"Stop talking, we're at the port, let's take a bath at night and relax!"

"Let's go, brats, I don't know how to make room for Hua Hua!"

Lu Ming cursed and urged the young soldiers to go ashore.

Huahua was pulled up by him, and looked at the others with a smile.

"I'm not joking..."

Wu Mei lowered his head, he touched his tactical bag, where he hid something he picked up - the earth evil mask of the Judgment Organization!

In the military, the Tiangang and Disha masks have been passed down as reminders,

It is said that soldiers who have owned the masks of the Judgment Organization will be targeted by powerful alien beasts and eventually die.

So when Wu Mei picked up the Disha mask, she never dared to land in the cloud top space.

But as war looms, his thirst for power grows stronger.

"Whatever, only with stronger strength can more comrades survive on the battlefield!"

"Could it be that I won't meet powerful alien beasts without this mask!"

At night, in her officer's dormitory, Wu Mei landed in the cloud top space.

On his task panel, he suddenly saw a line of large characters.

"Counterattack Special Credit Loan"!

422 Xiao Baishi's Sassy Operation

It took Wu Mei about half an hour to finish reading the "Guidance for Newcomers" in Yunding Space.

This guide for newcomers is a document compiled by Suzaku after collecting feedback from the old group of Tiangang members.

"It turns out that this place is called the White Tiger Palace."

Following the prompts, Wu Mei changed her appearance and turned into a tall man in a gray robe and a "Earth Spirit Star" mask.

"With this 'special loan for counter-offensive warfare', I seem to be able to exchange for A-level supernatural potions in advance!"

"Hey, it turns out that supernatural potions are divided into upgrade-type supernatural potions and ordinary supernatural potions!"

Just as Wu Mei was immersed in the various benefits for newcomers in the task panel of the White Tiger Palace, a kind voice sounded from behind him.

If Augusta was here, he would definitely be able to hear that the person who came was Xiao Baishi who helped him back then.

"This 'Earth Spirit Star' brother, you should be here for the first time, right?"

Xiao Baishi patted Wu Mei on the back, trying to make himself appear closer.

Different from Wu Mei who landed for the first time, Xiao Baishi's equipment is much more luxurious. He is wearing a sage's robe inlaid with gold. Even on his head, he wears a crown of agile energy. , The breath of the boss.

——In order to meet the needs of different members in the cloud top space, Suzaku also launched a dress-up function, which contains a large number of appearances of various styles, inspired by movies and animations in the inland area, and many of them are Yang Xi's in the southern continent. What you see is exotic.

Although Suzaku's degree of freedom is getting higher and higher as Yang Xi's super brain power is strengthened, she is Yang Xi's seventh sense after all. knowledge.

Only the gray robes provided to newcomers are free of charge for these outfits, and others require a few points. The most luxurious "Sage's Robe" requires a full 00 points. Those who are in the water have the leisure to upgrade their equipment.

However, he did this not because he loves beauty, but because he wanted to show his strength in front of newcomers.

After all, before Suzaku launched the "Guide for Newcomers", Xiao Baishi made a fortune just by popularizing the basic knowledge to the members of Disha.

Even now, he still has a lot of ways to earn newcomer points. To be honest, this guy is obviously a novelist, but his acting style is more like a profiteer.

Xiao Baishi chatted enthusiastically with Wu Mei.

Wu Mei was very vigilant at first, but after the ten-point meeting gift from the big brother, it didn't take long for his identity to be completely covered.

"It turned out to be a soldier of the Freedom Army!"

Xiao Baishi fell into deep thought. The propaganda of this counter-offensive war was overwhelming. Many people with supernatural powers who were living outside had returned to the army with a sense of honor and mission.

But Xiao Baishi had never joined the army, so he didn't take this path.

Besides, his current status is quite embarrassing.

In order to save his life, he killed several of his bodyguards, so that he was murdered and is still a wanted fugitive.

If it wasn't for relying on the platform of the Judgment Organization and his own means to become an S-level superhuman early on, he might be in a miserable life now.

"I'm a fucking talent!"

Xiao Baishi thought of a new idea to earn points!

Where is the most comfortable place to brush points?

Nature is the battlefield!

On weekdays, the strange beasts that can only occasionally descend on the island or the sea through the black cavity, on the battlefield of the island chain, they are piled together as if they don't need money.

"Brother Dilingxing, I have a business here, do you want to do it?"

"Brother Tianzhuxing, I'm not a businessman, and my allowance is not much, so I don't have money to do business!"

Di Lingxing rejected Xiao Baishi somewhat tactfully. He was already a little bit regretful that he was accidentally tricked out of his identity as a Freedom Army soldier just now.

"Hey, don't rush to refuse, let's say you are a good brother of the organization, and you are a free soldier who defends the home and the country. I am a good citizen who abides by the law, and I will definitely not do harm to you!"


Wu Mei just wanted to speak, but Xiao Baishi blocked her back, "Look, it's rare for you to come up here, so let's chat together, this is the fate of our brothers!"

"As far as I know, this counterattack is about to start, right? As a new member of the organization, you can definitely enjoy the 'special credit loan for counterattack'. Generally, it is not difficult to get you an A-level potion!"

"But is the organization's loan so easy to repay? With the strength of one person alone, you will be in a state of negative points for a long time."

"Although the organization is generous, if you owe points for the time being, it will not come to remind you, but if you are in a state of negative points, there are many practical props and services that you will not be able to enjoy."

Xiao Baishi skillfully pulled out some things from the exchange list, including the magic crystals brought back by Yang Xi from the Ossian plane, the blood essence of the strong, the opportunities for meditation and enlightenment, the gift package of rebirth, and even Yang Xi’s The "healing fruit" specially made by my sister.

When Yang Feifei was researching the mysteries of recovery in the Void World Temple, he came up with a lot of messy things, such as "life energy crystallization", "healing fruit" and "fearless halo".

Among them, the "healing fruit" is an apple-like thing formed by the condensation of light elements under the constraints of the recovery mysteries.

Depending on the density of light elements, the curative effect will also be different.

For example, the healing fruit of the first level can make the ability users below the S level recover from serious injuries.

Of course, with Yang Feifei's fourth-level strength, it is no problem to create fruits from the first to the third level.

It is more troublesome when treating the fourth-order powerhouse, and she has to do it herself.

After all, in a sense, the fourth-level powerhouse and the low-level supernatural warrior are two kinds of creatures.

"There are still so many good things!"

Wu Mei couldn't help opening his mouth, looking at the descriptions of these items, he drooled.

But when he saw the expensive redemption points marked on the back, he shed tears of poverty again.

The amount of the special loan for counter-offensive war is only enough for him to exchange for an A-level potion, and the remaining points are not enough for him to even buy an appearance, let alone a healing fruit that costs hundreds of points!

Xiao Baishi saw Wu Mei's embarrassment, he was waiting for this opportunity.

"Little brother, don't worry, my brother has told you so much, so he will naturally prepare a way out for you."

"The organization can provide things like loans, and my brother also has them here, but the interest is a little higher!"

As he spoke, Xiao Baishi drew out a private loan agreement certified by Suzaku from his task panel.

423 Ability Matching

"This is also possible?"

Wu Mei was stunned. He looked at the ten points he got from this star brother on his panel, and always felt that if he took a loan from the other party, he would definitely earn back several times.

However, he was a little moved.

Because of his situation.

On a battlefield where death is possible at any time, such a good thing as early consumption can be decided without blinking an eye.

After Lao Tzu died, who cares about his flood?

Xiao Baishi smiled heartily. There are many newcomers taking loans from his side, but he has never missed a loan.

Because he knows how to reasonably assess the potential risks of customers.

But as a Freedom Army soldier who is about to set foot on the battlefield, this Diling star is really not a high-quality and stable customer.

I'm afraid this kid also has the intention of cheating him before he dies.

But Xiao Baishi didn't focus on the loan proceeds this time.

The service of the ruling organization is good, but there is one thing that is very impersonal.

Many services that can be purchased with points on the White Tiger Palace basically have no new product announcements, but are classified by the manager Suzaku.

But as a speculator who spends a lot of time researching organization benefits every day, Xiao Baishi was the one who found the service of "Contract Transmission" the most.

As long as you sign a contract with a member of the same organization, you can spend points to send it to his side. 】

Reminiscent of the imaginary vortex used by the organization to transmit items, Xiao Baishi really wanted to experience this service.

If it is just for the experience, even Xiao Baishi will be heartbroken if he spends such a lot of points.

But if this cost becomes a necessary investment, then it is acceptable.

As long as Xiao Baishi adds this teleportation contract to the loan contract, he can instantly appear on the battlefield through Dilingxing, a free soldier.

At that time, just pick up the corpses of a few S-level beasts and hand them over to the organization, and he can get his money back.

If he is lucky and can pick up the corpse of a second-tier or even third-tier beast, then he will make a lot of money.

When there is danger, just slip back through another friend's contract teleportation.

Even Xiao Baishi himself has to admire his clever mind.

"Of course, brother, after signing this contract, you can borrow points from here."

"I dare not say anything else, it is still possible to exchange a healing fruit and a magic crystal for you."

"Oh, by the way, I'm afraid you don't know how to refine the magic crystal, do you? You need points to redeem in the White Tiger Palace, and I'll send you privately later!"

For his own fortune-making plans, Xiao Baishi's service in these "small gifts" can be described as meticulous.

Wu Mei was moved, but she still looked at the loan contract cautiously.

"What's the matter with the teleportation contract on it?"

he asked, pointing to the corner of the contract.

Xiao Baishi pulled out this service from the exchange list with a smile, "Brother won't cheat you, with this contract, when you are in danger, I can send it over to help you, as long as you shout in the White Tiger Palace, I will This S-level powerhouse can appear with you immediately."

"Hehe, what if you murder people after you show up?"

Wu Mei sneered.

Xiao Baishi was not annoyed either. Inside the organization, there were indeed some people who conspired against others.

"Don't worry, my brother is not a short-sighted person. You are the one who borrowed points from me. I will kill you. According to the regulations of the White Tiger Palace, the points will not be returned."

"Am I such a short-sighted person?"

"Besides, this teleportation contract clearly states that I can only teleport here if you summon me, so whether I can teleport to you or not is up to you."

Xiao Baishi's actions are actually quite risky, if this earth spirit star is instantly killed by a powerful alien beast, then he will lose all his money.

Wu Mei studied the contract and contract again, and after finding that there were no obvious traps, she signed it readily.

"Brother, look at our cooperative relationship, brother, I will give you another news for free."

Xiao Baishi was in a good mood, "I'm very knowledgeable in choosing between upgrade potions and common potions."

Wu Mei, who was about to choose the supernatural potion, stopped her movements and said, "I would like to hear the details."

"To be honest, after my research, for supernatural beings, it is the most cost-effective to choose ordinary supernatural potions from the perspective of points and gains."

"Almost the same points, if you choose the A-level upgrade-type potion, you just upgrade your own power to A-level, but if you choose the normal type of potion, you will get another one based on the original power. An A-level ability becomes a dual-line ability user!"

Wu Mei's eyes lit up, "Then what else is there to say, I must choose the ordinary supernatural potion!"

Unexpectedly, Xiao Baishi shook his finger, "In the short term, maybe ordinary supernatural potions are more profitable, but many people ignore a common sense."

"Brother, don't be a fool, time is running out, let's talk faster!"

The newcomer to the ruling, who was burdened with a large amount of loan points, urged, as a soldier, who knows if there will be an order to assemble urgently in the middle of the night?

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