One of them is "Tongtian", the second strongest among the natives.

Looking at it this way, the fourth rank on the native side is not a cause for concern.

After all, in terms of strength, the Light Erosion Saint is at most similar to the Amethyst Python, and there is still a distance compared to the Arbiter.

Even if the "foreign aid" Chris is not counted, they still have three Tier [-] powerhouses, which is equal to twelve in theory, that is, a dozen Tier [-] natives.

The number of Tier [-] powerhouses of the natives of Azure Planet is about the same.

But this time it's just a local battle in the Free Alliance sea area, and it's impossible for the Azure Star human race to give everything in this war.

"This war should have started a long time ago." Although Venerable Lei Ming has just arrived in Guangming City, he is the main combat faction in the Federation of Hundred Cities, and has always been full of internal friction against the Ossaid colonists.

Therefore, he has not worked hard in the conflict between the Hundred Cities Federation and the Bernadotte Empire, which is why he was sent here.

Apart from his own request, Norton didn't mean to be out of sight and out of mind.

This guy is too idealistic.

In the eyes of an existence of Norton's level, the three brothers from the Bernadotte family will always be the ones who can really take his share of the cake of the Azure Star Plane.

The rest of the Alien Beast Alliance and the Mercenary Union, even if they don't want to ignore them, Norton can't ignore them. This is a practice left over from the long colonial war on the Ossian plane.

Without the cannon fodder provided by the Alien Beast Alliance and the various services of the mercenary union, the lives of these colonists in the native plane would not be so nourishing.

Therefore, although Norton did not deal with the mercenary union, it was not easy for Norton to tear up his face with them on the bright side, and it was even more impossible to fight directly like he did with the Bernadotte Empire.

Similarly, as far as the Mercenary Union and the Alien Beast Alliance are concerned, their attitudes are also very ambiguous about the rivalry between Ossaid's internal forces. It can only be said that they have their own ideas.

It is all for their own side, to obtain greater benefits.

"Dulan, come up now." The arbitrator waved to Yang Xi, "Although you are not a fourth-tier powerhouse, as the commander-in-chief of the new coalition forces, you are qualified to sit at the head of us."

Yang Xi showed a "flattered" look and sat down obediently.

There is a symbol of thunder and lightning blooming between Venerable Lei Ming's eyebrows. If you concentrate your mental power on it, you will hear faint thunder sounds in your ears. In addition, this guy is wearing a purple toga, which can be said to be very impressive. .

It seems to be much stronger than Occam.

Yang Xi felt that this wave of operations by Walker and himself seemed to have made it more difficult for Azure Star to win by mistake.

Chris also looked at Yang Xi with a smile, thinking about what method he would use to trick Duran, an "upstart" into his nourishment.

"I heard that this guy is the so-called 'Super Cangmu Flame Dragon', so the possibility of breaking through to the fourth level must be very high!"

To say that this guy Chris is really interesting. After harming the free alliance sea area, now he is harming the Ossaid people, which can be regarded as a crime to some extent.

In fact, the reason is very simple. In the occupied area of ​​the Southern Continent, Ossaid's people have more third-order supernatural fighters, and his potential target pool is also larger.

"Then the comparison of the numbers of our three families on the battlefield..."

"This time, our Hundred Cities Federation has sent [-] elite supernatural fighters, and there are a lot of curse seals to be etched. Your mercenary union should give you a discount..."

"I don't agree. The sons and daughters of our Alien Beast Alliance have sacrificed enough for a hundred years, and we still want to carry out this kind of suicide attack?"

"Hey, is this also for everyone's consideration? Why are the divisions so clear? If it weren't for the small number of people in our Hundred Cities Federation, I would definitely let my men go..."

The three fourth-tier powerhouses worked out a battle plan fiercely according to the established procedures.

The Ossaid plane has experienced too many colonial wars, and there are a large number of battle layouts for reference. Although it saves a lot of trouble, it always feels a bit rigid.

It can only be said to be the characteristics of each civilization. For example, those who work in the general staff of the Free Army are not particularly strong, and several of them are A-level supernatural beings.

A-level supernatural beings, placed on the New Frye Continent, are first-level supernatural fighters, and I am afraid that they are not even qualified to step into this hall.

It can only be said that in this regard, the Ossaid people, who call themselves a "civilized society", are obviously inferior to the Azure Star, an "indigenous society".

But this didn't prevent them from shouting one by one. After all, only people with big fists can say that they are very civilized.

After another several days of negotiations, Yang Xi left the City Lord's Mansion.

Back in the clan area, the houses destroyed by the Tier [-] war are almost repaired.

For the Ossianids, they not only have highly skilled supernatural beings to build houses, but also a large number of cheap slaves, so the efficiency of infrastructure construction should not be too fast.

Yang Xi listened carefully during the meeting these few days and took very thorough notes.

After lurking for so long, the intelligence gathering work was finally completed.

What makes Yang Xi strange is that the Ossaid people actually choose to let Chris listen in. Are you really afraid that he will reveal the secret?

But then think about it, with Chris' reputation in the world, no one would believe him even if he wanted to leak it.

And beside Yang Xi, there is also an assistant to the city lord, the second-level female supernatural warrior Camilla, who has a very high appearance and ability is the black angel of the blood system].

From her wide range of work, in addition to helping Yang Xi in daily affairs, she can also help solve her physical needs.

Her figure is so strong, it is estimated that Guangming City City Lord's Mansion heard about Duran's "reputation" and specially selected her in order to please the new owner.

But Yang Xi felt that this little assistant should also have the function of surveillance. After all, the position of the commander-in-chief of the new coalition forces is too sensitive, and corresponding arrangements must be made.

But how can this little girl of the second rank be able to stump Yang Xi?

With just one look, Yang Xi made her fall into a hallucination, and then she should do what she should do.

After sending the information back to the Liberty Alliance sea area, Yang Xi's affairs here have basically come to an end. All that remains is to arrange Xiao Yan's life and distribute dozens of Earth Demon masks.

During the investigation during this period, he discovered that there was a "rebel" organization among the compatriots in the occupied areas of the southern continent. Yang Xi planned to contact them to see if they were worth "investing".

409 Interrogating the Female Captive

After finishing all this, Yang Xi released the illusion on Camilla, and stepped forward to play with it.

"Master Duran, you are amazing!"

The unfamiliarity between Camilla's eyebrows and eyes has disappeared. It seems that intimate contact is indeed a way to get closer to her subordinates.

Facing the exotic beauty with such features and eyes, Yang Xi was unmoved. After finishing the work, he patted her buttocks and got up to get dressed.

Camilla came up to help Yang Xi without any hesitation, she was naked and didn't know how to be ashamed.

Yang Xi has never been to the chaotic sea, but women who want to come there will not be open to Ossaid.

Speaking of which, the Azure Star Human Race still has a long way to go, at least in terms of life expectancy, they are short of the Ossaid people, and even their puberty is much shorter.

Camilla's current peak figure should be able to last for a full 60 years. If she can break through to the fourth level, the time will be extended.

However, if the Azure Human Race breaks through to the fourth level, the lifespan will be extended a lot, but I don't know how long it is.

Because Blast Tongtian and the others, the first batch of Tier [-] powerhouses, are still alive and well, judging from Tongtian's appearance, he also maintains his youthful appearance, so it shouldn't be short.

Not to mention Yang Xi himself, he feels that his lifespan should be longer than that of ordinary fourth-order powerhouses, after all, he has more laws and secrets.

Tier [-] increases lifespan, which is also one of the reasons why Yang Xi upgraded his sister.

If it weren't for the hard-to-cut leeks of the Profound Truth Chain, Yang Xi would have to give his parents a fourth-order life.

There is still half a month before the army is officially launched.

During the battle for the lord of Guangming City, the Guangming Army had already selected the elite to participate in this war.

The number of third-tier powerhouses, Ossaid supernatural warriors and strange beasts together, reached a full thirty.

As far as Yang Xi knows, there are only about [-] people in the Free Army who can be called the third-tier combat power on the ground, thanks to the support from other sea areas.

As for the fourth level, currently, there are only two Ouyang Guanhe and Tongtian on the bright side. Compared with the four on the Osai people's side, they are obviously at a disadvantage.

"Ouyang Guanhe, did you pin all your hopes of victory on me?"

Yang Xi was a little speechless. If his ruling organization didn't rise, would the Azure Star people still have hope of winning?

"However, the three major forces also seem to know about the Ossaid's penetration into the four seas, and have secretly cultivated some strong men who are not on the sequence list."

Yang Xi's so many tool people in Tiangang and Disha are not given for nothing. If they benefit him enough, they will rack their brains to provide them with enough exciting news. There are some secrets hidden in the interior of the world.


The information was sent to Ouyang Guanhe.

After reading it, he felt bad again.

There are four fourth-tiers and thirty third-tiers. How can we fight?

"Tongtian, can your Hero Association send some more helpers?"

If possible, Ouyang Guanhe even wanted to let Blast follow along, although this is an impossible thing.

After reading the information, Tongtian shook his head and said, "The situation over the Sea of ​​Heroes is not optimistic. We have already tried our best to help you."

"I think you'd better go find that old guy Tie Yousong, the Iron Blood Army, they should be able to gather a little more troops."

Ouyang Guanhe smiled wryly, do you think he doesn't want to?

But that old guy Tie Yousong was notoriously stingy, if he wanted to borrow some help from him, he might have to bite him hard.

"Forget it, it's better to ask the ruling organization than to ask him. After all, it is also a force in the same sea area as our Freedom Army."

Ouyang Guanhe always felt that the background of the adjudication organization seemed endless.

And for the same benefit promise, he is more inclined to give it to the adjudication organization. After all, they are all developing in the free alliance sea area, so the fat will not flow to outsiders!

To put it bluntly, in the future, if outsiders come in, the only ones who can fight against him and stand in the same trench with him are really only the Judgment Organization.

It's just that what he didn't know was that Yang Xi's vision was not limited to the free alliance sea area.

The layout of the Chaos Sea Area and the Occupied Area of ​​the Southern Continent has already begun.


Yang Xi received Ouyang Guanhe's request for help, but he couldn't just agree to Ouyang Guanhe's request. He just told him that the adjudication organization would do its best when the time came.

After finishing ink with him, Yang Xi came to the city lord's mansion.

The first thing he did after he took office was to promote his second uncle Hu De to be the administrative officer of the City Lord's Mansion, and he was the official number two under the City Lord of Guangming City.

This method of cronyism may be quite controversial in the world, but in Ossian society, it is no longer normal.

"Second Uncle, you need to get familiar with the City Lord's Mansion as soon as possible, and arrange our people well."

Hood nodded, "Don't worry, when you and your father were about to compete for the position of city lord, the family had prepared corresponding talent reserves."

"Second Uncle's work, I'm the most at ease. You can do whatever you want. If anything happens, I, the city lord, will take care of it."

Later, Yang Xi recruited a chubby official.

In the past few days, with the help of Suzaku, he quickly found a few officials who were somewhat sympathetic to the Azure Star Human Race from among a bunch of officials in the City Lord's Mansion.

After all, human nature is very complicated, and there are many human races like this kind of Virgin Mary.

Although Yang Xi was annoyed by the Holy Mothers of his own race, promoting these Ossian Virgins would undoubtedly gradually improve the situation of the compatriots in the Bright City generation.

Moreover, what he did was very covert, and at the same time promoted some other officials. The promotion of these pro-human officials is considered to be a normal operation for new officials to take office.

"Lord City Lord!"

The chubby official Bod fell to the ground. He was only a second-level supernatural warrior, but he was actually appreciated by the city lord. It was like smoke from the ancestral grave.

Yang Xi pretended to be a city lord, "Get up, I appointed you as a commercial officer in charge of the slave trade, I think you should know the reason."

Bod hurriedly said: "Your subordinates naturally know, don't worry, my lord, the most beautiful slave girl will definitely be delivered to your house by tomorrow night at the latest!"

Yang Xi was speechless, how far did Du Lan's lustful reputation spread?

"Did I ask you to do this?" Yang Xi scolded, scaring Bod so much that he didn't know what he had done wrong.

"My lord, have mercy! My lord, have mercy!"

"Okay, you are also kind, this time I won't blame you." Yang Xi said solemnly, "Recently, let those slave traders be honest with me, and stop doing anything that abuses and bullies the natives. The elite is about to set off, and our rear must be stabilized!"

Bod lay on the ground and repeatedly promised, "Don't worry, I will definitely restrain those slave traders!"

"Okay, you go down, and let the inspectorate bring the little leader of the indigenous resistance army that was recently captured!"

Not long after Bod went out, a female warrior from the Azure Star Human Race who was dressed in rags and had scars all over her body was sent to Yang Xi.

She has beautiful black hair and a curvy figure, but she is dirty all over.

Although she was captured, her eyes were still like those of a lioness, and she did not give in at all.

Looking at it, Yang Xi couldn't help but nodded secretly.

410 Attack!Xiao Yan!

Yang Xi signaled Bod and the others to go out.

The latter was taken aback for a moment, then reacted, smiled ambiguously, and left in a hurry with the others.

Even Bod was kind enough to help Yancy close the door.

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