"It can actually increase the attack of others? What is the secret of the law!"

The arbitrator fell to the ground with a livid face, looked at Occam's body, and remained silent.

Then he glanced back at Chris, who smiled slightly.

"I remember this account!"

After throwing down these words, the arbitrator led Harvey to stand up, and left in despair.

No way, without Occam's help, his stay would only add to the jokes.

However, the mercenary union did not suffer too much loss. After all, when recording Occam's killing of Norton's son, they did not expect that this guy could break through to the fourth level.

Yang Xi had already taken the opportunity to exchange the avatar back to the deity. No one knew that this young master Duran of the Keith family was the one who really led the fourth-order battle.

Although Chris was smiling on his face, he was scolding his mother in his heart.

Just now, he felt the familiar law fluctuations!

"This guy, Youji, also sneaked into the Southern Continent?"

I don't know why, even if he has broken through to the fourth level, as long as he thinks that the Youji of the Judgment Organization is nearby, he will inevitably become nervous.

If Demon Dragon knew about this symptom, as someone who has experienced it, he should have a lot of things in his heart that he wanted to say to Chris.

"I can't stay any longer, let's go!"

Chris said: "Your Excellency Norton, thank you for allowing me to enjoy a wonderful Tier [-] battle, so I will take my leave first."

Norton nodded. Although he was upset to see the deep blue family, this guy named Chris didn't choose to intervene in the battle between him and the arbitrator just now. In any case, he helped him. You should pester him again.

Chris glanced at Dick, opened and closed his mouth a few times, and then it turned into a blue light and swept into the distance.

Only Dick, the powerhouse of the third-order limit, was left blankly in place, and after taking another look at Occam's headless corpse, he let out a sigh of relief.

"Am I alive? It's so unreal!"

Seeing Norton waving at him, he hurried over.

In fact, Norton saw Dick's spineless appearance just now, but he didn't intend to pursue it. Whoever got along with Dick in a different place would probably make similar choices in order to survive.

"Go and call the current head of the Keith family, I owe their family a favor."

If Walker hadn't informed him, he would have continued to be kept in the dark.

Although he also knew that this matter was also regarded as a tool by Walker.

But judging from the results, it was the Keith family's help that allowed him to avenge his son.

So Norton planned to grant Walker's request in the letter.

Dick walked up to Yang Xi, and he returned to his arrogant appearance, "Your Keith family sent a representative over, Lord Norton has something to order."

The other families looked at the members of the Keith family enviously. This is obviously good luck!

Mr. Norton is the Prime Minister of the Hundred Cities Federation. A little leak from his fingers is enough to squander these families for several years.

"Duran, you go!"

Hood smiled and pushed Yang Xi.

"Okay, second uncle!"

Yang Xi looked around the clansman solemnly, and followed Dick to the center of the battlefield.

"Are you Walker's son?"

Norton took a few glances at Yang Xi.

Out of an actor's self-cultivation, Yang Xi truly showed that Dulan should be cautious when meeting such a big boss.

"Yes, Lord Norton!"

"Well, it's not bad. At a young age, he is a strong person at the limit of the third order, and there is a great possibility of breaking through the fourth order in the future."

He stepped forward and patted Yang Xi's shoulder, and said to everyone: "From now on, Duran Keith is the new City Lord of Guangming City, as I said."

Norton forcefully announced his decision. After the death of a Tier [-] powerhouse, he had to obtain more benefits from the new coalition forces.

And other forces will not come to touch the bad luck of the Hundred Cities Federation at this juncture.

Yang Xi was a little surprised, but it didn't surprise him too much. Perhaps when he got the handle on Occam, Walker arranged everything.

"Dick, bury Occam's body, he is also a fourth-order powerhouse."

After Norton gave his orders, he also left the scene.

Dick looked at Occam's headless corpse with some trepidation. It seemed that Yang Xi glanced at it, coughed a few times and said, "This... Dulan, Occam's corpse, I will leave it to your Keith family to arrange .”

...Dick, this boy is very good!

407 Which vest to upgrade?

Although he really wanted to touch the Profound Truth Chain quickly, Yang Xi still put on a hesitant expression, "It's okay for our Keith family to help you, but aren't you afraid that Lord Norton will blame you afterwards?"

How could Dick not consider what Yang Xi said?

But he really didn't want to face Occam's body again.

After all, he and this former Platinum Deacon of the Hundred Cities Federation had been together day and night for several years, and the relationship between the two of them was very harmonious when they were working.

However, what Occam did to him before was really unacceptable, leaving Dick with a huge psychological shadow.

"Don't worry, Master Norton didn't ask me to bury him personally. This is also my arrangement for your Keith family to send him off for the last time. After all, you just held a funeral, so it's a matter of convenience."

After saying this, Dick didn't want to stay any longer, and chose to turn around and leave.

Once Occam died, there were still many messes in the Hundred Cities Federation in Guangming City, waiting for Dick to deal with them.

Moreover, although Master Norton let him go this time, Dick knew that he was doomed not to get more promotions in the Hundred Cities Federation due to his ugly face when facing Occam.

Unless he can break through to the fourth level, everything will have a new turn, but this is so difficult.

Yang Xi stripped off Occam's abilities and esoteric chains, and beckoned the servants of the family to come forward to restrain the corpse of the fourth-tier powerhouse.

Hood also came over and ordered: "Be careful, Occam is also a fourth-order powerhouse, he deserves the respect he deserves."

Then, he looked at Yang Xi excitedly, "Dulan, we have finally fulfilled our brother's will. The position of the Lord of Guangming City belongs to the Keith family!"

Yang Xi nodded with a smile, but he was thinking about his future itinerary.

The harvest in the Southern Continent was unexpectedly rich. Not only did he get the Profound Truth Chain of Platinum Deacon Occam, but he also made Duran the patriarch of the Keith family, the lord of Bright City, and the commander-in-chief of the new alliance in the future. .

I'm afraid these Ossaid people would never have imagined that the commander-in-chief they just appointed was actually pretended by the Azure Star Human Race!

Not to mention them, even Yang Xi himself never thought that his espionage career would be so smooth before he came here.

This...after working for a few more years, he might be able to become one of the rulers of the Ossaid people.

Then, next, he should go with the flow and become the city lord and commander-in-chief, and then pass back the information Ouyang Guanhe needs.

The role of commander-in-chief gives Yang Xi, a spy, a lot of room to maneuver to do what he wants.

For example, in the formation of troops, the Ossaids were severely pitted, allowing humans to temporarily occupy the advantage on the scene.

Or, simply split up internally to worsen the relationship between the four forces, and win more development opportunities for the Azure Star Human Race.

Then collect and collect resources, destroy a few small families, get some inheritance stones, blood essence of the strong and so on.

Most importantly, although it is temporarily impossible to completely liberate the entire occupied area of ​​the Southern Continent, Yang Xi can also use his influence to make life a little easier for the compatriots here.


The guests from other families finally dispersed, especially those from the Clark family of the six-eyed golden cicada and the Murphy family of the extreme ice magic. family of bits.

But now that Norton has made his decision, it's all settled.

Half of the Keith family's house was destroyed, and a few unlucky family members died, but Yang Xi didn't need to worry about these.

He returned to his room on the pretext of practicing.

Hood and Shirley looked at the light in Duran's room, and the former sighed a little: "Your cousin's growth is really impressive. In the future, you have to learn more from him."

Shirley pouted, habitually wanting to refute, but found that she couldn't even find a place to refute. Apart from still liking to bully herself, Duran's performance after returning was simply impeccable.

"This dude, Dulan, feels like a different person!"

After Shirley finished speaking, she pouted and left.

But the speaker has no intention, and the listener has a heart.

Seeing the back of Shirley leaving, Hood was stunned for a moment, and he glanced in the direction of Yang Xi, and left without any abnormality.


After Yang Xi left Duran's avatar outside, he entered the imaginary temple.

He also didn't expect to get a new Profound Truth Chain so soon.

"This esoteric chain, is it used to upgrade that vest? Chenlong, Sisnake or Shenhou?"

"Alternatively, upgrade the Ultrain and give the Suzaku girl who has been working so hard a big boost?"

There are so many choices, Yang Xi doesn't know what to do.

"Hey, it's still not enough to kill, it would be great to have a few more esoteric chains!"

He silently complained about the words that a strong man playing outside would vomit blood after hearing it.

You know, now that Yang Xi already possesses the secrets of control, strong magnetism and imaginary world, and counting the secrets of recovery of his sister Yang Feifei, there are four Tier [-] vests that the Judgment Organization can fight.

It can be said without a doubt that the current ruling is the most powerful force in the free alliance sea area, the top powerhouse.

Even in the occupied areas of the Southern Continent, the Judgment Organization is not considered weak among the Quartet forces.

"How about upgrading the avatar to Tier [-]?"

Although the avatar created by the third-order avatar ability can exist for a month, combined with Yang Xi's ignoring the virtual world mystery, it can basically be said to have no CD, but this way of shuttling back and forth refreshes the existence time of the avatar. It is indeed troublesome.

"Forget it, I'm not rich yet, so bear with these inconvenient places!"

"Let's keep this esoteric chain for now. When it's time of crisis, it can be broken down into law fragments. It's also a good choice to make a breakthrough on the spot and pretend to be a big B."

After Yang Xi put away the fourth-order supernatural power beads wrapped in the rhythmic secret chain, he chose to study the strong magnetic secrets in the imaginary temple, trying to create a fourth-order move based on the metal made by the gods.

A few days later, an order from the Hundred Cities Federation came from the City Lord's Mansion, asking Yang Xi to prepare various matters for taking over as the City Lord of Guangming City and the commander-in-chief of the new coalition forces.

The battle reports ahead kept coming, and the Azure Star people were putting more and more pressure on the Ossian colonists, and there was not much time left for their internal ink marks.

That's why Norton resisted all opinions and made Yang Xi the city lord's decision, so the other companies didn't stand up and sing the opposite-it really couldn't be delayed.

Only Yang Xi knew that Ouyang Guanhe was actually waiting for his own information.

Brought into the hall by Dick, this time there was no human slave maid, only four figures exuding law fluctuations, sitting above and staring at Yang Xi.

They should be the strong ones who are going to the front line this time.

"Duran, you are very good."

After Norton left Bright City, the Arbiter returned to his calm appearance. The first thing he did when he saw the new Bright City City Lord was to choose to win him over.

Except for the Bernadotte Empire, which did not participate in the war, the powerhouses of the other three factions all looked at Yang Xi with smiles, their eyes full of kindness.

If other powerhouses at the limit of Tier [-] saw this kind of treatment, they would probably burst into tears.

But Yang Xi silently thought about how to write the information in his heart, so that he could send it back to the world as soon as possible, and was a little distracted. In the eyes of these fourth-order powerhouses, this kind of performance became neither humble nor overbearing.

They appreciate Duran even more.

In particular, the other platinum deacon "Honorable Thunder", who was urgently dispatched to replace Occam, nodded secretly in his heart.

Mr. Norton is really good at choosing people!

408 Rebel Organization

The amethyst python said with a snake: "Everyone, let's hurry up and get to the point. For every day of delay, a batch of my sons and daughters in the front line will be sacrificed."

The Alien Beast Alliance is the main force to attack the Celestial Terran in the early stage. This is a unique mode of "opening up wasteland" in the Ossaid plane.

It wasn't until the later stages of the war that the proportion of Ossaid supernatural fighters in the army would slowly increase.

"Okay everyone, we really can't procrastinate." The arbitrator nodded, "Although the candidates have changed, the number of our fourth-tier powerhouses has not changed, which is considered a great fortune among misfortunes."

Chris, Amethyst Python, and Venerable Thunder smiled at each other, and the superficial harmony still needs to be maintained.

But to be honest, apart from Chris, the other three Tier [-] powerhouses are still in a relatively relaxed mood.

Although the light-eclipsed saint died in the Free Alliance sea area, judging from the information they obtained, this was also the result of him being besieged by four fourth-tier powerhouses.

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