And when did he become a Tier [-] powerhouse?

Yang Xi was a little surprised. In the battle of the B05 defense line, Chris escaped by chance. He thought that this human traitor should be dormant in an inconspicuous corner of the world, thinking about continuing to make trouble.

But I didn't expect to meet him here.

"It seems that an adventure should have happened to Chris too!"

Seeing Chris who suddenly appeared, Occam's face darkened even more.

In addition to instinctively hating the Deep Blue Clan, this also means that more and more Tier [-] powerhouses know that he killed the Prime Minister's son.

As for why only the fourth level is counted, because those below the fourth level can be easily silenced, but the strong ones of the same level can only stare blankly.

He knows his own strength, and in the category of Tier [-], he can only bully Xiaomengxin who has just broken through.

The arbiter glanced at Chris, and he did not let down his vigilance against the dark blue family who came to the door by himself.

But no matter what, it is still a fourth-tier combat power, and it is also a deterrent if it is put aside as a display.

He is very confident in his means, even if you don't really want to do things for me, you will eventually fall into his arrangement obediently.

Isn't Occam a good proof?

The one-handed layout that was idle many years ago has now produced fruitful results.

In the four forces on New Fry Continent, the proficiency of each Tier [-] powerhouse is in the single digits, and every extra one can affect the balance of all parties.

"Chris should not be the one who killed Walker." The arbitrator said indifferently, "Then according to what you said, the murderer should be the Amethyst Python or the Iron Tower."

"Why did the two of them kill Walker?"

Occam said with a cold face: "This should be something between your mercenary union, the Alien Beast Alliance, and the Bernadotte Empire. Do you think I don't know about the activities of the three of you in the City of Light?"

The arbitrator nodded and said, "It's true what you said. Killing Walker will benefit their layout in Bright City."

"Then let's talk about the crystal ball."

"Why, are you finally going to start your transaction? I haven't agreed yet!"

Occam kept judging the scale. If he showed too easy to give in, who knows if this guy will open his mouth.

This time, it's okay for him to bleed, but if it's really too much, he just flipped the table and quit!

All the people present concentrated at the same time. After so long, they finally got to the point.

"Our request is very simple. If you want this matter not to be leaked, you have to become a spy placed by the trade union at the top of the Hundred Cities Federation and be responsible for passing on some secret information. How about it?"

Occam thought to himself, it really is this request, but he is not a fool, if he does not destroy the crystal ball and let the handle be in the hands of the Mercenary Association, he will always be just a tool man.

Unless——his strength can surpass the prime minister and his wife in a short period of time.

But both of them are strong in the fourth order, the possibility of this is close to zero.

"It's impossible for me to pay such a high price. I can only promise to send ten pieces of key information. After the transaction of the ten pieces of information is over, you must give me the things, or everyone will die!"

The arbitrator rejected Occam's proposal, "Ten articles are too few, so how about you working for us for 100 years?"

"Are you kidding me? 100 years is enough for us to complete the colonization, occupy Baiqiang and return to the plane of Ossaid!"

"Do you think I'm joking? Anyway, 100 years is not long for the life of a Tier [-] powerhouse, and I'm not asking you to go to jail, just providing information! You don't need to pay any price!"

The two Tier [-] powerhouses began to negotiate fiercely, both wanting to get enough benefits for their side.

On the other hand, Dick had a bitter expression on his face. Once the negotiation was completed, Occam's personality would definitely kill him.

But now that there are three Tier [-] powerhouses, he dare not even think about running ahead of time, so he is just looking for death in advance!

"God, can you give me a way to survive!"

Dick closed his eyes in pain, his previous arrogance had long since disappeared.

Yang Xi silently sensed the strength of these guys, and he didn't know if they would start a fight later. If they could, he might be able to take the opportunity to kill a Tier [-] and gain a Profound Truth Chain.

"Impossible, don't forget, I can still choose the Bernadotte Empire. At worst, I will work for their three brothers, and they won't deal with that pair of dogs anyway!"

"Occam, if you think this way now, I'm afraid it's too late. The people you killed just now were from the Bernadotte Empire. With the character of the three brothers protecting their weaknesses, maybe something will happen!"

"You think too much, I don't believe it, the three brothers will give up my fourth-order surrender for a third-order limit!"


"Well, let's take a step back, how about I only want you for 20 years?"

"20 years? You can think about it, but you have to make a 'rule oath'!"

For a Tier [-] powerhouse who is strengthening his own strength by comprehending the profound meaning of the law, once he violates the law oath he made, there is a high possibility that he will have inner demons, resulting in the inability to make progress in the understanding of the law.

So generally speaking, the oath of the law of the fourth-order powerhouse is highly credible.

The arbiter sneered, after 20 years, it's enough for me to find other means to control you!

"This is naturally necessary, so I wish us a happy cooperation!"

He stretched out his right hand towards Occam, came to Guangming City, and accepted the surrender of two fourth-rank powerhouses, which made him feel a little proud.

Occam reluctantly held the arbiter's hand. Although he had to work hard for this guy for 20 years, he finally solved this time bomb. He can breathe a sigh of relief!

"What about these idlers?"

Occam's murderous eyes swept over Yancey, Dick, and Harvey. For him, these third-tier guys are naturally good to kill and silence.

"Master Occam, please forgive me! I will never reveal any news!!!"

Dick plopped and knelt on the ground, begging for mercy with tears in his eyes.

"Dick, you know I still like you, but unfortunately, you saw something you shouldn't see!"

Occam showed a cruel smile, and the flute pinned to his waist has been pulled out.

Seeing that Occam had decided to kill, Dick climbed to the feet of the arbiter again, a majestic third-level extreme powerhouse, crying like a child.

"Master Arbiter, I can also be a spy of the mercenary union. I am willing to spend my whole life working for you!"

Dick's words made the arbiter raise his eyebrows. The life of a third-order extreme powerhouse is not bad!

"Arbiter, don't be confused, this guy is alive, and it is the biggest flaw in our deal!!"

Occam didn't wait for his consent, and directly ordered the killer!

Rhythm attack with a beautiful voice, instantly attacked Dick.

At the very moment, a fist mark appeared, breaking up Occam's attack again!

"The people of our Hundred Cities Federation were also killed by a traitor like you?"

A middle-aged man with a bearded face appeared in the sky. He was wearing a costume similar to Occam's, but he had an extra crown-like epaulet.

The middle-aged man suppressed his anger, "Occam, I heard you killed my son?"

404 Explosive Mysteries

No one expected that Lord Norton, the chancellor of the Federation of Hundred Cities far away in the depths of the New Frye Continent, would suddenly appear in the City of Light.

And it was such a coincidence that he came to the family land of the Keith family.

"Could this be Walker's arrangement?"

Yang Xi thought secretly.

He looked at the bearded middle-aged man in the sky, and felt that his body seemed to contain the energy of a volcano!

"This guy's comprehension of the laws and mysteries is definitely not low!"

Occam, who was originally invincible, turned pale after seeing Wharton, the chancellor of the Hundred Cities Federation!

He knows the strength of this old thing!

If he fights alone, he will definitely be abused miserably.

Occam's mouth twitched unnaturally because of the tense relationship, " is it possible, Lord Norton, don't listen to other people's slander, now these families in Guangming City are trying to win the position of the city lord of Guangming City. Come out dry!"

He could only bet that Norton had just arrived and hadn't seen the scene recorded by the crystal ball just now.

"Do you think I'm a fool? Stupid!"

Norton took the shot outrageously, and didn't even bother to argue with Occam.

When he received the letter, he was still skeptical, and only came to Guangming City to find out.

Who knew, after waiting for a short time, I saw this wonderful scene!

He never imagined that the one who killed his son was actually his right-hand man, Occam, who held the high position of Platinum Deacon!

"Kill my son, then use your life to pay for it!"

"The life of a fourth-order powerhouse is used as a sacrifice. You are underground, so you should be satisfied..."

After saying this, two tears suddenly flowed down Norton's vicissitudes of face.

In the next second, the fist with the powerful law of fluctuations rushed towards Occam like a red meteor!

Occam turned pale with fright, and tried his best to use his own moves that contained the profound meaning of rhythm.

The originally melodious music now sounds a little harsh.

"New Moon Waltz!!!"

Suddenly, a new moon appeared in the night sky, and everyone's hearts were inevitably sucked into it.

Yang Xi probably sank into this artistic conception for less than a second before breaking free.

Along with him, the arbitrator of the mercenary union was also recovering from this state.

"At first I thought Occam was a weak chicken, but I didn't expect that he really has two tricks!"

"Sure enough, you can't underestimate any fourth-order powerhouse!"

But Norton didn't seem to be affected in the slightest, his fist didn't even stagnate for a moment!

The red flames engulfed the horizon!

Yang Xi witnessed the power on Norton's body, transforming from a dormant state into a monster-like violence in one breath!

If you have to use a natural phenomenon to describe it, then it can only be a volcanic eruption!

With this punch, he directly crushed the new moon, and then imprinted on Occam's body without stopping!

Occam fell to the ground like a broken sandbag, smashing out a deep hole!

At this time, Norton's fist had just slowly changed from crimson to flesh-colored, and the terrifying fire elemental aura gradually subsided accordingly.

He turned into a somewhat inconspicuous middle-aged bearded man again!


Occam clutched his stomach and flew out of the cave with difficulty!

But he didn't dare to face Norton again, but flew to the arbitrator: "Save me, the two of us, no, the three of us will definitely defeat this guy Norton!!!"

"If he dies, it will be very easy for your mercenary union to encroach on the Hundred Cities Federation!"

Okami's face was full of resentment. Norton didn't hold back that punch at all. If he missed it a little bit, he would have died on the spot. Even now, with only a few years of recovery time, it would be difficult for him to return to his peak state.

Norton floated in the air, staring at the arbitrator coldly and said, "Our Hundred Cities Federation cleans up the door, and your mercenary union wants to obstruct it?"

The arbitrator is also very difficult to do. Originally, this matter did not come out, and he took down "Occam" secretly, which is the choice to maximize the benefits.

But now, as the Prime Minister of the Hundred Cities Federation, Norton has come out, and it will be useless for him to poach the wall in front of this strong man!

Norton's "Outburst Profound Truth" is placed on the plane of Ossaid, and it is also an extremely powerful existence. Some local supernatural families are extremely afraid, let alone on the New Fry Continent

"Norton, how about giving our mercenary union a face and letting Occam go?"

"You also know how difficult it is to appear a Tier [-] powerhouse."

"Now is the time to employ people, on the battlefield against the natives, use him!"

Norton couldn't listen at all, "Get out of the way, or I'll hit you too!"

He stared at Occam who hid behind the arbiter.

Dick and the others were stunned. In their minds, fourth-tier powerhouses were superior. When did they ever see Occam in such an embarrassment?

Especially Dick, just now he was begging his grandpa to sue his grandma so that Occam could let him go, but he didn't expect the feng shui to turn, and now it's Occam begging for mercy!

Life is full of surprises!

Norton's completely disrespectful approach also angered the arbitrator. He is not a waste like Occam, and he is also one of the best in the fourth-order category.

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