"The other way is to rely on your own strength and become a super strong man!"

Before the ruling organized this press conference, Victoria tried her best to get a Tiangang mask.

But even if the Green family didn't have the strength before the decline, it would be difficult to get a Tiangang mask, let alone now.

For Victoria, one of the ten beauties in the world, marriage seems to be an easier choice, but she is the girl who is thinking about spring, and it is difficult for her to regard her love as a sacrifice.

But the increasingly urgent situation made Victoria gradually begin to compromise with reality.

In fact, Victoria came for Yang Xi to participate in the Chenlong resurrection ceremony.

This young man who has risen all over the world in a short period of time, no matter his appearance, strength or the power behind him, is the top choice.

In Victoria's mind, if it is a marriage, Yang Xi is the most acceptable choice for her.

But she had also heard about the romantic debts spread around the world by Master Youji of the Judgment Organization. As a very close relationship with him, Master Bi Yue Wu Yangxi, could it be that kind of prodigal son?

Especially beside him, there was Ji Yourong, the second most beautiful woman in the world, which made Victoria a little unconfident.

While hesitating, a new opportunity suddenly appeared in front of her.

"Come on, Victoria! As long as you defeat the enemy three times in a row, you can get the Earth Demon Mask, so you don't have to sacrifice your love!"

Victoria cheered herself up in a low voice.

"Haha!" The super power user with a somewhat ferocious appearance laughed out loud, "Miss, are you here to give me a victory?"

Startled by her opponent's laughter, Victoria closed her eyes reflexively.

Her cowardly appearance caused many male viewers watching the live broadcast to hold their chests involuntarily, "It's over, it's worthy of being on the list of the top ten beauties in the world, my heart was severely pierced, damn it, is this a legend?" in love!"

"Brother Meng! Put the protection on the public screen!"

"Kill the dog, grab the forehead, went to the wrong set, sorry!"

"Come on, Victoria!!!"

The barrage cheered for Victoria one after another.

Under the stage, Ouyang Canglu, among the dark blue clan who had been dormant in the crowd for a long time, said narrowly, "Chris, do you think your sister can win?"

Chris hadn't answered yet, but Bruno asked curiously, "Is that the original sister of Senior Chris?"

Chris looked lightly at Victoria, who was trying to make herself strong on the stage, and a stream of light flashed in his blue eyes.

Although Victoria had worked hard to defeat the first opponent who looked down on her, she was finally defeated by the wheel.

Knocked out of the ring by a member of the Qian family, she stood up again with difficulty, smiled at the worried grandpa, wiped off the dusty marks on her little face, and flew slowly towards the family stand.

"Don't cry, absolutely don't cry! Victoria! You have no brothers to protect you! You must be strong!"

The girl stubbornly raised her head and rubbed her sore nose.

Chris remained motionless, bangs hanging down over his eyes.

The dark blue leader who had been silent all this time suddenly said: "Bruno, your original body's ability should be super, right? Go up and win the mask, I want to study it."

Bruno was stunned for a while, but he didn't dare to neglect the command of the deep blue commander, and quickly joined the battle for the earth evil mask.

Although his original supernatural ability is high, but in his body, he is a third-level deep blue family. Defeating human superhumans of these levels is just like playing.

However, Bruno has always been a very spiritual young man. He did not choose to crush the enemy. He narrowly defeated his opponent every time, and deliberately let his "physical strength" decrease with the wheel battle, and finally "difficultly" won three games in a row , successfully captured the Earth Sha mask.

When Bi Yuewu's avatar handed the Earth Demon mask to Bruno, they exchanged glances with him, feeling something strange, but found nothing.

The Deep Blue Clan is worthy of being a race that spans all major planes, and their camouflage ability is also unique.

"Good fight."

"Thank you sir!"

Bruno was also very nervous in front of the Judgment organization's star seat. During the devil training in the camp, the Judgment, the hostile force that has always been a disadvantage to the Deep Blue family, is the existence they most need to know.

And the more he knew about the ruling, the more afraid the camp boys were about this organization.

Bruno took the mask back, because Yang Xi soon announced the start of the battle for the mask, so only the circle around them watched.

There were even a few wealthy forces who wanted to spend money on masks, but were declined by the seasoned Ouyang Canglu.

The leader of Deep Blue played with the Disha mask for a while, then suddenly threw it to Chris.

"This thing is of no help to us, so keep it."

Facing the leader of the deep blue, he didn't know whether it was a temptation or an act with other purposes, Chris still looked calm and calm.

He put away the mask and continued to watch the super battle that just started on the stage.

On the stage, after receiving the captain's permission, Baomei rushed onto the stage enthusiastically.

Although she felt that she was at the level of distance, she was only close to the door, and she didn't need supernatural potions to help her break through.

But she, who has always been very curious about the Judgment Organization, also wants to compete for the Earth Sha mask.

After taking the stage, the explosive girl also greeted Blanche on the side of the stage: "Hi Blanche, long time no see!"

Blanche was also a little surprised, and immediately cheered her up: "Come on, girl!"

After all, when she was wanted in the interior, Baomei didn't shoot her.

But Blanche is also a little bit embarrassed, she was not the opponent of the hot girl back then!

Now, under the cultivation of the organization, she has far surpassed her.

This is the importance of the platform!

And the opponent of the explosive girl also came to the stage, and it turned out to be Yin Hai, the only genius left in the Qian family.

354 The fourth order must fall today! ! ! (two in one)

In fact, Baomei and Yin Hai are both on the Four Seas list, but at the same time they are also super superpowers.

After all, there are quite a few strong players in the Four Seas Rankings present. With Ji Ning and Tantai Yao present, the possibility of them winning the Four Seas Ranking is very slim.

Both of them have self-confidence, no matter who they meet in the class, they can fight against them.

"Come on, Brother Yin Hai!!"

Qian Duoduo naturally cheered Yin Hai up, and she didn't know Bangmei well.

To be honest, if she hadn't already been a member of the Judgment Organization, she would have to end up participating in it anyway with her character that loves to join in the fun.

The strong in the world are respected, and Qian Duoduo wants to convince the public, so she has to show her own strength.

So since acquiring the undead ability, Qian Duoduo will also participate in the training of Yang Feifei and the three daughters while learning etiquette.

Although her amount of training is not as good as that of the hardworking three girls, her development of her own abilities is also constantly improving.

Yin Hai's ability is the rusty giant. Facing the members of the Tianlong Ranger from the Heroes Association, he dared not neglect the slightest, and activated his ability as soon as he took the stage.

A decaying brown awn appeared from under his skin, and gradually, rusty steel grew out of his body, wrapping him into a rusty giant, only the left eye and a quarter of his face around it still retained human features. form.

Yin Hai's height was as high as three meters, and his legs had turned into rusted steel knives. Not long after he touched the surface of the ring, a stream of rust spread like a pool of water.

Baomei slightly adjusted her fist belt with her teeth, and jumped a few times with ease.

"Hurry up, big man, don't delay the resurrection ceremony!"

"as you wish!"

Yin Hai's voice was as sharp and piercing as two pieces of steel colliding. His steel-wrapped fist spun and hit Baomei.

"Good come!"

The explosive girl bowed slightly, like a dexterous cat, avoiding the fist the moment it got close to her!

Pong! ! !

Yin Hai's rusty fist hit the ring hard.

The cement layer of the arena was destroyed, exposing the steel structure inside. When this structure came into contact with Yin Hai's rusty aura, it only persisted for a short three or four seconds before it was covered with rust and vibrated a little. The steel bars disintegrated like sand and powder.

Yang Xi on the stage couldn't help but touched his mask. The boy Yin Hai's ability can restrain metal-type abilities!

The explosive girl turned over, landed on Yin Hai's arm, walked quickly a few steps, and punched Yin Hai's exposed left eye swiftly and fiercely!

This fist made a detonation sound in the air, as if the air had been blown up!

Yin Hai didn't panic at all, his left hand firmly blocked Baomei's fist.

But boom! ! ! !

The disproportionate fists of Baomei and Yin Hai have achieved unexpected results!

Huge and unparalleled kinetic energy was born under the explosion. Yin Hai's fist blocking his left eye felt as if he had been shot, and hit his side face hard. The entire three-meter-high rusty giant lost its center of gravity in an instant. , fell to the right!

The explosive girl was so powerful that she forced Yin Hai punch after punch!

Yin Hai, who was in trouble, didn't hesitate at all, the rusty steel all over his body flowed for a while, and gnawed towards the hot girl as if wisely!

The explosive girl wanted to try to distance herself, but was entangled by Yin Hai! ! !

The situation changed instantly!

In the end, after dozens of rounds of fierce fighting, the girl who was exhausted was punched off the ring by Yin Hai.

Su Xiaoluo's figure instantly appeared at the place where Baomei was about to land, grabbed her belt, and lifted her up, thus preventing Baomei from falling to the ground.

Baomei scratched her head in embarrassment, "I'm sorry Captain, I thought I could win!"

Su Xiaoluo patted the girl's head and cracked her head, "Your ranking in the world rankings is not as good as him, and it's normal to lose. Just practice hard. I think you should be able to become a super strong soon."

Yin Hai, who defeated the explosive girl, was also uncomfortable. 50 parts of his rusty armor were damaged to varying degrees.

Yin Hai silently calculated, if he meets another opponent similar to the explosive girl, how likely is he to win.

After finishing the calculation, he smiled bitterly and said, "The 05 defense line is really full of masters today!"

At this point, Yin Hai also gradually understood that his hope of winning three games in a row was very slim.

Soon, Yin Hai was defeated.

Before Yang Xi and the others came to Four Seas, most of the Qian family members would be very depressed after Yin Hai was defeated in some competitions.

But now there was no such expression on their faces.

Because in the hearts of the Qian family, the leading figure representing the younger generation of the Qian family has long since become Yang Xi, who is in the top [-] of the world rankings.

It is said that Lord Yang Xi's strength is still growing rapidly. After becoming the star of the Judgment Organization, he may be able to fight against even the strongest in the sequence!

In the end, a person with supernatural powers fought fiercely back and forth, which made the audience before the live broadcast very eye-catching.

There are no live broadcasts of heroes in the world. Many times, the battle between humans with supernatural powers and strange beasts is only broadcast in sporadic private live broadcast rooms. It is really a blessing to be able to see many strong men in a row showing their supernatural powers like today. A very rare thing.

In the end, the final winner of this level of contention was Li Caiwei, the daughter of the leader of the White Deer League.

It was also the beauty who attacked Yang Xi at night. She was originally ranked not low on the Four Seas Ranking, and she was just a step away from the distance level. With her own inheritance supernatural power "Nine Yin White Bone Claw" to control the dominance level, naturally Don't talk anymore.

When receiving the mask from Bi Yuewu's avatar, Li Caiwei was still a little shy, after all, she had been seen by Yang Xi before.

"well done!"

Bi Yuewu's avatar encouraged Li Caiwei a few words.

"Thank you!"

Li Caiwei took a deep breath and stretched out her right hand firmly.

She secretly made up her mind to regard becoming a peripheral member of the Judgment Organization as a new beginning!

Maybe, she, Li Caiwei, can also become a star, or even a strong person in the zodiac in the future?

At that time, no matter what she wants to do, no one in this world can control her will!

This is the life she has always wanted. As for what happened before, let it pass!

Facing Li Caiwei's outstretched hand, Bi Yuewu's avatar was a little puzzled, but soon, he saw the girl's completely new eyes.

He smiled and gently put his hand on it: "Welcome to the Judgment Organization!"

Li Caiwei nodded, "I will work hard!"

In the crowd, in the stands where Bailumeng was, Li You felt inexplicably relieved. He found that his daughter had found her own path.

"Perhaps, what I should do most is to support her silently behind her back!"

"The future belongs to their young people!"

Next, it is the competition for the ranking of the Four Seas Ranking.

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