Hill blushed at Xuanwu's words, and quickly waved his hands and said, "I'm not the chief of the land, you perverted bastard, hurry up and go!"

Xuanwu and Wang Peining nodded at him, before they had time to wipe off the blood on their faces, they boarded the Yunding space.

When their vision returned to normal, they found that they did not appear in the White Tiger Palace this time.

"Is this the Youji Palace?"

378 I, Duran, are back!

Xuanwu knew that the Youji was one of the leader's vests, so even though he was one of the four elephants, he followed the others obediently and saluted Yang Xi who was sitting at the top.

And because he is currently a member of the Disha position, he can only stand behind the three Tiangang members with the comet Euphemia.

This was the position that Suzaku had arranged for them after they came up.

"The five of you are called here today because there is a task for you."

Yang Xi's fingers tapped the metal handrail rhythmically, and the sunlight passed through the gate of the Youji Palace, illuminating half of his mask, making him appear extremely mysterious.

"It is an honor to serve the organization."

The five said in unison.

"Very good, as expected of the person I fancy."

Yang Xi nodded with satisfaction.

Hearing Yang Xi's words, except for Xuan Wu, the other four were all overjoyed.

Master Youji is a legendary fourth-rank powerhouse. His position in the organization is faintly higher than that of other zodiac signs. It will benefit them a lot if they can be favored by this lord.

Euphemia, who was a little trembling at first, couldn't help but straighten her waist. She can't live up to Mr. Youji's appreciation, at least she can't shrink back, and the adjudication organization has to stand up!

"You will be divided into two groups and go to the chaotic sea to establish a new branch organization"

Yang Xi spoke eloquently. Although these people were wearing masks, Yang Xi could also feel the excitement in their hearts when he said that the reward was a full 30 points.

Only Xuanwu was muttering in his heart, why did he feel that these 30 points looked more and more like three chances of resurrection?

But anyway, he is completely attached to Yang Xi, and the points don't matter to him. The task of establishing a branch organization seems interesting, so that's enough.

"Okay, it's very enlightened to organize a task. The reward for this task is high, but the risk is also very high. There are many masters in the chaotic sea area. If you want to quit, there is still time."

Jiang Ye looked at the black and white 30 points on the task panel. Even if each person got [-] points, it would be enough for all his future expenses for improving his strength.

He also thought of the Tian Ying Xing that he met when collecting the supernatural factors. The organization has never lacked strong players. If he rejects this opportunity, then the 30 points will fall into the hands of others!

Finally, after making eye contact with Augusta and Euphemia, Jiang Ye gritted his teeth and did it!

After getting a reply from the five people confirming to carry out this task, Yang Xi said with a smile: "Don't be too nervous, I have confidence in you!"

"Then, I will wait for the good news from you gentlemen!"

Everyone knelt down on one knee, "Master Youji, please rest assured, the subordinates will definitely do their best!"

"Well, back off."

Yang Xi nodded slightly, and after waving, the five of them had already left the Yunding space.

Then he did some accumulated "daily tasks", such as upgrading his subordinates, stripping off abilities and the like.

It is worth mentioning that after the hard work of the Tiangang staff, the number of types of abilities in Yang Xi's hands has completely exceeded 200, and is heading towards the 300 mark.

But unfortunately, the ability that fits the zodiac position in Yang Xi's setting did not appear.

Part of the reason is that with the improvement of Yang Xi's vision, he has become more and more picky about abilities, and the original settings are constantly changing.

"Perhaps when my mastery of mysteries has reached a high enough level, I will be able to easily integrate the abilities I want."

"It will never be the same as it is now. Two 100% restored Xuanwu bloodlines can't be made."

Yang Xi smiled and began to prepare for sneaking into the Southern Continent.

This time is different from last time, what he bears is the hope of the entire Freedom Alliance Sea Area.

A few days later, Yang Xi appeared on Chishuang Island wearing Duran's appearance.

After the last battle, the strong on the entire island basically died in sevens and eights, only some weak beasts and Ossaid supernatural fighters still stayed on the Red Frost Island.

The Federation of Hundred Cities is a complex internal faction. Each city wants to protect its own interests. It will be difficult to withdraw from the major areas after injuring the army of alien beasts. Therefore, the entire Chishuang Island, except for mercenaries The trade unions are still out of operation, basically in a vacuum period of military force.

It was precisely because Ouyang Guanhe knew this information that he had time to argue with the old guys in the staff department. Of course, it was also for the sake of safety.

Yang Xi pretended to have finished his retreat. In the Cangmu Yanlong bloodline ability, he already had a ability to recover from injuries through deep sleep, which could just explain Dulan's disappearance during this period.

Yang Xi walked slowly in the dilapidated city. The traces of human life were being eaten away. It won't be long before this reinforced concrete city will be re-occupied by nature.

The Orsay people only built a few necessary functional buildings in the city center, such as the eggshell mercenary union, the magic crystal trading center, and so on.

After all, there are a lot of fighters here, and the profit-seeking colonists will not invest in this place before they have conquered the whole world. They can only rely on it. The tenacious resistance of human beings has played a certain role.

Yang Xi casually grabbed a first-order Ossaid.

This is a female supernatural warrior, she is wearing a revealing leather armor, with a few nimble white fox tails protruding from her buttocks.

"Master Du Dulan!! You really are not dead!!"

To Yang Xi's surprise, when the fox girl supernatural warrior was caught by him, instead of being nervous, she seemed to faint with joy.

Yang Xi wondered, is Dulan so handsome?It feels a little worse than his own deity's appearance.

Well, it must be a matter of aesthetics from outsiders!

He imitated Duran's tone, and said arrogantly: "Young master will not die if you die. Tell me, how long has it been since the last war?"

After communicating with the fox girl supernatural warrior, Yang Xi finally understood the reason for her excitement.

It turned out that his cheap father also firmly believed that he was not dead, and sent people to Chishuang Island to look for him. Just by finding him, he could get 1000 gamma-level magic crystals, which was enough for a low-level fighter to cultivate to the second-level. fee.

"Hmph, lucky you little girl!"

Although as an upright person, Yang Xi didn't want to do this, but his talent in disguise told him that if it was Dulan, he would definitely pinch this fox girl's ass.

The fox girl winked like silk, and said coquettishly, "Master Dulan!"

Yang Xi laughed, and instantly inspired his bloodline, turning into a third-tier blue-eyed flame dragon several meters long, grabbed the little fox girl, and flew towards the eggshell mercenary union.

379 Little Cousin Shirley

The seven-meter-long Cangmu Yanlong just flapped its wings, and sand and rocks flew around it.

Ang roar!

The sound of the dragon's chant resounded in the sky, and those low-level alien beasts and warriors trembled under the might of the dragon.

Even the little fox girl who was held in the paw by Yang Xituo couldn't help trembling, for fear that Master Dulan would get interested and eat herself in one bite.

Yang Xi groaned a few more times before stopping.

He did this naturally to announce his return to the entire Red Frost Island.

Presumably the family member, if he is still on Chishuang Island, must be able to find it by following the sound. After all, he is also here to spy on information. Time is precious, and it is a little bit of saving.

Sure enough, shortly after Yang Xi uttered the dragon chant, two dragon chants sounded on the other side of Chishuang Island.

One is vicissitudes and domineering, and the other is a little childish and crisp.

After a while, two giant dragons, one big and one small, appeared in the backlight. The big one was eight meters long, longer than the third-tier Duran, and the smaller one was less than four meters long. It was flapping its wings vigorously, trying to catch up.

Yang Xi went up to meet them, and after the three giant dragons emitted a dazzling red light in the air, they turned into two men and two women.

According to the memory left by Du Lan, Yang Xi knew the identity of the visitor, and he smiled at them and said, "Second Uncle, Shirley, it turns out that you two are here!"

Duran's second uncle, Hood, is a strong man in the Keith family second only to Duran's father, with a third-tier strength.

Wearing golden double ponytails and a white lace dress is Dulan's cousin Shirley Keith. Regardless of her young age, her strength has actually broken through to the second level.

After all, she is also a core member of the Keith family, and her talent is still higher than that of Duran. With the abundant supply of magic crystals, her cultivation speed is naturally fast enough.

The chubby Hood breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Yang Xi, and said with a smile, "I finally found you kid, and I knew that the heir of our Keith family would not die so easily!"

Yang Xi straightened his chest "proudly", "Second Uncle, not only am I not dead, but even my strength has broken through to the third level!"

"Oh, not bad, it's a happy event to add another third-order powerhouse to the family!!"

Even the arrogant little cousin Shirley couldn't help but sized up her cousin with green eyes, and muttered a few words in her small mouth.

This cousin was quite attached to Duran when she was a child, but when she grew up, she started to disagree with Duran, thinking that he was just a playboy, and the one who inherited the Keith family should be her with more outstanding talents.

Yang Xi smiled and said: "Xue Li, I think your strength is still a little weaker, you have to work hard in the future! Hahaha!"

Thanks to the help of his camouflage skills, Yang Xi was able to bring out Dulan's annoying character to the fullest.

Sure enough, after hearing Dulan's words, Shirley, who had blonde hair and twin tails, said unwillingly: "Don't worry, I will break through to the third level earlier than you, Dulan!"

The second uncle Hu De was very helpless. He was afraid that the two brothers and sisters would quarrel again, so he had to smooth things over, "Okay, Dulan, you have suffered a lot this time, so you should go home to recuperate. How about Tao Te and the others?"

Hood asked tentatively, but since the two of them did not appear with Duran, the possibility of falling is very high.

Sure enough, Dulan, who was arguing with his cousin just a second ago, suddenly drooped, and said sullenly: "The two of them died in the chaos."

With this tone, Yang Xi played it to his advantage, perfectly interpreting a young master of a big family who is a bit of a conscientious man despite being a reckless dude.

Hood stepped forward and patted Duran on the shoulder, comforting: "The two of them are heroes of the family! It is the glory of our Keith family to die on the battlefield. Hold your chest up, you are the Keith family heir!"

With the encouragement of his second uncle, Yang Xi finally came out of the "light sadness".

At this time, Hood finally noticed the little fox girl beside him, and said with a slight smile, "Did this lady find Duran? Then, please come to the mercenary union with us, and we will settle the mission."

In fact, the Keith family has already deposited the thousand magic crystals in the mercenary union, so they went there to prove it to the little fox girl.

"Thank you, my lord!!!"

Although the little fox girl was almost scared to pee by Long Wei, she persisted under the temptation of the magic crystal.

Eggshell Mercenary Union.

After seeing the chubby Hood, the clerk of the succubus blood immediately wore a flattering smile on his face.

Not only because of this gentleman's generous shot, but also his extraordinary background is also very important. In Guangming City, the Keith family can also be ranked in the top three.

Now after the death of the city lord, the light-eclipsed saint, the patriarch of the Keith family, the powerhouse of the third-order limit, is a strong contender for the next city lord.

Maybe it won't be long before this Guangming City will be renamed Keith City or Yanlong City!

At that time, the status of the Keith family in the Hundred Cities Federation will inevitably rise! !

The succubus twisted her extremely slender waist, and winked at Yang Xi who was next to Hood. I heard that this young master Duran is very romantic. If she can have some relationship with this kind of young master, she might be able to rely on it. With this relationship, raise your rank in the mercenary union!

Yang Xi was very helpless, he is really a very upright person, but as a qualified actor, he must perfectly reproduce Dulan's habits, so he went up and pinched it again.


At the same time, the same words appeared in the minds of the three women present.

With this pinch, the succubus sister's work efficiency was very fast, and it took almost half the time, and the shiny hundred beta-level magic crystals fell into the hands of the fox girl.

Holding the heavy magic crystal in her hand, the little fox girl still felt unrealistic. She just strolled outside and got this bag worth a thousand gamma-level magic crystals?

With this magic crystal, she doesn't need to risk her life to go to the front line to fight, and she has the resources to break through to the second level.

After the power level is raised to the second level, she will have more choices in her life!

Looking at the little fox girl who was so excited that she was about to cry, Yang Xi couldn't help sighing a little. It seems that in the society of the Ossaid people, the gap between the rich and the poor is even bigger than that of the Azure Star people!

Sure enough, it's still home!

Seeing the slender back of the little fox girl walking out of the mercenary hall step by step and turning her head three times, the second uncle Hu De suddenly said "follow me" and disappeared in place.

Yang Xi and his little cousin Shirley looked at each other suspiciously. Could it be that they want to "recycle" the magic crystal?

isn't it?

Our Keith family is not short of this magic crystal!

380 The Slave Boy

"Cousin, brother, let me help you, otherwise you really can't keep up with us."

Yang Xi smiled and grabbed Shirley and followed Hood.

Shirley, the chick, didn't give Yang Xi a good look all the way. Although she said that she was targeting the original Dulan, Yang Xi didn't want to suffer, so she took this opportunity to put eyes on the disobedient little cousin. medicine.

"I can keep up by myself, I don't need your help!"

Shirley pouted and twisted.

"It's not up to you, let the elder brother help you!"

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