They had gradually lost their enthusiasm due to long-term hard training, but under the boast of the big boss, they were full of chicken blood again!

Only Ouyang Xuan looked at Yang Xi with resentment.

Yang Xi was horrified, what happened to Ouyang Xuan?

The environment on Banana Island is not bad, so he wouldn't be forced to change his sexual orientation, right?

"Brother Ouyang, what kind of eyes do you have?"

Yang Xi looked at Ouyang Xuan vigilantly, if he wanted to do something to him, even if his father Ouyang Guanhe had a good relationship with him, he had to be pushed to the ground.

Ouyang Guanhe approached and said in a low voice: "Brother Youji, it's hard for you to lie to me!!!"


You know I'm lying to you?

Yang Xi secretly thought it was bad, honest people still have a day of enlightenment!

No, I have to find a way to get back!

Who knows, this Ouyang Xuan changed his words, "I didn't expect you to be a fourth-order powerhouse, why didn't you tell me earlier!"

Yang Xi heaved a sigh of relief, it turned out to be this one.

He smiled and patted Ouyang Xuan, "Brother Ouyang, you didn't ask if it was right at the time, brother, I can't just say I'm a fourth-order when I meet someone, can I?"

Ouyang Xuan frowned. Although what Youji said made sense, he always felt that this old man seemed to be pretending to be something?

If you didn't want to hide it from yourself, why did you ask so much about the fourth-order knowledge?

Could it be that he was really only Tier [-] at that time, and he only broke through to Tier [-] recently?

How is this possible?How could it be possible to break through to the fourth order in such a short time!

Besides, I heard from my father that there will be a phenomenon in the world when breaking through to the fourth level, and there is no news about it recently!

It is estimated that Brother Youji is habitually pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. It is said that he likes to narrowly beat his opponents since his debut!

Seeing that Ouyang Xuan was motionless like an old monk in meditation, Yang Xi quickly changed the subject and said, "Okay, brother Ouyang, don't worry about it, my brother came to you, it's a good thing! I recently I have a lot of experience in meditation, maybe it will help you!"

Hearing these words, the ordinary-looking Ouyang Xuan's eyes burst into light, and the aura of his whole body once again rushed into the sky like a sharp sword.

"Is what Brother Youji said true?"

Yang Xi nodded and said, "When did my brother lie to you!"

"Then what are we waiting for? Brother Youji, tell me quickly."

"Don't worry, I will stay on Banana Island for a while, and it will definitely bring your understanding of meditation to a higher level!"

"Brother Youji, I heard that you and my father are on the same level now, why don't I call you uncle!"

"Hey, that's wrong. We share similar interests, how can I take advantage of you? We have different opinions. You call him father, I call him brother, and I will call you brother again!"

Under the confused eyes of all members of the Demon Hunting Squad, Yang Xi patted Ouyang Xuan on the shoulder and coaxed him into the room.

During this period of time, he successively comprehended the three kinds of laws and mysteries, and gained a lot of knowledge.

The understanding of the mystery of hunting demons has deepened by analogy. Although there is still a long way to go before comprehending this mystery, this does not affect Yang Xi, and he communicated with Ouyang Xuan in a simple way.

Not to mention, this kid really has some talent in this area!

Maybe under the inspiration of Yang Xi, he can embark on the path of comprehending the mysteries of his own laws, or he can really help human beings find a way to turn the mysteries of laws into meditation ideas!

Then you can make a lot of money!

And Yang Xi thinks that Ouyang Xuan is a good fool, so it's a good choice to cultivate a relationship with him and get him into the adjudication organization as a star!

Yang Xi is changing his mind recently. Starting an organization is the same as starting a company. The exchange of benefits such as salary and bonus can make employees work hard, but it is really necessary to fool people to death and make them work for the company. If you want to be a horse or even give money back, you have to talk to him about your ideals.

He didn't believe it anymore, the ideal of fighting for the rise of mankind couldn't fool an honest man like Ouyang Xuan.

He didn't even need to post anything upside down, and he was able to trick Tianjiao, the third in the world, into the adjudication organization.

As for that old fox Ouyang Guanhe, let him cry!

Thinking about it gratifyingly, if Ouyang Xuan inherits the Ouyang family in the future, the adjudication organization will almost eat up the entire chamber of commerce alliance, and the free alliance sea area will become the adjudication organization's back garden.

It's also delicious!

Yang Xi didn't do this for himself. With his utilization rate of resources, he would definitely be able to cultivate a large number of strong people for human beings by then.

Ahem, although these powerful people must prioritize the interests of the ruling organization, Yang Xi's purpose is always to drive away the colonists and regain the space for human reproduction!

If it is even possible, Yang Xi plans to counterattack the Ossian plane. After all, if the grass is not rooted out, the spring breeze will regenerate!

Just allow you Ossaid people to invade our Azure Star plane, and we are not allowed to go to the Ossaid plane to help build the railway?

However, these are things for later, the most important thing right now is to get up and develop.

It is said that the more you know, the more you feel ignorant. After Yang Xi reached the fourth level, he found that he still had a long way to go.

Fortunately, there is a secret to control, and the progress of the secret is pushed by directly eating the fragments of the law. Compared with this, Yang Xi has never been afraid!

When Yang Xi was cultivating his younger brother on Banana Island, the deep blue commander finally returned to his lair with only a mass of blue light left.

Chris was already waiting for him in the lair, but the atmosphere inside was a bit strange.

On the altar, there were many corpses of the Deep Blue Clan.

Seeing this scene, in the blue light, the face made of roots and hairs said angrily: "Chris, what are you doing?"

A strange smile appeared on Chris's handsome face, "Master Commander, you are finally back, I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Then, Chris's mouth suddenly split open and turned into a flytrap-like shape, biting the main body of the dark blue leader!

The bitten leader of Deep Blue sneered: "It turns out that you have awakened the talent of devouring, but have you forgotten the gap between the fourth and third ranks? Who gave you the courage!"

Chris said in a low voice, vaguely: "How could I forget? But Commander, I have waited too long for this day!!!"

A burst of blue light suddenly burst out from Chris' body, and the leader of Deep Blue found himself trembling involuntarily!

This is the suppression on the bloodline!

Even the juvenile plants that fell into a deep sleep showed signs of waking up!

"How is it possible! Why do you have the coercion of Zizhu on your body!!!"

"Don't spare me!! Don't eat me!!!"

"Damn it! You traitor!!"

In the scream of despair, the leader of Deep Blue was finally swallowed by Chris.


Chris hiccupped, and a deep blue crystal diamond was released from between his eyebrows. He weighed the weight of the crystal diamond and sighed, "It's a little lighter. It's better not to use it unless it's a last resort!"

This crystal diamond was originally a stone that Chris picked up in the Ossaid plane. There was a big battle where he picked up the stone that scared him to pee.

After returning to Azure Planet, Chris did a lot of research, but he still didn't know the purpose of this stone.

Until the battle on Banana Island, the moment he left his body and ran away, the crystal diamond finally broke away from the seal of the stone skin and got into his body. Chris also slightly understood the origin of the stone skin, which seemed to be the same as the fifth-order dark blue The daughter strains are somewhat connected.

"There seems to be something more in my mind"

Chris's eyes began to mutate towards red, and thunderstorms appeared in the sky.

"Don't expose this place, I haven't found a way to devour this young offspring yet!"

The red-eyed Chris stared resolutely at the tangled roots in the cave, and flew out of the cave in an instant! !

The fluctuation of the law's profound meaning began to wrap around Chris's body surface! ! !

Not very stable though.

But it is indeed the power of the fourth order! ! !

370 Money Is Lack of Awakening

Iron Blood Army First Military Officer Hospital.

Zhao Jinyin was wearing casual clothes, holding a glass of brewed orange juice. Although there was free freshly squeezed orange juice in the officer's restaurant, she was obsessed with the taste of the brewed orange juice.

Maybe it's because when they fell in love with Qian Youque, what they often drank was 25 glasses of lemon and orange juice at the entrance of the cinema.

Zhao Jinyin's ponytail was shaking, she got up and pulled it to the nutrient solution tank, looked at the handsome young man who was sleeping inside, and murmured indifferently: "The situation in the world is getting more and more chaotic, even the fourth-order in other worlds are in danger. Entering the rear of the Liberty Alliance sea area, it may not be long before the moment of decisive battle will be ushered in."

"I don't know if you will wake up by then."

"But it's good for you to live like this, with your current strength, the possibility of dying on the battlefield is too great.

After chatting with Qian Youque for a while, Zhao Jinyin patted her face. Even though she was almost dozens of years old, her skin was still the same as that of a young girl, full of collagen, pink and tender, as if water would flow out when pinched Come.

While Zhao Jinyin was in a trance, there was a noise from the adjutant Zhao Mo'er outside the door of the ward.

"Chen Tianyang, what are you doing? You can't see me, Zhao Mo'er, standing here alone, can you?"

"Is Aunt Jin in there? I have something to do with her, please let me go."

"Master Commander said, no one can disturb her at this time, even if Lord Marshal is here, I dare to block here, let alone you!"


Zhao Jinyin shook her head, pushed the door open, and looked at the dark-skinned young man with a smile.

When the stern Chen Tianyang saw Zhao Jinyin, his eyes softened obviously. He saluted Zhao Jinyin respectfully, "I've seen you, Commander!"

"Is there anything urgent? Must I say it while I'm resting?"

Hearing the vague impatience in Zhao Jinyin's tone, Chen Tianyang, who was uncompromising on the battlefield, suddenly felt a little uneasy.

Afraid of making Auntie unhappy, he quickly explained: "Master asked me to come. He said that there is a big situation in the Liberty Alliance sea area, and he wants to discuss it with you."

Chen Tianyang glanced at Qian Youque in the ward, "After all, you told me that I have to tell you about everything over there."

"Is it related to the Qian family?" Zhao Jinyin frowned delicately, "Okay, then I'll go over."

"Mo'er, remember to change the nutrient solution for your uncle, I'll go to the headquarters first!"

As soon as the words fell, Zhao Jinyin grew bright and clean wings behind her. She broke through the sound barrier and disappeared into the air in an instant.

Zhao Mo'er watched her Commander go away enviously, no matter how many times she saw it, she still thought he was so handsome!

Seeing that Chen Tianyang was also looking at the sky, Zhao Mo'er poked her waist, pointed at Chen Tianyang and said, "What are you looking at? Chen Tianyang, don't think that I don't know what you are thinking, let me tell you, that is impossible, believe me If you don’t believe me, I will report to the Marshal!”

Chen Tianyang raised his eyebrows, and finally turned around helplessly.

He really had nothing to do with Zhao Mo'er, although she was only Auntie's adjutant in name, in fact, every senior member of the Iron Blood Army knew that Auntie raised this girl as a daughter.

Therefore, even though this girl is only super strong, she is enough to run amok in the sea of ​​iron and blood.

He could hide from him if he couldn't be provoked, Chen Tianyang was already very satisfied to see his aunt, he didn't say any more nonsense to Zhao Mo'er, and disappeared in place with a bang.

How could the talented Zhao Mo'er keep up with the speed of Chen Tianyang?

She had no choice but to stamp her feet angrily on the spot.

Besides, she didn't dare to disobey the Commander's orders, she had to arrange for the doctor to change the nutrient solution.

But before that, Zhao Mo'er snorted and got into the ward, wearing sailor socks and small black leather shoes, and closed the door by the way.

"Uncle You Que is really handsome!!!" Zhao Mo'er looked at Qian You Que soaked in the nutrient solution, and wiped his cheeks, "No wonder the Commander never forgets him."

Just when Zhao Mo'er was infatuated silently, Qian Youque floating in the nutrient solution suddenly opened his eyes.

His pupils turned out to be blue!

Zhao Mo'er was dumbfounded, "Uncle You Que, you are awake! I will go to Commander immediately!!!"

Hearing Zhao Mo'er's words, Qian Youque tilted his neck, and an evil smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Qian Youque shook his hand, and Zhao Mo'er, who was about to open the door, floated upside down, as if weightless!

She quickly covered her skirt, but unfortunately she still couldn't resist the gravity.

"Uncle You Que, what do you mean, don't make fun of me!!!"

Even though she said that, Zhao Mo'er's mind was running fast.

She is Zhao Jinyin's adjutant, and she has dealt with emergencies quite a few times. It is obvious that something happened to Qian Youque!

And she has a bad feeling

Chen Tianyang, why are you running so fast!

With a flash of blue light in Qian Youque's eyes, Zhao Mo'er fell to the ground, and under his control, opened the nutrient solution bunker for him.

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