Anyway, those really important people will definitely have strong people around them to protect them, and they are not afraid of being accidentally injured.

But this strong man from the native plane is really stupid and naive!

So he changed his strategy, as long as he kept leaking a little aftermath during the battle, he might be able to contain this strong man!

Light spears condense densely around the saint of light erosion, and these spears all contain his purification meaning.

If it is rubbed once, to purify the overbearing profound meaning, it is certain that it will lack arms and legs!

"Sins dissipate!!"

The Light Erosion Saint waved his hand, and all these spears shot towards Haizhu's clone and Ouyangguan River!

Moreover, the angle of the light spear was slightly tilted downward. If Haizhu's clone and Ouyang Guanhe chose to avoid it, then the low-level supernatural beings below would suffer.

Ouyang Guanhe chose to avoid these light spears without hesitation, but he saw that Haizhu was still staying where he was, and couldn't help shouting: "Haizhu, why are you standing there? Believe in the strength of Tongtian!! The people below will be fine!!!"

Haizhu's avatar chuckled, "Lord Fengshen, please don't worry, I'm just too lazy to dodge!!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a virtual vortex appeared in front of him, and these menacing light spears shot into the virtual world one by one.

Haizhu shook his finger and said: "Look, this is called the way of using the other, and giving it to the other!!!"

A virtual vortex appeared behind the light-eclipsed saint! ! ! !

356 Mastering the Utilization of Mysteries

The spear of purification shot by the saint of light erosion, after being manipulated by Hai Zhu's clone, shot straight at his own back!

Choo Choo Choo! ! !

The light spear didn't seem to slow down because of this, but became faster!

The strong man from another world sensed the attack behind him, and with a strange sound, the flames covering his whole body swelled up, and he suddenly raised his height, dodging this wave of purification spears!

If he wanted to dissolve the power of purification contained in it, he would have to spend a lot of time, so he might as well avoid it!


How could the Haizhu avatar allow him to get his wish?

Under everyone's shocking eyes, this man wearing a pig mask and wrapped in a black robe moved his fingers again, and a new virtual vortex appeared at the original position of the light-eclipsed saint!

These purification spears rushed into the virtual world again!

Then, a virtual vortex facing the sky appeared at the feet of the light-eclipsed saint like ripples on the surface of a lake

In an instant, dozens of light spears shot up into the sky, as if turning into a birdcage to trap the light-eclipsed saint!

"This guy!!"

The Light Erosion Saint couldn't dodge in time, and was hit by three light spears on the arm, thigh and side face respectively. For a while, white smoke rose from the place where he was hit, and he even had a tendency to be decomposed and purified! !

"damn it!!!"

As a last resort, the light eclipse saint can only use his own purification secrets to resist the trauma caused by the light spear!

The audience before the live broadcast was stunned!

They can still understand a little bit about the moves of the Light Erosion Saint, it should be some kind of light element's trick.

But the moves of the Haizhu avatar left them at a loss.

Why is it that the light spear, which is flying in a straight line, keeps changing directions, and even finally attacks its owner!

"Master Haizhu's ability, is it from the space system?"

Among the tens of thousands of abilities on Azure Planet, space system abilities are also extremely rare.

Moreover, most of them have no attack power, mainly the ability to store and move. Like Haizhu, the ability to play with the rules of space is even rarer!

Ouyang Guanhe looked solemn, and he couldn't help giving Haizhu a high look.

Different from ordinary people, as a fourth-order powerhouse, he knows that in order to break through to this level, he must comprehend a profound meaning of law.

Could it be that what Haizhu comprehended was actually the mysteries of space?

Ouyang Guanhe, who has comprehended the mysteries of speed, knows how difficult the laws of the space system are. It is the existence that he once touched the threshold but finally gave up!

There is no way, he who has comprehended the "fast" and "slow" mysteries, could have further impacted the mysterious space mysteries, but in the end, he missed the move and merged the two kinds of mysteries into the speed mysteries .

If he could comprehend the mysteries of space at the beginning, then Ouyang Guanhe was confident that the destructive power of his fist would at least increase several times!

What blasts to the sky, everything crawls for the master!

From the perspective of actual combat, the result is the same.

The Purification Profound Truth comprehended by the Light Erosion Saint is around 4. The "Spear of Purification" created by this should contain the Profound Truth he comprehended at 2, but now he has no choice but to use the Haizhu clone who has comprehended the Profound Truth of 05 Void Realm for the time being.

Of course, there are actually many factors that affect actual combat.

However, when the high-level secrets are fighting against the low-rank secrets, because the law secrets are more profound, the moves developed are even more unexpected.

Another point is the mutual cancellation of law fluctuations.

The third-order imaginary secrets, in fact, can theoretically achieve the current move of diverting other people's attacks, but the third-order imaginary vortex, because there is no support for the imaginary secrets, I am afraid that when the purification spear approaches, it will be destroyed. The fluctuation of the law caused by the purification mystery is shattered!

Seeing the attack method of the Haizhu avatar, even Tongtian couldn't help raising his brows, "The zodiac position of the ruling organization has some real skills."

He could feel the secret technique used by Hai Zhu, and it was even close to his "slaughter secret technique" in terms of rank!

You must know that since the appearance of the fourth-order powerhouse on the blue star, the "slaughter mystery" he has comprehended is the highest in rank.

Even the "Power Profound Truth" comprehended by Blast is inferior to him, it's just that this pervert has comprehended it to a deeper level!

Different from the shock of others, Haizhu's avatar and Yang Xi share the same vision. The confrontation between him and the light-eclipsed saint on the mysteries of the law actually brought Yang Xi, the deity who has comprehended the mysteries of control, a kind of mysterious and mysterious feeling. touch.

"Control the Profound Truth"

Yang Xi murmured silently, although there was no piece of law to wash away the dust on his mind, but at this moment, some questions that had troubled Yang Xi for a long time seemed to have answers.

Relying on the profound meaning of 3's control that the deity has comprehended, he can "see" some shortcomings in the moves used by Haizhu's avatar.

Maybe it shouldn't be called a shortcoming, but the lack of energy utilization of this move!

To use a popular analogy, the Haizhu avatar uses moves like braiding, but this kind of "braiding" made with special techniques is not used in

Make the transfer of abilities more in line with certain rules, so that the moves of Haizhu clone consume less and are more powerful! !

This is not considered as a move created based on the control of the profound meaning, it should be regarded as a complement to the move.

To achieve this ingenious increase, it would be really difficult to achieve this kind of ingenious increase if it weren't for the coherent relationship between the Haizhu avatar and the deity Yang Xi.

After all, the profound meaning of the law is a kind of mysterious and mysterious thing, which can only be understood, not conveyed in words.

Don't you see, these fourth-tier bosses with the top combat power of human beings have also achieved certain attainments in the comprehension of the mysteries of the law, but none of them have created the idea of ​​meditation!

Similarly, if Yang Xi is asked to observe other people's moves, it would be a fantasy to complete the moves without knowing the core of the rules of other people's moves!

But, because of the existence of the avatar ability, this kind of coincidence finally became a reality!

At this moment, Yang Xi can complete the moves of Haizhu's avatar!

The battle between the Light Erosion Saint and Hai Zhu's clone has reached a fever pitch, and even Ouyang Guanhe has joined the battle!

If it weren't for the Absolute Immortal Sword laid down by Tongtian, I am afraid that the human supernatural beings below the third level on this 05 island would have been wiped out by the scattered attack.

Among other things, just a white light that contains the profound meaning of purification, no matter how strong the bloodline ability is, it can't bear it, and it will be half disabled even if it is not dead.

However, under the joint efforts of Haizhu clone and Ouyang Guanhe, the Light Devourer has gradually lost his ability to control the battle situation, and the situation has gradually developed in the direction of human superiority.

Yang Xi himself, who originally planned to make a move and complete the moves for Hai Zhu's clone, chose to sit down.

He feels that things are not that simple, and it is better to keep this hole card.

Sure enough, there was a commotion in the corner of the square at this moment, and the heads of several human beings with supernatural powers were thrown away in an instant, spilling blood all over the ground.

A red-eyed eccentric covered in blue energy rose up from the ground, broke through the protective barrier of the sky, and killed Haizhu's clone!

"Sage of Light Erosion, I will help you!!!"

357 You chicken shot! (two in one)

For the appearance of the deep blue commander, Yang Xi was a little surprised,

Although, when he decided to hold the Chenlong resurrection ceremony, he was mentally prepared for the deep blue clan to make trouble.

It's just that I didn't expect that the person who came would be the fourth-order powerhouse, Commander Deep Blue.

"Fortunately, I used up the Philosopher's Stone ahead of time and entered the fourth-tier realm, otherwise I might really have to overturn this time."

At the same time, the mood of the light-eclipsed saint is complicated.

Although he extremely repulsed the notorious dark blue clan in countless planes, but now, as he penetrated into the hinterland of the blue star human race, he was besieged by two strong men of the same level, and there was even a master who couldn't see through his strength. The situation was precarious.

Such a bad situation made him unable to refuse this helper.

After all, the strength of the leader of the deep blue clan is good. With the cooperation of the two, it is very likely that the two natives will be killed at the fourth level.

Through the fight just now, the Light Erosion Saint probably figured out the opponent's strength.

This aborigine named Fengshen probably comprehended the profound meaning of the law of 3, and his rank was comparable to him.

As for the masked native named Haizhu, he may not understand too many laws and mysteries, but his rank is really extraordinary, and the laws fluctuate very mysteriously.

He made up his mind to find the right time to give Haizhu a ruthless blow. After all, although the other party's Law and Profound Truth rank is strong, the accumulated magic power is not as good as his comprehension 4 after all.

The spear of purification he used before does not represent his full strength, it is just a move created in the early days!

The deep blue commander entered the battlefield, and immediately rushed to kill Haizhu's clone.

To him, the life and death of the Light Erosion Saint and Ouyang Guanhe didn't matter at all. His only purpose was to kill all the members of the Judgment Organization on the field.

Kill the pig first, then the chicken!

As for the miscellaneous fish in the constellation position and the heaven and earth evil position, just leave it to Chris and the others.

The eyes of Commander Deep Blue radiated a faint red light, and for a moment, everything in the world became extremely illusory.

Under the activation of the Lifeline Mysteries, he could see several ever-changing lifelines wrapped around the surface of Haizhu's avatar!


The scorching blue light lit up, and among the human supernatural beings watching below, some with weaker spiritual cultivation even fainted on the spot!

If someone can check their spirit bodies, they will definitely find that their spiritual power has been severely damaged!

Tong Tian snorted coldly, and the Jue Xian Sword changed again, white sword threads spewed out from this Horcrux, covering the entire scarlet enchantment like spider threads.

With this extra layer of defense, more low-level abilities were prevented from being affected.

Tong Tian took a sip of the fragrant tea, and said slowly, "The moves of the fourth rank of the Deep Blue Clan are really weird."

The good news is that none of the members of the Rangers of the Heroes Association were recruited. They are indeed the elites selected by the Association.

The background of the great power can be seen.


Ouyang Guanhe sensed the purpose of the deep blue commander, and was about to rush to help Haizhu's avatar, but the Light Erosion Saint who was fighting with him relentlessly entangled him, as if he wanted to keep him even if he was injured.

Haizhu's avatar shared vision with Yang Xi, and had already noticed the sneak attack of this guy led by Deep Blue.

A virtual vortex appeared behind Hai Zhu's clone, and he took a step back, about to evacuate from this position.

But what no one else expected was that, as if he hadn't seen the operation of Haizhu clone, the deep blue leader was still slashing fiercely along a curved and changing line somewhere in front of him!

This knife was clearly cut in the air, and it actually cut the middle of Hai Zhu's clone! !


The audience before the live broadcast were collectively shocked. How could Mr. Haizhu, who was playing tricks on the enemy just now, be dealt with in one face-to-face?

"This red-eyed guy is so powerful? Could it be that at Chenlong's resurrection ceremony, we are going to witness the fall of a new zodiac sign?"

"Obviously it didn't hit the target, why was Taoist Haizhu cut in half?"

The members of the Qian family who are related to the adjudication organization's interests are even more unable to accept the reality.

In their eyes, the zodiac position of the adjudication organization is invincible, but today, Mr. Haizhu was cut in half! ! !

Tong Tian was also a little surprised. He was sure that this fourth-order powerhouse of the Deep Blue Clan never killed Haizhu, but why was Haizhu cut in half?

Only the deity Yang Xi, who is in tune with the consciousness of Haizhu's avatar, knows what happened!

It was not the sword commanded by Deep Blue that cut him in half, but the profound truth of the law!

"What does that line he cut represent?"

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