The methods of condensing blood essence and absorbing magic crystals are even more semi-public things for the Ossaid people.

But for Yang Xi, and for the entire Azure Star race, this is the first step in breaking through the Ossaid knowledge blockade!

No, to be precise, it should be the second step.

Master Daemon, an interplanetary friend, had sowed the knowledge of alchemy on the soil of the Azure Star human society decades ago!

To be honest, the information Yang Xi obtained is more important than finding out how many fourth-tier powerhouses participated in this battle.

He knew that as a Tier [-] powerhouse, how to condense a vision map that fits his own abilities through the profound principles of the laws he had comprehended.

Knowing that the container for the Ossaid to store meditation ideas is the "inheritance stone", knowing the method of condensing blood and the magic crystal stimulation method, etc.

If this information is sent to the four seas, it will be a remarkable achievement for the human race since the enlightenment of magic power!

"Perhaps, I can use the method of making meditation to trade with the three major forces."

Yang Xi showed a confident smile, and the day when his ruling organization led the entire Azure Star race seemed to be getting closer.

"However, it seems that you can't buy blank inheritance stones on New Fry Continent!"

This inheritance stone can be said to be one of the ultimate masterpieces of the alchemy civilization of the Ossaid plane. To put hundreds of alchemy matrices on this palm-sized magic crystal is simply unimaginable!

Only the Ossaid, whose alchemy civilization has developed for thousands of years, can do this.

Such an expensive thing, which colony would bring it here and sell it?

The customer base is too small!

Yang Xi frowned, "Should I go from Baiqiang to the Ossaid plane?"

Over the Alien Beast Corpse Disposal Center in Lukang City, there is a white cavity. As long as enough magic crystals are consumed, this white cavity can be opened.

But Yang Xi didn't know where this white cavity led to. He shook his head with a wry smile and said, "If there are a large group of fourth-level powerhouses behind this white cavity, wouldn't I be there to deliver food?"

386 parent ore

Regarding the matter of Baiqiang, anyway, it will be considered after the Four Seas, so Yang Xi intends to shelve the matter of obtaining the inheritance stone for a while.

From Humphrey's memory, Yang Xi learned that the Ossaid mainly used a kind of alchemy creation called mother ore to condense the magic crystal veins.

This is another time that alchemy technology has played a key role in the magic civilization of Osside, which shows the power of this alchemy.

Thinking about it, the reason why Master Daemon chose to teach Alchemy to the Azure Star race was also to allow human beings to sprout alchemy techniques with the Azure Star style on their own fertile soil of civilization.

Just place this alchemical creation called mother mine in a place with strong magic power.After several months or even years of waiting, a magic crystal mine will be formed where the mine mother is.

After that came the process of human mining. For the Osedian colonists who had a large number of Azure Star human slaves, the cost of mining magic crystal mines on this indigenous plane was too cost-effective compared with the Ossedian plane.

If the trade channel between the New Fry Continent and the Ossian plane is not interrupted, the magic crystal business alone will be enough for these gold diggers from the Ossian plane to make a lot of money.

Generally, there will be magic crystal mines near large cities.

For example, there are four magic crystal mines around Guangming City, the largest of which is in the inland area of ​​the north and is called Hani Magic Crystal Mine.

As one of the largest families in Guangming City, the Keith family owns 30% of the shares of this magic crystal mine.

When the Light Erosion Saint was still alive, he domineeringly occupied the interests of many families.

But because of the difference in strength, these families didn't dare to resist much. At most, they discounted the magic crystal handed over to the City Lord's Mansion and cut corners.

Now many patriarchs are vying for the position of the city lord of Guangming City. In addition to the identity of the commander of the new coalition army, who will get the rights and interests of a large number of magic crystal mines is also an important reason.

The Dulan that Yang Xi pretends to be now, as the heir of the Keith family, the number of magic crystals under his name is also staggering.

"However, now is not a good time to collect magic crystals."

Yang Xi dismissed the idea of ​​immediately taking out a large number of magic crystals from the "Magic Crystal Exchange". Just take it.

Besides, for Yang Xi, the magic crystal is not as attractive as the mother mine.

It's a pity that Humphrey doesn't remember how to obtain the mother mine. It seems that this, like the inheritance stone, has to be shelved.

The brand of the doll flashed between Humphrey's eyebrows. Although he already knew that the young master Duran in front of him was not himself, his loyalty to Yang Xi had surpassed his loyalty to the Patriarch Walker.

If Yang Xi asked the white-bearded old man to launch a suicide attack on Patriarch Walker, he would carry it out without hesitation.

Seeing Yang Xi looking over, Humphrey said respectfully: "Master."

Yang Xidao: "It's still how it was before, so let's do what it is now, otherwise I'm afraid of being exposed."

Humphrey quickly put away the overly humble smile on his face, and said seriously, "Of order, Master Duran."

Yang Xi waved his hand and said, "Go out first."

After Humphrey left, Yang Xi continued to sort out all the information and refining methods he had just received from him.

He had also ordered Humphrey before, not to let those Ossian beauties bother him, so Yang Xi was immersed in the knowledge that these Azure Star humans urgently needed, and it was late at night without knowing it.

After all, Yang Xi got rid of the identity of the first brother when he was in college, and now he is not as enthusiastic about this aspect as before.

He showed his strength before, but it was just to keep Duran's personality from collapsing.

Now, just taking advantage of the critical moment of the battle for the city lord, using "stay away from women" to express his determination to change to the family can not only gain the appreciation of the Patriarch Walker, but also get rid of this little trouble.

He himself is on the other side of the world, and there are still many ambiguous objects that he has not dealt with. He can't be too cheap for these Ossian women.


Yang Xi suddenly sensed a strange atmosphere in Walker's study.

If it weren't for Yang Xi's powerful and invincible mental power, it would be difficult to find this aura!

This person is a powerhouse of the third-order limit!

"Who is this guy? Neither Duran nor Humphrey have any impression of this aura in their memory."

Coming to the Keith family at such a sensitive moment, or such a covert way!

The origin of this guy is probably closely related to the battle for the city lord.

Yang Xi suppressed his curiosity. There are fourth-level powerhouses in Guangming City. If he acts rashly, he may attract the attention of people of higher levels.

It's better to make good use of Duran's identity, maybe you can easily and securely obtain the identity information of the visitor.

This is the quality that a qualified spy should have.

After about half an hour, this breath left the Keith family's place quickly and covertly.

Yang Xi waited for a long time, but there was no sign of Walker asking him to give him an opportunity, so he could only pretend to practice Cangmu Yanlongming's thoughts assiduously, but in fact he was sorting out his own information and related insights.

The next day.

Under the leadership of Patriarch Walker, Yang Xi and his party came to the fifth-ranked Clark family in Bright City.

The ability of the Clark family is also a bloodline ability, called Liumu Jinchan. The potential of this bloodline is not lower than that of Cangmu Yanlong.

The reason why the Clark family is not as strong as the Keith family is because this family has not had a fourth-order powerhouse for a long time, and the remaining powerhouses do not have much blood. Many clansmen rely on the magic crystal test for the first time. The effect is naturally unsatisfactory.

In the Clark family, only a few core members can use the blood essence of the strong to enlighten their abilities. Their strength is not bad. Clark's patriarch Carnegie is also a third-order powerhouse, not far from the third-order limit.

The handsome and thin Carnegie Clark and Walker chatted in low voices from time to time above.

Duran's second uncle Hood also talked and laughed with the elders of the Clark family.

The task of Yang Xi and Shirley is naturally to have sex with several direct descendants of the same generation in the Clark family, so as to enhance their relationship.

The eldest daughter of the Clark family, Joyce, is also very thin, wearing a long off-the-shoulder dress, like a heavily made-up stick insect.

Yang Xi was really not interested in her, even Dulan, the former demon of sex, didn't bother to talk to this woman.

But now, in order to show her change of putting family interests first, Yang Xi could only endure the discomfort in her heart and let the stick insect lady show a shy smile on the other side.

The long and tormenting time finally passed, and Yang Xi was fed up with Shirley's gloating smile beside her.

After seeing off everyone in the Clark family and getting into the family's alchemy luxury car, he took advantage of the elders' inattention, pinched his cousin's fair neck and said viciously: "Little Shirley, are your skin itchy again?"

Shirley's complexion changed, and she was about to reply, when Walker's alchemy cart was suddenly blown up by an attack from the sky!

Four masked men suddenly appeared in the sky. They were all covered in gray robes, revealing the aura of the third-order limit!

"Walker, today is your death day!!!"

Four third-order extreme powerhouses rushed to Walker who climbed out of the ruins of the car at the same time!

387 This son must not be left behind!

All this happened in a flash, and everyone in the Keith family couldn't react at all!

Only Patriarch Walker, who was attacked, completed his blood transformation at the critical moment.

Ow! ! !

A ten-meter-long Cangmu Flame Dragon appeared on the coconut tree avenue in Guangming City. Walker's body was even bigger than the buildings beside him.

"Who are you? How dare you attack our Keith family!"

Along with Walker's Long Wei, his voice spread throughout the small half of Dongcheng District.

These four assassins with the third-order limit did not answer Walker's words, and without the slightest hesitation, they left wounds several meters long on his body, and the hot dragon's blood seemed to fall on the street, which was extremely tragic!

Seeing this, Hood quickly transformed into the enemy, and a Cangmu Yanlong, which was slightly smaller than Walker, reappeared, and the soaring Cangyan seemed to turn the surrounding into a sea of ​​flames!

"Duran, take Shirley away!"

When Hood rushed towards the enemy, he did not forget to ask the two to leave.

Yang Xi's heart is very calm, after all, it's just a battle at the third-order level.

But what he showed was anxiety and panic intertwined, just right emotions, after all, he was an old acting school.

Shirley next to her was trembling with fear when Walker was injured. She was just a second-level supernatural fighter. If the assassins over there were sent one by one, she could be dealt with in a few moves.

An unprecedented sense of crisis engulfed her, making her involuntarily approach behind her usually hated cousin.

Yang Xi looked at Shirley who looked like a little white rabbit, and couldn't help shaking her head slightly.

He said coldly: "Xue Li, father and uncle are not their opponents, I have to go up to help, you go to the family for help!"

In fact, the commotion was so loud that the powerful members of the Keith family must also be on their way. Yang Xi's words were just giving Shirley an excuse to run away.

"Okay, I'll call someone, but Dulan you"

Seeing the assassins who were fighting with her father and uncle in mid-air, Xue Li gritted her teeth and said, "You have just entered the third level, so don't die!"

"If you die, I won't be able to take revenge!!"

"And, the heir of the Keith family will also become me!"

This tsundere girl!

Yang Xi scolded with a smile: "Don't worry, I won't die even if you die!!"

The two slightly younger dragon chants sounded, and Yang Xi also transformed into a seven-meter-long Cangmu Yanlong, flying towards the battlefield in mid-air!

Seeing Yang Xiyuan's back, Xue Li didn't dare to transform, kicked the driver in the driver's seat, made a graceful U-turn, stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and flew towards the family.

The eldest lady of the Keith family held back the tears in her eyes, and kept muttering: "Uncle Father and the hateful Duran! You must not have any accidents!!!"

She never thought that there would be such a moment, she would hope that Duran, who was always against her, could come back to her properly, and then continue to show that awkward smile

Yang Xi blasted an assassin away with one punch, and his right paw was bruised from the assassin's counterattack.

This assassin's horcrux knife is extremely sharp, Duran now controls his power at the level of [-] dark energy units, so he is naturally not an opponent.

Walker, who was rescued a wave, said angrily: "Duran, what are you doing here!!"

Looking at his son's bloody right paw, Walker, who was covered in injuries, hoped that the injury would fall on himself.

"Father, I am a powerhouse of the third rank. Although these guys are powerful, they can't kill me in a few moves!!"

Yang Xi spat out a mouthful of dragon flames, then panted.

Hood also came over to back-to-back with the father and son, "Brother, now is not the time to teach the children a lesson. If Duran hadn't taken action just now, our situation would have been even worse!"

Walker was silent. He had to admit that if Duran didn't show up, it would be difficult for the two of them to persist until the family support came.

"It's my fault. I didn't expect these guys to be so insane that they would dare to do something in the city!"

"Father, do you know the origins of these assassins?"

"I don't know, but there is a high probability that they were sent by other families. They are really interested. These four powerhouses with the third-order limit can't tell the history at all!"

Hood said: "I think the defenders of Guangming City are more suspicious. As long as no new city lord is elected, once the time limit expires, the commander of Guangming will automatically become the commander of the new coalition army as the acting city lord!"

Walker shook his head and said, "It's hard to say now. The Murphy family, the Gerrard family are all possible, and even the Clark family is suspected of betraying us. Otherwise, how could the timing of this sneak attack be so good?"

Yang Xi was also speechless for a while, the Ossaid people are really cruel to their own people.

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