"Although I don't know what terrible things my father has hidden, but in my opinion, nothing is as important as the family."

"If you can promise not to do anything to members of our Keith family, how about I open the secret vault myself and ask you to search for it?"

Yang Xi's words brightened the eyes of the three of them.

They were still worrying just now. This guy Dulan has become a strong third-order limiter at a young age. He must be a proud guy. If he wants to break into the secret vault of the Keith family and search for that thing, he must Play a game with him.

But what I didn't expect was that this libertine who was once known as a dandy in Guangming City would be so sensible.

No, it should not be described as knowledgeable.

He is sensible!

To be honest, something like that is too sensitive!

Instead of obstructing them, it is better to let them out.

In this way, the Keith family got a precious breathing opportunity instead.

But who would have thought that Yang Xi's purpose was just to let them find out the things so that he could keep them for himself.

As long as the idea is in place, anyone can be a tool!

"Hehehe, you are very good, Duran, I underestimated you."

Dick chuckled, one of the obstacles to completing the task disappeared, which naturally made him feel good.

Yang Xi shook his head, pointed to the other two and said, "Your Excellency Dick, don't be too happy, I can tell from your conversation that there is only one thing here."

"And you, there are three of you!"

"Oh, by the way, if General Chifeng from outside also came in, there would be four people vying for this item, tsk tsk tsk, it would be very exciting to think about it."

Dick's face froze, what Yang Xi said was the truth.

The three intruders also stared at each other. When Evans blocked them just now, they were still able to unite the front, and they had to break through the secret vault of the Keith family first.

But now that Dulan has directly opened the door for them to take it, the key question is who gets this thing.

Seeing how the three of them refused to give in to each other, they might have to fight to see whose fist is harder.

"Master Duran, are we going to open the vault and let these outsiders in?" Evans whispered, "It contains the wealth accumulated by the family for many years!"

Yang Xi waved his hand, "Evans, you underestimate these three guests too. I'm afraid the wealth accumulated by our Keith family will not be placed in their eyes."

"Three, I don't think it's better to find the things first, and then you decide how to belong."

Yang Xi was afraid that they would fight and delay his time to get the things.

"Otherwise, after fighting for a long time and not finding anything, wouldn't it be a great injustice?"

The three of Dick looked at each other, and they felt that the young master of the Keith family said everything was reasonable.

But I always feel that the initiative of the whole matter is gradually being controlled by him.

"As you say."

The three said in unison.

"That's great, then three, no, four, come with me!"

The more tool people, the better. Under Yang Xi's secret guidance, General Chifeng, who had been looking like a headless chicken, also came over.

Seeing the undisguised Dick, he was obviously stunned, but fortunately, he quickly covered it up.

"Another unknown thing has come!"

Because General Chifeng's disguise was relatively solid, Yang Xi used Ultrain to compare it for a long time. In this tense situation, it was difficult for Dick to recognize him with just one glance.

Yang Xi opened the door of the secret vault, and led the four of them in one file at a time.

Although when Yang Xi spoke just now, they also seemed to be contemptuous of the wealth accumulated by the Keith family, but when they really saw the mountain of magic crystals and the dazzling array of alchemy equipment, their breathing became heavier Some.

Yang Xi secretly smiled inwardly, but Evans was guarding against them vigilantly.

"Four, it's agreed, just looking for things."

"As it should be!"

Dick and the third-tier powerhouses of the mercenary union rushed towards the crystal ball first.

Seeing the two of them like this, the mysterious strong man and General Chifeng also followed without stopping.

"The shape of this thing is similar to a crystal ball?"

The crystal ball is an alchemy creation used by the Osidians to record images and sounds, and its function is similar to that of a human digital camera.

Dick shot out a cloud of black air, which turned into infiltrating hands and rushed towards the piled up crystal balls.

The strong man of the mercenary union snorted coldly, and streams of water appeared on his body, not to be outdone, followed closely behind.

The two quickly screened the crystal ball while obstructing their opponents!

However, the methods of the mysterious strong man and General Chifeng are worse, so they can only do it themselves.

Soon, all crystal balls were checked.


"Could it be hidden in this magic crystal!"

Dick acted anxiously and pulled away the pile of magic crystals, while others also searched around.

The four searched through the entire secret vault of the Keith family, but they couldn't find what they wanted.

"Damn it, did you hide it!" Dick's eyes were red. If he didn't find what Occam wanted, he would be miserable!

400 Found! ! !

Seeing Dick's gaffe, Yang Xi sneered in his heart, but he didn't show anything on his face: "Four, I opened the family secret vault and let you search it to your heart's content. It's my utmost benevolence, but what I got in return is your doubts?"

"Could it be that it's fake that you're looking for something, and it's true that you want to do it with me?"

"To be honest, you kept saying that my father hid something that would shake Guangming City, but I haven't seen any evidence!"

In fact, Dick regretted the words as soon as he opened his mouth. The current Duran is not the kid from before, but a genuine third-order extreme powerhouse.

"I'm sorry, I lost my composure just now, Master Duran, please forgive me!" For Dick, the most urgent task is to complete the task assigned by Deacon Platinum, "Maybe it's not here, I'll take the liberty to ask, the Keith family But there is another secret room?"

Before Yang Xi could answer, Evans next to him exploded.

For the past few decades, he has been guarding the family's secret treasury. Now, for the sake of the overall situation, he obeyed his young master's order to let these outsiders enter the inner treasury to search, which has violated his duty. Now this group of shameless guys can't find How dare you ask if there are any other secret rooms in the family!

It is simply tolerable, what is unbearable?

"Don't be impatient!"

Yang Xi reached out and stopped Evans, who was about to step forward and yell at him. Although he didn't care about the life and death of this old Ossian, but now Duran's character can't collapse too quickly, so he still has to stop this old guy Suicidal behavior will do.

But to be honest, Yang Xi was a little disappointed that he didn't find the item that even the fourth-order powerhouse wanted to snatch.

Could it be that this thing has been used by Walker?

What the hell is that thing!

"The four searched very carefully just now, but they couldn't find it. It seems that what you want should not be in the secret vault of our Keith family."

"But you also said that this thing is owned by my father, and I believe you too."

"How about this, you tell me what this thing is, I will ask the clansmen in the mansion, if you see it, how about taking it directly?"

As soon as Yang Xi finished speaking, he was rejected by Dick: "I'm sorry Duran, this thing has too much to do with it, and more people must not know about it."

"Even me?"

Yang Xi is interested, is the level of secrecy so high?

Dick said seriously: "Trust me, it won't do you any good if you know what this thing is!"

Seeing the expression on this guy's face after eating a fly, if heaven gave him another chance, he would definitely not want to appear in the side hall that day.

Yang Xi looked at Dick and secretly guessed in his heart that these dogs ran straight to the crystal ball just now, so even if this thing is not a crystal ball, it should be something similar in appearance.

Could it be a crystal ball that recorded some mysterious tactics and powerful moves?

If this is the case, Yang Xi is bound to win this thing, there is no way, the current Azure Star human race is poor and white, and if they can use a powerful strategy for free, the chances of winning in the future will be better.

After entering the occupied area of ​​the Southern Continent alone, Yang Xi was very fortunate that he was the one who came.

If it was another person, even if it was as strong as Ouyang Guanhe, after seeing the overall strength of the outsiders, he might gradually lose confidence in the future of the Azure Star Human Race.

Fortunately, they are not monolithic internally, and the Azure Star Human Race still has a lot of room for manipulation.

Moreover, for Yang Xi, as long as there are enough fourth-order powerhouses to peel off the esoteric chain, it is not difficult to create a fourth-order powerhouse on the human side.

One goes up and down, under the leadership of the Judgment Organization, the probability of the Azure Star Human Race coming back is not low.

"So in this great battle in the Free Alliance sea area, victory is not the key, but to catch a force to the end, so that their internal conflicts will continue to aggravate due to the imbalance of war losses!"

Yang Xi restrained his thoughts, and said to the four intruders: "Everyone, now that the secret vault has been found, and the things are not here, what should I do?"

The others were still silent, but the third-tier extreme powerhouse from the mercenary union suddenly said: "I was just here to try my luck. Since the Keith family doesn't have all those things, I'll take my leave first!"

After finishing speaking, he bowed his hands towards the crowd and was about to leave.

But Yang Xi stopped him, and took the opportunity to bounce a sealed orb into his body.

"Just leave? Why don't you stay and look for it? If this thing is not found, there will be hidden dangers in our Keith family after all!"

Dick looked at this guy suspiciously, and left now?

Could it be that there is something discovered, pretending to leave!

But he didn't say anything, but walked aside and used the communication conch to communicate with Platinum Deacon Occam.

The "communication conch" is also a kind of alchemical creation. It looks very complicated. In fact, there are only five alchemy matrices etched inside. However, the communication distance is closely related to the user's mental power. range of communications.

In the early days of the Ossaid colonization, they sneered at the technological creations of the Azure Star race, and many of the technological products they used were not widely used here.

Those who surrender, in order to integrate into the society of the upper colonists faster, are proud of using the alchemy creations from the Ossaid people, and using technological products, they will be regarded as turkeys.

So after more than 100 years, there are basically very few traces of human technology on the Southern Continent. Instead, there are alchemy infrastructures that are a mixture of the two styles of Azure Star and Ossaid.

Perhaps, on this continent, the people with the highest level of technology are those "rebels" who are hiding in Tibet.

Nothing was found, and the expected battle did not break out, but Yang Xi was not in a hurry, because he left supernatural beads on the four intruders, and he, who possessed the profound meaning of the virtual world, could appear by their side at any time .

This thing must exist, but I don't know when it will be discovered.

The shady blockade disappeared, and Yang Xi and Evans stood in front of the secret vault and watched them leave.

Evans worried: "Master, they will definitely not leave the clan land, just let the four third-order extremes run wild here?"

Yang Xi naturally wouldn't tell his backhands, showing a bitter smile and said: "Otherwise? Strength is the last word. We have no way to solve them. Now it is the best way to let them maintain a certain amount of restraint to find things. It's a good situation."

"For the family, the most important thing now is to survive this storm."

"Evans, did my father tell you where he hid his things?"

Evans shook his head: "I don't know, but I can be sure that the Lord Patriarch definitely didn't put anything in the secret room."

"Is that so?"

The results seem to be getting clearer!

The rain was pattering down, Yang Xi closed his eyes.

In his perception, these four people did not leave the clan land.

The third-order limit from the mercenary union is rushing to Walker's study at a high speed.

And Dick of the Hundred Cities Federation followed closely behind him.


Yang Xi grinned, "Sure enough, this guy from the mercenary union found the location after he couldn't find the item in the secret vault."

In Walker's study, the strong man from the mercenary union pushed the alchemy armor carefully maintained by Walker, and a round crystal ball was lying on the pile of armor!

401 Fourth Tier Shot


The third-tier extreme powerhouse from the mercenary union picked up the crystal ball, checked it, and heaved a sigh of relief when he found that it was the thing he was looking for.

"Hehe, behind Walker is actually your mercenary union!" Dick's figure appeared at the door, "Harvey, you think you can use alchemy equipment to simulate the ability of the water element system, so I can't guess your identity ?"

Harvey, whose identity was exposed, said inwardly that it was a secret, and he did not expect that his identity had been seen through by Dick before he knew it.

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