The fist was mercilessly imprinted on Lu Sheng's right shoulder, a fist that could crush even a Horcrux, and it hit Lu Sheng's flesh and blood body, it is conceivable that half of his body was shattered!

The whole person flew out like a rag doll, flipped a few times on the ground, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and finally he pouted his butt like a bug, spat out a mouthful of old blood, and passed out. of.

But his opponent Ye Fan not only retracted his fist slowly, but walked towards his girlfriend.

"Yezi, I knew you were the best!"

Wan Jiu cheered happily, jumped with two big white legs, and hung on Ye Fan's body.

Smelling the familiar scent of her boyfriend, her uneasy mood just now slowly receded.

Ye Fan dragged Maru Kyu somewhere, and smirked at Li Zitian, the senior sister who stretched out the big sow, and shook it.

There was no complacent expression on his face, but he was slightly regretful that he had hit hard just now.

"Hey, you shouldn't vent your emotions on this guy."

Half of his body was shattered, and he didn't know how long it would take for this guy to recover from his injuries.

But that's good, at least in the next mission, you don't need to see this hooligan.

Compared to the newcomers who looked proud, the old players looked at each other in blank dismay.

Those captains who failed to snatch Ye Fan over beat their chests even more.

How can this be a rookie? He has the strength of a captain!

Even some newly promoted captains may not be Ye Fan's opponents.

"Where did this kid come from? Why is his fighting style so similar to that one?"

"Uh, you're not talking about Master Blast, are you?"

"Otherwise, I can, Mr. Blast doesn't seem to like the second punch either."

"It's true that you're saying that, isn't he a disciple of Mr. Blast?"

Su Xiaoluo also praised, "Zi Tian, ​​you said that you don't need it just now, didn't you know that this kid can win?"

After Li Zitian finished eye contact with Ye Fan, he glanced at his confused captain and nodded helplessly.

"Interesting and interesting. It seems that in the future, I can choose people only by looking at the one in the first district!" Su Xiaoluo rubbed her chin, and suddenly her eyes lit up, "Speaking of which, Zi Tian, ​​you and Ye Fan were rivals in college. You are also a hidden guy, right?"

Hearing Su Xiaoluo's words, Li Zitian didn't react much, but Molong's eyebrows twitched, substituting it into it.

Could it be that the idiot captain noticed something?

Above the sky, Tongtian turned off the camera, and said to the bald head in the holographic projection beside him: "The little guy you fancy is not bad."

The bald cloaked man smiled triumphantly, "No, this kid is exactly the same as when I was young, except that he has a little more hair."

Tongtian became interested, "Do you think this kid has the same ability as you? He reported the strength enhancement department, but I don't think it's that simple."

The bald cloaked man had a strange expression on his face, "It shouldn't be, my ability is quite special, quite special, hahaha."

"By the way, what kind of power do you have? You don't have to hide it from me, do you?"

"It's not important, don't worry, when I'm ready, I'll tell you what ability I have!"

Realizing that Tongtian still wanted to hang on to this issue, Blast quickly changed the subject.

"You have provoked the adjudication organization this time, do you want to come with me to help you solve it? After all, I am a small expert in handling interpersonal relationships."

Thinking of some of the "great feats" of blasting, a few black lines appeared on Tongtian's head, "Forget it, anyway, the adjudication organization has only lost a few Tiangang positions, for the sake of these peripheral members, they won't turn against our Heroes Association, right? "

"That's right, what do you think is the strength of the people in the adjudication organization?"

"It's hard to say, especially that Youji, I suspect that this guy didn't use his full strength at all!"

"That's right, I asked people from the intelligence department to summarize his record, and he wins every time by a narrow margin!"

"Hey, blast you guy, don't you want to try him?"

"Why not? Maybe he is stronger than me! That would be too exciting!!"

Tong Tian covered his forehead, and only in front of the explosion, he would have so many body movements, "Speechless, the Liberty Alliance is going to launch a big counterattack, so don't rush to make trouble."

"Just allow you to mess around? Don't let me find someone to practice?"

Tongtian drew out the fairy sword, and the word "well" appeared on his forehead, "Can you say it again?"

"Uh, ahem, I found that there are still some documents that haven't been corrected, let's talk later." The blasting holographic projection disappeared with a beep, and his last voice was transmitted, "Ye Fan, take care of him, don't let him died."

In the sky, Tong Tian was the only one left. This extremely handsome man looked at the sky, his eyes suddenly became gentle.

"It would be great if you were still alive, Ah Ming."

In the imaginary temple, Yang Xi sneezed and withdrew from the cultivation state.

"Which beauty misses me again?"

After looking at his younger sister who was still sitting cross-legged, he carefully left the imaginary world.

It's almost digested, and some progress has been made in the meaning of the law. It's time to communicate with this kid Ouyang Xuan.

Since you have fooled others, you must be responsible to others to the end.

The corner of Yang Xi's mouth twitched slightly: "I, Yang Xi, always only brag about what can be achieved!"

369 Blue Crystal Diamond!Fifth-order sub-plant? (5000 word chapter)

Yang Xi did not take back the space anchor he had placed on Banana Island. After all, this island is an important experimental site for the Judgment Organization.

According to the growth curve of ordinary supernatural beings, Qian Weichen and the others are at a time when their strength is rapidly improving.

But they are different from the general first-generation supernatural beings. Half of them are experimental subjects who have been given supernatural power beads and meditation skills, while the other half simply possess the magic hunting meditation skills.

Yang Xi divided them into the supernatural group and the ordinary group at the beginning. Yang Xi is still looking forward to the progress of the supernatural group. If it goes well, during this period of practice, there should be super supernatural beings among them, or even supernatural beings. It's not impossible.

If this is the case, he will definitely not be stingy with rewards.

However, regarding the rewards of the Demon Hunting Squad, Yang Xi would not give any items that could help in cultivation, as this would interfere with the meditation experiment.

Instead, some material rewards from modern society will be used instead. Anyway, these teenagers have not seen the world at all, and some monetary rewards may increase their enthusiasm.

As for more advanced beast equipment and the like, they will be given later, so they can't feed their appetite too much.

Cough cough, this reward is naturally given by the Qian family, isn't it a collateral branch of their family? Yang Xi thinks that Mr. Qian shouldn't care about such a small amount of money.

The vest that Yang Xi used this time is still the common chicken vest.

He came to Elder Qian's villa first, and the head of the Qian family treated him more respectfully than last time.

"Your Excellency, you are here to test the cultivation achievements of those boys, right? Do you want me to call you here now?"

Yang Xi tasted the tea that Mr. Qian treasured, and said with a smile: "It doesn't have to be that way, I'm here to drink a cup of tea you made Mr. Qian. As for those boys, I just sneak over there."

Mr. Qian nodded. At this moment, his heart is full of regrets. The investment that was slightly gambling at the beginning has now become the biggest opportunity for them since the establishment of the Qian family!

Although he overestimated the strength of the zodiac position of the adjudicative organization time and time again, he still underestimated the existence of their two full fourth ranks. This is definitely a force that can shake the world!

And such a powerful force is now a staunch ally of their Qian family!

The Qian family can even be said to be the sole agent of the Judgment Organization in Four Seas!

Qian Bukui stroked his goatee with a smile, "If Your Excellency Youji likes to drink the tea made by the old man, you should come here often!"

Yang Xi shook his head, although the green tea is good and refreshing to drink, if he is allowed to drink it every day, he will definitely get tired of it.

"I'm in a hurry, come and go in a hurry, and it's enough to drink a cup of tea made by Qian Lao occasionally while taking advantage of my position."

Hearing Yang Xi's words, Mr. Qian nodded secretly. Youji is indeed a busy person of the adjudication organization.

This zodiac person appeared the most times in various events of the adjudication, and basically some cooperation between the Qian family and the adjudication was made by him to convey the specific plan.

Master Youji must be a big celebrity in front of the leader of the adjudication organization.

Mr. Qian secretly made up his mind that Yang Xi's little brother is a direct subordinate of Master Youji, and he may even be his disciple, so it seems that You Rong should hurry up.

In fact, if you don't lose money, you want Qian Duoduo to marry the top management of the adjudication organization. In this way, the relationship between the Qian family and the adjudication organization will be more stable, but this girl and Yang Xi don't call.

However, I heard that this girl, Duoduo, got along very well with Chen Long in terms of personality at the beginning. Chen Long is a zodiac sign, and it is said that she is the heir preferred by the ruling chief.

"Ahem, Your Excellency Youji, Your Excellency Chenlong from your organization, how is your body recovering recently?"

Yang Xi was a little surprised, old man Qian suddenly asked himself what was the Chenlong vest for?

He thought for a while, and prevaricated: "Please trouble yourself, Chenlong's recovery is not bad, and now the organization is trying to help him recover his strength."

"Oh, I don't know when His Excellency Chenlong will recover his original strength?"

Yang Xi laughed, his acting skills exploded, and his tone was full of the confidence of a big organization, "At the beginning of Xiao Chenlong's strength, the leader was afraid that he would not be strong enough, lost in the too powerful force, and could not see his own way. .”

Mr. Qian nodded, deeply agreeing, he had heard the same words from his own son, but unfortunately, Qian Youque sighed because he lost the "Tao" in his heart.

Yang Xi went on to say: "After this death, Chenlong still maintains his pure heart for power, but the stimulation of life and death made him find his own way! The way he asked Heart, it can be said to be extremely stable! We are old friends, and there is no need to hide it from you."

The masked man in black robe put the teacup on the table, and suddenly stretched out three fingers, "Chenlong will soon have the strength of the third level, as for the fourth level, it depends on his own good fortune!"

Mr. Qian was shocked when he heard this. How long has it been since Chenlong is already attacking the third level?

The background of the ruling organization is really exaggerated!

And isn't this Chenlong a four-line supernatural being?If all four of his abilities reach the third level, and the fourth level does not come out, who else in this world can be his opponent?

If you break through the fourth level


Qian Bugui gasped, no wonder the adjudication organization would rather turn the world upside down and revive this guy.

Even with the technical support of the Judgment Organization, Chenlong, who is compatible with four abilities, is still a monster among monsters!

Yang Xi is very satisfied with the response of the money is not lost, but Yang Xi still has a plan, the vest of Chenlong will not break through to the fourth level in a short time.

On the one hand, it is to prevent the human forces from all over the world from becoming suspicious. After all, if Chenlong breaks through to Tier [-] within a short period of time after his resurrection, they will probably think of whether the Judgment Organization has any means to mass produce Tier [-] masters .

Although Yang Xi is not afraid of being coveted and besieged, it will somewhat consume the internal strength of human beings.

On the other hand, Yang Xi doesn't have any extra law fragments in his hand, which can only be obtained from the powerhouses above the fourth rank.

It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice, and Yang Xi can't upgrade more vests for the time being.

Qian Bukui was completely shocked by the information revealed by Yang Xi, and after being dazed for a few seconds, he could no longer care about his old face, and said, "Ahem, Your Excellency Youji, I don't know if this Lord Chenlong has ever Marriage! Our family Duoduo has become more and more lovely recently!"

Fortunately, Yang Xi had finished drinking the tea made by Mr. Qian, otherwise, he would have to vomit all over the old man.

Hey, you are also the current head of the Qian family anyway, can you be a little more reserved?

"Uh, what about this, I don't understand the world of young people, so I'll get busy first!"

Yang Xi hurriedly left, he didn't want Chenlong vest to be related to Qian Duoduo.

Just about to tell the old man that the money is not lost, you can rest assured, there is no way for the two of them!

When Yang Xifei entered the training camp, he shook his head and said with a smile, "You Chicken is really good. No one in the whole world knows your reputation as a romantic, and you pretended to be an old man like me."

Yang Xi appeared in the training camp, and many students were manifesting their Horcruxes.

Ouyang Xuan is here, and when he finds time, he will also instruct these students on some basic knowledge of ability development.

Although Ouyang Xuan is the one with the worst cultivation progress among these students, they are not fools. Ouyang Xuan's identity has been guessed at all times, so they still respect him very much.

"You hold the bow in the wrong posture. Although the Demon Hunting Bow is your Horcrux, if you can't even do archery well, how can you talk about developing supernatural beings?"

"Your use of demon-hunting energy is too rough. If I were you, with the same power, I could do twice as much damage."

Speaking of which, Ouyang Xuan manifested his own little Horcrux and shot towards the target. Although it was only a super ability, under the control of Ouyang Xuan's powerful spiritual power, the power of the energy arrow directly caught up with those super experimental subjects. , and instantly exploded the half-meter-diameter target.


Yang Xi applauded behind him, "You are worthy of being ranked third in the world list, your use of energy is far beyond that of ordinary supernatural beings!"

"Brother Youji!"

Ouyang Xuan and many experimental subjects said in unison, they were very pleasantly surprised by Yang Xi's sudden appearance.

"Hello!" Yang Xi looked around at these offshoots of the Qian family. As expected, he selected good seedlings with his mental strength. People who have become super powers.

In the normal group, the two little guys Qian Weichen and Yang Chuyou were even more eye-catching. The strength of the two of them was actually the strongest among the many experimental subjects.

"Not bad, it seems that you are all working hard! Sure enough, I saw you right!"

"Entrusting the epoch-making experiment of meditation to you is indeed the right choice!"

"You are the last hope for mankind to defeat the alien beast army!"

Yang Xi forcefully poured the ecstasy soup, which made the teenagers very excited.

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