He didn't know if this brother Tianzhuxing was still around after he went offline and came back up again.

"Hehe, as far as I know, with most of our talents, we can only have two abilities."

"Don't believe it, except for Master Chenlong who was revived by the organization with great efforts, the other adults of the zodiac and stars have no more than two kinds of abilities."

"So for a supernatural power user, his natal power must be upgraded, and the second kind of power, it is best to choose the power of the auxiliary system, this is the best match."

"What you exchanged with the counterattack special loan points must be an A-level supernatural potion. I advise you to choose an upgraded supernatural potion."

"Of course, it is my own idea to choose auxiliary abilities for the second ability. If you think it is unreliable, you can also follow your own ideas."

"After all, to exchange for an upgraded supernatural potion, you still need to collect supernatural factors, which is quite troublesome."

Wu Mei silently digested the information she got from Xiao Baishi.

How to match the two attacking abilities with one power and one assist, or one attack and one defense, is really a matter of opinion.

"May I ask, what is the auxiliary ability you exchanged?"

Wu Mei asked suddenly.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Baishi refused to answer this question, "Little brother, forgive me for not having anything to say. I look forward to seeing you again!"

With Xiao Baishi's departure, only Wu Mei was left in this corner of the White Tiger Hall.

He looked at the dazzling list of exchanges, and finally chose a new A-level attack ability.

The war is coming, and he needs to become stronger, even if the price is to make himself more extreme.

Only with sharper means of attack can the lives of the brothers be taken back from the mouth of the strange beast.

The potential for future development depends on whether you can survive the battlefield!

424 Horned Wood Jiao

Everything that Xiao Baishi did in the Yunding space was discovered by Suzaku long ago, and reported to Yang Xi.

Not only was Yang Xi not displeased with his approach, but he found it very interesting.

As a rule maker, I can only say that I am very pleased to see such users who make flexible use of rules.

Xiao Baishi's ability to get mixed up in the adjudication organization to this point is the result of the right time, place and people.

He is the first batch of lucky ones in Tiangang, and he dared to bet on the wealth he had accumulated, and finally benefited from the hidden bonus of point exchange, which made him prosperous now.

In Yang Xi's place, he is an experience officer. Basically, Xiao Baishi has experienced all the services in the cloud top space except for the "rebirth gift package".

After his feedback, Suzaku is also correcting the entire system in a timely manner, which is also the relationship between Yunding Space's development is getting better and better.

"Go online, come and see me."

Yang Xi transmitted his voice to Xiao Baishi's mind through the spiritual contract.

Xiao Baishi was lying on a luxurious big bed, and in the open-air swimming pool outside, two young and beautiful girls were playing.

When he heard Yang Xi's magnetic voice, his first reaction was that he had hallucinations, but then he burst into ecstasy - this is the voice of Lord Youji!

Ignoring the intentional or unintentional seduction of the two golden cats outside, he returned to the cloud top space.

Sure enough, he appeared in the mysterious zodiac.

"Master Youji!"

Xiao Baishi saluted respectfully. Even though he had become an S-level superhuman, he couldn't help but feel his insignificance in front of this powerful Master Youji.

"You are very good."

Yang Xi's tone was full of appreciation.

I'm fine?Lord Youji, are you... complimenting me?

The uneasiness in Xiao Baishi's heart disappeared for a while.

"Where, without organized cultivation, I would still be an ordinary person."

Hearing the self-effacing words of this Tianzhu star, Yang Xi chuckled, "Too modest is not the style of our adjudication organization. To be honest, among the 36 Tiangang positions, you are the one who understands the organization's rules the most."

"Thank you, Lord Youji, for your compliment!"

"Okay, I'll get straight to the point and ask."

Yang Xi stepped down from the throne in the Youji Palace and walked to Xiao Baishi's side.

"Absorbing more talents has always been the development program of our adjudication organization. Are you interested in becoming an official member of the organization?"

Become a full member of the organization?Wouldn't that be - Constellation?

Xiao Baishi's breathing became heavier obviously. One must know that Bi Yuewu and Kui Mulang are the only astrological positions that the adjudication organization has shown up to the outside world so far.

Compared with the dozens of Tiangang and Disha members, it is obviously much less.

Without hesitation, Xiao Baishi knelt down on one knee and said, "It is my honor to be appreciated by Lord Youji!"

Yang Xi patted him on the shoulder cheerfully, "Very well, one needs to go through one test after another to become a star, and Suzaku will notify you at that time."

"When you successfully pass the test, Jiaomujiao's seat will be yours."

Yang Xi also revealed to him the benefits of Xingxiu, for example, he can exchange items at half price.

Xiao Baishi is more eager for the star seat, which means that his business cost has dropped by half!

"Do it well and don't let me down."

After hearing Yang Xi's words, the scene in front of Xiao Baishi changed, and he had been moved out of the Youji Palace.

When I looked at my task panel again, I found that there was an extra message on it - "Constellation position experience task preparation".

Seeing these words, even with Xiao Baishi's self-restraint, he couldn't help wanting to let out a long cry.

After messing around for so long, I finally got my head around it.


There are still a few days left before the war.

Ouyang Guanhe has urged several times, wanting Youji to prepare for the battle in advance.

Of course Yang Xi wouldn't waste time there.

Although currently he can have seven clones at the same time, but because the stripping ability is only possessed by the deity, he is sometimes very busy.

The good thing is that the Haizhu avatar can go out independently, and he can connect with Suzaku, which saves Yang Xi a lot of time. After all, there are dozens of peripheral members working for Yang Xi, although they use the imaginary vortex to transfer items. The number of times is not frequent, but it adds up to a lot.

Fortunately, Yang Xi has become more and more proficient in the application of imaginary secrets recently, and it is okay to open a few imaginary vortexes to transport items at the same time, so the "transportation line" of the Judgment Organization is not saturated.

At the same time, with the help of Mastering the Profound Truth, Yang Xi can strip off the piled up corpses of alien beasts and supernatural beings, and can also do batch processing. Basically, he can strip dozens of alien beasts in an instant.

Yang Xi handed over the work of identifying the potential of the supernatural bead to Suzaku.

To be honest, without Ultrain's help, Yang Xi would be exhausted just by the tidying up work, so how could he have time to save the world?

With the unremitting efforts of dozens of tool people, the number of types of abilities Yang Xi possessed finally broke through the 400 mark.

This is also related to the limited variety of alien beasts. Unlike the abilities of the first-generation awakened Wuhuamen, the abilities of alien beasts are basically the same as their races, and mutated individuals rarely appear.

Taking advantage of the abundant rest time, Yang Xi upgraded several abilities he usually used to the third-order limit.

For example, the cross-dressing ability, after upgrading to the third-order limit, switching the vest can only be described as a random movement of the heart, and the number of portable cross-dressing slots has also been expanded.

The most important thing is that the camouflage skills have been greatly enhanced, and the number of camouflages has reached three.

Moreover, only physical contact is required to camouflage the target 100% of the time, and no one who is one level higher than himself can see through it.

Yang Xi is now a Tier [-] powerhouse, which means that the existence of Tier [-] cannot see through his disguise.

Another example is the spiritual contract ability. After upgrading to the third-order limit, there is a new skill, summoning elves.

The spirit body living in the spiritual space can turn into an elf and temporarily appear in the real world to help Yang Xi attack.

But this skill Yang Xi thinks it's useless. The only spirit body living in the cloud top space is Tianguxing.

His mental strength has not even reached the second level, and there is nothing he can do to help Yang Xi when he comes out.

"Wait, is Suzaku a spirit body?"

As Yang Xi's seventh sense is solidified, although she can appear in the real world, it is in the form of mental projection.

And "Summon the Elf" can directly make the spirit body temporarily become a real body!

But the problem is that Suzaku is not a spirit body in the traditional sense, just like she cannot use the "rebirth gift package" service and have a physical body like Xuanwu.

"Try it and you'll know."

After seeking Suzaku's consent, Yang Xi used the "Summon Elf" skill on her consciousness center in the cloud top space.

"It actually works!"

I saw that cold Goddess Zhu disappeared in the Yunding space, and under the mechanism of the skill, she turned into a palm-sized elf and appeared in front of Yang Xi.

The appearance of the elf is random. Suzaku's current appearance is more like that of an elf living in the forest in an ancient fairy tale in the inland area.

It's just that the transparent wings have become organized by flames.From the new novel group 712205071


The group is updated daily to release novels

(from the new novel group 712205071)

"Hey, the wings of the flame? It looks familiar!"

Yang Xi poked his finger curiously, the flame wings burned on his skin, slightly itchy.

425 The Judgment That Is About to Bloom

Yang Xi looked at the cute Suzaku in front of her. She still had a straight face, but she did look chubby.

"I don't know how that girl Yandie is doing in Lukang City."

After recalling the past for a while, Yang Xi began to concentrate on studying the current situation of the elf version of Suzaku.

"Tsk tsk, it looks like it's small in size, but you can get what you want!"

This is much stronger than mental projection, but it's a pity that it's small in size.

The elf Suzaku's voice is also very milky, "I feel like I can transform."

After all, it is Yang Xi's subordinate consciousness. As long as Yang Xi doesn't take the initiative to block it, she can perceive Yang Xi's thoughts.

Saying that, Suzaku wrapped herself with two pairs of flame wings, turning into a bright fireball!

The fireball rose against the wind, and after a while, the little elf Suzaku turned into a girl with a body, but the important parts of her body were still only covered with leaves.

If it wasn't for Yang Xi who is now a fourth-tier powerhouse, he would have to spray his nosebleed to show respect.

"Well, this transformation state is quite exhausting."

Yang Xi felt his mental power flying away, but fortunately, the total amount was large enough to last for a long time.

"It's almost time, let's go back first."

With such a big beauty in front of him, Yang Xi was afraid that he would not be able to hold back.

The key point is his own subconsciousness. Although it is said to be similar to artificial intelligence, Yang Xi is not that crazy whether it is his own subconsciousness or artificial intelligence.

Seeing Suzaku's great elf form, Yang Xi remembered his good helper Xuenv in the early stage.

"Speaking of which, she hasn't used Xuenv much recently, so she should come back."

Ever since Yang Feifei became a powerhouse of the fourth-order light system, she seemed to have lost interest in the snow girl of the ice and snow system.

Although Yang Xi could copy a new Snow Girl Orb by himself, he always felt that the copied Snow Girl would become another person.

Yang Feifei readily returned Xue Nu to Yang Xi, "But brother, don't do strange things to Xiao Xue!"

As for her, before Ji Yourong and others, she didn't need to maintain her character design long ago, because Yang Xi found an excuse and used the order of the organization to transfer "Han Yue" away from the B05 defense line.

On the grass of the Void Temple, due to long-term erosion by dense light elements, the color of the grass within one meter around Yang Feifei has faded, and it looks like "precise" grass.

If it is sold online, it will definitely make a group of girls who control the face force their heads.

Yang Xi was a little speechless, is he that kind of person?To do bad things is to attack Suzuna!

After summoning the Snow Maiden, the temperature in the room dropped.

"Master brother!"

Xiaoxue didn't know where she learned the strange name, so she threw herself into Yang Xi's arms.

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