On the large screens around the square, Qian Duoduo's faint smiles were all displayed.

I have to say, after all, the Qian family is an old-fashioned family in the world. The genes of their direct lineages have been continuously optimized through several generations of improvement. In terms of appearance alone, Qian Duoduo is actually no worse than Ji. Ahem, of course, some The gap in aspect is under normal circumstances, and Qian Duoduo can't make up for it no matter how much he catches up.

Some teenagers in the audience who didn't know the inside story were infected by Qian Duoduo's harmless "good girl" smile, and they cried and howled to kneel and lick him.

Marukyu disdainfully whitened the straight men around who were fascinated by the "Ms. Qianjin's disguised version of Qian Duoduo", a group of guys who have never seen the world, how can this girl be worse than her.

Not to mention the legs, even the steamed buns come in different sizes!

Wan Jiu straightened his back proudly, making Ye Fan next to him a little puzzled, "Wu Wan, what's wrong with you?"

Lu Sheng, the vice-captain of the Dark Night Squad, said with a smile, "Wanwan is out of balance."

Lu Sheng was only wearing a denim jacket on his upper body, revealing his bronze chest and abdominal muscles, a black line tattooed on his chin, and silver-white hedgehog hair, which looked extremely aggressive.

His ability is the Nether Scythe of the Horcrux system, which is at the level of strength. The only shortcoming is that he is a bit sloppy.

"If you want me to say, this group of guys are also blind, and we, a beautiful woman like Wanwan, turn a blind eye to it."

Ye Fan frowned after hearing Lu Sheng's words, but didn't say much.

On the contrary, Wanwan said unhappily: "I'm sorry, Lu "Vice Captain", only my classmates can call Wanwan, please call me by my full name, thank you!"

Lu Sheng choked on Wan Jiu, a little surprised, when those female team members were called by him affectionately, they didn't react like this.

He licked his mouth involuntarily, "Interesting."

Jian Xiaohao, the captain of the Dark Night Squad, also noticed the little friction among his three subordinates, but because he was wearing triangular sunglasses, it was difficult to see what he was thinking.

Ye Fan stepped forward and gently held Wan Jiu's little hand, and smiled at her, indicating that everything depends on him.

Wan Jiu felt a little uncomfortable, and whispered a few words next to Ye Fan's ear.

Ye Fan froze for a moment, looked at Lu Sheng subconsciously, and finally shook his head.

Wan Jiu was not happy, turned around with a pout, and deliberately stepped on Ye Fan's foot.

Ye Fan gave a wry smile, so he had no choice but to go forward and continue coaxing her.

Qian Duoduo stretched out his hand from the lottery box, spread out his palm, and pointed at the camera to show that the number of the table tennis ball is "4"!

As soon as this "4" appeared, [-]% of the people were wiped out, and the people below were filled with mourning and beating their chests and feet.

In order to draw a lottery, the Qian family stuffed a lottery number into the hands of each entrant.

It's just that the person who randomly took the lottery number didn't expect that this small number actually represented a life-changing opportunity.

Every time Qian Duoduo pulled out a ping-pong ball, there was a burst of screams from below.

But after all, there are some people whose first three numbers match up. As the only ten people left in the audience, everyone's heart is both looking forward to and apprehensive!

They all knew the fate of being intercepted and killed halfway after the strong man of the sequence got the Tiangang mask last time, and now seeing his face appearing on the big screen, he really wanted to cover it up immediately!

Although there are enough proficient placements of Earth Demon Masks, there are a total of five in the 05 defense line, and there are as many as 72 in the entire world.

But I can't stand the jealousy of others. If you are not strong enough, wearing an earth evil mask, whether you can leave the 05 line of defense alive is a question mark.

In the end, the number Qian Duoduo drew was "4396", and this lucky guy was lucky enough to wear a mask!

Looking at her slim figure, she should be a young girl.

"Brother Jiang, Ota, I got it!!"

Euphemia's tone was crying, she was so excited!

She knew that her younger brother and Brother Jiang had thought of many ways to get her a supernatural potion, but unfortunately, because of the rules of the adjudication organization, even if they used their precious points to exchange for the supernatural potion, they would not be able to use it. Unable to use it for her.

And how precious and rare is a Tiangang bit mask!

I heard that last time, in order to snatch a Tiangang bit mask for her, my younger brother and Brother Jiang almost lost both sides with a powerful enemy!

So, during this time, Euphemia has been persuading them that she would rather be an ordinary person than take risks with the two of them.

Who would have thought that happiness would come so suddenly, and she would get the precious earth evil mask just by drawing a lottery.

According to Master Bi Yuewu's introduction just now, there is basically no difference in function and authority between the Disha mask and the Tiangang mask, and they are both peripheral members of the Judgment Organization!

"Oops..." Jiang Ye frowned. If he had known that Euphemia was so lucky, he would have put more effort into the disguise.

This time, although they were all wearing special masks, the aura on their bodies might also be recognized.

"If that's the case, then do the opposite!"

Jiang Ye and Augusta looked at each other, and at the same time took out his sky star and speed star mask!

The appearance of two Tiangang strongmen immediately brought the atmosphere of the venue to a climax!

The achievements of the strong Tiangang in the four seas these days are also enough to make people look sideways. Now, there is an instant space around Jiang Ye and others!

352 The organization has been too kind to us!

"This earth evil mask was actually drawn by the woman next to the member of Judgment Tiangang. Is there any trick in it?"

"Bullshit, the organizer of the ruling has a big career, and will tamper with a place for a place?"

"Yes, I'm also very judgmental. How could such an emerging organization, which is comparable to the three major forces, do such mentally retarded operations as picking up sesame seeds and losing watermelons!"

"Are you kidding me? Are you blind! I don't know what the price of Tiangang mask is on the black market? The function of this Disha mask is exactly the same as that of Tiangang mask. Do you think it is sesame?"

The crowd had a quarrel, but more people cast their greedy eyes on Jiang Ye and the other three.

These three people represent the quotas of the three adjudication organizations!

I'm afraid even the Sequence powerhouse will be moved when they see it!

As a killer, Jiang Ye could naturally sense those eyes that seemed to want to divide them up and eat them up.

He took a deep breath, led Augusta and Euphemia through the crowd, knelt down in front of Yang Xi and said, "Skystar Tiansuxing in the White Tiger Palace, pay homage to Master Bi Yuewu!"

As he spoke, he took the Earth Demon mask from Euphemia's hand, raised it above his head and said, "Skystar and I are both members of the organization. Although we were lucky enough to get the Earth Demon mask, we unintentionally caused the organization to be criticized. Ten thousand deaths cannot escape the crime!"

"I also hope that the organization will take back the mask and start a new lottery!"

Throwing this hot potato out first, to gain the favor of Bi Yuewu and even the two zodiac adults on the stage, this is the life-saving method that Jiang Ye came up with in a hurry!

Augusta and Euphemia were not stupid, and hurriedly shouted together: "Please take it back, my lord!"

On the high stand, Ouyang Guanhe smiled faintly: "These three little guys are smart."

Tongtian glanced at Yang Xi, but didn't speak.

Haizhu avatar chuckled: "It's worth cultivating."

Yang Xi could naturally see Jiang Ye's purpose.

With the strength of the three of them, it is absolutely impossible to keep the earth evil mask.

So he simply exposed his identity as Tiangang, and sent the mask under the pretext of "for organizational consideration".

The ball was kicked to Yang Xi's side.

If the masks were withdrawn, the Jiang Ye trio had given up their precious quotas for the benefit of the organization, so they could be regarded as a lesson in loyalty. It is impossible for Yang Xi not to save their lives, right?

There were nine Tiangang members lurking on the scene. Although Yang Xi regarded them as tools, he couldn't make it too ugly, right.

If Yang Xi doesn't take back the mask and insists on giving the Earth Sha mask, then the meaning of the mask will change, and the major organizations below will dare to use this mask?Isn't that slapping the adjudication organization in the face?

Do you still want to hang out in the world after slapping the adjudication organization in the face?

Bi Yuewu's avatar took over the mask, "You're really smart, get up."

The three of Jiang Ye breathed a sigh of relief, and the crisis was avoided.

Bi Yuewu's avatar flicked his mask, and said to the discussing participants: "Everyone, our adjudication organization doesn't bother to do things in the dark. I hope everyone will maintain their trust in us."

The faces of people from all major forces showed joy, and several people quickly picked up the lottery numbers that they had just thrown away. Judging from Bi Yuewu's tone, the adjudication organization wanted to re-draw the lottery in order to convince the public!

This is the mask of the earth evil bit!

But when everyone was looking forward to it, Bi Yuewu's avatar suddenly handed the mask to Euphemia.

He stared at everyone, the sun was shining on his body, as if a golden flame was burning: "So, whoever this mask should belong to, it belongs to."

To put it bluntly, even if he operated in secret, what would happen to these forces in the audience?

Euphemia stared blankly at Yang Xi, unable to react.

Jiang Ye winked at her frantically, and Augusta also quietly said to her sister: "Hurry up and thank Master Bi Yuewu!"

Only then did Euphemia suddenly realize that she took the mask clumsily and bowed to Bi Yuewu's avatar repeatedly: "Thank you, Mr. Bi Yuewu! I will definitely work hard!"

Bi Yuewu's avatar gave the girl a warm smile. The two of Jiang Ye have good potential, and this earthly evil mask is also a good choice for Euphemia.

The three of them have become peripheral members of the Judgment Organization, and their loyalty must increase again.

Some people in the audience couldn't help being stunned. They were surprised by the dominance of Bi Yuewu's avatar. They wanted to protest a few times, but they stopped abruptly and confronted the adjudication organization face to face. It really took a lot of courage.

"The two of you are members of the White Tiger Palace, and are actually my subordinates. Among other things, it is still possible to ensure that you leave the 05 defense line alive!"

Yang Xi whispered, and patted Jiang Ye on the shoulder, "Work hard, I look forward to you becoming the new constellation!"

Jiang Ye was flattered!

Before he had no mask, he was just a supernatural killer who wandered in the gray area, but now, the star position of the Judgment Organization, the top [-] geniuses in the world, is actually so optimistic about him!

"Yes! Master Bi Yuewu!"

Jiang Ye only felt full of energy all over his body!

He wished he could slap himself in the face!

In the past, he was simply a beast. The organization provided so many benefits, but he even secretly complained about the organization's unscrupulousness. The points are so low, and the things are so expensive!

The organization treats them sincerely!

Yang Xi was very satisfied with Jiang Ye's expression, presumably the other Tiangang members in the audience would show their hearts to each other, and their loyalty to the organization would increase a little bit, right?

After sending the three of them to watch the stage, Yang Xi and Qian Duoduo announced the next exciting event.

Qian Duoduo's voice sounded a bit contrived, "Next, let's start the super competition. Participants who are willing to come on stage, as long as they win three games in a row, or if no one dares to challenge again, they will automatically get the mask!"

Yang Xi also carefully designed the rules of this competition.

If all superpowers are allowed to come up to fight, it will be a year of the monkey!

Under the condition that all superpowers in the audience can freely go on stage, those who can fight three times in a row and win all of them are basically the best.

After all, the speed of coming to power is also one of the manifestations of strength.

As soon as Qian Duoduo finished speaking, two supernatural beings stepped onto the stage.

They are a veteran soldier with supernatural abilities in the 05 defense line, and a black-haired boy.

As soon as Bi Yuewu's avatar raised his hand, the alchemy matrix that had been prepared a long time ago was activated, and the super fierce battle began instantly.

Soon, the heavens and humans changed one after another, and the battle between the super-levels reached a fever pitch.

"Wow, the eldest lady of the Green family is also on stage!"

"I remember that she was able to become a supernatural being thanks to the supernatural potion!"

Amidst the discussion among the crowd, the lovely and pitiful Victoria inspired a supernatural power.

With the clatter of the cloak in the starry sky, she stepped onto the battlefield.

The earth evil mask of the ruling organization is one of the few opportunities for her to change the status quo and become a strong one!

353 Strong Victoria

After the disappearance of her two older brothers, Victoria's father, the Lord Green, also died suddenly.

As the highest-ranked heir of the Green family at the time, she could only hastily become the acting head of the family.

But how can a young girl in the prime of her life convince the public with just a super ability user?

Some ready-to-move collaterals colluded with some external forces in an attempt to turn Victoria into a puppet and gradually control the entire Green family.

Fortunately, Victoria recalled her grandfather who was recuperating on the health island in time, and the situation was temporarily stabilized.

It's a pity that although this old man used to be a strong Sequence, but now because of his aging body, he can barely maintain a super combat power.

On the stage, looking at the fierce opponent, Victoria recalled what her grandfather said to her that day.

"Victoria, Grandpa can buy you not much time. Before I die, there are only two paths in front of you."

In the old castle of the Green family, with his back facing the familiar but no longer warm lights, the dying old patriarch took a sip of hot cocoa tremblingly.

"One way, to marry a trustworthy strong man, either on the Sequence Ranking or the Universal Ranking."

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