Ji Ning, Tantaiyao and others competed to get off the field, and they immediately lowered the fighting level to a higher level.

On the high stand, Ouyang Guanhe said with a smile: "It's a pity that my son Ouyang Xuan doesn't know where to go to practice. If he is present, there should be no suspense in the battle for the rankings."

After finishing speaking, he deliberately glanced at Tong Tian.

In fact, when Ouyang Guanhe said these words, he wanted to stimulate Tongtian to speak.

There are only four of them in this high stand. Haizhu and Tongtian basically don't talk, they always chat with Youji, and the scene is almost finished.

Sure enough, as the master of Cangyan Aria Xia Yubei, Tongtian said coldly: "Fengshen, you are right, your son will definitely be able to win the first place in the four seas list, after all, Yu Bei and Chen Tianyang, two boys, and the four seas Competing with the people on the list is indeed a little bullying."

Good guy, Tongtian is being stubborn!

However, what he said is indeed true. Compared to Ouyang Xuan, who is so focused on meditation, Xia Yubei and Chen Tianyang are almost fighting on the front line day and night. Their strength is true. It was honed through the great horror between life and death.

It is very likely that their current ranking on the sequence list is not enough to measure the strength of the two of them.

After all, these two people are considered to be the sure candidates to inherit the two superpowers, the Heroes Association and the Jagged Army.

Compared with their peers, the gap is really too big.

Even Yang Xi, who has recently risen from the Qian family, is probably not as good.

Ouyang Guanhe shrugged helplessly, Tong Tian really had better keep his mouth shut.

He decisively changed the chat partner, and just as he was about to speak, several fourth-order powerhouses present at the same time felt the breath of the powerhouses that were constantly approaching!

"This guy is really here!!!"

Ouyang Guanhe stood up suddenly, frowned, and looked at the bright spot in the sky.

What a great speed! ! !

Yang Xi also stood up, pretending not to know and asked Hai Zhu's avatar, "Is this the fourth-order powerhouse of the light system you met on Chishuang Island?"

Haizhu's clone nodded, "Yes, Brother Youji, I fought against him last time, and his laws and mysteries are not weak!"

Only Tongtian was still sitting where he was, and when he saw the appearance of the three of them facing a formidable enemy, he said expressionlessly: "Youji, Haizhu, if you agree to give me the Philosopher's Stone, I can help you shot."

"Although this guy's strength is not weak, but that's it!"

Tongtian's brows were full of confidence, and he didn't take the upcoming light eclipse saint seriously.

Yang Xi sneered, "Don't bother Mr. Tongtian, it's just a fourth level, and our adjudication organization can still eat it!"

Although he hasn't developed a move to control the profound meaning, Yang Xi won't lose the chain at this time, and the ruling organization can't afford to lose!

Besides, with Ouyang Guanhe present, including his Haizhu avatar, there are three fourth-tier powerhouses joining forces, and there is a high probability of keeping the Light Erosion Saint behind.

Ouyang Guanhe's face was a little angry: "Tongtian, you really don't plan to make a move?"

Tong Tian glanced at him and turned his head away.

In desperation, Ouyang Guanhe had no choice but to say: "Forget it, I joined hands with the Judgment Organization to keep the Light Erosion Saint behind. Later, you will be responsible for protecting those people below. The aftermath of our fourth-order battle, It's not something they can afford."

Tong Tian nodded, agreeing to the matter.

The battle on the Four Seas List below is in full swing, but Bi Yuewu's avatar is a little absent-minded.

Just when the final winner was about to be announced and everyone was cheering, a white light pierced the sky.

The light-eclipsed saint appeared above the venue together with Beibei wrapped in a light cocoon, bearing a fourth-level coercion.

The cheers of the crowd were choked.

"Who is this guy? Appearing so arrogantly?"

"I don't know, looking at his posture, he doesn't look like a weak person!"

"He's courageous enough, doesn't he even dare to play in the court of the adjudication organization?"

"Yeah, besides, not only are the zodiac bosses of the Judgment Organization today, but Lord Tongtian and Fengshen are here too! Perhaps one of their fingers is enough to crush this ignorant guy to death?"

The light eclipse saint scanned around and found the Haizhu clone and Ouyang Guanhe on the high stand. At the same time, he also found the existence of Yang Xi and Tongtian, and his heart shuddered.

"Are the four natives fourth-order?"

There is no fear in the eyes of the light-eclipsed saint. In order to resurrect his daughter, no matter how powerful the enemy is, he will not be afraid.

"Haizhu, you asked me to come to you, and now I'm here!!!" The Light Erosion Saint shouted, "You dare to fight!!!"

"Dare to fight!!!!"

The light-eclipsed saint continued to pass out, and there was even an echo.

In the crowd, the leader of Deep Blue smiled slightly, and said to his subordinates: "Get ready to fight, none of the Judgment Organization members who appeared on the scene today will be left behind!!!"

"Yes!" Including Chris, the faces of the deep blue clan are solemn. The Judgment Organization is a difficult enemy, and they absolutely dare not take it lightly!

Haizhu's avatar smiled warmly, "Three, I've been called, so I'll meet him first!"

The corner of Ouyang Guanhe's mouth twitched slightly, "Your Excellency Haizhu, why don't we compete to see who gets there first?"

Haizhu's avatar said: "Since Lord Fengshen has such a taste, I will naturally accompany him to the end!"

"How about Your Excellency Youji as the referee?"

Although he didn't feel the fluctuation of the fourth-order law from Yang Xi for the time being, Ouyang Guanhe didn't dare to underestimate Yang Xi at all.

Haven't you seen these fourth-order Hai pigs, are all the ones who open their mouths and shut their mouths are the chicken brothers?

I'm afraid this rooster is the strongest one in the zodiac of the Judgment Organization!

Yang Xi said: "Yes!"

"After three beeps, what about the end point ten meters in front of the light eclipsed saint?"

Haizhu avatar and Ouyang Guanhe nodded at the same time, expressing their agreement.

Even Tongtian, who had been watching from the sidelines, came to Ouyang Guanhe, who was interested in realizing the profound meaning of speed. His speed was the best in the world. Judging from his tone, this pig can actually compete with him in this respect?

This inevitably made Tong Tiangao take a look at Haizhu.




"set off!"

Yang Xi snapped his fingers, and the clones of Ouyang Guanhe and Haizhu disappeared instantly.

It's just that the former is a sprint, and the latter directly enters the virtual vortex.

When Haizhu's clone stepped out of the virtual vortex, Ouyang Guanhe also arrived almost at the same time.

The speed of this Fengshen, in a short distance, can catch up with the space shuttle!

It is worthy of being the number one powerhouse in the Free Alliance Sea Area!

Haizhu's avatar and Ouyang Guanhe looked at each other, and saw the admiration in each other's eyes at the same time.

But now is not the time to boast.

Haizhu's avatar said to the Light Erosion Saint: "Your Excellency, why bother!"

"The battle for the Philosopher's Stone has already come to fruition on Chishuang Island. If you chase it all over the world, aren't you afraid of falling here?"

The light-eclipsed saint sent Beibei in the light cocoon to the ground, and said sadly: "To revive my daughter, everything is worth it!"

Ouyang Guanhe couldn't bear it anymore, he shot like lightning!

"If you want to fight, then fight!"

His voice is like Huang Zhong Dalu, it seems to resound through the entire Free Alliance sea area!

"Today, there must be fourth-order blood to comfort the dead souls of my comrades!!!"

355 With the way of the other, give back to the body

It took only a few breaths from the appearance of the light eclipse saint to the fourth-level battle between Ouyang Guanhe and Haizhu avatar.

The three fourth-tier powerhouses unreservedly aroused their aura, and in an instant, the entire 05 defense line was violently turbulent, with dark clouds covering the sun!

Under the collision of laws and profound meanings, the dark energy in this area is in chaos, and the complexions of the following sequence powerhouses and the world's top talents all changed drastically!

Except for a small number of people who have seen the battle of the fourth-order powerhouses, most of them have experienced the horror of their own power being pulled by the outside world for the first time.

Many transformation-type and bloodline-type supernatural beings even started to transform on the spot!

All of a sudden, the entire training square roared again and again, causing great chaos.

The audience before the major live broadcasts also looked at the picture in front of them in disbelief. This battle that Lord Fengshen is going to participate in, the strength of this person is so terrifying? !

"I heard that the 22nd line of defense in the Liberty Alliance sea area was captured because of the appearance of a mysterious strong man from another world. Could it be this bald man?"

"You have seen the scene just now. From the high stands to the side of this mysterious person, there are thousands of meters away. Lord Haizhu and Lord Fengshen arrived in the blink of an eye. Even the live broadcast camera can't keep up. the world of the hunter!"

"This bald head is pretty cool. It's the first time I've seen people from another world. By the way, people from other worlds are quite similar to our Azure Star race!"

"Fuck off the nympho, people who are not of my race will have a different heart, Master Fengshen will kill me, and avenge the compatriots who died in the battle!"

The barrage on the live broadcast room is about to explode!

On the ground, the moment the light cocoon hit the ground, it helped Beibei counteract the momentum, and then turned into a light spot and disappeared.

Beibei was also immediately controlled by the supernatural soldiers on the 05 defense line.

"Why are you arresting me?" Beibei hadn't realized it yet. She had never done anything illegal or criminal since she was a child!

A supernatural team leader at the head suppressed her coldly, "Whether there is a crime or not, let's talk in court!"

Beibei looked helplessly at the three confronting people in the sky. She really couldn't understand why the kind-hearted person who saved her suddenly became the enemy of the Judgment and the Chamber of Commerce Alliance.

So, she was leading the way for the enemy just now?

Looking at the terrified crowd below the stage, Tong Tian snorted coldly, raised his palm falsely, and a beautiful fairy sword was manifested.

Yang Xi took a closer look, and saw the word "absolutely" written on the body of this fairy sword.

Tong Tian noticed Yang Xi's gaze, and said calmly: "This is the Absolute Immortal Sword, with infinite changes, it is convenient to use to kill people, but let's use it to save people for now."

Immediately, Tong Tian pinched a tactic, and this murderous fairy sword flew out like a swimming dragon!

As soon as the Absolute Immortal Sword came out, the dissociated energy that had been chaotic due to the third and fourth ranks trembled again.

The Light Erosion Saint, Haizhu clone, and Ouyang Guanhe all set their sights on this immortal sword at the same time.

Perceiving the killing aura attached to it, a bone-piercing chill hits the face, making one feel as if one is in a boundless hell.

The light-eclipsed saint's eyes were fixed, and his heart was terrified!

Even though he was already prepared in his heart, he really didn't expect that there would be such an existence among the fourth-order powerhouses among the natives!

"Is this really a strong man that can be bred by indigenous civilization?"

"He should be the strongest in this plane!"

A faint flame ignited on the surface of the light eclipsed saint. If he had been lucky to get out of the body before, then at this moment, he already has the will to die!

Facing a powerhouse of this level, he had no choice but to fight with all his strength, and the world would be shattered, and the sun and the moon would be darkened!

In order to spell out such a glimmer of hope from the impossible!

The Light Erosion Saints were all ready to face the Absolute Immortal Sword, but who would have thought that this flying sword seemed to be playing tricks on them, circled around the three of them, and finally stuck in the center of the training square.

After a burst of mysterious fluctuations, a scarlet enchantment covered everyone in the square.

Ouyang Guanhe shook his head helplessly, "Tongtian, if he joins in, we will take down this strong man from another world, it will be just a cup of tea."

Haizhu clone said: "Master Fengshen, think about it from another angle. If Master Tongtian fights with us, who will protect the people below? At least now, we can fight to our heart's content without any worries!"

Ouyang Guanhe nodded, what Hai Zhu said made sense.

Compared with these two people, the mood of the light erosion saint is even more ups and downs. He has the consciousness of dying in battle. This sword actually ran to protect the ants below?

"Hahaha, God help me, you aboriginal humans will actually separate out a fourth-level powerhouse to protect the low-level ants!"

The Light Erosion Saint launched his own attack while secretly guarding against the conspiracy of the indigenous humans.

Originally, he didn't care about the low-level ants below. On the plane of Ossaid, the natural disasters caused by the battle of the strong will cause huge damage.

But to Ossaid powerhouses, the unlucky ones affected by the attack are nothing more than normal "population loss".

Even in the values ​​​​of the high-level strong men in Ossaid, the aftermath of the strong man's battle is instead a method to screen out more powerful geniuses.

After all, the Ossaid plane is really too big, and in the continuous colonization and expansion, they plundered too many people, and their lives are as cheap as grass.

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