"Xiaoxue is hungry."

Looking at the pitiful Xiaoxue in his arms, Yang Xi decisively took her all over the world to find delicious food.

"I heard that the barbecue and egg tarts over the Sea of ​​Chaos have a special flavor."

This was mentioned by Xuanwu when he reported the situation to Yang Xi some time ago. Since Xiaoxue was summoned today, Yang Xi was going to take a look.

On the one hand, it is to inspect the task progress of the two groups of people in Chaos Sea, and on the other hand, it is better to relax before the war.

"However, I always feel like I'm forgetting something."

When Yang Xi dragged Xiaoxue to appear on an island in the Chaos Sea, on the Enlightenment Peak in Yunding Space, Tian Guxing looked at the square with more and more people, and moved his butt to the side as if resigned to his fate.

Although there are more and more people, they are all little kids and have no common language!


The alchemy ship docked.

A few days of sailing at sea will not make people feel tired, but Ao Chao has two big dark circles under his eyes.

Among them, there is the anxiety of the upcoming war, and the expectation of meeting acquaintances immediately. Of course, there is a trace of it because of the enchanting captain Charlene.

Looking at Charlene's protruding back, Ao Chao couldn't help feeling a little itchy.

"Look over there!"

Russell rarely took the initiative to talk to Ao Chao.

Ao Chao followed Russell's fingers, and saw Ye Fan, Wan Jiu and Li Zitian in Rangers uniforms looking at them on the pier.

Ye Fan and Li Zitian just smiled faintly, but the lively Wan Jiu was bouncing around and waving at Ao Chao and Russell.

"Aochao!!! Russell!!! Long time no see! Miss us!!!"

Marukyu put his hands to his mouth and shouted loudly.

Many supernatural soldiers and special forces members who heard the girl's shout all smiled kindly.

The friendship between young people is really enviable!

"What are you still doing, hurry up."

Charlene's voice sounded beside the two of them.

Russell nodded. Although his face was paralyzed, if he observed carefully, he could still see a trace of happiness in the corner of his eyes.

After all, he is not very old. He left his hometown and came to the Sea of ​​Heroes. How could he not be excited to see his familiar classmates.

Ao Chao hesitated for a moment, and he turned his head to Charlene and said seriously: "Captain, don't get me wrong, that girl with long legs is my brother's friend and has nothing to do with me."

Charlene froze for a moment, then rolled her eyes at Ao Chao, straightened her whip and said, "Did you misunderstand something?"

Ao Chao slipped away in a hurry, muttering: "I'll explain it to you kindly, so as to save you from thinking about it, how fierce you are."

In the end, he felt that this might be the trouble of being handsome.


On the other side of the port, Yang Xi's Bi Yuewu clone also brought Ji Yourong, Blanche, Liu Yuan and Li Caiwei here.

The counterattack plan of the staff department has been submitted, and finally decided to concentrate their forces and counterattack in the direction of Chishuang Island.

Rebuilding Chishuang Island will be the beginning of conquering the defense line of the entire island chain.

"Are you nervous?"

Bi Yuewu's avatar asked with a smile, because his consciousness is attuned to the deity's, and there is no difference between him and the deity except for the ability beads that only have Bi Yuewu's avatar.

"A little bit, but more excitement!"

With more dark energy, Yang Xi will naturally not treat those around him badly.

Like Ji Yourong and others, he has provided a lot of point loans, and now including Li Caiwei, a member of Dishawei, is now a third-tier powerhouse.

And besides Liu Yuan, the other three women have all received the experience mission of the star position, and they are waiting to make their achievements in this counterattack.

There is one thing to say, this group of people on the surface of the adjudicative organization, the round strength, at least all of them are at the level of sequence powerhouses.

From this, it can also be seen that under a healthy mechanism and management, the development speed of the adjudication organization.

And they have a great advantage over others.

Whether it is the healing fruit or the magic crystal used to restore dark energy, they all ensure their strong combat endurance, which is stronger than the general third-order.

Not to mention, knowing the "rebirth gift package", they have no worries when fighting.

This counter-offensive battle must be the best time for other members of the Judgment Organization to gather their strength and shine brightly.

The horn of war is approaching, and on the side of the Ossaids, Yang Xi's Dulan avatar is secretly laying mines on the layout of the troops.

It's a pity that the Osaid people have rich experience in fighting and have a lot of cases to refer to. It is still a bit difficult for Yang Xi to do bad things.

But do your best and obey the destiny. He has made all possible preparations. Let us wait and see what the outcome of the first counterattack in human history will be.

But one thing is certain, no matter what the result is, the Azure Star people will never give up!

426 assault boat

The rain at sea was getting heavier.

The vanguard of the counterattack army has already sailed out of the safe zone of the island chain.

Looking down from a high altitude, these hundreds of assault boats look like a dense school of sardines.

The alchemy assault boat of the Liberation Army is the proud work of Qian Bukui in his early years.

There are three kinds of alchemy matrices etched on it, which can open a defensive shield to block the attack of A-level beasts, and can also burst out an acceleration in the A-level category in an instant, and finally there is a self-destruct matrix.

Once the supernatural soldiers on the assault boat find that they cannot defeat the enemy and have no hope of escape, at least they can start the self-destruct process and give the enemy a hard blow.

Lu Ming was wearing a standard military uniform, with a fishbone in his mouth, sitting at the forefront of the alchemy assault boat.

"Damn it, do those bureaucrats in the general staff eat shit? They can't even predict the weather?" After wiping off the rain on his face, Lu Ming patted the assault boat, "Even if they can't predict it, let the water-type abilities Can't you just change the weather temporarily?"

Wu Mei looked at the raindrops constantly falling from the sky, and murmured: "Rainy days are not bad, at least it's cooler."

"Hehe, don't you hate rain the most? Why are you so nervous and angry!"

In fact, Lu Ming is not disgusted with rainy days. Although the rain all over the sky hinders his vision, he can still clearly see the situation ahead with the help of tactical goggles.

He "lost his temper" like this to keep the atmosphere on the assault boat from being too lifeless.

Didn't you see the pale faces of those stinky boys?

"Huahua, this is your first mission, right?"

Lu Ming and the others found a windproof corner for Huahua, so she was the only one on the boat who did not get wet.

She even used supernatural powers to weave vines under her feet to prevent the rain from pouring back, so the socks on her feet were also very dry.

Unlike other people, I am afraid that turning the sea shoes upside down will allow a lot of rainwater to flow out.

"Yes, Captain."

Huahua replied softly that the first day of the war happened to be her menstrual period, and although the Freedom Army has special medical techniques that can delay this inconvenient day for female soldiers to a few months later, she always feels that her lower abdomen is slightly twitch.

Maybe it's a psychological effect due to tension?

"Then maybe, today is the time for you to get rid of the title of recruit!" Lu Ming spat out the fishbone in his mouth, staring straight ahead.

On the surface of the sea, a half-meter-high fin was exposed, and it was constantly approaching the vanguard.

"Raise the alarm and notify the comrades in the rear, brats cheer me up, the alien beast is coming!"

Lu Ming made arrangements in an orderly manner. From his tone, he could not hear the tension when he encountered the strange beast, but a little relaxed.

Perhaps his emotions disturbed the comrades around him. Except for Wu Mei, the younger team members accurately completed the instructions he gave.

"Open the shield first."

Lu Ming ordered lightly.


The team members were a little surprised, the shield should be opened so early?If the energy is used up, there will be nothing behind!

Without further ado, Lu Ming covered the brains of this team member, "Have you forgotten everything you have practiced? Don't doubt or question the orders of your superiors!"

"Yes! Captain!"

A faint light curtain appeared from the edge of the alchemy assault boat, enveloping it entirely.

Even the rain outside has been cut off.

The shape of the shield exposed above the sea is hemispherical. In fact, there is still half of it under the sea surface. The purpose is naturally to resist the attack below the sea surface.

On the hundreds of alchemy boats of the vanguard, only a few shields were lit up.

Lu Ming didn't care about energy consumption. He secretly calculated the past battle damage by himself - many assault boats that were destroyed almost didn't have their shields turned on. Obviously, many times, human beings died by chance.


Lu Ming's communication was connected, and the sound from inside came from the "Puff" assault boat 20 meters away.

"Captain Luming, in which direction do you see the enemy?"

"Lieutenant Zoe, a strange beast appeared at three o'clock, 300 meters away, and now it disappeared again."

"Can you tell the type and level of the beast?"

"B-level beast, suspected to be 'Mansha Black Whale', please be vigilant!"

"Did you pull the protective cover? It's too early! This is used to resist A-level beasts. You open it for a B-level beast. What will you do later!"

Lieutenant Zoe said carelessly that his team had gone through three battles with alien beasts, and lost only [-]% of the battle, thanks to his ability to arrange resources reasonably.

Good steel should be used on the blade.

Lu Ming said lightly: "To be on the safe side, I will drive first."

He didn't suggest that the other party be like him. Although his military rank is relatively high, both of them are team captains.

Those who can become team captains are all elites in the army, so they can naturally judge the situation by themselves.

Besides, giving advice to others rashly will cause resentment. Many supernatural fighters in the army are conceited.

"Okay, keep in touch."

The shield on the puff assault boat still didn't light up, maybe because Lieutenant Zoe didn't want to waste precious energy on the suspected B-level beast. After all, this shield can withstand the blow of the A-level beast. At critical moments, you can save your life.

The vanguard brigade continued to advance according to the established plan. If there was no abnormality on their side, the alchemy warships carrying a large number of troops would continue to keep up and head straight for Chishuang Island.

Time passed by every minute and every second, the rain in the sky became lighter, and one-third of the energy of the transparent cover had been consumed.

"Could it be that I was blind just now?"

Even Lu Ming began to doubt his decision-making. If he turns off the shield now, he can save two-thirds of the energy.

Just when he was about to order the team members to close the shield, a change occurred.

The entire dark sea surface suddenly lit up, as if a cobweb-like electric current flashed under the sea surface.

Immediately, a three-meter-high wave suddenly appeared, pressing towards the entire vanguard from the right!

Roar——! ! ! !

One after another, strange beasts burst out of the sea and rushed towards them.

"Look at the Puff...!!!"

Huahua covered her mouth with her left hand, and pointed her right hand at the puff number 20 meters away.

Below the puff, there is obviously a concentrated light source!

Lu Ming quickly connected to the communication, "Lieutenant Zoe, open the shield! Open the shield!!"

It's a pity that everyone's attention was focused on the alien beasts killed from the flanks. They didn't expect that some of the alien beasts had already escaped the radar detection and appeared below the assault boat company!

Gulu Gulu... Chirp——! ! !

After a burst of bubbles, the sea water below the Puff shot out a flash of lightning that soared into the sky.

Zoe's team on the boat was instantly turned into charcoal by electricity, leaving only broken limbs floating on the sea surface!

"Damn it, concentrate your firepower and attack the targets under the sea!"

Although he couldn't see the origin of the black shadow, Lu Ming gave the order to attack without hesitation!

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