Bi Yuewu's avatar frowned, without saying a word, and left the scene with the girl.

The deity Yang Xi had just sent Ouyang Guanhe away, and hurried to the commander's mansion.

After recovering Haizhu's avatar and temporarily recovering Chenlong's body, Yang Xi nodded at Bi Yuewu's avatar, and entered the imaginary world together with Victoria.

In the Void Temple, the air is very fresh, and the little white rabbits are happily eating on the grass. It seems that they have adapted to life here very well.

Yang Xigu showed a clean white operating bed and put Victoria on it.

"Fortunately, it was discovered in time, otherwise this girl would have received a lunch box."

Yang Xi took out the earth demon mask from Victoria's belly, and he picked it up and looked at it carefully.

"This is the earth demon mask I gave Bruno, how did it appear in Victoria's belly?"

"Did Bruno do it?"

"It should be Chris who didn't do this. I didn't expect this guy to do this? I thought he had lost his humanity."

Yang Xi activated the ability, cleared the blood from the mask, and then directly healed Victoria with the Heart of Light.

The wound on the girl's abdomen gave out tender shoots, which slowly grew into a snow-white waistcoat line.

Well, it seems that the little princess of the Green family also pays attention to exercise!

Yang Xi wiped it with his hand, and Victoria's clothes returned to their original state.

With the help of Super Brain Plus Controlling Mysteries, Yang Xi's use of manifesting abilities is far superior to that of its original owner, Maruki.

The girl's face slowly changed from pale to rosy.

With a ding, the stunning girl blinked her big eyes and sat up from the bed.

"Where is this?"

Victoria woke up in a daze, and then she found Yang Xi standing aside, wearing a chicken vest.

The girl covered her chest and said in surprise, "Master Youyou Chicken!!!"

363 Resurrection Tiangang position, birth pool (two in one)

Looking at the nervous Victoria on her small face, Yang Xi shook her head slightly, giving the girl a safe distance.

As soon as he lifted his finger, the earth evil mask was under his control and slowly floated into Victoria's hands: "When I found you, you had lost too much blood and passed out. Why is this thing in my stomach?

Soon, she was thinking of the claw that Chris stabbed through her stomach.

Could it be that her brother gave her the mask?

But why would he do this?

"Yes, this also means that you have become a peripheral member of the adjudication organization."

If it was the past, Yang Xi would take Victoria to the Yunding space to pretend to be a b, but seeing the shocked bumpkin looks of others in front of the Yunding palaces, Yang Xi also felt a little boring.

So, this time Yang Xi just briefly introduced the functions.

But while talking, Victoria suddenly jumped off the hospital bed and knelt down in front of Yang Xi.

"Master Youji, I have something to ask."

Facing the girl's big gift, Yang Xi frowned and said, "Why did you do this suddenly? Get up quickly, you are now a member of the Judgment Organization, how decent is it to kneel down casually!"

Yang Xi held his hands empty, and the liquid metal helped the girl up.

Victoria's eyes were red and beautiful with tears.

"I saw my brother kill grandpa with my own eyes, so I think if it's possible, Lord Youji can do me a favor and bring my brother back so that I can question him face to face!"

"For this," Victoria untied her skirt, "I am willing to pay any price, you can do whatever you want to me!"

The girl's face was full of determination.

Yang Xi sighed slightly, turned around, thinking of kissing this girl back then, he decided to give Victoria a loan amount of one grade.

Although the strength of the first level, she can't realize her current wish at all, after all, Chris is now a third-level powerhouse.

But this is the test Yang Xi puts on her.

If Victoria is still unable to subdue the power of the Green family after possessing super strength, then she has no value in continuing to invest.

Conversely, if Victoria has grown after going through so many things, and has completely transformed from a little white rabbit to a qualified head of the family, then Yang Xi doesn't mind having more in-depth exchanges with her.

Although we are getting along well with the Qian family now, even the next patriarch of the family is a well-known acquaintance of Qian Duoduo, but we have to keep a hand in everything, and if we secretly support a Green family, then among the eight chambers of commerce, the adjudication organization will have resources of the two.

As for why he didn't invest in Ji Ning and Tantaixuan, it's because these two people are ambitious people, and Yang Xi doesn't intend to use the precious places of his dolls on them. too big.

Although Yang Xi is not afraid of their betrayal, it would be too troublesome to re-establish a family, so it is better to choose Victoria, who is easy to control.

Besides, the Green family has been bloodbathed by Chris again, and the overall power has fallen to the bottom. Yang Xi likes to do this kind of "bottom-hunting" thing the most. Anyway, the Green family has also been in the waters of the Freedom Alliance for decades. Huge, the foundation is still there.

Like the Qian family, they urgently need "capital injection" from the outside world, and Yang Xi's ruling happened to be this investor.

If Victoria passes Yang Xi's test, then he doesn't mind taking action to help her catch Chris back, anyway, the deep blue family is what he wants to deal with.

Yang Xi told the girl about her attitude.

"So I can get a super power potion?" Victoria put on her clothes with some embarrassment. Just now, she was ready to sacrifice everything.

Because Master Youji's romantic history spread widely in the world, Victoria thought that he could trade with him by virtue of her beauty, but she did not expect that Master Youji, nicknamed "Love Saint of the World", would be able to sit still like this.

Sure enough, those rumors outside are all fabricated!

Master Youji is obviously a gentleman!

Victoria blushed, and after tidying up her clothes, she said crisply, "Master Youji, you can turn around now."

Yang Xi turned around slowly. In fact, with his strength, his eyes didn't have the mental strength to see clearly.

It didn't matter what Victoria was wearing if he wanted to see it.

It's just that he, Yang Xi, has always been a person who is out of low-level interests, and girls are troublesome, so he should be messed with as little as possible.

Only by treating Victoria as a partner can Yang Xi remain absolutely calm when faced with the choice of interests.

The current adjudication organization is on the road of rapid development, and Yang Xi does not want to affect the future direction of the adjudication because of his mistakes in some aspects.

"It seems that you have already made a choice." Yang Xi slowly stretched out his hand, "So happy to cooperate, Mrs. Countess."

Victoria solemnly extended her hand and held it with Yang Xi. Although there was anxiety in her eyes, most of her emotions were still firm.

From now on, she no longer has any relatives or elders to rely on behind her. If she wants to change the fate of herself and even the Green family, she must force herself to grow up.

Then, find that man, question him, and kill him!

After seeing off Victoria, Yang Xi came to Yunding Space.

This time when the Deep Blue Clan attacked, the Tiangang members who were present did not take advantage of it, they were always on the same front as Bi Yuewu's avatar.

But because of this, three Tiangang members died in battle.

Except for one unlucky guy who didn't even leave his spirit body, there were two other people who cleverly descended their spirit bodies to the cloud top space before they died.

At this moment, these two groups of spirit bodies are floating in the clouds.

Unlike the chubby Philosopher's Stone, the spiritual bodies of these two people are exactly what they looked like before they were alive.

Of course, as long as Yang Xi is willing, they can still change their shape, become a villain with wings or something, there is no pressure at all.

They noticed Yang Xi's arrival, and hurriedly saluted, "I've seen Lord Youji!"

"Well, you two have done a good job. The organization never treats loyal people badly."

Yang Xi sensed the strength of their souls, and said to the spirit body on the left: "Tianguixing, your spiritual power has reached the second level, so you can be resurrected."

Regarding the pudgy spirit body standing on the right, Yang Xi’s tone was a little regretful: “Tianguxing, your mental strength is still a bit weak, and there is no possibility of resurrection for the time being, so you are now working with Master Suzaku in the Yunding space. After the mental strength is strong enough, we will deal with the resurrection."

"You two are also lucky. If it weren't for the resurrection of Chenlong, our organization would not have spent a lot of energy researching the technology of resurrection."

Even if it's his pony, Yang Xi can fool him as much as he can.

It is this steady and prudent style that Yang Xi and Judgment can grow to where they are today.

"You two, come with me first."

Yang Xi brought Tianguixing and Tianguxing to Wudao Peak.

The power beads cannot be used on spirit bodies, so Yang Xi has no way to enhance Tianguxing's spiritual power for the time being.

Before finding the right method, going to Enlightenment Peak to visualize Shewutu is barely a matter of strengthening one's mental strength.

I just don't know if this has any effect on Tianguxing.

The members of the Demon Hunt Squad were immersed in the mood of Shewutu, and did not notice the arrival of Yang Xi and the other three.

Yang Xi pointed to the stele of the visualization map on Wudao Peak, and said to Tianguxing: "After you finish the tasks assigned by Master Suzaku every day, you can visualize here, whether you can enhance your spiritual power and achieve resurrection. The standard depends on your own efforts."

It was also the first time for Tianguxing and Tianguixing to leave the Four Elephant Hall to which they belonged, and they were brought here by Yang Xi. Along the way, they had been shocked several times in their hearts.

I don't know if Yang Xi is fooling him, Tianguxing said gratefully: "Thank you Lord Youji for cultivating me. After I am resurrected, I will definitely go through fire and water for you!!"

Yang Xi let out a hehe, concealing his embarrassment, and secretly made up his mind that he must solve the method for the spirit body to enhance its strength in the cloud top space, otherwise it will be disqualified if it is exposed in the future?

"You work hard, Tianguixing, I will take you back to life."

Tian Guixing looked at the contemplation stele with some covetousness. Just now Master Youji didn't mention that visualization of this miraculous stele requires points. Could it be that this is a benefit after death?

This kind of opportunity to enhance mental power for free, after this village, there will be no such shop!

When Tianguixing was hesitating, Yang Xi said coldly: "Could it be that you want to be like Tianguxing, stay in the cloud top space and give up the chance of resurrection?"

Tianguxing heard this, but looked at Tianguixing eagerly. Although the two were not very familiar before, but during the period after their death, they chatted for a long time because of the boring relationship, and they were considered half friends.

It would be a good choice if Tian Guixing could stay with him at Wu Dao Peak.

Tian Guixing shuddered, and quickly said: "No, no, Master Youji, I still choose to resurrect, choose to resurrect!!"

He wiped off the sweat, and looked at Tian Guxing apologetically.

Yang Xi also stopped writing, grabbed Tian Guixing and left Wu Dao Peak.

Watching the sound of Yang Xi and Tianguixing going away, the short and fat Tianguxing sighed a little lonely, and joined the visualization team.

Yang Xi didn't fool him either. Visualizing She Wutu could indeed enhance his spiritual power, but if he wanted to reach the second level, he had to wait until the Year of the Monkey.

In order to prepare for Chenlong's resurrection ceremony, Yang Xi and Suzaku built a "Hall of Reincarnation" in Yunding Space.

Like Enlightenment Peak, the Hall of Reincarnation is also an island suspended in the air, and in the center of the island is a palace whose main color is black.

Falling to the gate of the Hall of Reincarnation, Tian Guixing couldn't help becoming nervous. Although he had seen Master Chenlong's resurrection ceremony, he still felt unreal about such things in his heart.

"Don't panic, even Chenlong can be revived. You are a small Tiangang, so naturally you don't have to worry about it." Yang Xi smiled and sent a form to the mission panel of Tianguixing.

Resurrection ceremony cost statistics:

Body cultivation: 50000 points

Spirit body transplant: 30000 points

Neural Sync: 20000 credits

In view of your current point status, the organization provides low-interest loans, and you can resurrect with 0 down payment

This is Suzaku's well-designed fee schedule, the low-interest loans provided, and with the efficiency of collecting resources by the current level members of Tiangang, working for the organization for free for about 20 years can pay off the debts and become a free person.

This inland area often has to repay a 50-year house purchase loan, which is much more conscientious.

Although Yang Xi is following the route of a capitalist now, he can still remember the hard work of stripping the super beasts when he was in his infancy, and he also has compassion for his group of tool people.

"Resurrection needs to consume a lot of resources from the organization. This fee list is already the best price I can get for you."

Yang Xi looked at Tian Guixing's despairing face, coughed a few times and comforted him.

"Of course, if you think it's too expensive, you can also live in Yunding Space. Here you can do whatever you want, and there is no outside fighting. It's actually quite good."

After listening to Yang Xi's words, Tian Guixing said pitifully: "Master Youji, it's not easy for me to earn points, can it be cheaper?"

Tian Guixing knew that he couldn't use all the points to repay the loan. He had to take some points to strengthen his own strength, otherwise, if he accidentally died in battle, wouldn't it form a cycle?

Yang Xi shook his head, these tool people, why don't they understand their status as wage earners?

Even without the pressure of this loan, can you live comfortably?

Can't escape the fate of working for me?

Considering that Tian Guixing also sacrificed for the organization, Yang Xi said: "Oh, it seems that you died for the organization's battle, and you are the first to try this resurrection package. I will pay you for it from my own pocket." .”

Yang Xi said in a heartbroken voice: "I'll give you a [-]% discount, it's interesting enough!"

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