Two young children in bellybands were playing in front of the gate of the Qinghui Rebel Army base. Their father was a soldier on duty, a one-eyed man with braids and bronze skin.

The virtual vortex slowly opened, and the three of Yang Xi appeared in front of the two children.

They stared blankly at Yang Xi, the small mouth grew big, and the ball in their hands rolled into the distance, but they didn't notice it.

Perhaps it was because the appearance of the ruling trio was too miraculous, the children who had always been vigilant at the first sight of a stranger did not run behind their father immediately.

Yang Xi reached out and touched their heads, "Good boy."

"Let them go!!"

The one-eyed man looked excited, and aimed the condensed Horcrux spear at the three of Yang Xi.

"Ha ha."

Without Yang Xi making a move, Xiao Yan appeared behind the man in a flash, and easily hit him on the neck with a knife.

The sizzling electric current rushed all over his body, and with just one move, the man passed out.

And the machine in his hand that was used to warn the base was crushed by Xiao Yan's foot.

"He's not on the list!"

Lu Yuenuo glared at Xiao Yan, complaining slightly.

But after she finished speaking, she regretted it, because the current Xiao Yan is a powerhouse of the third-order limit, not a second-order supernatural fighter who can dictate.

While Lu Yuenuo was feeling anxious, Xiao Yan scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, and said naively: "Sister Yuenuo, I was afraid that he would warn the inside, so I knocked him out. Don't worry, his body There is absolutely no harm, and there may even be some benefit."

Yang Xi laughed for a while, could this be electrotherapy?

Xiao Yan, Xiao Yan, is it possible that you actually have the same surname as me?Name Yongxin?

The two children also fell into a sweet sleep under Yang Xi's touch. After Yang Xi put them in his father's arms, he said to Lu Yuenuo, "Look at these two children, it is obvious that they are not nourished enough. , Some developmental delays. After we eliminate those rebellious boys of the rebel army, the organization will provide you with enough food and drinking water on a regular basis, which is a good thing for these children!"

Lu Yuenuo calmed down and nodded solemnly, "I see, Mr. Haizhu, please come with me."

"I am familiar with this place, which can save a lot of time!"

Children can be taught.

With the cooperation of Lu Yuenuo, the three of them should not move too fast, they will soon be killed by the rebel army.

Those second-tier rebel fighters have no ability to resist against Xiao Yan, who is at the limit of third-tier. As long as Lu Yuenuo confirms his identity as a traitor, Xiao Yan can solve his opponent within a few moves.

And with the passage of time, Xiao Yan is quickly familiarizing himself with his newly acquired power, and his strikes are becoming more and more clean and agile.

The screams came one after another.

To the rebels, the behavior of these three mysterious strong men who suddenly appeared was extremely bizarre.

The smaller figure was extremely fierce, killing people at every turn, while the other two, one seemed to be directing the strong man of the thunder system, and the other was actually protecting some people from being affected by the battle.

Even the rebel fighters who attacked him were only restrained.

What is their background?

What is the purpose?

Amid the desperation and confusion of the crowd, Xiao Yan only had one last target left, and also the strongest opponent this time, the third-order inheritance system supernatural power user, Chen Qi!

He leaped high to catch Xiao Yan, and said loudly: "You three guys, don't you think I have no one in Qinghui's rebel army?!"

417 The Eve of the Great War

Xiao Yan was about to take the move, but was stopped by Yang Xi.

Because that old-fashioned leader is faster than Xiao Yan!

His chest was swollen like a toad, and suddenly he spit out an extremely hot fireball!

Lu Yuenuo knew the strength of the leader. When he was young, he was stronger than Chen Qi, the deputy leader who is now in his prime!

So when faced with this fireball, the hairs all over her body stood on end, wishing to escape immediately.

But Yang Xi beside him didn't move. Out of trust in his strength, Lu Yuenuo didn't grit his teeth and persisted.

The fireball finally hit Chen Qi's back, and a huge fire burst out, enveloping him in it.

With intentional calculations and unintentional calculations, even Chen Qi's third-level inheritance system power user can only watch himself being swallowed by the flames.

Amidst his screams, the eyelids under the old leader's white eyebrows were very calm and calm, without shaking, as if the person who shot was not him.


Chen Qi was so weak from the burn, he asked puzzledly.

The old leader said slowly: "A few years ago, I knew that you betrayed the Qinghui organization. Unfortunately, you have become a big trend. If I attack you, at least it will hurt Qinghui's rebel army, and at the worst it will make the Qinghui rebel army hurt. The entire resistance is headed for destruction."

"When the three guests first arrived, I didn't know their purpose, but seeing that other than your party members were not affected, I knew that this was an attack against the traitors of the Qinghui Rebel Army. Clean."

Many members of the rebel army suddenly realized that the people who were killed were all traitors of the rebel army?

The old leader stared at Lu Yuenuo with wise eyes, and said softly: "My child, welcome home."

It turned out that he had recognized Lu Yuenuo's identity a long time ago.

Lu Yuenuo's eyes were red, and she took off her mask.

Only then did everyone recognize her, and there was an uproar in the audience!

The old leader said to Yang Xi: "Your Excellency helped our Qinghui Rebel Army clean up the rotten parts. I really don't know what to say to thank you."

Yang Xi smiled and said: "It's very simple, please give up the position of the leader, old man!"

Before the old leader could speak, the people around him immediately objected: "How is that possible? The leader is highly respected, and we only recognize him as the leader of our Qinghui!"

Other voices of opposition also came one after another, but soon, they thought of the strength of Yang Xi and the other three, and their voices gradually became quieter.

The old leader showed a clear expression. His age may be common in the inland areas, but it is very rare in the precarious rebel army.

Ordinary rebel fighters would never live to his age.

"I can give you the position of leader!"

Before the old leader had finished speaking, those fighters who resolutely opposed it were blown up again!


"I disagree!"

"It's a big deal to fight them to the end!!"

"Shut up for me!!!"

The old leader shouted angrily, at this moment, his leader's aura is fully exposed!

Like an old lion!

"Listen to me!" He looked around the crowd, "I was originally the leader of the previous term, but because of the death of leader Li Mo, I temporarily took the position of leader. If it weren't for Chen Qi's wolfish ambition, I might not have persisted till now Nowadays!"

"Our Qinghui organization really needs a younger and stronger leader!"

That's what I said, but in fact, in the heart of the old leader, how can he trust the position of leader to an outsider who has never met before?

But apart from Lu Yuenuo, the strength of the other two is really too strong!

He was so strong that he couldn't even think of resisting.

He could only pin his hopes on Lu Yuenuo.

This girl was grown up by him, and she will never watch Qinghui's rebel army go extinct.

"If your Excellency can guarantee that the children of the rebel army can continue to survive in the future, then I will be able to see even if I die!"

The old leader stared at Yang Xidao.

Yang Xi shrugged: "I can't guarantee that."

Everyone felt cold, this guy is really ambitious! ! !

But immediately, Yang Xi gave Xiao Yan a push, "He is the one who will become your leader. Whether you will live or die in the future depends on his leadership ability."

Under Yang Xi's instruction, Xiao Yan took off his mask.

Everyone looked at Xiao Yan's slightly childish face and looked at each other.

This makes a young boy to be their leader?

It's too child's play!

But at the same time, their hearts became more and more shocked. This kid is already a third-tier powerhouse at such an age!

Because Xiao Yan just killed all the second-order supernatural beings, which could not reflect his third-order extreme strength, so these rebel fighters did not know that the boy in front of them was more terrifying than they thought.

Unlike his subordinates, the old leader was relieved when he heard that Yang Xi wanted Xiao Yan to become the new leader of Qinghui's rebel army.

Because when facing Yang Xi, the other party's calm attitude gave him a sense of powerlessness as if he was wrestling with the vast ocean.

But it would be much better to be Xiao Yan. Although he is powerful, he is still young and young. Under good guidance, he might not be able to become a leader who will fulfill his duties.

"Since that's the case, the old leader's position will be handed over to this little brother!"

After the old leader finished speaking, the others came up to protest, "No way, leader! How can you give up such an important position to an outsider!"

"Yes, leader, I only believe in you!!!"

"Rather Stick to your guns!"

The old leader said angrily: "Shut up!"

His majesty was still there, and everyone immediately fell silent.

"I'm still the leader now, don't you even listen to my words?"

"From now on, Xiao Yan is the leader of our Qinghui Rebel Army!"

He glanced at Lu Yuenuo again, "And girl Yuenuo will replace Chen Qi as the new deputy leader!"

Yang Xi could naturally see the plan of the old leader's arrangement, but he didn't take it to heart.

With his current state, he has long ignored this method.

Strength is king!

A mere Qinghui rebel army is not in his eyes. What he wants to save is all the compatriots of Azure Star in the occupied area.

As for the intermediate process, he doesn't care what means are used to complete it.

I hope Xiao Yan can also understand this point.

Before leaving, Yang Xi summoned Xiao Yan and Lu Yuenuo again.

Through the vortex of the imaginary world, he moved a batch of materials from all over the world.

"This is enough food and water for the Qinghui rebels to consume for three months. I hope you can make good use of these supplies and achieve the goal of gathering people's hearts."

So what if there are more means?

In this world, a mother is a woman who has milk!

Yang Xi left behind a few more Earth Demon masks, "Find suitable candidates for them! My expectation for the two of you is the star position!"

Xiao Yan and Lu Yuenuo became short of breath when they heard the words "constellation position", they naturally knew what it meant.

Only by becoming a member of the constellation can one be a full member of the adjudication organization!

After dealing with all this, after Yang Xi left Duran's avatar in Guangming City, the deity officially returned to the world.

This long-awaited battle is finally about to begin!

And he and his ruling organization will grab enough benefits in this battle!

418 Reversing the Inheritance Stone

Sea of ​​Heroes, Silk Fish Island.

Ao Chao and Russell have put on the uniforms of the Eudemons Rangers.

Looking at the crowds gradually gathering on the port, a sense of tension grew in Ao Chao's heart.

Is this going to war?

He wasn't afraid of fighting, but he heard that they were going to support the counterattack in the Liberty Alliance sea area.

This is the first time in the history of the Azure Star Human Race that they have actively mobilized troops to attack alien colonists.

According to the study documents distributed above, these elite supernatural beings are very likely to encounter an established army of aliens.

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