But Yang Xi is different. He plundered the fourth-order powerhouse Profound Truth Chain and broke down the law fragments. This way of opening and hanging is destined to widen the gap between him and other powerhouses.

"I just don't know if the effect of this law fragment will become weaker."

Just like when he encountered a bottleneck at the beginning, Yang Xi was also afraid that he would end up stuck at a certain percentage and would not be able to make progress.

"Why do you think so much? If you really reach that point, let's solve it slowly."

Yang Xi's mentality is still very good, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain!

"Feifei, during the recent period of time, you have been studying the mysteries of the law and creating your own moves in the virtual temple. As for the reality, you can take a clone and go out!"

Yang Xi conveniently upgraded Yang Feifei's avatar and cross-dressing of the same style. Now that there is a lot of dark energy, it is still possible to spend it for her sister.

"Okay, I also want to experience this aftertaste slowly."

Yang Feifei nodded his head, separated a clone, and stepped into the vortex of the imaginary world.

"Finally, I'm also upgrading a Tier [-] vest."

Yang Xi's next choice, of course, is the Chicken Doppelgänger.

From the very beginning, metal control of this ability has brought great help to Yang Xi. Its elemental affinity is the highest among many elemental abilities.

Yang Xi had a faint feeling that he could comprehend an incredible mystery from this ability.

"Trouble, Your Excellency Maotu, help me protect the law!" Yang Xi habitually switched to wearing a chicken vest. In this state, he felt that his understanding of the ability of metal control would be deeper than in the normal state.

Yang Feifei also switched to the Maotu state, and a voice as clear as moonlight rang out: "Brother Youji, don't worry, little sister will do her best to protect you!"

Fortunately, there is an acting auxiliary function of changing clothes, no matter how embarrassing the lines, the two brothers and sisters acted vividly. Against the background of the imaginary temple, it seems that in this world, there are really two peerless powerhouses, Maotu and Youji. exist.


Yang Xi used the fragment of the law, and mysterious fluctuations wrapped around him.

He familiarly entered the void where the supernatural orbs hung on the wall like a formation, and after picking out the supernatural orbs controlled by metal, he began to deduce the profound meaning of the law.

After a long time, Yang Xi opened his eyes, the fluctuations of the laws of his body subsided, and the outside world was once again clouded.

He said softly: "The profound truth comprehended this time is actually the strong magnetic secret!"

366 Against you?One punch is enough ([-] in [-])

After Yang Xi dealt with the vision of breaking through to the fourth level, the dao rhyme after comprehending the law gradually dissipated.

"The level of this strong magnetic secret is not low. I used as many law fragments as Feifei, but I can only deduce the strong magnetic secret to the level of 1."

As for whether it is possible, it is because Yang Xi's own understanding is lower than that of his sister, he has never considered it.

"This mystery seems to involve the force between the gold element particles."

Inspiration kept bursting out in his brain, and Yang Xi even forgot about his sister who was by his side.

He spread his hand, and a piece of black god-made metal was suspended in the palm of his hand.

This dark stone has not changed much in appearance, but it looks smoother, like a mirror.

However, its shape has become a drop shape, as inconspicuous as a teardrop.

But Yang Xi knew what terrifying energy was contained in this small metal water drop.

This is a creation under the esoteric meaning of strong magnetism, the gold element particles that make it up, and the distance between them is smaller than any metal that Yang Xi condensed before.

Although through the strong magnetic secrets, Yang Xi sensed that there is still a large compressed space between the gold element particles.

But for now, the almost indestructible metal condensed when he was at the first level is no different from tofu in front of this god-made metal.

With a light poke, it penetrates.

"Try again and use the control mystery to complete it."

There is divinity in Yang Xi's eyes, which is the high-level life coercion that inadvertently radiates to the outside world when launching the secret art.

With the help of mastering the secret, Yang Xi improved the product of this strong magnetic secret, making the energy operation under its entire body simpler and more reasonable. This metal water droplet deformed visibly to the naked eye again, becoming narrower and longer.

"God-made metal is just an attempt to shorten the distance of force by the strong magnetic mystery. If I do it the other way around, can it make the indestructible existence weaker?"

The refreshment brought by digesting the profound meaning of the new law is an irresistible temptation for life.

At this moment, everything outside can't distract Yang Xi, he hastily created a clone to deal with the outside world, and like Yang Feifei, he continued to digest the profound meaning of the law that he had just comprehended.

Chamber of Commerce Headquarters.

Ouyang Guanhe convened members of the alliance's ability research institute.

This is the research institute that Ouyang Guanhe spent a lot of money to study things such as supernatural powers and corpses of aliens.

The personnel inside either have special abilities suitable for research, or are knowledgeable scientific researchers themselves. In the past few decades, they have made a lot of contributions to the Chamber of Commerce Alliance.

Ouya Guanhe put the stripped empty shell body of the Light Erosion Saint on the experimental table.

He said with a little complacency: "This is the first time that the world has obtained the corpse of a fourth-order strongman. I hope that you can study it carefully and discover a lot of valuable information about the fourth-order body of outsiders. If you can make great contributions, rewards It is indispensable!"

He paused, thinking of the good cooperative relationship between himself and the adjudication organization, he promised: "Even if it is a supernatural potion, I can help you get it!"

The Ouyang family, no, the wages given by the Chamber of Commerce Alliance are not low, enough people in this organization can live a much better life than ordinary people.

If Ouyang Guanhe said rewards like money, they might be happy, but they definitely wouldn't be as excited as they are now!

That is a supernatural potion!

In today's supernatural world, who doesn't know the heaven-defying effects of supernatural potions?

These scientific researchers started working without saying a word, arrogant and high-spirited, as if they had been beaten with chicken blood.

It's a pity that it's hard for them to make any major discoveries on this body that Yang Xi has already stripped of its powers and mysteries.

After assigning this task, Ouyang Guanhe left the research institute.

Next, he has more important things to do.

If the 22nd line of defense had not fallen due to the intrusion of the Light Erosion Saint, causing some surrounding lines of defense to have to divide their troops to support, Ouyang Guanhe had already concentrated his forces, taking advantage of the emptiness of the foreign forces in the Liberty Alliance sea area, and launched a wave of general offensive , push the line of defense a little further.

This is a good opportunity to benefit the Azure Star Human Race and wash away the shame of our ancestors!

Moreover, this time he also bought a few rangers from the Heroes Association, which will undoubtedly be more flexible in tactical design.

"Although Tongtian and I are two strong fourth-order powerhouses, just to be on the safe side, we should contact the adjudication organization for the fact that the counterattack has begun. If there is another fourth-order zodiac, it will definitely be stable!"

Ouyang Guanhe complacently looked through the floor-to-ceiling windows at the vast expanse of sea.

"The things lost by the ancestors will definitely be taken back by me bit by bit!"

He doesn't know what the other top human beings are thinking. For him, whether it is becoming stronger, winning over the strong, or using means to control the distribution of interests in the Free Alliance Sea Area, all of this is for the sake of To serve mankind in defeating alien colonists.

This is also the reason why Ouyang Guanhe's desire for the Philosopher's Stone is not as strong as Tongtian.

For Ouyang Guanhe, the ruling is an organization he can take advantage of, so he is naturally happy to see its growth.

"By the way, after Tongtian disappeared from the 05 line of defense, where did he slip away? The Rangers he brought are still at the headquarters of our Chamber of Commerce Alliance!"

Ouyang Guanhe took a sip of the iced coffee made by his sister Ouyang Jingzhu, covering his head with some headaches.

Once, he also thought that Tongtian, like Blast, was one of the great human leaders.

But in these years of contact, he gradually understood that Tongtian is actually a guy who is extremely arrogant, and only has power, old enemies, and a few people around him in his eyes.

If one day human beings really fell into a decline, he would have to doubt whether Tongtian would take some of his valued people and escape from the blue star plane.

Bomei is playing with the exquisite Disha mask. Since leaving the 05 line of defense until now, this Dijiexing mask has never left Baomei's palm.

Her cultivation speed is not slow, but Baomei knows that it will take some time to accumulate if she wants to break through to the first level.

But looking at the current situation in the four seas, the enemies appearing are getting stronger and stronger, and the super abilities have less and less influence on the battle situation.

Because of the emergence of the ruling organization Tiangang Project, a new group of mysterious superpowers emerged in human society.

As if all of a sudden, powerful super power users became commonplace.

What frustrates Bomei even more is that Li Zitian, a new girl from District [-] in the Rangers, her strength is actually top-notch!

Li Zitian is a few years younger than her, and she is already a super powerhouse!

All of this is making the explosive girl feel anxious.

Molong looked at Baomei with a strange expression. It turned out that he thought that he should be the most special existence in the team. After all, he was secretly the Tiangang position of the Judgment Organization. He secretly swallowed a lot of battle gains and handed them over to the Judgment Organization. Replaced with the points you need.

I didn't expect that so soon, in the Tianlong Ranger with only a single digit number, there would be a hot girl who was in the same situation as himself.

"So, how would you choose? Hot Girl"

Demon Dragon looked forward to it with a bit of wickedness. Unlike him, Bomei's loyalty to the Hero Association was much higher than that of Demon Dragon. I don't know if such a naive girl would, for her own points, Choose to sacrifice the interests of the association.

Li Zitian, who stopped to meditate and practice, couldn't help but feel a little bit embarrassed when she saw Baomei's precious mask.

If Baomei really became a member of the Judgment Organization, then Zhang Yuelu herself would be her boss, wouldn't she?

But it's a pity that in the passive team of Tianlong, she has the lowest qualifications, so she can only be called a senior sister.

"If a senior like me reveals the identity of my star position, will she be frightened!"

Li Zitian suddenly realized the exhilaration of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

Soon, Su Xiaoluo, the captain of the Tianlong Ranger, came back.

Seeing the captain come back, Baomei's face became a little nervous. The reason why she didn't use the earth demon mask in her hand and went to the legendary and magnificent Yunding space through mental power was just waiting for the association's approval.

After all, becoming a peripheral member of the Judgment Group, without the nod of the organization, Baomei really didn't dare to try.

In Baomei's opinion, all members of their ranger should agree with her on this point.

"Congratulations, I told the higher-ups about your situation, but the top management of the association does not object to us becoming a peripheral member of the adjudication organization, as long as it does not violate the interests of the organization!"

"However, you may have to cooperate with the association to do some extra work."

The latter sentence was directly ignored by the explosive girl.

She jumped up with joy, and after greeting her teammates, she touched the spiritual imprint in the mask with her mental power and entered the legendary Yunding space.

In addition to Molong and Li Zitian, why don't the other members of the Tianlong Ranger envy the lucky girl?

If it weren't for the many years of friendship here, maybe they would also take the opportunity to take away the hot girl.

Explosive Girl is researching the benefits of the earth evil position, but the area where the Rangers of the Heroes Association are resting suddenly became lively.

It turned out to be an old member of the Night Rangers, and there was a conflict between Lu Sheng, the death scythe, and Ye Fan, a new member, and it turned out to be a duel.

The cause of this dispute was precisely Marukyu who stared at Lu Sheng with a tight face.

It was just when we were bored that such interesting things happened, and many Rangers formed a circle spontaneously.

The freshmen who made good friends with Ye Fan naturally cheered for him.

And some old team members who have friendship with Lu Sheng kept booing this death scythe.

Jian Xiaohao, the captain of the Night Rangers, crossed his arms and said helplessly: "You two are really, do you have to fight?"

The villain Lu Sheng first complained: "Boss, you also saw how Ye Fan treated me just now, right? I just chatted with Wanwan a few more words, but he actually wanted to attack me!"

Ye Fan, who has a good temper, just looked at Lu Sheng coldly, "The word Wanwan is not something you can call!"

"Yezi, be careful, he is an old player after all, and he must have more combat experience than me."

Wan Jiu knew Ye Fan's temper, and it was impossible to persuade him to calm down at this time, so he had to ask him to pay more attention and avoid Lu Sheng's dirty tricks.

But to be honest, she really hates this guy named Lu Sheng. She already has a boyfriend, and he wants to pester her!

Jian Xiaohao shook his head, Lu Sheng's temper can't be changed, but he is also the only one who is still alive in his first batch of team members. Although he is a little uncomfortable, he has experienced life and death together after all.

"Remember, both of you, click till the end!"

With that said, he jumped out of the battle circle, leaving the field for Ye Fan and Lu Sheng.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, let's take a look at Ye Fan, the number one in this year's training camp, how capable he is!

The other Rangers members also had this purpose in mind, and some even started a small bet secretly. Judging from the betting ratio of these people, it seems that more people are optimistic about the old team member Lu Sheng.

It's no wonder that, in their view, Ye Fan, the number one in the training camp, is just an academic, and there is still a gap between him and Lu Sheng, who has grown up in a life-and-death struggle.

But what they didn't know was that Ye Fan experienced inhuman pain when he was young.

Just for the part where the teeth were pulled out, there should be no one present who can compare with fear.

Ye Fan and Lu Sheng stood face to face. Although the two did not fight each other, they had already begun to compete with each other.

To everyone's surprise, Ye Fan suddenly said: "You should make a move first, otherwise I'm afraid you won't have a chance to make a move at all."

Lu Sheng sneered and said, "I know that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, but this is the first time I've seen someone as conceited as you."

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