The double-edged killer who was unable to get off the tiger nodded bitterly. Up to now, he can only follow the Philosopher's Stone all the way to the dark.

How could the proud White Snake Sword Master have ever received such birdishness?


With the White Snake Sword out of its sheath, he squinted his eyes and his face was frosty, "I can turn you into a nourishment for my White Snake Sword without anyone else taking action!"

318 White Snake Sword Master

The blade of this white snake sword is completely different from ordinary swords, it is actually a living white snake.


This white snake, which is about two fingers wide, has scarlet eyes and curved and slender teeth. Not long after it appeared, a puff of purple gas came out from its nostrils. The second-level power user accidentally smelled it, and immediately felt it. Feel dizzy.

"Take my trick, white snake swallows elephant!"

I didn't see the posture of the White Snake Sword Master. He pointed his sword towards the sky, and the White Snake Sword suddenly stretched several times. The blade killer bites away!

The double-edged killer was originally smoked by the purple mist, and he was a little confused. Compared with those supernatural beings who accidentally inhaled the purple mist, his whole body was soaked in the mist.

"not good!"

The double-edged killer heard the sound of breaking wind from above, and knew that the White Snake Sword was coming. He made a decisive decision and stuck a dagger in his thigh, hoping to wake up.

The White Snake Sword Master saw it in his eyes, and smiled contemptuously, "If my purple mist can be cracked by this level of method, I'll come out and mess around!"

Sure enough, the struggle of the double-edged killer was of no avail, he still stood there dazedly, waiting dazedly to be bitten off by the White Snake Sword and become the nourishment in his belly.

The surrounding Tier [-] powerhouses were secretly vigilant, the White Snake was very powerful with poison, so he had to be on guard later, otherwise he would be caught off guard, not to mention the treasure, and it would be ridiculous to lose his life.

The fearful look on everyone's face made the White Snake Sword Master very helpful. He threw Yang Xi three pills of antidote, "Nephew, take this pill, and the poisonous mist will not hinder you, otherwise it would not be beautiful if it accidentally hurt you!"

Yang Xi took the antidote and distributed it to Tao Te and Ma Qiao beside him, and said with admiration: "Uncle White Snake's White Snake Sword kills people invisible, my nephew admires it!"

The White Snake Sword Master laughed, playing with his temples, looking at Yang Xi with more and more satisfaction.

I heard from an old friend that Dulan's nephew was extremely stubborn and arrogant. Isn't that very eloquent?

"My dear nephew, is this pink crystal diamond the legendary sage's stone?"

"My nephew doesn't know, but no matter what kind of treasure it is, it must be in your pocket, Uncle White Snake!"

"Haha, don't worry, Uncle eats meat, and he won't forget to give you a piece of Dulan's pie. The friendship between me and my father was forged on the New Fry Continent!"

Referring to Liu Yuan's daily life, Yang Xi perfectly reproduced a "overjoyed" and "grateful" expression, "Thank you Uncle! Thank you Uncle!"

Unexpectedly, the supernatural beings of the Ossaid plane are quite particular, but for the supernatural beings of the Azure Star, when encountering this kind of treasure, let alone giving a piece of soup to the juniors, it is generous to give soup.

The Philosopher's Stone sighed slightly. After all, the mud couldn't support the wall, and he was given infinite healing, so he couldn't cruelly stab himself a few more times?

Maybe we'll get out of trouble?

But there is no way, the only thing he can use now, apart from Yang Xi who is hiding in the crowd, is this double-edged killer.

A pink light shot into the eyes of the double-edged killer.

Immediately, his eyes regained clarity, and before the white snake's stinky blood basin bit down, a lazy donkey rolled over, barely avoiding it, and avoiding the disaster of extinction.

The heart was beating rapidly, and the double-edged killer who had survived the catastrophe was furious, dancing with his double-edged blades, cutting the big snake that the White Snake Sword turned into into several sections like cutting melons and vegetables!

The White Snake Sword Master's smiling face froze, and he turned the hilt of his sword. The body of the big snake that was divided into several sections turned into purple air and disappeared, and his White Snake Sword also slowly grew back.

He frowned, and looked at the Philosopher's Stone, which was emitting pink light just now.

It is indeed the miracle stone that condenses the luck of the plane in the legend, and it cracked his purple mist so easily.

"But so what, Ziwu is just one of my many methods!"

"Nephew Dulan, keep your eyes open, how does the real strong man make a move!"

The White Snake Sword Master rushed forward, approached the Double-Edged Killer, and stabbed down fiercely with his sword.

The double-edged killer snorted coldly. With the infinite healing provided by the Philosopher's Stone, the last thing he fears is close combat!

The two third-tier powerhouses immediately fought together, and the killing was so dark!

It has to be said that the White Snake Sword Master deserves to be a powerhouse who is infinitely close to the fourth rank. Occasionally, there will be a mysterious feeling between each move. In just ten rounds of fighting, he cut off the double-edged killer's arms twice. Even the thighs are abolished once!

However, the latter turned on unlimited healing. These injuries, which are usually enough to end the battle, are not painful to him, and he recovered with a flash of pink light, faster than Liu Yuan's super-speed regeneration.

"Haha, that's it?"

The double-edged killer smiled wildly, and his style of play became more and more aggressive. He only dodged deadly moves and was not afraid of death!

He didn't care even if he was pierced by the White Snake Sword, and he held the dagger upside down and lifted it towards the White Snake Sword Master's jaw.

In desperation, the White Snake Sword Master had no choice but to draw his sword back and avoid the knife.

But before he jumped away, the injury on the double-edged killer's abdomen had already healed.

damn it!

The White Snake Sword Master cursed, why is this thing so wicked.

If it was normal, he would have run away long ago.

But now, not only are there a large number of strong people watching, but I just boasted in front of Duran's nephew. Now that I'm leaving, how can I hang out in New Frye Continent in the future?

He glanced at the strong men around him.

Got it!

The White Snake Sword Master has a clever plan in his heart. This double-edged killer is so evil today, and he can no longer be judged by the general third rank.

But just because he opened it, it doesn't mean that others have opened it.

"I pretended to pour out my moves inadvertently, and it spread to these second and third levels, proving that my moves are not powerful enough!"

"It's not that my White Snake Sword Master is weak, but that the Philosopher's Stone is too evil!"

After making up his mind, the White Snake Sword Master jumped up gracefully, pretending to be calm and calm, and said: "You have some skills, you can stand under my sword for so long."

"Assuming you are qualified, let's see my trick."

Yang Xi looked at the "Uncle White Snake" strangely, he could feel the embarrassment of the White Snake Sword Master just now.

Could this be his illusion?

The Double-Edged Killer licked his dagger, and said proudly, "Wait for you to zoom in!"

The White Snake Sword Master couldn't hold back his face, how could he have suffered from such birdishness!

He glanced at the strong men around him, only the Pulse Blue Whale floating in the sky was big and stupid, and there was a group of second-order ability users who were greedy for the coolness under it.

The fuck is you!

Let you see the true power of my White Snake Sword Master's big move!

"White Snake Waterfall!"

The White Snake Sword Master threw the white snake into the air, and the half-person-high White Snake Sword shone with dazzling light. In an instant, hundreds of white snakes spit out and rushed towards the double-edged killer, as well as the unlucky people behind him!

319 The Strong Are All Gu Worms

As far as the momentum is concerned, the White Snake Waterfall is indeed mighty, overwhelming everything, worthy of the title of the White Snake Sword Master infinitely close to the fourth rank.

Not to mention the second level, the weaker third-level powerhouse will also be bitten by endless white snakes under this move.

At the beginning, everyone thought that the White Snake Sword Master's ultimate move was only aimed at double-edged killers, especially the second- and first-order abilities under Pulse Blue Whale.

Although they came here with the intention of winning the treasure, seeing so many big bosses present, they also knew that the chances of snatching the treasure would be pitifully low, so they stayed where they were, and also wanted to see the demeanor of many third-tier powerhouses .

Maybe just by watching, I can comprehend the mysteries of the skills and moves of these powerful people. Once I realize this, I will take a big step in the cultivation of supernatural powers?

The group of white snakes devoured the double-edged killer.

In the induction of the White Snake Sword Master, although his white snakes are struggling to bite the double-edged killer, the speed at which his flesh and blood are swallowed is actually equal to his regeneration speed!

I'll go, throw this guy to the slaughterhouse, it's a cash cow!

The White Snake Sword Master secretly wiped off his sweat, if he hadn't been clever enough to hold back, he would have lost his face this time!

With a thought in his mind, the group of white snakes began to rush towards the group of unlucky people behind the double-edged killer!

"Damn it! White Snake Sword Master's big move is out of range! Boss, pay attention!"

A second-order supernatural warrior of dog-head blood stepped on the little white snake rushing forward with a snake letter.

In his opinion, so many white snakes can't beat the double-edged killer in the arena. He is a strong second-level powerhouse, and it is no problem to deal with a small snake that slipped through the net!

But what he didn't expect was that when he stepped down, the white snake didn't trample to death, and there was still a sharp pain on the sole of his foot.

"How is it possible, my Kobold blood is also top-notch in terms of defense, and it was broken just like that!"

"Damn, give me death!"

The kobold raised his hammer and wanted to smash the little white snake into a meat paste to avenge his own bite!

Bang, bang, bang, hit it several times, and the white snake was so stubborn that it didn't die, but instead bit it again.

As more little white snakes "inadvertently" wandered out, the onlookers also rushed to the scene!

At this time, the power of the White Snake Sword pouring down on the little white snakes increased sharply, and these little white snakes jumped over the strong double-edged swords to kill people as if they had burst a dike, and headed towards the melon-eating crowd!

"It's a long life!"

A supernatural being of chameleon blood screamed, quickly activated his ability, and blended into the environment.

But these little white snakes don't look at the color, they rely on the heat. Within a few seconds, the running chameleon was covered by the little white snakes, and after a few steps, it turned into a skeleton!

In just 1 minute, all the first-order supernatural beings in this area were wiped out!

Only the second-order fighters were still screaming and running, and some half of their bodies were gnawed away.

The Pulse Blue Whale let out a low growl, emitting deep-sea light waves from its body, sweeping the group of white snakes several times.

These white snakes also wrapped themselves around it, biting it with great joy, and quite a few got into its body.


Under the heavy whale cry, these white snakes were all blasted out of the Pulse Blue Whale!

Large flakes of whale blood fell, causing the white snakes below to scramble.

Pulse Blue Whale glanced at the White Snake Sword in the sky, and attacked with hatred, a pulse strike pierced through it, cutting off the White Snake Waterfall!

"Hey, the move was too reckless, and I accidentally injured some people by mistake, what a crime!"

The master of the White Snake Sword accepted it when he saw it was good, and recalled the White Snake Sword, and those white snakes who were gnawing at those with supernatural powers also disappeared one by one.

In the arena, the double-edged killer who had been gnawed into a skeleton slowly turned back into a human form.

Although his body recovered, he suffered a severe blow mentally. After all, every bite of meat eaten by the white snakes just now was grown by himself.

Although numb to the back.

The taro lord at the side said: "Brother White Snake's move of White Snake Waterfall has done a lot of damage, even if I am not sure about taking it, but with the blessing of the Philosopher's Stone, this double-edged killer was able to survive unscathed , I’m afraid we have to join forces!”

The yam paste lord is also the third-tier powerhouse of Chishuang Island. He can manipulate very sweet yam paste to attack. Those who are defeated by him are either made into yam paste dolls or fed a stomach full of yam paste. While experiencing the torture of extreme sweetness, he also suffers from the pain of abdominal distension, which can be described as painful.

The Nose Ring Bull Demon echoed: "That's right, this guy is very troublesome with the addition of the Philosopher's Stone. If we don't join hands to kill him, we don't even want to get our hands on the treasure."

He is also a Tier [-] powerhouse, and the Horcrux nose ring gave him the power of a bull demon, the tyrannical power of a god, and he can even wrestle with that Tier [-] Iron Horned Tyrannosaurus Rex.

The other powerhouses present agreed one after another, and no one said a word of justice for the unlucky ones who suffered just now.

Yang Xi secretly despised these Osaid people, and was about to continue flattering this cheap uncle, White Snake Sword Master, so as to trick him into continuing to work hard.

The attack of the pulsing blue whale swept over without warning.

It is a third-order strange beast with an extremely arrogant personality, so how can it be willing to suffer from being dumb?

The terrifying pulse attack struck, instantly sweeping half of Ma Qiao's body beside Yang Xi.

This Tier [-] powerhouse, who had been entangled with the Double-Edge Killer for a long time just now, was caught off guard by a strange beast.

Because he didn't transform, his resistance was not the same as that of Cangmu Yanlong's state, and such a brushed pulse cost him half his life.

"damn it!"

Yang Xi cursed, although he didn't have any feelings, but after all, he fought side by side just now, and he didn't want Ma Qiao to die like this!

"Hurry up and transform!"

Yang Xi patted Ma Qiao's face, waking him up who was almost unconscious.

But at this moment, Ma Qiao lost half of his organs. Although he avoided the heart, he didn't even have the strength to open his eyes, so how could he talk about transforming?

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