Although the entire Azure Planet is rich in resources, whether it is the reserves of magic crystals or the number of indigenous humans, there is an upper limit after all.

It is not ruled out that some colonists have already plundered enough wealth, and their minds are on attacking the inland and occupying the "white cavity" passage home.

But there are also some forces that actually regard other colonists as targets of plunder. Before completely annexing them, the desire to open the white cavity in the inland area is not strong.

It can even be said that they are opposed to the resources left in the blue star plane, and they can snatch them back, but if they flow into the Ossian civilized society through Baiqiang, under the protection of various regulations, they want to snatch them by brute force , with their status, they are a little overwhelmed.

In the civilized society of the Ossaid plane, "snatching" is a "business" that only big families and powerful forces can manage.

The plan proposed by the arbitrator is acceptable to the Hundred Cities Federation and the Alien Beast Alliance, but the Iron Tower General obeyed the order of the Red Emperor Eugene, stood up and said in a low voice: "Everyone, we are the third master, bah, Lord Red Emperor Having said that, we will not participate in the matter of the Liberty Alliance Sea Area!"

373 Chris "Ally Seal"

As soon as General Tieta said this, the eyes of Tier [-] Amethyst Python and Platinum Deacon Okameng became sharp at the same time, looking at him like knives.

"What do you mean by Bernadotte Empire?"

The burly man with dirty braids didn't seem to understand the meaning of the words of the representatives of the two forces. Sitting back in his seat, he picked up another melon and stuffed it in his mouth, and said while chewing: "It's literally."

"Your Excellency the Arbiter, do you see?"

The handsome Platinum Deacon tried to use the power of the Mercenary Union to threaten the Bernadotte Empire.

But the arbiter's eyes were covered by a white cloth, which had the same effect as sunglasses, and they couldn't see what he was thinking.

Amethyst Python sneered and said: "General Tieta said that, if your Bernadotte family does not contribute in this battle, can the alien beast army sent by our alliance to the Sea of ​​Heroes be withdrawn?"

General Tieta scratched his head and said, "I don't know much about this either. You can tell our bosses. All I know is that we won't participate in what we're talking about today!"

No matter how intimidating and tempting the Hundred Cities Federation and the Alien Beast Alliance are, this iron tower general just doesn't get in, and concentrates on his business of eating melons and ten things, and occasionally flirts with the maid with lewd eyes.

Seeing the arbitrator, he also sighed slightly in his heart. It seems that it is hopeless to launch the Laberadotte Empire today. It worked wonders.

If it was replaced by other Tier [-] powerhouses to participate in the meeting, even if they were not forced to send out Tier [-] combat forces, it would still be fun to support them with some blood.

But fortunately, he still has a hand that can make up four Tier [-] cards, so he should be able to firmly suppress the strong natives.

"Okay, please stop arguing. If the ginseng of the Bernadotte Empire does not participate in the war, let me tell you another person. I will introduce another person to you."

The arbitrators clapped their hands, and Chris, who was dressed in an Odyssey style, walked into the hall.

After breaking through the fourth level, his appearance was closer to his original self.

Seeing many strong people on the stage, Chris was not nervous at all. He cupped his hands and said to everyone: "Hi everyone, I am Chris."

The atmosphere on the stage changed, as if frozen in an instant.

Even the Iron Tower General stopped eating melons, and stared at Chris indifferently with his big eyes with a lot of white.

Platinum Deacon Olim said word by word: "Dark blue bug?"

Amethyst Python even asked the arbitrator unceremoniously, "Why did you bring this dark blue family in? I don't want my sons and daughters to be deprived of their bodies!"

Everyone's reaction was as expected by the arbiter, he chuckled and said, "Don't be impatient, everyone, we are now in the indigenous plane, not the Ossian plane, and the regulations of a civilized society can't control us, even if we If you cooperate with the Deep Blue Clan, you will not be sanctioned by the fifth-order powerhouse."

He looked around, "Isn't the Bernadotte Empire unwilling to contribute, I don't think the three of us would be willing to have an extra fourth level, so this friend from the deep blue clan just made up for this vacancy."

Deacon Platinum is full of distrust towards the Deep Blue Clan. The reputation of this race in countless planes is really bad. The title of bedbug cannot be obtained casually.

"What if this guy betrays us during the battle? I'm not sure I'll survive if I'm attacked by a fourth-order dark blue clan!"

The arbiter said: "Regarding this point, please rest assured that this friend of the deep blue family is still very sincere. He has already cast an ally spell in his mind. Once he has the idea of ​​betraying us, hehe."

To be honest, the arbitrator didn't expect this dark blue man named Chris to be so straightforward, and he could even agree to cast a curse in his head. Isn't this the thug who obediently sent to the door?

When casting the curse seal, the arbitrator couldn't help but feel your greed in his heart, and wanted to change to a more powerful curse seal, such as the slave curse seal, to have a deep blue slave, even in Orsay In the German plane, that is also a matter for a few people to pull the wind.

But his professional operation finally made him choose to give up.

"Ally Seal?"

The three fourth-tier powerhouses looked at Chris at the same time. Although there was still a trace of disgust in their eyes, at least they were not so defensive and nervous.

Sealed with the alliance spell, even if it is to choose back-to-back objects, Chris will be the best choice.

Maybe he will give his life to block the knife for you? This is also the reason why other fourth-order powerhouses refuse to cast this curse mark. If they really die in battle to save these so-called allies, it will be really a loss to grandma home.

As soon as the arbitrator beckoned, a shield-like symbol appeared between Chris' brows.

"Okay, okay, since he is a good brother with the brand of an ally, he is naturally welcome to join our big family!"

"Should I tell you earlier, in every race, there are always good people and bad people. I think Chris's little brother is a very good person!"

Seeing the rapid changes in the face of these four levels, Chris had a warm smile on his face, but he was criticizing his mother in his heart, and he was really reluctant to let the child not be caught by the wolf.

If it weren't for the seal of an ally in the space between the eyebrows, the fourth rank of the Ossaids would probably not be afraid to talk to him at all.

It's a pity that Lao Tzu is not a fool, Zian has a way to seal or touch this curse seal by himself.

When Chris moved in the new year, the blue crystal diamond floating in the space between the eyebrows emitted a dark blue light. Although the main body of the curse seal was not obviously broken, the formation on the top was completely broken!

As long as Chris is willing, the restrictions of the curse seal are no longer a problem.

"Then, if there is no objection, we will begin to formulate specific plans."

Deacon Platinum waved at Chris, signaling him to come up and participate.

Chris smiled and followed.

On an unnamed island in the Jagged Sea, Qian Youque threw Zhao Xiaomo to the ground without mercy, and then he rushed to the sky.

The idea of ​​breaking through the fourth-level vision in the clouds has been brewed. If this little girl is not thrown away, she will be involved in this vision. If her life is in danger, it may be true.

Qian Youque was like a tiny black speck, piercing through the field control in the thick mist, hitting his head with his thoughts, but he didn't seem to let go of the vision of the slightly testing mechanism of the sword.

As soon as Qian Youque left, a black shadow suddenly appeared beside Zhao Xiaomo.

"Are you all right?"

The person who came was Chen Tianyang, if he wasn't fast enough, he really wouldn't be able to catch up with Qian Youque, who was flying at random.

The only movable organ of Zhao Xiaomo is the eyes and He Erdu.

She blinked desperately, wanting Chen Tianyang to take her away as soon as possible.

But just for a while, the vision of the sky is already too late.

A mellow male voice sounded behind him: "Hey, little guy, have you suffered all the way?"

374 Soul Seed Mysteries

Chen Tianyang has always been a calm person.

Whether on the battlefield or in life, few things can move him.

The supreme commander of the Iron Blood Army, Tie Yousong, the sequence powerhouse "Undead Pluto", also took a fancy to his calmness and regarded him as his successor.

But when this voice appeared behind Chen Tianyang, he felt as if his heart was tightly grasped by a big hand, and he felt a strong sense of crisis spontaneously.

He is like a weak antelope, while the person holding Zhao Xiaomo behind him is a lion on the grassland.

Even so, he still did not panic, but calmly manifested his Horcrux "Zhenhai Hammer", and said slowly: "Why did you do this? Auntie has been waiting for you for so long, and this is how you treat her?"

With that said, Chen Tianyang turned around and stared at Qian Youque, his eyes were full of puzzlement and sullenness.

For the sake of this man, Zhao Jinyin remained unmarried all her life. After his accident, she even ignored the opposition of a large number of senior members of the Jagged Army and would rather be demoted to deputy commander to save him.

In the end, when the man woke up, he didn't even have the slightest thought of meeting her!

Chen Tianyang was very angry, he couldn't just sit back and watch Zhao Jinyin being bullied like this by a man.

The vision in the sky dissipated, and the law fluctuations on Qian Youque's body gradually disappeared. Facing Chen Tianyang's questioning, his expression was very calm.

"Now I have abandoned human feelings. If you want to shake me through this, it is a bit whimsical."

Qian Youque's eyes flickered with blue light, and during his coma, the deep blue consciousness completely eroded him.

And, unlike others, because of Qian Youqi's outstanding talent and tenacious character, he fought a long war with the original particles.

During this process, Qian Youque, relying on his own efforts, even vaguely wanted to get rid of the erosion of the original particle!

Among the lives of countless planes, there are hundreds of millions of beings being eroded by the primordial particles, and those who can reach the level of Qian Youque are like rare existences.

I don't know whether it is good luck or not, because his struggle attracted the gaze of the "deep blue mother plant" outside the multi-dimensionality.

Just such a gaze that traveled through countless planes caused Qian Youque to be infected by the deep blue consciousness, completed the transformation in an instant, and had the potential to become a "sub-plant".

In the history of the Deep Blue Clan, the lowest level of achievement for the life forms that can be paid attention to by the Deep Blue mother plant is the fourth level. Almost a few days after Qian Youque was infected by the Deep Blue consciousness, he broke through the bottleneck and found his own path.

Although this path appeared under the interference of the mother plant, it is indeed a real law and mystery, and it is even quite advanced in rank. If Qian Youque had not been infected by the deep blue consciousness, he might not be able to comprehend it This level of profound law.

However, the price was that he was forced to give up his human identity and become a life of the deep blue clan with great potential.

Even the former commander of Deep Blue may not be able to match him in terms of talent.

"Abandoning human emotions? Is it just such an understatement, do you think you can pay off your aunt's debt? How ridiculous!"

Chen Tianyang sneered, and pointed Zhenhai Hammer at Qian Youque.

The hammer, which was originally only three inches in size, suddenly stretched to one and a half meters, and the body of the hammer became the size of a rum box.

There are mysterious and ancient runes and reliefs on it, and on the surface of the hammer, there is a faint mixture of water elements and gold elements that slowly circles.

The power of this hammer is introverted, and it seems very inconspicuous. It is very different from the four swords of Jade Immortal, which is so powerful. However, those Tianjiao who were ruthlessly suppressed by Chen Tianyang know that under the inconspicuous appearance, this hammer hides a terrible secret. power.

The name of "Zhenhai" is not just blown out, but actually played out!

Zhao Xiaomo was secretly worried behind Chen Tianyang's back. Heilian was No. 1 among the younger generation, but his opponent was a long-established Sequence powerhouse. In terms of ranking alone, Chen Tianyang was dozens of places behind him.

Not to mention, Uncle You Que, who obviously has a brain problem, seems to have made another breakthrough in strength.

The sense of oppression he gave just now is very similar to that of the Commander!

"Chen Tianyang, come on!!!"

Zhao Xiaomo could only pray desperately to Chen Tianyang in his heart, hoping that he would last until Lord Commander arrived.

Qian Youque slowly floated up from the ground, "Your strength is very good. If it were me in the past, it would take a lot of effort to deal with you. Unfortunately, the me now is not what I used to be."

Chen Tianyang was on guard silently, all the strength in his body was ready to go.

"Actually, your life and death don't matter to me. The natives on this plane cannot escape the fate of being the nourishment of our deep blue family. For the sake of your two talents, I can give you a chance. "

Speaking of this, the corners of Qian Youque's mouth turned up slightly, "How about becoming my subordinate? Although now I can perceive that there are many people of the same race in the Azure Star Plane, after all, my predecessor is human, and it is important to accept a few of my original body." The cultivation of human subordinates can be regarded as my repayment of the nurturing grace of this plane."

"Sorry, I'm not interested in becoming a monster."

Chen Tianyang made a move!

He could feel that during the conversation, there seemed to be some inexplicable things being constantly created by the guy in front of him.

If he waits any longer, the situation will become more and more unfavorable to him. Taking action now, although the hope of winning is slim, is the most sensible choice.


There was a hint of determination in Cheng Tian's eyes. After judging the situation, Chen Tianyang had already made a choice!


He hit Qian Youque with hammer and hammer, but he blocked it with invisible strength!

Chen Tianyang spun the hammer, and a large amount of water elements and gold elements were condensed together. Suddenly, it seemed that there was a tsunami covering the sky and the earth!

Faced with such an offensive, Qian Youque's reaction was only to frown, he didn't even move back, he just waved his hand, and the attack composed of two elements of gold and water was easily shattered!

It seems that this mighty tsunami is like the water splashed by the stream!

However, through many fights, Chen Tianyang also saw what the enemy made!

It seems to be a tentacle-shaped creation!

"What kind of monster is this guy?"

After noticing the change of Chen Tianyang's expression, Qian Youque smiled slightly: "As expected of being the number one talent in the world, did you find out?"

"Then there's no need to hide it!"

Under Qian Youque's control, things that were invisible to the naked eye finally appeared!

Blue translucent tentacles resembling octopus feet wriggled behind Qian Youque.

Qian Youque said: "This is soul touch, a tentacle that feeds on soul, it's surprisingly easy to use!"

Chen Tianyang turned to look at Zhao Xiaomo. It turned out that the reason why she couldn't move was because a tentacle the size of an arm grew out of her own body, which trapped her body and blocked her mouth!

375 Haizhu has been dispatched!

"It's meaningless to collect the soul touches of these weak people. The soul touches of geniuses like you meet the standards of my collection."

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