This colonist named Duran kept saying that he wanted to give himself back his freedom, but now he put the knife on his neck again.

He clenched his fists tightly. If he really wanted to die, he would try his best before he died, even if he bit, he would have to bite off a piece of flesh from the colonists!

Shirley thought that Dulan was forcing her to make amends under the pressure of her uncle, so she was immediately happy, and said arrogantly: "Then kill him quickly!!! I'll just tell uncle about it!"

Yang Xi sneered: "Okay, my precious cousin, I'll kill you right now!"

The murderous intent on his body continued to condense, and everyone fell into an ice cave.

Even Humphrey behind him couldn't help sighing: "After going through that ordeal, the young master has finally grown up."

Xiao Yan's heart was full of warning signs, and he was about to fight for his life, but found that he couldn't move at all.

Both the body and the energy seem to be controlled by some force!

The sword light lit up, and a corpse fell to the ground.

The screams of the maids sounded, and everyone fled in all directions.

Xiao Yan opened his eyes in bewilderment, only to find that the one who died was the Ossaid standing beside the blond girl!

And the Osidian who brought him here is slowly wiping his blade:

"Remember, whoever dares to make this effort from now on will hit me in the face of Duran, and end up like this trash!"

Shirley's face was pale, looking at her beloved male pet lying in a pool of blood, she suddenly screamed and rushed towards Duran.

"You will bully me! You will bully me!!"

Pink's fist hit Yang Xi's chest, but he said indifferently: "Sister, there is a knife on Sezi's head, brother, I will use my identity as someone who has been there to persuade you."

"In the future, you should practice hard and reach the third level as soon as possible!"

Shirley, who was grabbed by Yang Xi's wrist, felt the strength of that big hand, and she suddenly became quiet.

Yang Xi has achieved his goal. After all the maids attending the meeting will be executed, and the powerhouses of the fourth rank cannot read their memories, he can only obtain information by letting the Keith family win the position of city lord.

Therefore, he has to change his image in everyone's mind step by step without being too abrupt.

The confrontation with his younger sister Shirley was just a test for him, let's see how everyone reacts.

"One day, I will set all my compatriots back to freedom!"

"This is my Yang Xi's goal, and it is also the mission of the Judgment Organization!"

384 Preparing to collect meditation methods

Guangming City City Lord's Mansion, side hall.

Platinum Deacon Occam was wearing a smooth and soft bathrobe, sipping fine wine under the moonlight.

"The wine you make from plants like grapes is really delicious. If it weren't for it, I'm afraid I would be quite boring in this plane."

A strong Caucasian man with a unicorn on his head and a ring of golden tattoos on his arm apologized and smiled: "It is an honor for Red Wine to be praised by Lord Occam. If you like it, there are a few more in my manor. bottle collection."

"Hahaha, Hope, I like to communicate with sensible people like you. How about we go to your manor to celebrate when the city lord of Guangming City is elected?"

Platinum Deacon Occam licked his lips, he began to miss Hope's wife's soft body.

Hope nodded again and again. It is precisely because of the fourth-order Occam that he can gain a firm foothold in the New Frye Continent as the Azure Star Human Race.

As long as time goes by, the Baker family can still be mixed in the Ossian society to the same status as it was in the blue star human family.

For this, Hope is extremely convinced!

For the continuation and revival of the family, he can pay any price!

Hope asked cautiously: "Master Occam, the new Lord of Guangming City is at most a Tier [-] limit. Why do you want to give him the command of the new coalition forces? Isn't there a Tier [-] adult who will join the battle?"

Occam, who had drunk too much red wine, was a little tipsy, and he smiled and said, "You don't know, although Guangming City is nominally under the jurisdiction of our Hundred Cities Federation, this city is a bridgehead for attacking humans, whether it is the mercenary union or the The Bernadotte empire has its own layout inside."

"Do you think our forces are monolithic? We can't wait to kill each other before we are reconciled! The city lord of Guangming City, all parties want their own people to be in power. This is no longer a matter of one side's decision. The selection of candidates must be the result of compromise between all parties."

Hope thinks so too. In the depths of New Fry's mainland, the Bernadotte Empire and the Hundred Cities Federation are still at odds over territorial disputes. They can send General Iron Tower to attend the meeting. The beast alliance loses face.

Looking at the shining Palace of the Lord of the City Lord not far away, Hope was very envious. It would be great if he could become the Lord of the City of Light.

Unfortunately, his identity is doomed, this can only be a dream.

Keith family.

"Duran really did this? Killed Shirley's servant?"

Hearing Humphrey's report, Walker was not annoyed by his son's violation of his order, but rather happy.

Humphrey bowed slightly, "To be precise, it's Miss Shirley's boyfriend."

Walker waved his hand, stared at the white-bearded old man and said, "This is not the point. Do you think Duran has changed since he came back?"

"You mean the change in Master Duran's personality?"

"if not?"

Humphrey, who was asked rhetorically, was sweating on his forehead, talking about Master Duran, which was not something he should do as a personal butler.

But since the Patriarch asked, he couldn't give a bad answer, so he had no choice but to think about it and said, "Master Dulan seems to have become more assertive. , but will still kill the slave."

"Hahaha, I thought so too. It seems that my son has finally grown up after going through that battle!"

Walker's face was full of joy. Duran was rarely so stubborn and arrogant, which was much better than the previous weakness!

"Our Keith's family doesn't need an heir who responds. It's a good thing that Duran can have his own ideas!"

For Walker, the Keith family was almost put on fire because of the dispute over the Lord of Bright City. At this critical moment, Duran was able to become more ruthless, which made him more at ease.

Otherwise, I won't even know it was sold!

"Go down, remember to find another servant for Miss Shirley as compensation."


After Yang Xi came back from Shirley, he began to sort out his various plans in the southern continent in an orderly manner.

The first is the implementation of the Disha plan, which requires Yang Xi to have a sufficient understanding of the situation of the entire Southern Continent's Azure Star race before taking action.

The second is to obtain relevant information about the new coalition forces.

According to the current news, except for the four fourth-order powerhouses among the participants, everyone else has been executed.

"Forcibly obtaining information is not an option for the time being. After all, the only ones who know the specific deployment are the representatives of the four major forces. They are all of the fourth-tier strength. If I make a rash move and arouse their vigilance, they can even change their strategy. Even if I forcibly obtain information, it will lose its original value.”

"This is the worst strategy!"

"Can I pretend to be a close person of these four strong men to obtain information?"

"It seems that the possibility is not very high. It is related to the movement of Tier [-]. If there are no special circumstances, they should not leak it."

Yang Xi smiled wryly, "At first I thought it would be a matter that could be resolved soon, but now it seems that it can only help the Keith family win the position of the city lord of Guangming City, and let me, a cheap old man, become the commander of the new coalition army , in order to obtain the information I need without anyone noticing."

"Send the information you have obtained so far back to the Freedom Alliance Sea."

Before coming here, Yang Xi had already upgraded the avatar ability to the third-order limit, and could have seven avatars at the same time, each avatar has the strength of the main body 23, and the existence time is as long as one month.

This is also the capital for Yang Xi to use his body to explore the southern continent.

Without opening the virtual vortex, Bi Yuewu's avatar at the 05 line of defense quickly drafted the information and sent it to the intelligence department of the Free Army.

"There is still some time before the dust settles on the position of the city lord, I can't be idle."

"It's time to collect the meditation methods and magic crystal mines that are the products of the Orsay civilization."

Every Osidian who has been to the front line will be sealed with a "Secrecy Seal" to prevent the leakage of meditation ideas. Theoretically speaking, there should be a "Secrecy Seal" in Duran's brow space.

If he has no plans to go to the front line again, he can go to the mercenary union to apply for removing the seal in the space between the eyebrows.

But don't be busy with the affairs of the city lord of Guangming City. If the Keith family gains power, he, as the heir, will most likely need to join the army with his father. Curses in space.

Yang Xi raised his head abruptly, "Actually, what I need more is not a specific meditation method, but the method of making meditation methods by the Ossaid people!"

At present, the easiest and most qualified person around him is the butler Humphrey.

385 Inheritance Stone and Strong Blood Essence

To be honest, so far, Yang Xi doesn't know what kind of form the Ossaid's meditation method exists.

Is it in the form of secret books, or similar to a visualization stone tablet, or simply a spiritual inheritance.

Hearing the knock on the door, Yang Xi knew that his personal butler, Humphrey, had arrived, and the delivery was quite positive.

He showed a meaningful smile, "It seems that the answer to the mystery will be revealed soon."

In fact, it was not for the purpose of obtaining meditation. As Dulan's personal butler, Yang Xi would also choose to turn him into his own puppet in order to reduce his risk of exposure.

The white-bearded old man reported what he did to that cheap old man every day, did you think he didn't know?

"Master, dinner is ready, do you need me to call someone over to serve?"

Humphrey pushed the silver dining car, which contained delicious dishes specially prepared for Yang Xi by the family chef.

Yang Xi smiled and said, "No need, you can send it in for me."

"Okay, Master Duran."

Humphrey pushed the dining cart into Yang Xi's room without the slightest precaution.

He had just closed the door, and the moment he turned around, he saw his young master's eyes that suddenly became extremely deep.

"Master Duran, you"

Immediately, he fell into darkness.

Although Yang Xi can only turn the second-order supernatural power into his puppet because the puppet-controlling ability is only of the third-order relationship, but after all, he is now a fourth-order powerhouse, and he has three special existences of profound meanings. Humphrey didn't even have the ability to struggle, so he directly became Yang Xi's most loyal servant.

Yang Xi began to skillfully read the memory of the old housekeeper.

Soon, he found the memory related to meditation in Humphrey's memory.

Probably not long after he became Walker's personal bodyguard, because of his good spiritual talent, he got the chance to be awarded the Cangmu Yanlong meditation idea of ​​the Keith family.

Without the hindrance of the curse seal, Yang Xi finally saw the true face of this outsider's meditation idea!

What the Keith family used to grant Humphrey the idea of ​​meditation was actually a magic crystal engraved with a large number of alchemy matrices!

This thing is called the "Inheritance Stone" by them. It is a storage device for recording information made by a master alchemist!

And in this inheritance stone is the meditation method of Cangmu Yanlong left by the founder of the Keith family, which contains various details about the meditation method such as visualization map, running route, meditation posture, etc. The Demon Hunting Meditation ideas obtained from Li Zitian are similar.

"Is it just that?"

Just when Yang Xi was suspicious, in Humphrey's memory, the Keith family gave him another drop of blood!

This is the blood left by the founder of the Keith family!

It is stored in a mysterious container!

"It turns out that this is the key step for the Ossaid to pass on the meditation method!"

Yang Xi seemed to be observing from the perspective of God, watching this drop of blood essence that vaguely fluctuated with laws merged into the center of Humphrey's eyebrows, and gradually developed into a soul circuit of the supernatural Cangmu Yanlong bloodline inside his body!

"How should this blood essence be condensed?"

Yang Xi searched Humphrey's memory, and soon found a way to condense blood.

Although only Tier [-] powerhouses can condense blood essence, this technique is not a top secret in the Ossian society.

The amount of blood essence that can be condensed by each fourth-order powerhouse is different. Like this ancestor who founded the Keith family, as a powerhouse of the fourth-order limit, he only condensed 433 drops of blood essence in his life.

Based on this calculation, before there is a new Tier [-] powerhouse, the Keith family's supernatural powers should not exceed this number.

But the number of Keith clansmen who died in battle in Humphrey's memory alone was not limited to this number.

"So, there are other methods that can fix the soul circuit in the human body, but the effect is not as good as the blood essence of the strong."

Soon, Yang Xi found out another method from Humphrey's memory, the magic crystal stimulation method. During the first practice, using the magic crystal to stimulate the body, there is a certain probability that it will reach the level corresponding to the blood essence of the strong man. Same effect.

The higher the quality of the magic crystal, the better the effect.

If it is an alpha-level magic crystal, it is a sure thing to fix the soul back to reincarnation.

But one alpha-level magic crystal represents one hundred gamma-level magic crystals, which is equivalent to 1000 units of dark energy cubes. It would be too wasteful to just push the ability to level.

According to personal talent, an Alpha-level magic crystal is enough for a warrior to cultivate to the first-level elementary level. According to the algorithm of Azure Star, it should be between the first-level and the second-level, which is equivalent to 500 units of dark energy intensity, which is basically inland. The fighting power of the hero level.

Yang Xi naturally obtained the method of absorbing magic from Humphrey's memory.

This time Yang Xi can be described as a bumper harvest!

Perhaps for the strong Ossidians, the knowledge in Humphrey's mind is very common. Even though Cangmu Yanlong's meditation idea is powerful, it is not a top-level meditation idea when looking at the entire Ossaid plane.

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