What Qian Youque comprehended was the Soul-Seed Profound Truth, which was comparable to the Lifeline Profound Truth in terms of rank, or even slightly higher.

These mysteries all come from the influence of the deep blue consciousness.

Soul touch is a move created by Qian Youque based on his comprehension of the profound meaning of the soul seed. Not only can it directly make the opponent's soul grow soul touch during the battle, but he can also keep these soul touches and use them in future battles .

The more soul touches you have, the stronger Qian Youque's own power will be.

The condition for proliferating soul touch requires Qian Youque to insert his own soul touch into the opponent's soul. In the fight just now, Qian Youque had already achieved this wave of operations on Chen Tianyang.

He looked at Chen Tianyang and shook his head and said, "According to the time, it's almost time!"

"What almost vomit!!"

As soon as Chen Tianyang finished saying this, a shot broke through his spirit body!

He found that he was gradually losing control of his body! ! !

The Zhenhai Hammer that was outside had lost its energy supply, and it turned into a light spot and disappeared in the desperate eyes of Chen Tianyang and Zhao Xiaomo.

"It can't go on like this!!!"

Chen Tianyang glanced at the direction he came from with nostalgia. Farewell!

He no longer controlled his own power systematically, but tried his best to make them riot!

The only consequence of this approach is self-destruct! ! !

"Hey, even if I blew myself up, I won't let you succeed!!!"

In this way, Aunt Jin and Master should be able to notice the situation here, right?

I hope I can rescue this girl Zhao Xiaomo in time! ! !

At the moment when Chen Tianyang was about to explode, a holy light pierced through the clouds and covered him!

Everything around seemed to quiet down under the wash of light particles.

His violent power disappeared completely, and even the soul touch that broke through the ground from his spiritual body could not be spared.

"This is!!!"

Zhao Xiaomo's eyes were full of surprises! !

I saw a white light approaching rapidly above the sky, and finally stopped in the sky above them.

A pair of wings and a pair of light wings spread out suddenly, and it was Zhao Jinyin, the "energy angel" who came! ! !

She hugged Chen Tianyang, and shot another beam of light particles to shatter the tentacles on Zhao Xiaomo's body. After rescuing the two, she looked coldly at the man with blue eyes not far away.

"Are you still you?"

When Qian Youque saw the woman who looked like a god of war in front of him, his heart, which had been eroded into a crystal shape by the dark blue, seemed to twitch.

He clutched his chest, trying to maintain his levitation.

This fourth-order dark blue clan took a deep look at Zhao Jinyin, and then a large number of tentacles spread out from his body. These tentacles carried him and disappeared in place in an instant!

The gentle sea breeze was blowing on Zhao Jinyin's face, and Zhao Jinyin felt a little cool on her face!

Everyone in the Free Army is preparing for this counteroffensive. Whether it is the staff of the logistics base, the propaganda department, or the intelligence department, they are all in a state of continuous work.

But no one complained of suffering or tiredness. In addition to the generous bonuses, the internal solidarity and sense of honor of the Azure Star Human Race also played a key role.

The biggest problem facing the free army now is how to prevent it from being breached by the army of alien beasts after withdrawing the troops from various defense lines, and how to choose that line of defense as a breakthrough point to start the most critical counterattack.

There was a heated argument among several generals of the General Staff of the Free Army.

One side believes that the defense forces corresponding to the Red Frost Island forces should be deployed to focus on attacking a series of defense lines and take a steady and steady route. After all, the pressure on the former is relatively small.

However, the other side believes that a large number of troops should be concentrated on Red Frost Island as a breakthrough point, and the other spheres of influence of the alien colonists should be completely defeated with lightning, and the counterattack will be completed as if to destroy the Gula, leaving a strong mark in the history of the Azure Star Human Race. Pen.

In fact, the differences between conservatives and radicals have their reasons.

In the end, it was Ouyang Guanhe who smoothed things over, "Let's take a rest, let's continue the discussion tomorrow!"

When the crowd dispersed, Ouyang Guanhe rubbed his eyebrows.

In fact, these staff officers can't be blamed. Over the years, human beings have always been passively beaten. This is the first time that they counterattacked. It is not surprising that there is such a situation of disagreement.

"To put it bluntly, we still don't know enough about people from other worlds. Although the intelligence agencies have tried their best, it is still not enough for a counterattack that affects the fate of mankind!"

In this battle, not only the Hero Association gave some support to the Liberty Alliance Sea Area, but even the Chaos Sea and Iron Blood Sea provided a lot of material assistance. The alien weapon was sold to the Liberty Alliance Sea Area at a cabbage price, which was enough for the soldiers participating in the battle this time. They are armed to the teeth.

"The most important thing is whether the enemy will dispatch the fourth order, and how many fourth orders will be dispatched. I have to figure out this point!!!"

Although the main body of the war is a large number of super and super supernatural soldiers and strange beasts, the ratio of high-end combat power is the key to determining the direction of the entire war.

Especially for Tier [-], one more variable is one more variable!

"After our spies enter the sphere of influence of the Alien Beast Alliance, they will be discovered in a short time, and there is no way to obtain more information!"

There are too many people in the world with different backgrounds of human beings, and the difficulty of lurking spies on both sides cannot be compared at all!

Ouyang Guanhe didn't care about face either. He directly notified the other three forces of the frustration of the frontline intelligence war of the Free Army, the old Heroes Association, the Jagged Army, and the newly promoted Judgment Organization.

"Failed in the intelligence war?"

From the perspective of Bi Yuewu's avatar, Yang Xi saw the top-secret information sent by the Free Army to the 05 defense line.

After reading it, he probably understood Ouyang Guanhe's current predicament.

"It seems that the outsider has reacted, and this counterattack may not be as easy as he imagined."

"Although the combat power on Chishuang Island has been lost, humans have an advantage in the battlefield below the fourth level, and they can catch them by surprise while they are redeploying their forces, but they are not sure about the fourth-level battlefield. It's full of variables."

The corners of Yang Xi's mouth turned up slightly, "I think this guy Ouyang Guanhe must be begging his grandpa to sue his grandma. He wants to attract more fourth-tier powerhouses!"

"It just so happened that I pretended that the sample of Duran was still there, so I went to the Southern Continent to explore the way. Speaking of which, I have never been to the Southern Continent."

Afterwards, Yang Xi replied to Ouyang Guanhe.

"Hai pigs will sneak behind enemy lines"

When Ouyang Guanhe received Yang Xi's news, he clenched his fists fiercely. He thought that Haizhu was the most suitable candidate!

"At such a critical moment, the ruling is still reliable!!"

"Is this what it's like for those guys to have help?"

Ouyang Guanhe, who had been alone in the Free Alliance Sea Area for several years, couldn't help sighing a little after feeling the warmth of the Judgment Organization.

"I'm finally not alone!"

376 Tier [-] Power Potion

Ouyang Guanhe is a very smart person. In his opinion, since Haizhu is willing to help spy on intelligence, it is logical to join the counterattack.

In addition, Youji has promised to help the fist, and his operation has basically brought in the zodiac positions of two adjudicative organizations, which has increased the winning rate of this battle.

"Now it's up to the outsiders to deal with it. If they continue to be as arrogant as before, then this will be the first big victory for humans since the era of superhuman abilities!"

This victory is what Ouyang Guanhe has been striving for since inheriting the family!

At the same time, the Chamber of Commerce Alliance can rely on this shareholder style to develop a wave, and it may reach the point where it can stand up to the other two major forces.

"It's a pity that the leader of the Judgment Organization has always been out of control. If we can have a good conversation with him and let the Chamber of Commerce Alliance merge with the Judgment Organization, the Azure Star Human Race will have a real giant power to coordinate the Human Race. Concentrate on big things, regain lost ground, and drive out all the colonists!!"

For the adjudication organization with mysterious origins and numerous experts, it would be a lie to say that Ouyang Guanhe is not coveted.

Yang Xi naturally didn't know the twists and turns in Ouyang Guanhe's heart, but even if he knew, it wouldn't affect his current actions.

Just as Ouyang Guanhe covets the adjudication organization he established, Yang Xi also wants to gradually control the entire Azure Star race.

They are all conceited people, and they all think that under their leadership, the Azure Star Human Race can give the powerful Ossaid people a blow in the century-long colonial war!

"Ouyang Guanhe is a little impatient, but there is no contradiction with my plan."

Suzaku has deduced it many times, no matter where the outcome of this war goes, the adjudication organization will take advantage of the situation to rise.

"Others are nothing more than layout!"

With a wave of Yang Xi's hand, more than 30 evil masks floated in the air.

This move also woke up my sister who had been practicing.

Yang Feifei stretched his waist, "Brother, are you planning to give away half of the masks?"

"It's almost there. The Tiangang project has basically been a complete success. The so-called truth comes out of practice. Facts have proved that this model is very suitable for the current adjudication organization, so I plan to expand the scale a little bit."

Yang Xi summoned the little blue dragons and asked them to send these earth evil masks to all over the world.

However, unlike last time, more than half of this batch of earth demon masks were sent to the chaotic sea area.

As one of the four seas, the chaotic sea area is the largest sea area.

But because of its cold climate and remote location, there are relatively few islands suitable for human habitation.

Even if the pioneers of the Azure Star Human Race put in a lot of effort to deploy island chain defenses in the chaotic sea area, in the end, the number of people living on each island chain is far less than the other three sea areas.

Coupled with the infrequent tide of alien beasts, the intricate organization of the island area, and the three major forces that have been manipulating and causing trouble behind the scenes, the chaotic sea area has always been in a state of fighting on its own.

It's not that the three major forces have never thought about completely unifying the forces in this sea area and twisting them into one rope. However, when faced with interests, no force is willing to make concessions.

In addition, the chaotic sea area has gradually become a place outside the law, and has become a paradise for wanted criminals in many sea areas. In a sense, it has also promoted the peace and stability of other sea areas, and this situation has continued.

But one thing is for sure, the people in the chaotic sea are really ruthless, and the girls in the chaotic sea are also really strong.

Perhaps because of the climate and diet, the girls who grew up in the chaotic sea are all fair-skinned, beautiful and long-legged, but they have a hot temper.

The number one beauty in the four great seas is in the chaotic sea.

Yang Xi's eyeing on this territory is naturally not to win the beauty, he is trying another model of the adjudication organization.

The current organizational structure with the Yunding space as the center and the Tiangang and Disha masks as the link is mainly to facilitate Yang Xi's collection of resources. Since the implementation of the Tiangang Project, in terms of dark energy accumulation, Yang Xi only needs to occasionally peel off the alien beasts in batches. Dead bodies will do.

The disadvantage of this model is that the organizational structure is too loose, and one can only use profit to drive the subordinates to do things for Yang Xi.

In the past, Yang Xi had no choice. The adjudication organization was founded at the beginning without much background, and he had to guard against other organizations' prying eyes. He never thought that it would develop to the point it is today.

But now, Yang Xi, who has capital and manpower, naturally wants to try the traditional organizational model, occupying some islands, developing resources, and recruiting disciples.

In Yang Xi's eyes, the situation in the chaotic sea area is actually an advantage.

And he also has enough good tools. The Xuanwu Trio and Jiang Ye Trio are good choices. At that time, we will use two prongs, and whichever side develops, we will lean on resources.

Even if both groups fail, Yang Xi has nothing to lose, after all, his base is himself.

With the fourth-order stripping ability, the possibility of him overturning is extremely small.

Besides, there is still a chance for rebirth to come back, which is very stable!

After sending out all the earth evil masks, Yang Xi boarded the cloud top space.

"Before that, I have to upgrade the exchange list."

After advancing to the fourth level, Yang Xi was immersed in the process of digesting the mysteries of the law, and slightly neglected the management of the cloud top space.

In layman's terms, the version update is delayed for a while.

"But it doesn't matter. In a short period of time, there should be no tool man who can exchange for the third-level power potion."

"The price of the third-order ability potion is temporarily set at [-] points. Later, Suzaku will be allowed to fluctuate a little bit on this price according to the potential of different abilities. It also seems that the organization pays attention to details."

Yang Xi gestured with his fingers in the air, and quickly finished the draft of the updated exchange list.

"The gap between Tier [-] and Tier [-] is quite large. The price of breakthrough potion is [-]. The price of this upgraded potion must be diversified."

After all, the dark energy units contained in the third-order supernatural bead and the dark energy unit contained in the third-order extreme supernatural bead are not the same.

"The upgrade-type supernatural potion of the third-order limit is priced at [-] points. As the leader, I will suffer a little bit."

Of course, Yang Xi would not be so black-hearted as to ignore the supernatural medicine they exchanged for the upgraded supernatural medicine.

For example, if a Tiangang member with a dark energy unit of about [-] points exchanged the [-] points for the third-order ultimate upgrade-type power potion, Yang Xi would only charge him [-] points.

"I really have enough conscience!"

Yang Xi was almost moved by himself.

After handing over the draft to Suzaku, she took about ten minutes to refine it, and then followed Yang Xi's instructions to summon the five people on the list.

In Xuanwu's group, there is another Hill who is not a member of Dishawei, and the little Canglong who sent the mask is already on the way.

In the chaotic sea area, Xuanwu and Wang Peining, who had just wiped out an organization engaged in human trafficking, were taken aback at the same time. They both received the notification from Suzaku.

"Hill, the finishing work is entrusted to you, the organization has urgent matters with us!"

"Haha, Brother Hill, don't take advantage of the maneuver, we still have [-]% of our spiritual bodies left in our bodies!"

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