Then he reaches the sky, can't he go to other planes to find similar treasures?

Yang Xi had already arranged everything.

In Yunding Space, Xuanwu, who had already rehearsed with Yang Xi, rushed into the spiritual imprint channel that had just appeared.

On the major live broadcast platforms, the audience couldn't help but hold their breath. At first they stood in front of the live broadcast room to see the Judgment Organization's resurrection of Chenlong.

The appearance of the light eclipse saint and the deep blue clan is just an unexpected episode.

For the people of the whole world, resurrection from the dead is an extremely new thing.

But it is said to be the first time in history!


Those present were all strong men, and they immediately caught the heartbeat from Chen Long's body.

The Xuanwu spirit body successfully descended.

Under Yang Xi's training, although he failed to learn all of Chenlong's mischievous ninjas, he could still fool around for a while.

I only heard Chenlong's jumping voice coming from this body: "Huh? Didn't this genius die? Could it be that this is hell?"

"Brother Eryouji, Brother Haizhu, you two are also there? Could it be that our adjudication organization has been taken over?"

Yang Xixuanwu is very satisfied with his line skills, and the energy he spent on acting training for him was not in vain.

Tongtian and Light Erosion Saints have mixed flavors, and the Philosopher's Stone really performed a miracle in front of them!

But it is a pity that the resurrection is not the person they dreamed of day and night

Yang Xi grabbed the stamina of "Chenlong", and said angrily: "You kid is dead, but this is the world, not hell."

Haizhu's avatar also echoed: "Xiao Chenlong, don't act impulsively in the future. Do you know how much trouble you caused in order to resurrect you?"

"Chenlong" scratched his head, obviously "confused".

Ouyang Guanhe smiled, cupped his hands at Yang Xi and said, "Congratulations to your organization for fulfilling its wish and bringing little brother Chenlong back to life!"

Yang Xi was about to return the gift, but he didn't expect that the Light Erosion Saint, who had been stable for a while, started to make trouble again.

He rushed over madly!

The speed of the powerhouse of the light system was also very fast, and everyone didn't even have time to react.

The light-eclipsed saint who was bleeding from seven orifices laughed wildly: "He didn't even have you after you resurrected. Today I will try my best to blew myself up, and I will make you fall short!!"

Faced with the approaching white light and the berserk energy of the light eclipse, Yang Xi knew that his only choice was to stop his self-destruction! !

362 Stripping the Light Erosion Saint ([-] in [-])

The seven orifices of the Light Erosion Saint were all filled with incandescent light, and only then did Yang Xi notice that the golden color in his blood was constantly sublimating.

Suddenly, a kind of inspiration exploded in Yang Xi's mind. With the help of controlling the mystery, he found that he could perceive the structure of the golden substance in the blood.

His eyes seemed to have turned into an electron microscope, and this ever-sublimating golden substance unfolded everything it had in front of his eyes little by little.

The ordering of energy, the structure of matter, everything is invisible.

At this moment, if someone could see Yang Xi's eyes, he would be shocked by the divinity that seemed to see all the truths in the world!

Even the flow of time seems to have slowed down. Under such a dangerous situation, Yang Xichao has exerted his own potential and pushed 3's mastery to the limit.

Seeing that the Light Erosion Saint was about to explode himself, Tongtian could no longer ignore the energy of the fourth-order powerhouse beside him who exploded himself, and the enchantment created by the Absolute Immortal Sword alone could not stop it!

Once he is allowed to blew himself up successfully, all people below Tier [-] will die. There are several rangers from the Heroes Association below. If they are damaged here, Tongtian will not be able to explain to the blaster.

Tong Tian beckoned, Jue Xianjian flew back to his side, and the four killing swords spun counterclockwise quickly. After a few seconds, a large amount of free dark energy was sucked in like a whale, and these four swords suddenly turned into a giant soul. The Sword of Weapons!

Tongtian intends to kill the light eclipse saint before he blew himself up!


An indifferent voice came from Tongtian's mouth, and the whole world was dominated by a murderous will!

Some weak supernatural beings couldn't help trembling, and they were dominated by fear, and there were not a few of them who fucked up!

Even Ouyang Guanhe, who was standing beside Yang Xi, couldn't help standing on his head under Tongtian's move. Although he knew that Tongtian would not attack him, he still couldn't help feeling a strong sense of crisis in his heart!

This is the second strongest human being!

He is also the legendary ability user who co-created the behemoth of the Heroes Association!

The strongest Horcrux supernatural power user in a century! ! !

Babel! ! !

The pictures captured by the live broadcast machine can't describe the horror of one percent of the scene at all, but it still makes the audience before the live broadcast feel like a thorn in their backs!

"Oh my god, Master Tongtian will die if he doesn't make a move. Once he makes a move, it will be an unsolvable big move!"

"If you say this trick can cut off all the water in the world, I believe it!"

"This poor foreigner has no hope of winning from the beginning to the end!"

"I feel helpless for him, after all, even self-destruction has become a luxury!"

But just when everyone thought that Tongtian was about to use extremely violent means to break the threat of self-destruction from the Light Erosion Saint.

The you chicken, who was as small as an ant in front of the huge fairy sword, seemed to wake up from a dream, and stretched out his right hand towards the light-eclipsed saint who had almost turned into a blazing ball of light!

His white and slender hands didn't make any complicated handprints, just a light grasp!

In an instant, as if turning back time, the tyrannical energy that had overflowed the body of the light-eroded saint was taken back into the body along the original route.

The blazing energy light sphere turned into light covering the body surface of the light-eroded saint, and was withdrawn from the body surface attached to the body.

In the end, the light-eclipsed saint also changed from the appearance of golden light emitting from the seven orifices to the original miserable state of dilapidation.

He stared at Yang Xi blankly, for a moment, he couldn't accept the reality at all.

"I didn't blow myself up?"

Just now, he felt that his own power was completely out of control, and he was able to explode himself successfully in just a few seconds.

As for the sword hanging above Tong Tian's head, even if it could offset part of his self-detonation force, it would still be enough for him to blow up the closest Chenlong to death.

But these out-of-control abilities suddenly became extremely cute in front of an invisible big hand, and they returned to his body according to the original route!

Even the light-eclipsed saint just now could perceive the aloof majesty from the mysterious law of the chicken!All the energies in this world have no ability to resist in front of this mystery, they can only be dominated and controlled!

After the failed self-explosion, the Light Erosion Saint had lost his vigor. Although his appearance had not changed, his impression had changed from a high-spirited Tier [-] powerhouse to an old man on the verge of death.

He stared at Yang Xi and said, "You chicken, what kind of monster are you?"

The voice of this sentence was not loud, but it reached everyone's ears.

Even in the live broadcast, it can be heard very clearly.

Yang Xi smiled, and said, "I'm sorry, I'm just an ordinary indigenous human being."

The saint of light erosion was stunned when he heard the words, then shook his head, and said with a smile: "I take back the previous sentence, your law and profound meaning, even in the plane of Ossaid, only the peerless evildoers who can hit the sky can comprehend it , if you can break free from the shackles of the Azure Star plane, these countless planes will surely spread your deeds!"

"I'm not as good as you!!!"

After saying these words, the light-eclipsed saint lost all vitality, and he chose to kill himself under the hopelessness of self-destruction.

The moment Light Eclipse's body fell, a metal plate caught him.

The war finally came to an end. This fourth-order powerhouse from the Alfonso family in the plane of Ossaid finally fell on the plane of the blue star, which is extremely far away from his hometown.

This is actually the destination of most adventurers who leave their home plane and go to other planes.

But at this moment, Tong Tian's move was still hovering above the sky, which made the scene a little funny.

He waved his hand in embarrassment, and the huge fairy sword disappeared into four small Horcruxes, which flew back into his body in an instant.

Then there was a swipe sound, and the second strongest person in the sequence left the scene somewhat disheartened.

The battle was over, Yang Xi and the others withdrew their fourth-order aura, the laws and mysteries between heaven and earth were no longer disordered, the dark clouds faded, and a golden fish scale appeared on the sea.

Before they knew it, everyone had been fighting for a whole day.

Ouyang Guanhe scratched his chin and said cheekily, "Your Excellency, you look at the body of this light eclipsed saint, can you borrow our chamber of commerce alliance for a while?"

A Tier [-] powerhouse from another world, even if he has become a corpse, is of great research value.

In this battle, Ouyang Guanhe worked in tandem and contributed a lot. Not only did he have credit but also hard work. Although it was a bit thick-skinned to make this request, it was understandable.

"As it should be."

Yang Xi nodded with a smile, and with a wave, the metal plate carrying the Light Erosion Saint swooped over.

Afterwards, he put his hand lightly on the body of the Light Erosion Saint, and activated the stripping ability.

In the dimension that Ouyang Guanhe couldn't see, a fourth-order supernatural bead appeared in Yang Xi's hand, and a profound truth chain in the middle curled and stretched slightly, as if it was alive.

After fighting for so long, Yang Xi would not be able to bear the burden of controlling three accounts to act separately, if it wasn't for the assistance of cross-dressing ability and Suzaku consciousness.

After collecting the loot, Yang Xi handed over the body of the Light Erosion Saint to Ouyang Guanhe.

Ouyang Guanhe was a little surprised, is Youji so easy to talk to?

But soon, he figured out the key point. The adjudication organization is so straightforward, it should be showing his favor to him. It seems that there will be a good cooperation between the Chamber of Commerce Alliance and the adjudication in the future.

"I won't say thank you. This time the deep blue commander escaped, they will definitely make a comeback. If something happens at that time, our Ouyang family will definitely help!"

Yang Xi cupped his hands, "It's easy to say, and in the future, in the Free Alliance sea area, I will rely on Your Excellency Fengshen for a lot of things!"

Ouyang Guanhe laughed: "Patting Yang Xi's shoulder, is Brother Youji still so born? How can we say that we are also friends who have gone to the battlefield together. How old am I, and I am not as good as you and my brother?"

Yang Xi didn't refuse, and said with a smile: "Since brother Ouyang insists on doing this, then I'm offended!"

A person with super abilities was separated from the crowd and flew up to pick up Ouyang Guanhe's body that Yang Xi had stripped of his abilities and secrets. Yang Xi and Ouyang Guanhe continued their post-war business exchange.

Just before the battle of the Four Seas List was over, the Saint of Light Erosion came to smash the scene, and Yang Xi still had two earth evil masks in his hand that he had not given away.

But now the entire square is in a mess because of the fighting, and it is impossible to continue.

The masters of the four seas list present, whether it is Ji Ning or Tantai Yao's skills, are all the arrogance of the children of the big family, Yang Xi is not used to it.

Not many sequence experts came, probably due to the competition between Duan Libang and several other sequence experts, and there was no one who was pleasing to Yang Xi.

After all, Yang Xi was recruiting people for this earth evil mask, the most important thing is that he likes it.

Therefore, Yang Xi directly gave Yin Hai and Baomei the earth evil mask directly on the grounds of working hard against the deep blue clan.

Needless to say, Yin Hai, the genius of the Qian family is half of his own, so it is reasonable to take care of Qian's old face.

Baomei is also an old acquaintance, and Yang Xi admires her character very much, and it can be regarded as giving each other a chance. What if she and Judgment get along well?

In Yang Xi's current plan for the adjudication organization, recruiting members from major forces is already on the agenda.

"It's almost time for the Southern Continent to be recovered."

Afterwards, Yang Xi raised the hand of "Chenlong", went through the live broadcast machines of all major platforms, and announced to the whole world.

"Chenlong of the Judgment Organization returns to his position today!"

The eyes of the whole world are almost focused on this masked young man.

"It's a pity, the action of the big brother Youji was too fast just now, and I was able to see the body of little brother Chenlong. I didn't expect that just after the pink light disappeared, he quickly changed Chenlong's equipment! "

"It is said that this Chenlong is a super genius with four abilities, and the whole world will be lively!"

"I didn't expect that the Judgment Organization can do things like resurrecting the dead. Is there anything in this world that the Judgment Organization can't do?"

"Uh, does it count to completely repel the alien beast army?"

"When you put it this way, I think that if the Judgment Organization were to lead the entire Azure Star Human Race, it would be really possible to repel the alien beast army!"

For a while, because of the operation of the Judgment organization, the Resurrection Day Dragon, and a series of things that happened at the venue, the reputation of the Judgment was further strengthened in the whole world!

Although the entire resurrection ceremony had some twists and turns, it finally achieved the effect Yang Xi wanted, and finally it was to clean up the battlefield.

In addition to the leader of the deep blue family, two of them ran away, namely Chris and Bruno.

As for Ouyang Canglu and the young man with glasses, they unfortunately received a box lunch.

Ouyang Canglu was also unlucky, because he was too arrogant and was recognized as his original identity. As a result, how could the enemies who offended him when he was a human being let him go?

Taking advantage of today's favorable time, place and people, everyone united to kill this "pre-sequence" strong man who was domineering in the free alliance sea area!

The young man with eyes met Bi Yuewu's avatar, and with the efforts of the judges, he could only drink his hatred on the spot.

Bi Yuewu's avatar followed Chris's escape route and found Victoria lying in a pool of blood. This one of the ten beauties in the world, even though her face was pale due to excessive blood loss, it added a point that made people want to rise up. The morbid beauty of protection.

Her brother Arthur used to be Yang Xi's puppet. Yang Xi, who had read all of Arthur's memories, naturally couldn't just sit back and watch Victoria die. Found an Earth Sha mask!

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