"Let's go, young master! We only have the second rank, so we can't get mixed up in this muddy water!"

After Ma Qiao said this, he tilted his head and died.


Tao Te roared, and instantly changed into the appearance of the Cangmu Yanlong, intending to kill the Pulse Blue Whale and protect his brother.


Yang Xi stopped his impulsive behavior, "Pulse Blue Whale is a third-order alien beast, and you were only killed in the past!"

"But Marjorie is dead! My brother is dead! Master!!!"

Taut cried.

Yang Xi sighed: "If Ma Qiao was still alive, would he want you to do this kind of death thing? Come here, I promise you, I will kill the blue whale today to avenge him!"

Seeing the death of a member of the Keith family, the White Snake Sword Master couldn't hold back his face, "Nephew, come closer to me, these beasts are going crazy, no one knows what they will do!"

"Pulse Blue Whale dares to attack Brother White Snake, it's really against the sky!"

"If you want me to say, those bigwigs in New Fry shouldn't give Alien Beast such a high status!"

"Third-level alien beasts are also alien beasts, so they should be imprinted with the Killing Curse and be used as weapons obediently!"

While everyone was complaining, a Tier [-] powerhouse exclaimed: "The corpses are disappearing!"

I saw a huge alchemy matrix appearing under everyone's feet at some point, and the bodies of those dead strong men were continuously vaporizing, turning into pink particles and wandering.

A Tier [-] powerhouse accidentally inhaled the pink particles, and broke through to Tier [-] on the spot!

Swipe, swipe, the pressure of upgrades keeps appearing!

The death of the strong people actually made the other people stronger.

Even Yang Xi noticed that a pink energy penetrated into the activated Cangmu Yanlong supernatural power bead, which slowly increased the dark energy units contained in the supernatural power bead.

The White Snake Sword Master has also noticed that his own strength has improved slightly, which is simply a miracle for him who is infinitely close to the fourth level!

He breathed heavily and looked at the eyes of everyone, making people shudder!

The Philosopher's Stone was very proud, "Jie Jie Jie, now you have no reason not to fight, right?"

"Kill, the more dead the better!"

320 The Righteous and Awe-inspiring White Snake Lord (Two in One)

Yang Xi wasn't overjoyed by the enhanced ability of Cangmu Yanlong's bloodline. Based on his knowledge of the Philosopher's Stone, an old bastard, it's unlikely that he would give the benefits in vain.

Maybe there are some pits waiting for people to jump inside.

But these Ossaid people and strange beasts around are not used to upgrading and degrading like Yang Xi, and this sudden increase in strength quickly dazzled them.

You can become stronger by killing others. When such a good thing happens to your head, few Osedians can maintain their sanity.

But White Snake Sword, after all, is infinitely close to the fourth-order powerhouse, well-informed, although he had a moment of brain fever just now, he calmed down quickly and began to analyze the situation.

He observed that after the death of some powerful people, everyone in the alchemy matrix would get the same boost.

Therefore, the first-level talents will have breakthroughs, and the second-level people's strength has also increased significantly. Only their third-level people have relatively less strength.

Especially himself, as the current strongest man, the increase in strength is minimal.

He is the worst!

"If these third-tier people continue to be strengthened, the gap between their strength and my strength will become wider and wider, and it will be hard to say who will win!"

The White Snake Sword Master made up his mind and pretended to approach the Nose Ring Bull Demon intimately.

"Brother Bull Demon, this place is very evil, why don't we temporarily form an alliance and watch each other?"

The Nose Ring Bull Demon doesn't have much insight. In his opinion, the White Snake Sword Master is the strongest among them. Since this big brother proposed the idea of ​​forming an alliance, why not do it?

"With Brother White Snake's words, I will leave the back of my Bull Demon to you!"

The White Snake Sword Master squinted his eyes and smiled, and leaned over, "It's easy to talk, brother Bull Demon, come here with your ears."

Seeing the White Snake Sword Master and the Nose Ring Bull Demon getting together, Lord Yam Mud also turned his attention to the "thorny lotus emperor" beside him.

This female superhuman is also a Tier [-] powerhouse, but she has a dull personality, so far, she hasn't said anything.

The taro lord tentatively said, "Emperor Lian, why don't we work together?"

The thorny lotus emperor turned his cold face to the taro lord, and the diamond-like thorns on his body turned for a while, "Yes."

Although cold, she is not a fool.

But at this moment, the Nose Ring Bull Demon suddenly let out a scream, and then fell to the ground clutching his chest.

It was the White Snake Sword Master who took advantage of his unpreparedness to plot against him, pierced his spine with the White Snake Sword, and pulled out a section of it!

The tip of the White Snake Sword turned into a white snake head the size of half a watermelon, and it was still biting a spine of the Nose Ring Bull Demon.

Everyone was shocked and fled away like a god of plague. In an instant, only Yang Xi and Tao Te were left beside the White Snake Sword Master.

Tao Te also wanted to run away, but was held back by Yang Xi, so he could only bite the bullet and stay.

Seeing that Yang Xi didn't leave, the White Snake Sword Master nodded in satisfaction. Before he made a move, he was prepared to betray his relatives. Who would have thought that Du Lan's nephew trusted him so much,

"Duran, stay with Uncle, I will guarantee you to leave here alive."

"Uncle White Snake naturally has your reasons for doing this. My nephew just asks you to kill that animal for me. Even if you can't get out alive, it doesn't matter!"

The White Snake Sword Master praised: "I didn't expect Dulan's nephew to be so loyal. There are successors in the Keith family!"

After hearing Duran's words, Taut was moved in his heart.

He thought that Master Duran was an arrogant and selfish idiot, but he didn't expect that he would not even care about his life in order to avenge Ma Qiao!

"Master! If I, Tao Te, can be with you in this life, I will die with no regrets!"

Yang Xi patted Tao Te's shoulder as comfort.

Yang Xi naturally had his reasons for doing so.

First of all, he has the ability to pretend. Even if he commits public outrage with the White Snake Sword Master at the moment, he can feign death to get away when he is down, and just pretend to be someone else.

Moreover, Yang Xi also saw through the thoughts of the White Snake Sword Master. He just destroyed the bull demon with the nose ring, and did not take the opportunity to take his life. He probably wanted to do the same to all the third-tier powerhouses, without any competitors. After that, hit the fourth step in one fell swoop.

And just because of his enthusiasm with the White Snake Sword Master just now, even if Yang Xi went to the opposite side, he would be taken as a hostage, and he was not too hot to hang out with the White Snake Sword Master.

The bull demon with the nose ring fell to the ground, his spine was destroyed, and his whole body was paralyzed. He yelled at the White Snake Sword Master: "White Snake, you villain, you actually plot against me! What kind of strong man! You are not afraid that this matter will spread, and you will be hired by the servant!" Wanted by the Military Union and the Hundred Cities Federation?"

The White Snake Sword Master sneered, and looked around at the crowd: "Everyone present, would you believe the one-sided words of the bull demon? If the nose ring bull demon didn't want me to poison you, I would not have attacked him."

The bull demon with the nose ring vomited blood angrily, "You spitting blood, everyone, how is my old cow usually? How could he come up with such a vicious idea?"

The White Snake Sword Master also said: "Is it possible that I, the White Snake Sword Master, are some kind of treacherous villain on weekdays?"

For a moment, everyone was a little confused. Both sides insisted on their own opinions, and they didn't know who to believe!

But the White Snake Sword Master is even more suspected.

Everyone is not a fool, and they have also seen the key in this alchemy matrix, the nose ring bull is injured and survives, and the one who benefits the most is the White Snake Sword Master!

Lord Yamni said coldly: "It's useless to talk too much, the white snake is the strongest, kill him first, and then talk about our business!"

As soon as he said this, no matter whether it was the Prickly Lotus Emperor or the other three third-order beasts, they were a little moved.

This is also impossible. In terms of strength, the White Snake Sword Master, who is infinitely close to the fourth rank, is the strongest among them. If there is no such thing as the double-edged killer's unlimited healing, the general third rank powerhouse, I am afraid that they will have to join forces. deal with him.

At the third level, the gap between the alien beast and the supernatural being is shrinking. The advantage of size has an impact on the battle in the third level category, and it is no longer exaggerated as it was at the first and second levels.

"White Snake Sword Master, you have to give us an explanation when you attack the Bull Demon."

The White Snake Sword Master's face changed continuously, and he suddenly smiled and said: "If you want to commit a crime, why don't you have any excuses? It's easy to fight!"

Everyone didn't expect the White Snake Sword Master to be so rampant, and they were a little jealous. For a while, no one dared to be the first to strike!

Yang Xi was also a little puzzled, does the White Snake Sword Master have any trump cards?

Otherwise, how dare he challenge five third-tier powerhouses?

His heart moved, thinking of the equally rampant double-edged killer just now, could it be that he also hooked up with the Philosopher's Stone?

"This stinky stone wants us to kill each other, and has created a matrix similar to refining Gu. It is really possible to do so!"

The White Snake Sword was full of vigor, "Nephew Dulan, take care, Uncle will avenge your subordinates!"

But just when he was about to attack the Pulse Blue Whale, the scream of the Nose Ring Bull Demon came from below again!

This time, he is really dead!

The Double-Edge Killer kicked his bull's head away, and said calmly: "Are you stupid? Why are you fighting with the White Snake now? Kill the first and second ranks, and our strength will be closer to him!"

The body of the nose ring bull demon decomposed into pink particles. After everyone absorbed it, they felt that their strength had improved again.

Not only did many first-order breakthroughs break through to the second-order, even the powerhouses of the second-order had one lucky enough to reach the third-order!

But these people who had just broken through, when they heard the words of the double-edged killer, their faces changed, and they didn't dare to be greedy for the benefits of the increase in strength, so they ran away one by one!

Unfortunately, how could the Philosopher's Stone let go of these nutrients?

The pink light curtain rose, and these low-level abilities were trapped in the alchemy matrix, like a turtle in a urn.

Only some supernatural beings who were lucky enough to stand outside looked sympathetically at the unlucky bastards behind the light curtain who were frightened and screamed for their mothers, and were afraid for a while!

If they had taken one step forward just now, they might have to follow in their footsteps.

Lord Taro and the others felt that what the double-edged killer said made sense, so they didn't confront the confident White Snake Sword Master in a daze, and turned around and rushed towards the low-level supernatural warriors and supernatural beings gathered at the border. Beasts!

The taro paste lord opened his mouth, and a large amount of purple-blue taro paste spit out from his mouth. For a moment, the whole enchantment was filled with the fragrant smell of taro paste.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!"

The low-level superpowers were washed away by the taro paste, and their whole bodies were covered with sweet and greasy taro paste, and they didn't even have breathing holes!

The lord of taro paste wanted to suffocate them to death!

But many second-tier powerhouses are not just for nothing. They each show their magical powers, fire-breathing fire-breathing, horcrux-manifesting horcruxes, morphing-transformation, barely blocking this sweet death. Taro attack!

But before they got over it, there was a rapid piercing sound of Jiu Jiu Jiu!

In mid-air, the Thorny Lotus Emperor opened his lotus-like lower body, and shot poisonous stingers at the low-level fighters who were restricted by the taro paste.

All of a sudden, the people who were tortured by taro paste were stunned by this poisonous thorn again, what a miserable word!

Thunderbird, Iron Horn Tyrannosaurus Rex and Impulse Blue Whale were not to be outdone. Thunderbolt, Horn Strike, and Impulse Strike were sent, and the low-level alien beasts were also sent to the sky.

Many low-level fighters wanted to cry, but they didn't expect these strong men to act so decisively!

When everyone was desperate, the figure of a man appeared in front of them!

The White Snake Sword Master was righteous, "I knew you despicable people would attack everyone! Don't be afraid, as long as my White Snake Sword Master is around, they will never want to kill innocent people indiscriminately!"

Lord Yamni and the others were speechless for a while. If the White Snake Sword Master was in the same situation as them, he would probably enjoy killing more than them!

"White Snake Waterfall!"

Just now, the big move to slaughter the supernatural beings turned out to be a barrier to protect everyone this time. The world is changing so fast, it is really embarrassing!

"Lord White Snake is benevolent!"

"I'm the only one waiting for Master White Snake to follow the lead, and we will definitely capture these demons who kill innocent people indiscriminately!"

"Colleagues, don't rely on it, one more person will give you more strength!"

Some of the low-level fighters are smart, although they know that the White Snake Sword Master protects them for himself, but who cares so much at this time, let's rely on whichever side can survive!

Suddenly, the situation in the alchemy matrix turned into that the White Snake Sword Master led many low-level supernatural beings and strange beasts to fight against several third-level powerhouses!

"Jie Jie Jie, a bunch of idiots, keep killing me, the more you die, the better!"

The Philosopher's Stone felt that he had accumulated more and more abilities, and suddenly smiled.

But even if the White Snake Sword Master tried his best to protect these low-level fighters, the number of deaths was gradually increasing.

Therefore, there are several second-order breakthroughs in the crowd that have broken through to third-order!

These third-order abilities and beasts, the moment after the breakthrough, actually started to attack the surrounding companions who had fought side by side!

They saw through all this, the more people died, the closer the strength of those left in the field would be!

"Ha ha!"

Lord Yamni laughed loudly, "White Snake, this is the general trend. When we also reach the third-order limit, we will each rely on our own abilities!"

Seeing the increasing number of third-tier powerhouses, the White Snake Sword Master's expression turned ugly. He didn't expect that he was infinitely close to the fourth-tier strength, but here, he became a disadvantage!

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