Ye Fan's words made many team members shout out loudly. The implication of Ye Fan's words was that he wanted to beat Lu Sheng directly.

This matter slipped in time and made the world laugh!

You must know that among the members of the Dark Night Squad who sacrificed this time, several of them were also super strong.

They all went wrong in that battle meeting.

It is conceivable that the strength of the two remaining members of the Night Rangers may be far superior to those with supernatural powers.

Only a few new Ranger members in the crowd were full of confidence in Ye Fan.

Especially Green Clay Shrek, he has seen Ye Fan's strength with his own eyes.

"The horror of this guy is not the overwhelming power, but also the strength that is getting stronger every moment."

Thinking of the scene of being beaten miserably, the old people present have all seen it, and now it is a good thing for them to see the strength of No.1 in the training camp.

At the very least, there will be one more person with the same disease!

"Sigh, I really envy this guy Ye Fan. Not to mention his beautiful girlfriend, he is still an evildoer!" Shrek scratched his head, thinking that if he wanted to surpass Ye Fan, the only way he could do it was to become a judge. Peripheral members of the organization!

Thinking of the scene where he quickly became a super strong man and stomped Ye Fan through the platform of adjudication, Shrek felt refreshed for a while.

Lu Sheng laughed angrily. He joined the Night Rangers and experienced countless battles. How dare this kid talk to him like that?

"If you can take my three moves, I will let you, the vice-captain!"

Unexpectedly, the young man standing opposite him said: "One punch is enough to deal with you!"

367 There is no solution to this trick?

Lu Sheng was silent, his eyes narrowed. Anyone who knew him well would know that he had murderous intentions at this moment.

This damn newcomer is actually so rampant, a mere garbage power-enhancing department, dare to talk to him like that with Uncle Lu Sheng?

Marukyu is just his girlfriend, not his wife, he can't even talk to her, even flirt with her?

Probably because he became the first student in the training camp assessment this year, Ye Fan pretended to be like this, right?

Lu Sheng glanced around viciously at the newcomers who applauded Ye Fan. This group of rookies gave this kid a habit. I'll let you see later, what is the gap.

"I must have easily defeated Ye Fan, the little beauty Wanmaru will know who is the real man, hehe, maybe I will be able to touch the big white legs soon."

After wiping his saliva, Lu Sheng revealed his Horcrux "Death Scythe".

The two-meter-long black scythe was pointed at Ye Fan obliquely. Lu Sheng brushed his hair and said coldly: "Bragging is not the tradition of our dark night team. Learn from my brother and say that you can defeat you within three moves." , defeat you within three strokes!"

Ye Fan ignored Lu Sheng's provocation, he never put these old people in his eyes.

Among the team members present, there were only a few sequence experts, and senior sister Li Zitian could bring him some threats.

Coincidentally, the depression accumulated in his heart because he failed to help the leader before can be vented on this desperate guy.

Ye Fan put his hands behind his back lightly and said: "Make a move, if I punch you, you will have no chance."

His attitude not only displeased the old team members, but even the training camp graduates who were on Ye Fan's side felt that he was overreaching.

The Green Clay Shrek was very entangled in his heart. He wanted Ye Fan to defeat the old team members and continue his glory. In this way, as his defeated opponent, it could be said that it wasn't that he was not good at Green Clay Shrek, but that Ye Fan, the boss, was too weak. powerful.

But if Ye Fan can be beaten up by the old team members, it would be nice to see him deflated?

He sighed, "Ye Fan, you are still proud after all."

Only Marukyu has always had confidence in her boyfriend, because she knows Ye Fan's character, and he never does anything he is not sure about. Since he said he could beat this rogue Lu Sheng with one punch, he naturally wouldn't use a second punch .

Su Xiaoluo, the captain of the Tianlong ranger who was watching the battle, smiled slightly, and said to the iceberg girl beside him, "Zi Tian, ​​you are quite a little boy, if he loses later, do you want me to help him?" ?”

Obviously Su Xiaoluo is not optimistic about Ye Fan either.

Su Xiaoluo graduated from the training camp, and he also got the first place in the assessment back then.

He used to be as arrogant as Ye Fan, but after being severely punished by the old team members, he realized that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people.

These old players who have experienced countless life and death fights are not something they can resist when they are fledgling!

Li Zitian kept staring at Ye Fan, she shook her head and said, "No, no need."

Su Xiaoluo didn't take it seriously either, and smiled and said, "You, it's just that you are too cold-tempered. At least this kid graduated from the same school as you, but it's better to let this kid suffer a little bit."

Although the captain misunderstood what she meant, Li Zitian didn't bother to explain. As for Ye Fan, Li Zitian only knew that this kid was very stable.

Her only failure in Li Zitian's school days came from this elementary school boy who seemed to have a good personality.

Don't be fooled by this guy, Ye Fan hides a monster under his harmless appearance.

"But speaking of geniuses springing up like mushrooms after a spring rain in your first district, there are three of us in the Dragon Rangers alone. Will I, the captain, be evaded by your first district in the future?"

Su Xiaoluo was joking with a smile. Although he said so, he had absolute confidence in his own strength in his heart.

Li Zitian didn't respond to the captain's joke, while Molong twitched his mouth. He didn't know if the "First District Gang" would appear, but there must be a "small verdict".

Jian Xiaohao, the captain of the Dark Night Squad, made preparations in secret. He knew Lu Sheng's character, and he was likely to hit hard in the future, so he made preparations in advance, otherwise, if Ye Fan was beaten into a cripple, he would have to eat melons fall.

"It's really troublesome, why are my subordinates all thorns?"

Jian Xiaohao looked at the sky with a helpless expression.

The other Ranger captains also looked at him sympathetically. Fortunately, they hadn't competed for this old man before.

This dark night team, wouldn't it be necessary to reduce the number of staff before the mission?

Just when everyone was thinking about each other, Lu became lively.

Since this guy Ye Fan is pretending to be b, he will take action in advance and teach him a lesson.

Under his brandishing of the Death God's Scythe, there was a gust of wind.

The next moment, there seemed to be a creepy scream in everyone's ears, and that Lu Sheng turned into a black lightning, and rushed towards Ye Fan.

"So fast!"

Several newcomers couldn't help being surprised, this level of speed, even Ye Fan never broke out during the assessment!

They are absolutely unmatched this year!

"Ye Fan is finished!"

They were a little frustrated. It turned out that the gap between them and the old players was so large.

Originally, they only thought that there was some gap in actual combat experience.

Even Marujiu was a little worried. I didn't expect Lu Sheng to be so fast!

Can the leaves stop it?

Facing Lu Sheng's menacing attack, Ye Fan didn't even bother to raise his eyelids.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, Lu Sheng's speed is so fast that there will be afterimages, but it is not a burden to Ye Fan's vision at all, and he can even clearly capture the micro expressions on Lu Sheng's face.

"Is he grinning?"

"Then let him do a few tricks, and then we'll get rid of him after his hide is blown."

Ye Fan, who knew that he could crush his opponent, didn't feel any nervousness before the battle.

On the contrary, it was more dissatisfaction with himself. The leader gave him such a powerful ability, but he could only develop it to this extent.

From the beginning to the end, he, Ye Fan, has never been able to help the leader, let alone make any contribution to the adjudication organization. This is what Ye Fan cannot accept.


The sound of the death scythe cutting through the air was disturbing, but Ye Fan was not affected at all, even his heart rate did not change.

It wasn't until the scythe got close that he turned his body and avoided Lu Sheng's slash.

This is Ye Fan's extreme confidence in his own strength, but in the eyes of others, Ye Fan barely avoided the enemy's attack.

Lu Sheng laughed with his sickle horizontally: "Ye Fan, you have some skills, you can avoid my death sickle, but what do you think it is?"

The vice-captain of the night team spread out his palm to reveal a broken hair on his palm.

"Your body tissue was taken by me."

As he spoke, he ate Ye Fan's hair in his mouth and swallowed it down.

Seeing this scene, many veteran players shook their heads and said, "It's over."

Green clay Shrek asked his beautiful captain: "Captain, I think Ye Fan still has the strength to fight, why do so many seniors say it's over?"

The Ice Witch patiently explained to her subordinates: "Once Lu Sheng swallows the opponent's tissue, he can sneak into the enemy's shadow and attack. This kind of backstab is basically unsolvable."

368 I feel that the chicken is not using all its strength

The Green Clay Shrek reluctantly moved his gaze away from the holy light revealed by the indescribable part of the beautiful captain, and opened his mouth wide: "Are you able to sneak into the enemy's shadow?"

He put himself into the role of Ye Fan, and thought of Lu Sheng holding the scythe of death power, emerging from his shadow, and then hitting him hard, no matter where he cut it, it would feel very painful!

Involuntarily, this strong man began to sympathize with Ye Fan. Sure enough, at this stage, it is not a good choice to provoke the old team members. The strength of these guys is too abnormal.

Ye Fan is also impulsive. With his potential, it is estimated that he will completely surpass this guy in a few months. Wouldn't it be good to dance again then?

It's a pity.

Ye Fan was not disturbed by others, he stared at Lu Sheng calmly, even at this time, he was summing up his own shortcomings.

This guy Lu Sheng ate his own hair, probably because of some conditions for the ability to activate!

It seems that in the future battles, before you don't understand the characteristics of the enemy's supernatural powers, you shouldn't make a fuss, and you shouldn't let the enemy get even a single hair!

He adjusted his breathing a little and no one could hear the roar of dragons and tigers resounding in the body of this strong young man at that moment.

Wearing triangular sunglasses, the chubby Jian Xiaohao was also full of energy, staring at Ye Fan's feet, ready to strike at any time, blocking a fatal blow to Ye Fan.

"Boy, if you beg for mercy honestly now, I can still show mercy."

Lu Sheng smiled brightly, but even if Ye Fan begged for mercy, he would not hold back. This was just to make Wan Jiu feel disappointed in Ye Fan.

It's a pity that Ye Fan didn't seem to hear his verbal provocation.

"Okay! Since your bones are so hard, I'll give you a break!"

He slammed the death scythe on the ground fiercely, and the shape of the shadow under his feet changed into a standard circle, and he disappeared on the ground together with the circle formed by the shadow in an instant.

Ye Fan froze for a moment. This ability seemed to be similar to that used by the leader when he met him.

Afterwards, Ye Fan had a warning sign in his heart, and he sensed the murderous intent behind it.

"Did this guy appear behind me in an instant?"

Ye Fan turned around sharply, facing the sharp sickle blade.

His choice was to punch the attacking sickle hard!

Seeing Ye Fan's actions, Lu Sheng smiled and said: "You idiot, you actually used your fist to block my Horcrux!!! Do you want your hands anymore!"

Jian Xiaohao shook his head, and shot a crossbow with the power of the night from his body!

I hope this crossbow arrow can help Ye Fan offset part of the power of the death scythe, otherwise Ye Fan's hand will be confessed here today!

But at the next flick of the finger, the faces of several captains changed at the same time!

"The power of this guy!!!"

Ye Fan's eyes were full of indifference, and the moment his elbow was raised back, the pressure of the whole world seemed to be concentrated on his fist!

It seems that there is a huge air current, which is stagnant because of Ye Fan's fist!

The weak may not be able to react to this creepy feeling and extreme sense of danger for a while, but at the same time, the heartbeats of these captains accelerated, and the instinct of crawling back from the edge of life and death for countless times told them to avoid this fist!

Even Lu Sheng, who was laughing and about to knock off half of Ye Fan's fist, couldn't help but choke his breath, feeling a bad premonition in his heart, did he mess with someone who shouldn't be messed with!

But it's too late!

Lu Sheng has already stepped out of Ye Fan's shadow, his figure has nowhere to rely on in mid-air, and because of the sickle he swung, his moves are old!

There is no way to avoid it! ! !


The air seemed to be compressed to the limit by Ye Fan's fist!

In the eyes of many strong men, this punch seemed to burst out with a dazzling light!

Ye Fan's fist first hit Jian Xiaohao's crossbow arrow, which came later and sent it flying.

Unabated, he rushed towards the blade of the Death God's Scythe, and the compressed air flow alone caused the blade of the Death God's Sickle to flip over!

Then Ye Fan's fist hit the side of the sickle, and with a click, the blade of the sickle was broken into pieces.

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