"It's already early in the morning, let's have breakfast first."

Most of the series of experiments Yang Xi conducted on the meditation method were for himself to create a method for the stripping ability to break through the shackles of 43967 units, but there were also other reasons.

For example, building a team with meditation as its core, or providing meditation to humans.

After all, the current situation of human beings fighting against invaders is a little bit unfavorable. Although the idea of ​​meditation can't cause much impact in a short period of time, it can be regarded as a shot in the arm for the future of the entire human race.

At ten o'clock in the morning, at the sports center in Lukang City, the power conference officially started.

Yang Xi mixed into the crowd to participate in the opening ceremony. Watching the boys and girls from each district's representative team enter the arena one by one, feeling the youthful vitality in them, made him feel much better.

"Anyway, the avatar is on standby at the 05 defense line at any time. If there is a war, I can go back through the space anchor point at any time. There is Suzaku watching in the cloud top space. I just dealt with a batch of strange beast corpses at the secret base, and I have to wait for Liu Yuan After dealing with the affairs in Lugang, kid, let's take a few days off recently."

If there is a fly in the ointment, the younger sister is not around to play together.

She has been hanging out with Blanche and others recently, and she doesn't know what she is busy with.

"Cultivation without the guidance of meditation methods is all fuss."

In the crowd, the puppet seal in the space between Ye Fan's eyebrows flashed for a moment, and he immediately turned his gaze to Yang Xi who had another face in the crowd.

Yang Xi nodded at him, his eyes full of encouragement.

Ye Fan knew that this stranger was the leader of his own family. After feeling the encouragement from the leader, his desire to win the championship became stronger.

"I have never been able to help the leader, but this time I must win the championship, and then step by step become the top of the Heroes Association!"

Yang Xi just glanced at Ye Fan, and put more energy on Li Zitian beside Ye Fan.

The girl was still as cold as before, and what happened last night didn't seem to affect her at all.

Yang Xi could sense that Li Zitian was still practicing the Demon Hunting Meditation at this time.

"Talent is one aspect. This girl's ability to break through to the first level at this age is also inseparable from her diligence."

Kunlun Economic Company, meeting room on the 55th floor.

Only the mechanical war hero and Liu Yuan and his son are left here.

The mechanical war hero still wore the familiar equipment, and the scarlet cloak was dragged on the elegant carpet.

He is much older than before.

"What do you want me to do today?" The mechanical war hero looked at Liu Yuan with a complicated expression.

He never thought that his young son, who was fooling around, would be able to achieve this step.

He actually secretly united most of the members of the board of directors, successfully emptied him, and became the actual controller of Kunlun Brokerage Company!

This is an unacceptable thing for the mechanical warrior.

He didn't accept his failure, let alone being betrayed and defeated by his son!

"Except for my life, all the power and status I have have been taken away by you!"

Unexpectedly, Liu Yuan, who was sitting opposite, showed his familiar smiling face, "Old man, I'm leaving Lukang City. Kunlun Economic Company, I have never paid attention to it."

Liu Yuan got up from the table, and handed a plate full of black material from the board members to the mechanical war hero.

"Tomorrow, the super hero Masked Werewolf will announce his retirement."

"I'm off to pursue my dreams, old man"

Liu Yuan pondered for a moment.

The mechanical war hero asked: "What?"

Liu Yuan rubbed his eyebrows and left the meeting room.

A sentence was sent in lightly.

"Stop playing heroines in the future, how old are you, pay attention to your body!"

The mechanical war hero rubbed the black piano paint plate in his hand, and cursed with a smile, "These two bastards, don't die in the world!"

291 I will become the leader's strongest tool!

On the fifth day of the Ability Conference, the final of the melee event finally ushered in.

Ye Fan's opponent was the previous champion, the horcrux-type superpower "Dominator Demon" Alexander. He swept his opponents all the way with the horcrux demon blade, and few people could last more than 1 minute under his hands.

But Ye Fan's record is also not bad. Almost all the opponents he met were killed by him with one punch.

Of course, the title of this kind of successor can basically appear in every power conference.

Before the official battle, the exciting battle scenes of the two are scrolling on the big screen.

In the VIP room, an old man of Caucasian race and an old man in Tang suit were talking happily.

"President Wu, Ye Fan in your district is really a bit fierce. Looking at this year's champion, it must be him!"

"Chairman Andre, Alexander is the champion of the last year, and his strength is extraordinary." Wu Ziji sipped his tea with a smile, what was the old man opposite him thinking, would Wu Ziji not understand?

Don't you just want him to follow suit, and then everyone will brag about each other's business!

But the fiasco in District One last time, he was quite angry with this old man.

This time, he had to give him a few slaps, and vent his anger on himself last year.

"But what you said is not bad. Alexander is indeed no match for Ye Fan. I will tell him to be merciful, so that the strongest student in your three districts will not be beaten violently on the live broadcast, and it will be embarrassing."


Andre was so annoyed that he couldn't speak. He never expected that people from the district who regard modesty as a virtue would say such a thing!

He originally thought that old man Wu Ziji would flatter each other with him!

"Haha, I made you so arrogant last year!"

After teasing Andre, Wu Ziji was in a good mood, and seeing Ye Fan on the stage became more and more pleasing to the eye, this is a unicorn from their district, sent to the Hero Sea Territory, and within a few years, he will definitely become a strong man on his own By.

At that time, he, Old Wu, will also get a lot of benefits!

"Also, that girl Li Zitian is not bad. I think she can send a lot of talents to the front line this year. My old Wu is going to be lucky!"

In the preparation area next to the ring, Maruki, Li Zitian and others were the contestants, so they were able to sit so close.

Marukyu looked at the stage worriedly and said, "This domineering demon Alexander is so powerful, will Ye Zi get hurt?"

Li Zitian next to her was meditating and practicing, so she ignored Wan Jiu.

Russell is also a taciturn man, only Ao Chao took over Wan Jiu's words, "Don't worry about it, Ye Fan's beast, after fighting with super beasts, he will have leisure and elegance and then go to exercise. A mere Alexander can how is he?"

"If you want me to say, you should worry about that boy Alexander."

"The strongest students with supernatural powers in our district, how can they be able to compete with these miscellaneous districts?"

Because of the loss to Ye Fan, the stronger Ye Fan is, the happier Ao Chao will be.

How to say that sentence, if I lose to the champion, it is not impossible for me to be a runner-up.

In the arena, there was still one minute before the start of the battle, and the time on the big screen was already counting down.

Although Alexander has a fierce reputation, he is a thin-looking teenager with golden-white hair and even braces.

But when he saw the black and red Horcrux Demon Blade on his shoulder, he knew that he was definitely not a good stubble.

Alexander's bloodshot eyes were exposed under his broken hair, and the corner of his mouth was slightly raised, "Ye Fan, I have been hearing about you for a while, and I can finally fight with you. Don't let me wait a while. I am disappointed!"

For Alexander, participating in the power conference is to appreciate the screams of his peers.

He rejected the Hero Association's early call last time just to be able to experience this feeling one more time.

If it were any other student, they would probably be intimidated by Alexander's appearance.

But who is Ye Fan?

What he has experienced is something that most of the students sitting here will never encounter in their lifetime.

From the moment he watched his teeth being pulled out one by one, it was destined that Ye Fan's life would be different.

He has his way.

The numbers on the big screen kept shrinking and finally changed from "1" to "0"!

The audience in the stands let out the sound of mountains and tsunami, and Ye Fan and Alexander also started at the same time!

I saw Alexander's Demon Blade suddenly enveloped in a black-red energy full of killing aura.

This black-red energy seems to come from hell, full of disturbing fluctuations.

A phantom of a great demon carrying a sword also appeared behind Alexander. The audience just looked at this phantom from a distance, and had the illusion of falling into an ice cave.

Not to mention Ye Fan, who faced Alexander directly, the pressure he endured was dozens of times that of the audience!

But Ye Fan stood on the ring easily, he regarded the phantom of this demon as nothing!

Ye Fan said lightly: "Is this your strength?"

Alexander felt the demonic power surging all over his body, and whispered: "What's the matter, the strongest student in Tangtang District, in front of me, should he raise his hand and surrender like those scum?"

Ye Fan raised his eyebrows and said with a light smile, "You think too much, I just think it's a bit disappointing to this extent!"

With a swipe, Ye Fan disappeared in place.

At supersonic speed, Alexander couldn't observe Ye Fan's actions at all.

His voice also seemed to come from all directions.

"It seems that Li Zitian is the only one among the younger generation who can fight me to the fullest!"

Hearing what Ye Fan said, everyone couldn't help looking at the iceberg girl who was still resting with her eyes closed.

Even though he knew what Ye Fan was talking about, Wan Jiu looked at Li Zitian with strange eyes.


Ye Fan punched Alexander hard in the stomach, the fist seemed to come out from his back!

Alexander fell and fell several times on the ground before stopping.

He struggled to prop up his body with the demon blade, "How is it possible! I have a body protected by demon power, how could your fist break through it!"

Ye Fan appeared in front of him like a flash, stepped on the Devil's Blade, and bent the Horcrux that made countless supernatural students have nightmares at night.

"As long as you have absolute strength and speed, there is nothing in this world that is impenetrable!"

Ye Fan's words made Alexander feel extremely humiliated. He roared, and the demonic power in his body seemed to turn into liquid.

"Damn it! You should die! I must kill you!"

Under Alexander's rage, even more terrifying strength erupted!

The third eye between the brows of the great demon phantom also slowly opened!

Invisible energy fluctuations spread throughout the gymnasium. The side effects of this energy alone caused many weak-minded spectators to have their eyes bloodshot and fight each other irrationally.

Alexander seemed to be a puppet of the Devil's Blade. He held the knife, and his eyes were also blood red.

"Die, you idiot who dares to blaspheme the tyrant demon!"

With Alexander slashing down with his sword, everything around him lost its color!

But in this black and white, Ye Fan's fist was as bright as a light bulb!


This punch completely shattered all the power of demons lingering in the gymnasium!

The black and red demonic energy ran back to the Demon Blade like a wild dog with a broken leg, and the eyes of the maddened audience returned to clarity.

The commentator on the sidelines, looking at the only figure standing on the ring, said with some trepidation: "So Ye Fan's information says that he is an enhancement system, so I don't think he is of the blood of an ancient demon god, right?"

Naturally, Ye Fan would not hear the following discussion.

He looked expectantly at the direction where the leader was, but there was no trace of Yang Xi there.

Ye Fan clenched his fist tightly, one day, he will become the most powerful tool in the hands of the leader!

292 Going to the Front

The Ability Conference has come to an end. The Hero Department of Yanjing University, as the representative team of the first district, not only won the championship in the team event, but also won the individual champions of the close combat group and the long-range attack group.

As the biggest hero, Ye Fan is sought after by countless media, and his popularity is no less than that of some super heroes who have been famous for a long time.

It's because his performance in the power conference was too impressive. In front of him, Alexander, the previous champion, had no strength to resist!

You know, last year, this evildoer from the three districts was known as a genius who "suppressed the generation"!

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