Yang Xi took Shirley and jumped out quickly, leaving behind afterimages.

"Duran, you bastard, let me go!"

"If I let you go, are you sure you won't fall into a shit at this speed?"

Feeling the oncoming wind of shaving her face, Shirley, who had two upside-down ponytails, froze for a moment, and let Yang Xi catch her as if resigned to her fate.

Noticing the change in his little cousin's attitude, Yang Xi snickered in his heart. Dulan was bullied by Shirley enough before, and now he has moved back to a game without affecting Dulan's original personality.

Dulan didn't do such things as bullying his younger sister back then, but she always made a mistake and was bullied by her. Now he has the upper hand, relying on the suppression of his strength. After all, he has just broken through to the third level. People became suspicious, thinking that Duran's temperament had changed drastically,

Soon, Yang Xi caught up with Hood, and the three of them were suspended among the reinforced concrete surrounded by green plants, looking at the little fox girl surrounded by three big men below.

Hood glanced at Yang Xi and Xue Li, and nodded secretly in his heart. It seems that Du Lan's strength is not just as simple as entering the third level!

It's good to give Shirley a bit of trouble.

"Second Uncle, did you expect such a scene a long time ago?"

Hood nodded and said: "There is an idiom among the natives of Azure Planet, which is called the crime of embracing jade. This first-order supernatural warrior of fox girl blood will suddenly be rewarded with a thousand magic crystals, and he will definitely be targeted by others."

This Ossian is actually modest and eager to learn. Yang Xi looks at this Hood with admiration. It is rare that there is an Ossian who does not underestimate the culture of the Azure Star. He secretly has a murderous intention in his heart. Such a guy is very dangerous to the Azure Star people. .

The fact that the Azure Star people have been able to resist until now has something to do with the arrogant Ossaid people's disdain to understand the Azure Star culture.

It would not be good news if every Osidian was like this Hood and could even use idioms.

"I asked you to follow me to test you. Under such circumstances, how should I choose?"

Shirley, who came over from the side, interjected: "Of course, after these three people kill the fox girl, we will kill them again. After all, it is a thousand magic crystals. Although the family has no shortage, we can cultivate more. A qualified fighter!"

Hood smiled, without comment: "Duran, what do you think?"

Yang Xi naturally knew the correct answer, but he had done something a little out of line just now, and now that he is in the limelight, although he has the ability to disguise, it is still possible to expose his identity, so he prevaricated: "I think the same as Xue Li. "

"Tch, Dulan, are you brainless? You only plagiarize my ideas!"

Shirley made a face at Yang Xi.

Yang Xi naturally stared back "not to be outdone".

"Okay, okay, what you two have done is considered to be concerned about the interests of the Keith family, but now, I am studying the culture of the natives of Azure Planet, and I have gained some unexpected gains. Next, you two should be careful about how I deal with it. Learn, take a good look!"

After speaking, Hood turned into a blue-eyed flame dragon and rushed towards the ground.

The spit out Cang Yan instantly roasted the three big men, and then swallowed them all in one gulp!

Afterwards, Hood's dragon prestige enveloped the entire Chishuang Island, "Not everyone can make up their minds about what our Keith family sent out! Whoever dares to trouble this girl in the future will end up like this!"

Afterwards, Hood threw the magic crystal bag that Fox Girl had snatched away to her.

But this time, the fox girl was really frightened and peed on her leg.

Hood, who smelled the smell of urine, chuckled, and rushed into the sky, changing back to his original shape while flying.

"You two, what did you learn from the way I just handled it?"

Shirley answered this obediently there, but Yang Xi fell into deep thought.

The Orsay people seem to be slowly assimilating into the culture of the Azure Star. Could it be that, apart from war, there is still room for maneuver between the Azure Star human race and the colonists?

Soon, Yang Xi shook his head and abandoned this naive idea. This is a plundering war for resources between two planes. The result is only enslavement and being enslaved.

A few days later, Yang Xi followed Hood and Shirley to what is now called the New Fry Continent by the colonists, and the original name was the Southern Continent.

The place where they disembarked is called "Viking Port". It is the top three ports on the New Fry Continent, and a large amount of supplies, magic crystals, and slaves are transshipped here every day.

On New Fry Continent, the most profitable business is naturally the magic crystal and slave trade.

Of course, there is no need to elaborate too much on the former one. In a sense, magic crystals can even exist instead of currency. Those who do this trade can naturally make money and get soft.

The slave trade that followed was also violent.

Indigenous humans, who are the main body of the slave trade, usually sell for two to three magic crystals.

Among them, the younger the indigenous human beings, the higher the price, because the blue star plane is a plane where the magic power is just beginning, and there is a high chance of the first generation of supernatural beings appearing.

If you buy an ordinary native for the price of two magic crystals, raise them for a few years without dying, and awaken as a supernatural being, then the price will increase tenfold and a hundredfold!

There are even rumors that in Midwinter City in the hinterland of the New Fry Continent, a slave bought by a family even broke through to the fourth level!

Because of the existence of the "Slave Curse Seal", these fourth-order indigenous humans have become the family's big trump card, allowing them to take the opportunity to control the city.

It is said that the treatment enjoyed by this fourth-order slave is no worse than that of ordinary Ossaid powerhouses.

Of course, many Osedians did not believe this rumor, and regarded it as a hype by slave traders.

But this kind of "gambling" method is very popular in the slave trade. After all, everyone always feels that they can catch the leak.

In addition to whether they have supernatural powers or not, the remaining good-looking indigenous humans, regardless of gender, are also sought-after goods for what they are used for, so it goes without saying.

Of course, not all indigenous humans have the status of slaves on the new Frye continent.

A group of Celestial Terrans who surrendered in the early days have now become second-class citizens on the New Frye Continent, and those traitors who bullied the slaves most ruthlessly.

As soon as Yang Xi disembarked, there was a riot at the port. It turned out that a young man who had awakened his supernatural powers ran out after killing the subordinates of the slave trader after he had been dormant for a while.

"Don't let this little bastard run away, catch me alive!!!"

"The boy who has awakened the lightning power, haha, it seems that I have to make a lot of money again!"

381 My name is Xiao Yan!

This boy who had awakened the power of the thunder system had sallow skin and messy hair sticking together. He was malnourished and hadn't bathed for a long time.

With the sense of smell of Cangmu Yanlong's bloodline, he can easily smell the disgusting sour smell like fermentation.

Yang Xi didn't care about Hu De. The clean Shirley had already pinched her small nose in disgust, and kept fanning the air with her other hand.

The boy with lightning abilities swiftly shuttled among the slave merchants, port guards, and many slaves. From time to time, a flash of lightning would flash away, causing the boy to speed up instantly to get rid of his pursuers.

"Looking at his appearance, the time for awakening the ability may not last. It is estimated that this is a long-planned escape."

Hood stopped in his tracks, and after just a few glances, he saw through the slave boy's plan.

Yang Xi remained silent. To be honest, when he saw the compatriots of the Azure Star Human Race being traded as slaves, his heart was full of anger, and he wished to tear these slave traders into pieces!

But he plays Duran perfectly, with a sarcastic grin on his face.

He can't act rashly!

Not to mention whether the Void World Temple can accommodate these compatriots who are regarded as slaves, even if he really saves all the tens of thousands of Azure Star people here, what about the hundreds of millions of other compatriots in the occupied area?

Who will save them?

Most people will still live in dire straits, and even more cruel treatment will be incurred because of Yang Xi's actions.

Yang Xi has no way to take this risk!

The real way to save our compatriots is to drive the colonists out of the Azure Planet, and let the system of human society recover in this fallen land!

The last trace of hesitation in Yang Xi's heart also disappeared. There is destined to be a life-and-death war between humans and Ossaids!

However, it is still possible to find an excuse to save this thunder-type boy.

Anyway, he is playing the role of a dude now, so he can do as he pleases.

The boy with lightning abilities moved swiftly among the crowd. As time went by, his physical strength obviously began to run low, and the possibility of escaping from this area while taking advantage of the chaos became less and less.

The cruelty in the eyes of the slave trader became stronger and stronger. Although this boy was a valuable commodity, he had ways to torture such a disobedient slave without compromising his worth.

For example, if you find a slave who is blood related to this kid, you can serve him with the cruelest punishment.

There are fewer and fewer encirclement circles targeting the boy with lightning abilities. It won't be long before he will become a slave merchant's prisoner again.

In the numb eyes of most of the slaves, there was a hint of sadness. They could foresee the tragic fate of this young man.

So what if he has supernatural talent?

In this hell named New Frye Continent, the Azure Star Human Race will never have a bright future!


The immature chest of the young boy of the Lei family let out a desperate cry. At this moment, he seemed to be the epitome of all the living people in the occupied area. Even if he tried his best to fight against fate, under the iron and blood suppression of the foreign race, freedom could only become a luxury after all.

The slave trader raised his whip fiercely, "Bring him here!"

Many subordinates were about to obey the slave trader's order and swarmed up, when a huge shadow slowly covered them.

Roar! ! !

Cangmu Yanlong's dragon majesty pushed forward unscrupulously, and many weak lives prostrated themselves on the ground, trembling.

Yang Xi's paw slammed one meter away from the slave trader's side, half buried in the soil, stirring up dust several meters high, which made this mighty slave trader tremble in fright, and his whole face turned pale in an instant. up!

Tier three!

This is the breath of a Tier [-] powerhouse! ! !

The slave trader suddenly fell to his knees and begged Yang Xi, "My lord, is there anything I can do for you, my humble man?"

Yang Xi bared his dragon teeth, and said with a sneer, "It takes so long to catch a human boy, you scum, how dare you make me wait so long?"

"Huh? Can you afford to waste my young master's time?"

Sweat broke out on the face of the slave trader. He saw Yang Xi's Cangmu Yanlong bloodline. This is the special ability of the Keith family, one of the major families in Guangming City!

And it's a third-tier supernatural being. Could it be that this unkind adult in front of him is a core member of the Keith family?

Offending the core members of such a big family was tantamount to courting death for this slave trader.

He kowtowed on the ground and smashed his forehead without noticing, "Damn the villain! Damn the villain! I ran into the lord's majesty, and I will execute that little native right away, so I can calm down for you!"

In the view of the slave trader, although executing this lightning-type supernatural boy would cost him a sum of magic crystals, it was better than offending the bigwigs of the Keith family!

Unexpectedly, when he said this, Yang Xi's gaze became even colder.


Yang Xi snapped his finger and hit the slave trader in the chest!

How terrifying is the physical power of the third-order Cangmu Yanlong bloodline?

The slave trader's strength was not strong, and he didn't dare to have any thoughts of resistance. He was immediately bounced away like a fly, spit out a cloud of blood in the air, and finally landed tens of meters away, with bones on his body unknowingly broken how many roots.

His subordinates didn't even have the courage to glare at Yang Xi, they just carried away their boss in a desperate manner, fearing that the old man would come up and step on him again, and he would really burp!

Yang Xi didn't do any harm. If he seeks medical treatment in time, this guy can recover after a few months of recuperation.

Afterwards, Yang Xi focused his attention on the boy with lightning abilities.

Stared at by a pair of blue eyes that looked like lanterns, although the young man was terrified, he forcibly resisted the urge to kneel down.

Yang Xi secretly agreed in his heart, but the words that came out of his mouth were full of murderous intent: "Little guy, do you want to die on my claws, or in my stomach?"

The boy with lightning abilities didn't speak, but just stared at Yang Xi, not retreating half a step!

Shirley on the side urged: "Dulan, how long are you going to delay? Quickly squeeze this guy to death and go home!"

Hood looked at Yang Xi with a wry smile, but he didn't take this matter to heart. As the heir of the dignified Keith family, what's the point of injuring a few slave traders?

Yang Xi had been waiting for Xue Li's words for a long time, and he turned his head in disdain and said, "Are you directing me to do something?"

Shirley's tone was suffocated, and she stomped her feet and said, "So what! This guy stinks to death!"

Yang Xi chuckled, clamped the Thunder boy in his paws, gloated: "I changed my mind, my young master still lacks a handyman in his guard, I think this kid has good talent, so let's bring him back to the family! !"

Xue Li said angrily: "Duran, you wait for me!!!"

She immediately transformed into the Cangmu Yanlong, and flew towards the direction of Guangming City without looking back.

With a ghostly cry, Yang Xi also pinched the supernatural young master of the lightning department, and chased after him, pretending to be bullying his sister.

Before Hood left, he threw down a bag of magic crystals.

"This is the money to buy slaves, and medical expenses for your boss!"

The subordinates of the slave trader looked at the magic crystal bag greedily, and there was no doubt that there would be a fight next.

And many slaves stared blankly at the sky, and kept praying for the Thunder boy in their hearts, hoping that when he was eaten, he would suffer less pain.

After returning to the family, Miss Shirley, who felt bullied by Dulan, rushed to her small courtyard angrily.

Yang Xi didn't bother to play the little girl anymore, if it wasn't for acting, he wouldn't do such childish things.

Following Duran's memory, he brought the Thunder boy to his yard.

The housekeeper had just sent the boy with the lightning attribute to take a shower and change clothes when Dulan's room door was pushed open by a group of Yingyingyanyans.

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