It's a pity that Ye Fan ruthlessly suppressed this existence who could "suppress a generation" at this year's power conference.

If Alexander cannot overcome the demonic obstacle of losing to Ye Fan, his future progress may be limited.

In fact, not only Ye Fan, several members of Yenching University also performed quite well, needless to say Li Zitian, Ao Chao’s gluttonous blood, Marukyu’s expressive ability, and Russell’s red dragon suit , are all abilities with huge potential.

Therefore, after the power conference ended, it was very rare that all five members of the representative team received invitations from the Heroes Association.

Among them, Li Zitian agreed without even thinking about it. For her, being able to quickly become stronger is the most real thing, especially after seeing the power of the Youji, she is full of curiosity about the realm behind the level.

Furthermore, through the deal with Yang Xi, she became the star of Zhang Yuelu of the Judgment Organization. When her life is in danger, she can call the mysterious "Master Suzaku" to help. That's it.

Russell also did not hesitate at all. When he went to the world, his father Luo Kuang set the route for him from the very beginning. He wanted to realize the regret that his parents did not realize.

Ao Chao is a bit pained. He knows that the Four Seas region is particularly bitter. As a qualified foodie, he wants to retreat when he thinks of facing the situation of eating military rations.

But in the end, he still decided to go to the Four Seas area. Compared with eating unpalatable military rations, being left behind in terms of strength is something that Ao Chao cannot accept. Although, he once could not accept the fact that he became the third strongest in Yanjing University. But when Li Zitian was also "overtaken" by Ye Fan, Ao Chao felt that it was okay!

Marukyu is very simple. When she is in a passionate love period, it is natural that Ye Fan will go wherever Ye Fan goes. Wherever she goes, it is best to be allocated the same dormitory.

However, there was a problem with Ye Fan.

He will definitely go to the Sea of ​​Heroes. This has been his goal from the very beginning, and it can even be said to be his ideal in life.

But the problem is, the sign does not allow family members!

This was unexpected by Ye Fan, including Yang Xi.

Although Ye Shuang is a little older, if she is allowed to live in Yanjing alone, let alone Ye Fan, even Yang Xi is not at ease.

Fortunately, Ye Fan's performance was so outstanding that he even alarmed the top management of the Heroes Association.

After understanding the difficulty of this Sequence Seed, the higher-ups gave Ye Shuang one,

She can go to the back of the Sea of ​​Heroes to continue her studies, and Ye Fan can also find time to visit her when he is free from missions.

From the new novel group 712205071


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(from the new novel group 712205071)

When the dust settled on this matter, the most uncomfortable thing was the dean of the Department of Heroes of Yenching University. He originally thought that Yenching University could win the long-lost consecutive championship with the help of Ye Fan, a first-year student, but he did not expect this. A few boys behaved so against the sky that they directly attracted everyone from the headquarters.

Yenching University can't keep such a good seedling.

However, apart from Yenching University's opponents, another group of people also celebrated the news when they heard the news!It is the seniors of the Hero Department of Yenching University!

Originally, the rise of Ye Fan made these seniors feel that their future was dark, but they didn't expect that their "strongest class" would be recruited by the association!

I could only hear the howling of wolves from the Hero Department of Yenching University.

"God help me so damn, I can show my face at the power conference!"

"Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, wait for me for another year!"

"One day I will ride the wind, and I will rule the heavens and the world, fans come!"

When Yang Xi heard Ye Fan's report, he was quite surprised. He originally thought that he would have to wait another year or two before Ye Fan entered the Sea of ​​Heroes to practice.

"It seems that the battle situation in the Sea of ​​Heroes is not very optimistic. Logically speaking, whether it is the magic dragon or Ye Fan, they are still a little bit short of the standards of previous years."

Of course, Demon Dragon has a little less potential, while Ye Fan and Li Zitian are older than Ao Chao. The three of them are even younger and less capable, but they are all rushing to the shelves to "expand their recruitment".

"Speaking of which, among the supernatural beings recruited by the Hero Association in the interior this year, the two with the greatest potential seem to be mine!"

Yang Xi himself felt a little embarrassed.

Liu Yuan bowed and left with some reluctance.

The sound of the shutter of the camera behind him was as noisy as raindrops falling on the ground.

Yang Xi appeared beside him, saw the expression on Liu Yuan's face, and said teasingly: "What's the matter, Yingying Yanyan who is reluctant to part with the various bars in Lukang City, or those female fans who can't wait to pounce on them?"

Liu Yuan, who gradually became more serious in front of outsiders, returned to his cheap and naive appearance when facing Yang Xi.

He stroked the back of his head and said, "How can it be? Ever since I became a superhero, I've been so busy every day, going to bars or something, it seems like a long time ago."

Yang Xidao: "Ah Yuan, do you regret taking this path?"

He paused, "I mean, from a rich second generation who can live happily ever after, to this kind of desperate Saburo who begs for food under the claws of strange beasts?"

Yang Xi looked at the exposed skin on Liu Yuan's body. Although the werewolf blood had brought him a strong self-healing ability, there were still dense scars left behind. These scars are very shallow and cannot be seen unless you look carefully.

Liu Yuan felt a little uncomfortable being watched by Yang Xi, he hugged his arm, "I don't regret it, the happiest time in my life is now!"

"Before I had werewolf blood, although I drove the fastest car, drank the strongest wine, and rode the wildest horse, my heart was empty!"

"Until I turned around and went back to save the couple, even though I was too nervous to say anything, my heart was beating like never before!"

"From that moment on, I came back to life!"

Liu Yuan's eyes lit up, "I am no longer the hopeless young son of a mechanical war hero, and no longer the younger brother of a magic dragon who only causes trouble. I am Liu Yuan, a supernatural being who dares to face strange beasts!"

After hearing this, Yang Xi sighed a little, perhaps, this kid is destined to be a hero.

The so-called prodigal son turns his head back, and Liu Yuan, who has been decadent for the first half of his life, will use the second half of his life to create his own miracle!

As long as you find the right path in life and are willing to work hard for it, it will never be too late to start!

"Then, follow the footsteps of the organization and go to conquer the world!"

Yang Xi rested on Liu Yuan's shoulders, and with a slap, the two disappeared out of thin air.

293 The Adopted Son of the Big Brother You Chicken!

Liu Yuan only felt his godfather put his shoulders on his shoulders, and the things in front of him disappeared immediately, and the sense of weightlessness disappeared as soon as he was born, and when he regained consciousness, the surrounding scenery completely changed.

I saw myself and my godfather appearing on the top of a building, with the salty sea breeze blowing my face, the ground under my feet was a bit damp, and green moss was growing wildly in the corner.

As far as the eye can see, on the square, there are a large number of supernatural beings wearing standard military uniforms for training. Judging from the power of their moves, so many people are mainly super supernatural beings, and there are not a few super supernatural beings!

There are dozens of people with super abilities!

"So many strong men! Is this the Four Seas?"

The number of strong men he has seen so far alone exceeds the sum of what Liu Yuan has seen in the first half of his life!

You know, he is not the kind of ordinary person who has less contact with supernatural beings. He is the youngest son of the mechanical war hero, and he grew up in the Kunlun Company since he was a child!

Yang Xi said with a smile: "This is the 05 defense line of the seventh island chain in the Liberty Alliance sea area, and it is the site where the organization began to garrison not long ago."

"The soldiers on the square actually have little to do with the organization. The forces we deploy here, including you, have a total of two constellation positions and three official members."

"The other star seat is also from Lukang City. You may have met him on the street. He is a member I promoted and has great potential."

Yang Xi put on a chicken vest and gave Liu Yuan a vaccination. He really didn't want the situation where he was bullied by Liu Yuan in the Lukang Evening News to happen again, "Here, you can't just mess around just because you are close to me. , Everything must be under Bi Yuewu's command."

Liu Yuan thought to himself: "Is this Bi Yuewu also found by godfather from Lukang City?"

Inexplicably, Liu Yuan didn't like Yang Xi very much in his heart. Although he was a fellow townsman, in Liu Yuan's view, this guy named Bi Yuewu was his formidable enemy.

No wonder, when I was in Lukang City, my godfather only met once in a while, okay, the rest of the time, I went to see Bi Yuewu emotionally?

Sensing the resentment in Liu Yuan's eyes, Yang Xi coughed uncomfortably, stowed away and put it in the space anchor in advance.

In order to ensure that Liu Yuan could be shocked at the first time, Yang Xi searched for this excellent "spectacular spot" for a long time, and even came here on time, for fear of missing the soldiers' training.

Now it seems that the effect is good, but I don't know which link has gone wrong, and the boy Liu Yuan's eyes have started to look weird again!

To be honest, Yang Xi now regrets that he didn't make this kid his puppet.

Otherwise, you will know what is going on in his head!

"Adjust your status and follow me to meet the members of the organization here."

Yang Xi's Bi Yuewu avatar has already gathered everyone to welcome the arrival of Kuimu wolf.

"Remember, you are Kui Mulang now, bring up your character to me, don't look like a pig brother when you see a pretty little girl!"

Liu Yuan quickly put on his Kui Mulang mask, and stepped on the metal Frisbee condensed by Yang Xi nervously.

Yang Xi didn't hide it either, and just took Liu Yuan slowly into the air.

When passing by the training square at low speed, some supernatural beings still looked at them with a little bit of warning. They were thinking, who dared to fly so recklessly over their 05 defense line after taking the courage of Xiongzhi leopard.

Just as he was about to get mad, he was pulled back by the knowledgeable companion behind him, "Are you crazy? This black robe, this mask! You are the boss of the Judgment Organization!"

"Look at his mask again, damn it, it's Lord Youji that even Lord Shenhou has to call brother!"

"You said, Lord Shenhou is so strong, how strong must Lord Youji be to be honored by him as a big brother?"

"Master Shenhou is invincible in bravery. This Lord Youji looks like a metal-type supernatural being. I'm afraid he can turn mountains and seas with a snap of his fingers!"

"Brother, you don't brag like that!"

"Hmph, just wait and see, I think this master Youji has a more powerful personality than Master Shenhou!"

"Shut up, this master is not something we can talk about!"

"Why do you think he came today? Hey, the person behind him with the sapphire mask is probably the same as the commander!"

"The Constellation position is also a big boss for us!"

"Our 05 defense line can have more strong men, and the soldiers under us will be safer!"

The whispers of the soldiers naturally couldn't escape Yang Xi's ears.

It's just that, in his current position, he no longer takes these things to heart.

Soon, he and Liu Yuan fell in front of a group of senior defense leaders headed by Bi Yuewu's avatar.

On the left side of Bi Yuewu's avatar are the members of the Qian family, the old man is worth the money, Qian Duoduo, Ji Yourong, Blanche and his younger sister Yang Feifei.

On his right are Duan Libang, Ziyunjian, the sequence powerhouse, gem collector and flame fighter.

When they saw Yang Xi and Liu Yuan landed, their expressions were different.

When everyone in the Qian family saw Yang Xi in the unitary rooster vest, they all beamed with joy. After all, this was the first adjudication organization's zodiac sign they came into contact with, and, in their impression, the unitary rooster was the most senior member of the adjudication organization. A person who is easy to deal with.

Ziyunjian, Duan Libang and the others looked at Yang Xi with some apprehension.

The name of a man, the shadow of a tree.

The name of the unitary rooster is not small in the four seas.

Although there are some romantic lace news, this man is the zodiac of the adjudication organization, and even Shenhou has to respect the character of "Big Brother Youji".

As soon as his name appeared in Four Seas, two sequence powerhouses fell, so they couldn't help but panic!

Moreover, they don't know what kind of temper this Lord Youji has. If he is a moody master, there is no place to complain about killing them!

Duan Libang's back was sweating a little, it's not as good as being famous.

The pressure brought by the zodiac position of this adjudication organization is no less than that of the top ten players in the sequence that he was lucky enough to meet in his early years!

At this moment, he is very fortunate that he chose the route of pleasing the ruling organization.

Bi Yuewu's avatar saluted first and said, "I've seen Lord Youji!"

Seeing this, other people followed suit.

For a while, these high-level executives who controlled the 05 defense line and said nothing here collectively bowed their heads to Yang Xi.

Especially Ziyunjian, Duan Libang and others, although they felt a little awkward, they still did it honestly.

Yang Xi hurriedly stepped forward to support Mr. Qian, "Mr. Qian is so annoying to me. It's been a long time since I've seen you, but I'm still in good health!"

Elder Qian also took advantage of the opportunity to hold Yang Xi's hand, and said cheerfully: "At first, we were a little bit at a loss when we were stationed in a defensive line, but when Your Majesty Youji comes, we can put our hearts in our pockets!"

Yang Xidao: "Praise, praise, praise!"

He pulled out Liu Yuan, "I'm here this time to bring Kui Mulang here. From now on, I'm asking you all to take good care of my useless foster son!"

Everyone looked at Liu Yuan curiously, and they all started to look forward to it. What kind of romantic character will the adopted son of the Youji boss be?

294 Pooh!traitor

Sensing everyone's gaze, Liu Yuan felt a little uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Liu Yuan was not a shy person, whether it was the time of a dude or a professional hero.

He changed his calm tone and greeted everyone.

"Hi, I'm Kuimu Lang, please take care of me!"

Under Yang Xi's instruction, Liu Yuan took off his Kui Mulang mask.

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