To him, this means that more than half of the tasks given to him by the arbiter have failed.

But he still quibbled in his heart with luck: "You have admitted the wrong person."

Maybe Dick is cheating on him!

Dick smiled slightly: "Stop pretending, I will never admit to the smell of your poisonous horse!"

Harvey's ability is a highly poisonous horse, which can shoot short arrows with strong poison. When running with four hooves, it will also form poisonous smoke. The poison glands on his body do have a bit of a smell. Dick's words can be said to touch To Harvey's bottom line!

"What did you say? Dick, you carrion-eating bastard, are you worthy of me?"

Dick's ability is the dark duke of the inheritance system], which can control the power of darkness and rotting corpses, which can be regarded as a branch power of the undead system.

Speaking of which, his supernatural ability has a certain relationship with the Bernadotte family, but the faction he belongs to is the Federation of Hundred Cities, so there may be some entanglements in it.

"Hand over your things obediently, otherwise, Lord Occam will be angered. I'm afraid you won't survive tonight!"

"Just kidding, is your Hundred Cities Federation the only one with Tier [-]? Are you a vegetarian as an arbiter?"

"Besides, this thing is in my hands. I will trade it with Lord Occam and ask him to kill you. Do you think he will agree?"

Harvey played with the blue crystal ball in his hand, and said viciously.

Now that his identity has been exposed, one of the conditions for completing the mission must be to silence Dick, a guy who doesn't know what to do!

"There is no doubt about it, let's see the real chapter under my hand!"

Dark power constantly emerged from under Dick's robe, as if the kingdom of the dead had been opened, and rotting corpses with strange shapes crawled out one after another.

They surrounded Dick intimately, and a stench immediately filled the yard, but Dick didn't notice it.

Harvey cut, and you still say I stink?

His body continued to grow taller, with four horseshoes growing out, and his skin also changed from white to purple.

A long bow made of vines also appeared in his hand, simple and simple.

Havila's bow was like a full moon, and a short arrow condensed from poisonous gas appeared on the bowstring.

He knew that his poisonous gas might not be able to affect the carrion as an undead creature, so he pinned his hope of victory on the physical damage of the amethyst poisonous gas arrow.

As a powerhouse at the limit of Tier [-], his own skills have been tempered for a long time. Even with physical damage alone, he is confident in killing these disgusting rotting corpses.

Besides, Dick doesn't have the poison resistance of these undead creatures!

"Dick, Dick, this time it's all your fault, I didn't intend to kill you!"

"But now, in order to complete the task assigned by the Arbiter, I can only let you die!"

The translucent purple short arrow roared and shot out, as if a purple lightning bolt tore through the sky.

What followed was poisonous smoke that spread out in a triangular shape. Wherever it passed, there was no grass growing. The flowers that Walker carefully cultivated withered and turned into black juice and flowed into the soil.

The Corrosions desperately tried to block the poison gas arrow, but they were easily passed through by it, leaving huge holes in their bodies, which turned into black smoke and disappeared one after another.

Just when the corners of Harvey's mouth turned up slightly, the dark power had eroded the ground under his feet, dozens of hands grabbed the four hooves of the poisonous horse, and panic appeared on his face!

"You're being careless, those carrion corpses, I'm just using them to attract your attention!"

Dick was panting heavily, don't look at these carrion corpses being so containerized by Harvey, if they go out casually, they can kill second-level supernatural fighters in seconds!

"This crystal ball is mine!"

Dick stretched his hand towards the crystal ball happily, thinking about the reward he might get after handing this thing over to Lord Occam, his mood became joyful.

"Ahem, I'm sorry, I'll take this thing away first!"

A frivolous figure appeared beside Dick, and suddenly he felt a tyrannical force, pressing his head hard into the mud.

After Yang Xi removed his feet from Dick's head, he gently took the crystal ball and infiltrated his spiritual power curiously.

Suddenly, the half-destroyed study was surrounded by a burst of light.

A picture that had been dusty for a long time appeared in the air.

It's a young man who kills and robs

I saw this guy sitting on the main road, leaning on Xiao Sheng, brutally tortured a handsome young man to death, and after insulting the female relatives around him, he took away a bag of mother mines in the car!

Yang Xi was a little stunned, that's it?

He thought it was some advanced move, but it turned out to be such a movie?

When this scene was broadcast, both General Chifeng and the mysterious thunderbolt appeared. The expressions on their faces were very strange. Obviously, they didn't know in advance that it would be such a thing!

The mysterious strong man suddenly laughed and said: "After a long time, what you Hundred Cities Federation and Mercenary Union are fighting for is this thing!"

"I really didn't expect that the one who killed the son and son-in-law of the Chancellor and his wife of the Hundred Cities Federation, and murdered and robbed them, would be their subordinate, Platinum Deacon Occam!"

"It's really a worthwhile trip!!!"

After the mysterious strong man finished laughing, he seemed to have thought of something, his expression changed, and he was about to leave when a strange rhythm hit him.

He let out a scream, and fell Xia Li from the air!

The night sky rushed, and an indifferent male voice came, "Dick, you really let me down!"

Platinum Deacon Occam appeared in the yard. When Dick failed to grab the crystal ball, he who had been watching from behind finally couldn't help but make a move!

"Today, people here, let me express my apology to you, I will take your life away!"

It was an adventure he took to advance to Tier [-] when he killed the Prime Minister and his wife of the Hundred Cities Federation. If he didn't make a profit, maybe he would have to suffer for a long time to break through to Tier [-].

So he didn't regret it, it's just that he didn't expect that his behavior was recorded with a crystal ball after being so covert!

" are joking, Lord Occam, I am loyal to you!"

Dick was a little bit overwhelmed, he had been working so hard for Occam for so long, only to get a dead end.

Harvey sneered, "You are too naive, when you know this secret, you are doomed to end today!"

"Only the dead can best keep secrets!"

Occam ignored Dick's protest, but took a deep look at Harvey, "The purpose of your mercenary union should not only be for the position of the city lord of Guangming City, right?"

402 Linglong Mysteries

Harvey froze in place, the breath of the fourth level pressed across his body, making all the cells in his body tremble.

It only takes one move, and a Tier [-] limit falls on the scene. This is the world of Tier [-] powerhouses!

In order not to anger the other party, he had no choice but to lie and said: "Master Occam, I don't understand your question. This image has nothing to do with our mercenary union. I am just like the other two, because Walker's sudden death Just come and investigate."

He quickly disregarded the connection between himself and this image—the reason why the arbiter ordered him to take back the crystal ball was because he was afraid that the Hundred Cities Federation would investigate further and try to find out the layout of the Mercenary Union within their forces.

Back then, Occam was able to do this without the secret help of the Mercenary Union.

The purpose of the mercenary union doing this is naturally to weaken the strength of the Hundred Cities Federation.

The son of the prime minister and his wife was a well-known genius at the time, and he was likely to become the next fourth-order powerhouse.

Once this is the case, counting the couple of the Prime Minister of the Hundred Cities Federation, their family may have three fourth-tier powerhouses!

This is comparable to the three brothers who founded the Bernadotte Empire. It is very likely that, like them, they will thoroughly coordinate the loose forces of the Hundred Cities Federation to create a more efficient organization.

This is not in line with the interests of the mercenary union on the new Frye continent, so there is this scene where the ambitious Occam attacks and kills their son.

It's just that what the mercenary union didn't expect was that this guy Occam had also broken through to the fourth level in recent years, turning himself into a platinum deacon of the Hundred Cities Federation.

Therefore, the value of the crystal ball that was habitually left behind has also increased, and it has become a sharp weapon that can threaten the fourth-order powerhouse.

After all, Occam broke through not long ago, and he is not the opponent of the Prime Minister and his wife who have stayed at the fourth level for many years. He cannot bear their anger.

The battle for the master of Guangming City made the mercenary union decide to test Occam's reaction to this trick.

If he could control this Tier [-] powerhouse step by step and make him a puppet of the Mercenary Union, it would be a very lucrative business.

But what I didn't expect was that Walker suddenly died on the street, and even the mercenary union didn't know who did it!

This accident caused the situation to slip into an uncontrollable direction.

If this crystal ball is obtained by others, there is a risk that Occam's secrets will be exposed.

And once this thing is exposed, it can no longer be used to threaten Occam, a newly promoted fourth-tier powerhouse, and it can also be regarded as a major loss for the mercenary union.

Therefore, the arbitrator couldn't wait to ask Harvey to recover the crystal ball.

Occam looked at the poisonous people suspiciously, and he was not sure which force recorded this influence. In addition to the Hundred Cities Federation, the other three major forces may also be involved.

The Alien Beast Alliance has the lowest probability. They have always been stupid, and the rest are the Bernadotte Empire and the Mercenary Union.

If it wasn't for the mercenary union working behind the scenes, then it was Bernadotte?

"Really, since it's not the means of your mercenary union, then you go to die."

Knowing his Lord Occam's secret, still wanting to leave here alive?

A melody with regular fluctuations shot out from the long pipe in Occam's hand, covering the poisonous man Mahavi.

"No! Lord Occam! You can't do this!!!"

The poisonous man panicked. He didn't expect Occam to be so crazy tonight.

His status in the mercenary union is not low. Doesn't Occam know the consequences of killing him?

The barrier formed by the poisonous smoke was broken through by Occam's rhythm attack like a kitchen knife cutting tofu!


With a faint sigh, a bubble suddenly enveloped the poisonous man Mahavi, and the rhythmic attack that could easily kill a third-order powerhouse in seconds was also canceled out the moment the bubble was punctured.

"Your intent to kill is too serious, Occam."

The white fabric covered by the arbiter's eyes was fluttering in the wind, as if falling off, but his appearance was so fairy-like, there was a difference between him and Occam.

"This runs counter to your rhythmic mysteries. No wonder you have broken through to the fourth level for almost three years, but you have made very little progress in comprehending the law of mysteries."

Occam's face changed. The arbiter of the mercenary union is undoubtedly the strongest in the entire Bright City. In a real fight, his chances of winning are very low. He is very good at attacking.

And his "profound meaning of rhythm" is only more powerful in mental attack.

Yang Xi looked at the two fourth-tier powerhouses who appeared one after another, without any surprises in his heart. From the very beginning, he had noticed the faint prying eyes.

"But there should be someone hiding." The feeling of being spied on didn't disappear with the appearance of Occam and the arbitrator, "Who could it be?"

The arbitrator noticed Occam's nervousness, and smiled slightly: "Just now Harvey lied, this crystal ball indeed came from our mercenary union, and I was the one who asked Walker to trade with you."

As he said that, he also took time to glance at Yang Xi. The arbitrator was very optimistic about this little guy called Duran. Whether it was his talent or his ability to handle affairs, he was the best choice.

This Duran is a better pawn than Walker.

"Oh, what do you mean?" Occam looked at the arbiter calmly. Since this old guy didn't choose to expose the matter, it means there is still room for maneuver.

As long as it can be traded, it is not a problem. Anyway, he has no loyalty to the Hundred Cities Federation.

He is just a pure speculator, and it is already an unexpected joy to break through to the fourth level in this plane.

His next goal is to establish his own supernatural family, so during this time, he has been collecting mother mines and inheritance stones.

When I came to Guangming City, I planned to make a good fortune, and then fight the autumn wind on the battlefield, but I didn't expect this to happen.

The arbitrator shook his head, "Before that, you have to answer me a question."

"Did you kill Walker?"

Occam sneered: "Do you think I'm such a reckless person? How could I choose to take the risk of killing him when I knew that this guy had something against me?"

"Oh, but he died not far from you. Even if you don't have time to save him, with your fourth-level strength, you should be able to know the identity of the killer, right?"

The arbitrator believes that Occam withheld some information.

Who knew that Occam denied it flatly, "That guy should be a fourth-order powerhouse, but he killed Walker too fast, and he was very concealed, I didn't see it at all."

"But this matter is very simple. There are only a few of us in the fourth-order powerhouse in Guangming City. If it wasn't for the two of us who killed it, then it would be the other three."

The arbitrator stared at Occam, trying to find some clues from him, but Occam's expression at the moment was very calm, and it seemed that it really had nothing to do with killing Walker.

At this time, a new voice sounded, "Occam, so you are doubting me?"

Chris, who was more and more like his original appearance, appeared next to the arbitrator, and his body was obviously less.

"I am very happy to cooperate with the mercenary union now, but I have no motive to kill Walker."

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, almost the same as when he first met Yang Xi.

403 I Heard You Killed My Son?

Why is this guy also in Guangming City?

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