Tongtian also indicated that he would discuss it with Blast.

Soon, the two returned to the negotiating table. Obviously, when they were outside, they not only communicated with the family members, but also reached a consensus between the two forces.

"We can temporarily cede control of Chaos Sea, but there must be a certain time limit for the ruling organization to unify the entire Chaos Sea."

"Otherwise, if it takes decades, it will undoubtedly be a great loss to the entire Azure Star human race."

Yang Xi tapped on the table, "So how long, do you think it's appropriate?"

Tong Tian and Zhao Jinyin looked at each other, "How was a year?"

420 Deployment of Qilin Hall

With the "Lord of the Chaos Sea", even if the adjudication organization has two fourth-levels in total, it may be difficult to unify the Chaos Sea.

Speaking of this chaotic sea lord, he is indeed the one with the most free-spirited temperament in the fourth rank of the Azure Star Human Race.

He has no interest in establishing such powerful forces as the Heroes Association and Iron Blood Army, but has demarcated an area in Chaos Sea, proclaimed himself a lord, and lived a luxurious life.

Rather than saving human beings, he prefers to let his subordinates go around to "collect" beauties and treasures for his own enjoyment.

In his words, it seems that humans can't beat people from other worlds, and he can't die at the fourth level, so it's better to enjoy life.

His subordinates are also affected by his timely hedonism, which can be regarded as one of the sources of chaos in Chaos Sea.

But the strength of these people is unexpectedly strong, which is also the reason why they can survive until now.

To their surprise, Youji from the Judgment Organization smiled and said, "So, is the time starting from now?"

Before Tongtian and Zhao Jinyin spoke, Ouyang Guanhe suddenly said: "It's too hasty from now on. After all, such a big battle is coming soon, and I still have a lot to rely on the ruling organization. How about starting after the counterattack is over?" ?”

He was really afraid that the adjudication organization would give up the idea of ​​supporting him in order to unify the chaotic sea.

Then he really had nowhere to cry.

"What if this counterattack continues?"

Zhao Jinyin glanced at Ouyang Guanhe meaningfully.

For a while, the atmosphere at the scene was a little stiff.

Yang Xi was amused. It seemed that apart from Ouyang Guanhe, who wanted something from him, neither the Heroes Association nor the Jagged Army wanted the Judgment Organization to rise in reality and become the fourth largest force.

However, it is understandable.

After all, looking at the entire history of the Azure Star human race, even in the most dangerous period in the early days of the enlightenment of abilities, the human race was not monolithic.

The differences between class, race and culture will eventually make people make self-interested choices.

"Okay, how about this, after the Tier [-] battle is over, we will not participate in the remaining final battle, and start to concentrate on unifying the chaotic sea, how about it?"

"This one-year period is too long. Our organization only needs half a year."

Yang Xi expressed his thoughts flatly but domineeringly.

This kind of self-confidence from the heart made the other three people look sideways.

They thought of the things that the adjudication organization used to exchange, whether it was the inheritance stone or the mother mine, they were all inestimable treasures in terms of value.

Although the adjudicative organization Lion opened his mouth and asked for the territory of the entire sea area, but in terms of its contribution, it is not unacceptable.

Compared with the Wei Ran attitude of Judgment's rise, their three old forces seem to be a bit petty.

Tong Tian snorted and said, "If we agreed on one year, I will give you a one-year ruling, starting from the end of the Tier [-] war!"

Zhao Jinyin also acquiesced to Tongtian's statement. Anyway, in her opinion, it might be difficult to give the adjudication organization a year to resolve the chaos and return the lord.

After all, this is also a long-established Tier [-] powerhouse.

Killing the Light Erosion Saint was only done by Youji, Haizhu, and Ouyang Guanhe at the same time, and Tongtian was on the sidelines.

She didn't believe that after the adjudication organization had the two fourth-level Youji and Haizhu, another fourth-level powerhouse could emerge.

If this is really the case, then the Judgment Organization is indeed qualified to have the right to rule the Chaos Sea.

Yang Xi threw out fifteen drops of the strong man's blood, "This is the blood of the strong man that Hai Zhu got from the Southern Continent. It will help promote the practice of meditation for the first time. Of course, you can also use high-quality magic crystals instead."

Faint law fluctuations overflowed from these dozen drops of strong men's blood.

The hearts of the three fourth-tier powerhouses present here are shuddering at the same time. When they are also fourth-tier, when their spiritual power first came into contact with the blood essence of these water droplets, it seems that they can pass through the long river of time and see those Orsays on the other side. The fourth rank of Germans.

Very strong!

"I will provide you with the method of condensing the blood essence of the strong man later. These fifteen drops of the blood essence of the strong man are on loan for you to learn from. Just return me the same amount of blood essence of the strong man at that time."

"I think, you are all dragons and phoenixes among men, and you can't even do the step of condensing blood essence!"

With a wave of Yang Xi's hand, the essence and blood were automatically divided into three equal parts.

Seeing that Tongtian and Zhao Jinyin received the same amount of blood essence as himself, Ouyang Guanhe couldn't help but want to laugh.

After all, the power behind the two of them is not just a fourth-order powerhouse!

"I will also present the creation know-how of meditation, but without the inheritance stone as the medium to carry the meditation, even if you create it, it will be difficult to pass it on to others. Only a small number of geniuses can benefit from it!"

But for the azure star plane, where magic power has only been enlightened for a hundred years, geniuses with high comprehension have a very high probability of awakening supernatural powers.

In this way, if they want to cultivate the meditation ideas created by the fourth-order powerhouses like Tongtian and Zhao Jinyin, the difficulty will be similar to that of Ouyang Xuan, who is currently holding on to the hunting meditation ideas.

"As for the work of deciphering the inheritance stone and the mother mine, I will trouble three talented alchemists!"

After the negotiation, Yang Xi left the scene.

He still has a lot of things to do, for example, re-engrave the visualization map contained in the meditation method on the Enlightenment Peak in Yunding Space.

Another example is transporting the looted magic crystal from Duran's clone.

For the experimental teenagers who are currently training in various meditation methods on Banana Island, the appearance of the magic crystal can save them a lot of training time.

Although he didn't bring the inheritance stone of Cangmu Yanlong's meditation method, Yang Xi has seen the meditation method before. When the time comes, he will put the inheritance map on Wudao Peak for a moment, and then let Mr. Qian find suitable young people to practice according to the law. , and can pull up a small team.

The Dao Enlightenment Peak in Yang Xi's own cloud top space can already replace the role of the inheritance stone. As long as there are enough blood essence and magic crystals from the strong, the ruling organization can continue to produce real estate in the future even if Yang Xi does not provide supernatural potions. Produce powerful supernatural beings.

This is also the reason why Yang Xi chose to share the Inheritance Stone and the method of meditation creation. These fourth-tier powerhouses who think they have taken advantage of the ruling will not escape the fate of working for Yang Xi in the future.

Now, Yang Xi officially put these teenagers with the coat of arms under the Qilin Highness.

After all, the other four elephants all have subordinates who believe in 36 stars, 72 Tiangang and [-] Disha. As the big brother, Qilin can't be a bare commander.


As soon as Tongtian and the others left Banana Island, Zhao Jinyin smiled at Ouyang Guanhe and said, "Patriarch Ouyang, did you want me to help you in the counterattack?"

After hearing this, Ouyang Guanhe was overjoyed and said, "You agree?"

If there is a fourth-tier powerhouse like Zhao Jinyin to assist in the fist, then counting the chicken, there are four real fourth-tier powerhouses, which can already be equal to the number of fourth-tier powerhouses that the Ossaid people will dispatch in the ruling information!

Coupled with the Haizhu who may make a move, then in terms of the number of human fourth-order powerhouses, there may be one ahead.

This is really stable!

Maybe, this time they can penetrate the entire defense line all the way and drive the Ossaid out of the free alliance sea area!

Zhao Jinyin seemed to be convinced of him, "Of course, the premise is that you share some of the blood of the strong with me!"

421 counter-offensive special credit loan

Ouyang Guanhe was stunned for a moment, and then said with a deadpan face: "Don't see the foreigner like this, Jinyin, what's the relationship between us, I will give you Master Dai's latest alchemy cosmetics at my own expense!"

Master Dai is an alchemy scholar who has sprung up in recent years. She was only [-] years old when she won the title of master, and she is only one step away from the master.

The biggest feature of her alchemical creations is that they are feminine, and the most famous one is her "Fire Bath" series of cosmetics.

It claims to be able to make women reborn from the ashes and make men burn with lust. It has been ranked first in the list of gifts that women most want to receive in the world for nearly five years.

Unexpectedly, after hearing Ouyang Guanhe's words, Zhao Jinyin sneered: "You keep these tricks to lie to those women with big breasts and no brains, I only want the blood of the strong!"

Ouyang Guanhe whispered, "Your breasts are not small either!"

"What did you say!!"

"No, no, hey, Jinyin, aren't you my sister's best friend? For her sake, don't plot against my brother's strong blood!"

"No, no one will give face today!"

Just when Zhao Jinyin and Ouyang Guanhe were quarreling, Tongtian intervened, "I think the blood of this strong man really needs to be distributed, how about this, you give Commander Zhao and me a drop each, it's the reward for the shot how?"

Ouyang Guanhe is in a hurry, Tongtian, you have also learned to take advantage of the fire, right?

But form is better than people, Ouyang Guanhe has put in countless efforts for this counterattack, if these two fourth-tier powerhouses quit, it will be a shame!

"Okay, you two are ruthless, one drop per person, don't threaten me with this again in the future!"

With heartache, Ouyang Guanhe took out two drops of the strong man's blood from the vessel Yang Xi gave him, and flicked them at the two of them respectively.

I was thinking in my heart, waiting for an opportunity to select a group of good-looking girls, and then go to Brother Youji to make a relationship, and see if I can make up for today's loss!

After Tongtian and Zhao Jinyin had collected the blood essence of the strong man, the three of them displayed their magical powers and headed towards the wartime headquarters.

Three long rainbows tore through the clouds, causing the travelers on the sea to marvel.


Lu Ming is a native of the world.

Born in the second island chain of the Freedom Alliance, like most people from all over the world, he went to school and exercised step by step.

Until one day, he awakened the supernatural ability of the inheritance system, Ten Dragon Subduing Palms].

After several years of hard training, he became a B-level supernatural user, and even more gloriously became a part of the Freedom Army.

After five battles against alien beasts, almost all his comrades around him had been rotated, and he himself had the rank of captain, and he began to lead a six-member combat team.

Except for him and the vice-captain Wu Mei, two B-level power users, the other four members of this team are all C-level power users.

The configuration of their team can barely suppress a B-level beast.

But how can the alien beasts on the battlefield reason with you? It is not unlucky to be surrounded by three or four alien beasts at the same time, which is also a common thing.

"This is the last exercise before the war!"

Looking at the exhausted subordinates around him, Lu Ming encouraged him.

During this preparation exercise, the staff really didn't treat them as human beings. Almost every supernatural fighter was squeezed out of their last drop of energy.

If Lu Ming hadn't had a wealth of fishing experience, he would probably be like those boys lying on the assault boat like dead dogs.

But the vice-captain Wu Mei, who is 1.9 meters tall, impressed him.

Unexpectedly, he, a power bead of the inheritance system, was exhausted to death, and Wu Mei, a power user of the Horcrux system, seemed to be more relaxed than him.

You know, during the previous training, this kid was hanged and beaten by himself!

"I'm talking about eyebrows, what's the matter with you recently? Why are you so fierce? You shouldn't be secretly taking drugs behind our backs!"

The soldiers below recovered some strength, and also laughed at Second Lieutenant Wu Mei, who was the deputy captain.

"It must have been taken, the cough is still a small pill, the kind that is taken seven times a night!"

Hearing this sentence, Huahua, the only female superhuman in the team, asked curiously, "What is seven times a night!"

She is a C-level ability user of the plant department, she is considered as an auxiliary and healing person, and she is also the goddess of the team members. The team members have helped her a lot along the way.

Of course, without her "Energizing Pollen", the performance of the team members would be worse than it is now.

Wu Mei was in a daze just now, and after seeing her subordinate speak yellow accents, she reprimanded: "Go, go, there are girls here, don't you know what to say and what not to say?"

"If you violate the rules, you are not afraid of being punished!"

As soon as the deputy captain's aura came out, the team members shut up obediently and began to close their eyes to rest their minds.

Lu Ming was keenly aware of his partner's emotional changes, and asked in a low voice of concern: "Are you all right, I think you seem a little nervous?"

He patted Wu Mei on the shoulder. He was only 1.7 meters, and it was a little funny to do this action.

"No way, you are a veteran of three wars, just this exercise, can you break down?"

Faced with the captain's concerned eyes, Wu Mei finally chose to keep the secret in her stomach.

"Captain, I'm fine, just adjust and adjust, maybe because the counterattack is approaching, I'm a little sensitive!"

Lu Ming nodded, "As long as you are fine, how many of these little bastards can survive during the battle depends on the two of us!"

"I know!"

Wu Mei straightened her back and said firmly, "This time, I will bring everyone back alive!"

The captain with claw marks on his face was silent for a while, "You boy! As long as you have this kind of heart, no one will die in that war!"

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