixed.


Hero Association.

On a high mountain, a bald man in a cloak and a handsome man with long hair are playing chess. The pieces on the chessboard are fighting fiercely.

The metal Tiangang mask was casually placed on the mat.

"Recently, there has been a lot of movement in the Southern Continent."

"There are more and more aliens appearing here, the situation is not optimistic!"

"The proportion of people with supernatural powers among human beings is decreasing year by year. Maybe it is really what that person said. Only finding the way of meditation is the only way to save human beings!"

The handsome man with long hair snorted coldly, "Just believe half of what he said, I don't believe we can't create a meditation method suitable for the public!"

The bald cloaked man smiled wryly and said, "We have been trying for more than ten years. Although the two of us know how to meditate to enhance our own strength, we have no way to teach others how to meditate! How did those outsiders create the idea of ​​meditation? !"

"Maybe, we have to go a little further!"

"But... the time is too short!"

"According to the latest information, several powerful auras descended from the Southern Continent. I am afraid that the balance between us and other worlds at the top has been broken!"

"The news about the Philosopher's Stone has leaked out. If it wasn't for this, why would a fourth-order powerhouse come to our world?"

"Forget it, let's not talk about it. What do you think of the adjudication organization?"

"Wait and see. If supernatural potions can be popularized, they can be regarded as a part of the meditation method. I just don't know where the limit of this technology is. Is there a way to 'create' a strong person of our level, otherwise? No matter how many ordinary supernatural beings there are, it won't help!"

"Speaking of which, do you hope that the people behind the ruling organization are strong enough?"

"Haha, it's better to be able to hang and beat me by raising your hand, so that the burden on my body can be lightened. What do you want to do? If the sky falls, there will be a tall man to support it!"

"Then leave this matter to that kid Yu Bei, he doesn't know what he's been messing around with every day, find something for him to do!"

"I have no objection, it's your disciple anyway."

"Haha, teaching apprentices is actually very fun, why didn't you find one?"

"It's not that I haven't seen the right one!"

The long-haired handsome man teased, "Isn't that girl in Su Xiaoluo's team pretty?"

The bald man in the cloak touched his brine-like head, with a depressed expression on his face, "I don't want the apprentice I handed over to beat you, if it's not possible, I'll go and snatch Chen Tianyang from the iron-blooded army!"

"Haha, be careful to push that old man Tie Yousong into a hurry to fight with you, Chen Tianyang is the treasure he picked up after exhausting all his luck!"


After staying in the B05 defense line for a few days, everything is being arranged in an orderly manner.

After Yang Xi performed a few patrol missions symbolically, he settled down in his commander's mansion with peace of mind.

Today, all the 36 Tiangang masks have finally found their owners.

Although it can't be said that the Four Elephants Hall is very lively, it has gained some popularity anyway.

With the increase in intelligence transactions, Yang Xi has become more aware of the situation in the world.

Of course, there are some hidden gossips among them, and according to Suzaku's judgment, the credibility is very high.

For example, the love-hate relationship between the deputy commander of the Jagged Army and Qian Youque,

When they were young, they were well-known "hot couples" all over the world, but in the end Qian Youqian ended their nine-year long-distance love run with Zhao Jinyin and married an ordinary woman.

But now, something happened, and the first one to stand up was Zhao Jinyin, the ex-girlfriend who tore him up on Twitter.

If it wasn't for her, I'm afraid Qian Youque would have been killed by now.

There is also Qian Youming, the second child of the Qian family. His disappearance is because he is suspected of falling in love with a woman from another world and was kidnapped to live in the Southern Continent.

And the big battle where the Qian family suffered was also after Qian Youque led a group of elites into the seventh island chain in order to recover his younger brother.

There are two reasons why Mr. Qian suspected that it was the poisonous hands of that powerful force.

The first point is that the woman from another world was picked up by Qian Youming from the Sea of ​​Heroes. Perhaps, this was a game from the beginning.

The second point is that Qian Youming's ex-girlfriend is Ouyang Jingzhu, and the two have reached the point of discussing marriage.

Once the marriage is successful, the top two families of the eight major families of the Chamber of Commerce Alliance will become closer. Maybe they can change the current situation of disunity and become a real power that can compete with the Heroes Association and the Iron Blood Army.

Only such a powerful force can do it.

Of course, this is just Qian Lao's inference from his motives. After all, it was Zhao Jinyin who rescued Qian Youque, and only she might know the truth of the matter.

It cannot even be ruled out that it was the Ouyang family, or simply a force from another world.

It's all possible, but that force is the most likely.

In addition to intelligence, there are also more supernatural potions for exchanging trade squeezes.

In the past, there were as many as a dozen C-level and B-level potions, but in the past two days, there have been three requests for exchanging A-level supernatural medicines in a short period of time.

This means that the corpses of nine S-level and three A-level beasts are definitely a lot of dark energy income, not to mention the diverse types of abilities.

Among other things, the dark energy cubes provided by these nine S-level beasts are enough for Yang Xi to upgrade the other zodiac vests.

When giving benefits to the younger brothers, it can also be a lot more refreshing.

Even he can provide loans to more tool people, so the efficiency of collecting dark energy will become faster.

"You know, well-known writers like Xiao Baishi, who are on the rich list, have to go bankrupt or even go into debt to buy three S-level beasts. Behind the three of them, Tiankuixing, Tiangangxing, and Tianyinxing, should be the three The resources of the forces are supporting them."

"It's really stingy, there are three major powers, and they only exchange for A-level potions, and everyone comes with a tube of S-level potions!"

Giving Yang Xi the corpses of thirty S alien beasts directly is enough for Yang Xi to make up half of the zodiac signs.

Maybe, it can even hit the limit of SSS level.

With so many "orders" backlogged, Yang Xi left a clone in the commander's mansion, and came to the secret stronghold on Banana Island through the space anchor.

This is his third time here, the previous times were for small orders.

At the same time, Yang Xi also made the decoration very luxurious little by little, and his favorite entertainment items, games, watching movies, etc. can be fully enjoyed through the Si Snake avatar.

After all, as a commander, he had to maintain the image of a leader in his mansion on the B05 defense line.

The Si Snake clone game was at the critical moment of the team battle, and Yang Xi began to take out the corpses of the alien beasts one by one in the open space, stripping off their abilities.

He whistled and was in a great mood!

274 Exchange Ability [Black Dragon Messenger]


This is a small island located in the Ninth Island Chain of the Sea of ​​Heroes. It was once the first fortress for humans to resist the invasion of the alien beast army.

However, at this moment, Midway Island has been occupied by strange beasts.

The buildings left by humans are only broken walls. It is not known whether it is normal plants or the vegetation of wood-type alien creatures occupying the city.

The dilapidated streets are full of human and alien skeletons. Of course, beside these skeletons, there are many alien beasts who are sleeping and recharging their energy.

On the wreckage of the building in the original city center of Midway Island, there is an egg-shaped building with a style very different from that of Azure Star.

It can be seen that its shell was originally pure white, but unfortunately it was exposed to acid rain.

Anastas, a quasi-second-rank supernatural warrior, flapped his wings and flew into the eggshell mercenary union.

This is the building imitated by the powerful "Mercenary Union" that spans several continents in the Ossaid plane under the joint forces of the New Fry Continent.

Anasta will leave New Frye Continent to come to the front to complete the tasks, and submit them all in one go.

The staff in the office quickly reviewed Anasta's mission records and calculated the magic crystals she deserved one by one.

"Hello, respected Lord Anasta Cecil, you have completed three local war commands in total, and you can obtain a total of 75 magic crystals of gamma-level purity. Please sign."

The clerk with the blood of Meimo pushed the red half-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose with his slender fingers.

"Only 75 magic crystals of gamma purity?"

Anasta frowned and signed his noble name on the document.

Originally, she thought that she could get at least 90 gamma-level magic crystals. The absorption efficiency of this kind of magic crystals is about 40%. If 90 yuan, it should be able to steadily help her complete the second-order breakthrough.

Due to the limitation of aptitude, in the azure planet, an indigenous plane full of magic power, the efficiency of her use of meditation to absorb the magic power in the bottleneck period has changed from 20% when she first came to the azure star plane to a pitiful one. 3%.

If there is no strong enough magic stimulation, it will be a very long process to break through to the second level with her own meditation.

She can't wait so long!

"It would be great if I could find the legendary Philosopher's Stone. This can directly change my magic talent. Maybe there will be no bottleneck in upgrading from the first level to the second level!"

Fortunately, under the research of many pioneers in the Ossaid plane, as long as the bottleneck is broken through, after the body is transformed by magic power, the absorption efficiency of free magic power from the outside world will return to the original level.

Anastas frowned in distress, "Forget it, let's try to see if we can directly break through to the second level with 75 magic crystals. It's still too dangerous on the battlefield. If it wasn't for my good luck this time, I might be killed by humans." Captured!"

Few of the Ossaid people who were captured by humans were able to come back alive. It is said that they all triggered the curse seal planted in their brains during the process of being forced to meditate, and exploded to death from the inside out. .

The death is particularly miserable!

She doesn't intend to hand over her life to illusory luck.

Anasta took the magic crystal, returned to his residence on Midway Island, and began to practice against the clock.

Coming to the Celestial Plane, life in the New Frye Continent was very comfortable at the beginning. As a member of the Cecil family, she has a natural advantage in the camp. The leaders of some small forces in Bright City sold her to inherit The lineage is a face.

But at the same time, the extravagant life corroded her determination to become stronger, until after this period of fighting, she slowly adapted to this environment again.

And grow up like a fish in water.

Anastas held a magic crystal in her hand, feeling the cold touch in her palm, she couldn't help sighing, "This is something I earned by risking my life, and I can't waste a single bit of it!"

Under the refinement of the Cecil family's meditation method, this magic crystal gradually evaporated a black mist-like magic power.

Anasta began to greedily absorb these expensive magic powers.


Yang Xi finished stripping all the beast corpses he received this time, and obtained a total of three elemental abilities, six enhancement abilities and three bloodline abilities.

Converted into dark energy cubes, there are almost [-] units.

It can be described as instant riches!

Among these abilities, the ones with relatively high development value are as follows.

[Ability: Thorn Skin

Introduction: Can return [-]% of the damage received to the opponent

Evaluation: S grade]

This ability comes from an S-level alien beast "Thorn Stone Tiger". This kind of alien beast has thick skin, exaggerated defense, and is also very powerful. Slowly grind the enemy to death.

In this way of fighting, the mental damage to the enemy is stronger than the physical damage, which can be described as very frenzied.

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