Xiao Yan quickly made a choice, "I choose the upgraded supernatural potion."

Yang Xi smiled, "Smart little guy, after I finish collecting your power factor, I will hand over the upgraded power potion to you in three days."

"Three days is just enough time for you to return to the base of the Qinghui Rebel Army. Let's meet there."

After copying Xiao Yan's ability, Yang Xi disappeared in place.

At this time, Lu Yuenuo realized... Why doesn't she have a loan amount!

"Forget it, maybe it's something to fool people," she said to Xiao Yan, "Boy, do you want to come with me?"

Xiao Yan nodded.

Not to mention the appointment with the mysterious Mr. Haizhu to meet at the base of Qinghui's rebellion roll, even without this, he still planned to join the rebel organization.

This is one of the few ways out for the Azure Star people in the occupied areas.

When Yang Xi returned to Guangming City, his avatar was already dealing with the sudden death of the East Warden.

After all, it was the death of a Tier [-] powerhouse, and he died in prison, and he was even related to the Keith family who were in the limelight.

In addition, during this period of time, the Keith family has used Yang Xi's power as the city lord to continue to grab various benefits, which has long caused some families to be dissatisfied, so they have made use of the issue one after another, trying to make the Keith family make some concessions.

After coming out of the toilet, Yang Xi withdrew his avatar. He smiled at Hu De and said, "Second Uncle, what do you think about this matter?"

Hood had already read the case file, and he knew that the perpetrator was the slave Duran brought back from the port.

He didn't intend to delve into the doubtful points here.

"Presumably, Duran, you have already prepared a plan."

Is there no suspicion, or is it covering up?

Yang Xi had already noticed Hu De's abnormality, this time he also planned to continue to test Xiao Yan's opportunity to test Hu De, who would have thought that this old boy would not accept the move.

Interesting too.

He grinned and said, "That's natural, the fish have jumped ashore, so naturally we can't be ungrateful."

Originally, he wanted to destroy several families so that he could collect a batch of inheritance stones and the blood essence of the strong, but now he has an excuse.

Stand up for the Keith family!

"Summon the Light Army and suppress the reactionary forces that slandered our Keith family!"

415 The Harvest After the Bloodbath

Yang Xi didn't have any psychological burden for killing the Osaid people.

But Hood, who was standing behind him, trembled, "So, don't you make too many enemies?"

Yang Xi squinted at him, "Second Uncle, you're getting old."

"No, I'm afraid that the adults above will blame me."

The powerhouses of the fourth rank are also repairing in Guangming City, waiting for the army to move out.

"Don't worry, I asked the Guangming Army to take action for the safety of the rear, so that the soldiers on the front line will have no worries!"

"Besides, as long as the interests of those adults are not touched, no matter how many people I kill, no one will come out to stop me!"

With the government order, the Guangming Army did not hesitate, and began the iron-blooded suppression before the war.

Yang Xi carefully controlled the situation within a certain range.

Those who were suppressed were a few small families, like the Liumu Jinchan Clark family and the Extreme Ice Magic Murphy family. Instead, he sent someone to appease them.

The reason is very simple, these big families are hard to chew!

The final result, the questioning of the new city lord, ended in a bloody suppression.

What Yang Xi didn't expect was that his practice of not treating Ossaid people as human beings was unexpectedly recognized by those fourth-order powerhouses.

"It seems that the class division on the side of the Ossaid people is very serious!"

Presumably, these Tier [-] powerhouses feel that it is a good deal to be able to use the price of a few small families to be wiped out in exchange for the chill and stability before the war.

And because of the extermination of these small families, Yang Xi also has two more inheritance stones and dozens of drops of strong crystals in his hands.

Before the patriarch of another family died, he would rather destroy the inheritance stone than cheapen the Keith family.

In fact, the reason why these families have been reduced to the present situation is also because the family history is too long, the blood of the strong is exhausted, and the talent of the tribe is weakened.

Therefore, compared to the Ossaid people, who had a very low probability of awakening in the first generation of supernatural beings, the Azure Star people, who have only been in the magic enlightenment stage for a hundred years, actually have more potential.

As long as Yang Xi can use all kinds of coquettish operations to achieve cornering and overtaking in all aspects of magic civilization, then it is still possible to complete the anti-killing before being completely colonized by relying on the potential of the Azure Star Human Race.

This can be regarded as second-hand preparation.

After all, Yang Xi has only one person, and the adjudication organization he established can resist the top combat power of the Ossaid, which is already doing his best.

On the low-level battlefield, due to the large number of people, Yang Xi can only choose the method of "teaching him to fish".

Let a large number of talented people with supernatural powers from the Azure Star be able to find their own path to rapid improvement.

That's why he put all his heart and soul into meditation experiments, worked tirelessly to build a demon hunting team, and even gave Li Zitian a precious star seat for this.

In addition to these harvests, Yang Xi also took the opportunity to obtain two mother mines. This kind of alchemical creation that can generate magic crystal mines in places with strong magic power in a few months or even years is very precious.

One of the two mother mines will take root in the territory of the Azure Star Human Race in the coming days and cultivate the first batch of magic crystals of the Human Race.

At that time, with the two types of inheritance stones that Yang Xi obtained, and the idea of ​​hunting demons, a large number of supernatural beings can be cultivated.

Moreover, with the refining method of magic crystals, the produced magic crystals can also be directly supplied to the first generation of supernatural beings.

Although there is no mature meditation method to practice, it is much more scientific than relying solely on fighting and training to seek a breakthrough in strength.

As for the other piece, Yang Xi intends to summon alchemy masters headed by Mr. Qian to conduct reverse research on the alchemy technology to see if they can decipher the production method of the mother ore.

This is a great thing that benefits the country and the people.

After finishing the affairs in Guangming City, the day agreed with Xiao Yan has arrived.

With the supernatural potion prepared in advance, Yang Xi slowly appeared in front of Xiao Yan and Lu Yuenuo through the vortex of the imaginary world.

The two of them had arrived near Keith of the Qinghui Rebel Army half a day ago.

This abandoned mine pit is seriously polluted, but because of its hidden location, it has become the base of the Qinghui Rebel Army in recent years.

However, due to the evidence seen in Guangming City, Lu Yuenuo did not hastily return to the rebel army, but took Xiao Yan nearby and waited for Yang Xi's appearance.

Looking at the randomly arranged tents below, Lu Yuenuo felt mixed feelings.

If that mysterious Lord Haizhu wanted to make Xiao Yan the new leader of Qinghui's rebel army, there would definitely be a coup d'état.

This means that the uncles she is familiar with will be hurt.

If it was before knowing the detailed traitor information, she would definitely prevent this from happening.

But now, she doesn't know whether a purge means a better start for the entire Qinghui Rebel Army.

"I've seen Master Haizhu!"

Xiao Yan has not been idle for the past few days, he has been collecting useful information in the cloud top space, and knows a lot of internal rules of the ruling.

The person standing in front of him is a fourth-rank boss!

No wonder he was able to casually kill Tier [-] powerhouses.

Lu Yuenuo also knew Yang Xi's strength, so she didn't dare to be too presumptuous and saluted together.

Yang Xi threw the supernatural potion to Xiao Yan, "Drink it, after you become a Tier [-] powerhouse, we will start to act immediately."

Xiao Yan took the supernatural potion, and looked at the amber liquid curiously.

This is the expensive third-order limit upgrade type supernatural potion?

Can it really make a person a powerful third-order extreme powerhouse?

Lu Yuenuo also took a peek over. After these few days of science popularization, she has accepted the setting of the adjudication organization in her heart, and knows that Xiao Yan is holding a big treasure.

To say that I am not envious is a lie.

How great would it be if she could become a powerhouse at the limit of Tier [-]?

Although it cannot be said that there are no worries, at least you can better protect the important people around you.

Xiao Yan didn't hesitate anymore, opened the potion and gulped it down.

This taste is naturally very strange.

Yang Xi felt that a humorous heart must be lost at any time. The taste of this supernatural potion must constantly explore new areas of human taste!

But who would have thought that after Xiao Yan finished drinking, he even smacked his mouth, it seemed that the taste was not bad.

While he was drinking, Yang Xi upgraded the supernatural orb in his body to the third-order limit.

So he quickly felt the magic power soaring in his body.

If his previous magic power was just a small stream, then the magic power provided by the supernatural orb in his body at this moment is a majestic river!

In an instant, Xiao Yan was lifted up in the air by the power in his body, lightning flashed all over his body, and his eyes were filled with dazzling blue light, as if he were a god.

Yang Xi smoothly helped him cover up the thunder and lightning, "It seems that this kid's third-order limit is also stronger than ordinary supernatural beings!"

416 When My Qinghui Rebel Army Has No Strong Ones?

The power on Xiao Yan's body gradually subsided, leaving a pool of scorched black marks where he was just now.

"How is it, how does Tier [-] feel?"

Yang Xi asked with a smile, sometimes he quite enjoys the feeling of changing other people's fate at will.

Without his help, whether Xiao Yan could live to adulthood, not to mention becoming a powerhouse of the third-order limit, would be a problem.

Xiao Yan was full of excitement, and knelt down in front of Yang Xi on one knee, "Thank you, Lord Haizhu, for your fulfillment!"

To Xiao Yan, this upgrade-type supernatural potion that manages the third-order limit is no different from the grace of regeneration.

May I ask how many powerhouses of the third-order limit can exist in the entire Southern Continent.

And among these powerhouses of the third-order limit, how many of them will be the Azure Star Human Race?

He, Xiao Yan, can actually have this day!

Lu Yuenuo was even more surprised, even though what she had seen and heard in the Yunding space these days had already made her accept the horror background of the Judgment Organization.

But watching a young man who was only at the first level transform himself into a boss at the limit of the third level before her eyes, the shock in her heart still cannot be expressed in words.

What follows is endless regret

If she hadn't pretended so much before, she might be the one who has become the third-order extreme powerhouse now.

The most painful thing in a person's life is "could have been"!

She could have become a third-order extreme powerhouse, but she gave up this opportunity to Xiao Yan for nothing!

Yang Xi noticed the change in their mentality, and said lightly: "Xiao Yan, you don't need to thank me, this is what the organization expects of you. We also hope that you can be worthy of this third-order limit supernatural potion, and continue to work hard. Make more contributions to the organization, otherwise we want to get it back, it's just a matter of minutes!"

Timely beating is still necessary, otherwise if Xiao Yan floats up, Yang Xi has to deal with the mess again, which will be a bit annoying.

Hearing this, Xiao Yan respectfully said: "Master Haizhu, please rest assured, the subordinates will definitely do their best to complete the tasks assigned by the organization."

Yang Xi nodded slightly, "It's so good!"

"And you, Lu Yuenuo, the organization's expectations of you are also very high. I hope you can catch up with Xiao Yan and collect enough points as soon as possible to exchange for your favorite items."

Lu Yuenuo, who was called by name, had long since lost her previous arrogance. She stumbled and said, "I obey!"

Haha, sure enough, before the temptation to become stronger, what else is there to do?

Yang Xi sent a list, "This is a list of all the traitors in Qinghui's rebel army. My suggestion is not to keep any of them!"

When he said this, the murderous aura on Yang Xi's body made Lu Yuenuo's eyelids twitch.

Perhaps to Yang Xi and Xiao Yan, this is just a list, but to her who lived in the Qinghui Rebel Army since she was a child, every name on it is a real person!

"Don't hesitate, if it weren't for the betrayal of these people above, how could the population of your Qinghui Rebel Army have dropped to [-]% in just ten years?"

"Could it be that those ordinary people who died are not your companions?"

Yang Xi's words made Lu Yuenuo make up his mind.

Also, this time is not a time for indecision, the most correct thing to do is to cut through the mess and clean up the Qinghui rebels surgically.

"Then let's start, this is the first step to unify all the living forces of the Azure Star Human Race in the Southern Continent!"

Following Yang Xi's faint voice, Xiao Yan and Lu Yuenuo followed behind him, wearing the same black robes, and their faces were covered by two earth-shattering masks, so they couldn't see sorrow or joy.

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